Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2648: Escape the secret

  Chapter 2648 Escape from the Secret Realm

  Chen Xuan has now been separated from Wang Lun, Lu Jiutian and the others. After leaving the secret realm, he found that the red robe warrior behind was still chasing him, and Tuoba Hong had been closely following Chen Xuan.

The red-robed warrior was quickly pursuing the two of them. Tuobahong suddenly yelled, and then his body swelled a few times. Chen Xuan saw that behind him was covered by a puff of white smoke, and then Tuobahong quickly attacked Chen. Xuan said, "Boy! Only I can kill you. No one else can. You run to me now! Then I will find a chance to kill you again, and you even took a pill from Lao Tzu. !"

   Chen Xuan saw Tuoba Hong behind him, and suddenly blocked the red robe smashing warrior, so he didn't have time to think about other things, but ran away with his head sullen.

  Even if Tuoba Hong wanted to kill himself, Chen Xuan couldn't manage that much now.

The fierce warrior who was blocked by Tuoba Hong stared at Tuoba Hong coldly and said: "I didn't expect to meet you here! It seems that as long as you can kill you today, the kid who just escaped doesn't matter. Up."

   "Haha! Don't you know that I have practiced the profound Yin magic right now!" Tuoba Hong said.

  "Xuanyin Divine Art!? Then I want to see how you are doing!" said the red robe smashing warrior.

   Then I saw the two of them fighting together, but Tuoba Hong's strength was very powerful, but he was still suppressed by the red robe smashing warrior.

"It seems that your training is not so good now! When you first came to our sect, you knew that you definitely had other premeditated plans. I didn't expect to be caught by me!" said the red-robed warrior. .

  The red robe smashed the fierce warrior coldly snorted, and then said: "Then I can't manage so much today. If you don't hand over the alchemy secrets of our sect, your life will be accounted for today!"

"I have burned things a long time ago, and now all the things recorded above have been memorized in my head. If you kill me, this thing will probably disappear, hahaha!" Tuoba Hong said loudly. Said.

The warrior was obviously very angry, his silver eyes turned pale silvery white, and then he said to Tuoba Hong: "Don't you know that it is not difficult for us to get your memory?"

  Reminded by the red robe smashing the fierce warrior, Tuoba Hong also showed a serious face: "That's right, but today you don't want to kill me!"

   Then two tyrannical cultivation bases exploded in the sky, one was white mist and the other was white mist, intertwined in the sky.

   These two fogs are obviously that the white fog pressure restrained Tuoba Hong, and Tuoba Hong’s face also showed hesitation: "I didn't expect your strength to be so powerful for so many years."

   "Do you think you can compete with me after a few years of practice? I think you are still a lot worse now!" said the red-robed warrior.

  Tuo Ba Hongyin sneered a few times and then said: "Now I am not your opponent, but I want to run away now, presumably you can't catch it!"

Tuobahong also felt that a stronger and more horizontal cultivation base was approaching in the distance, and he was also very aware of whose profound strength was, Tuobahong's expression changed, and he secretly said in his heart: "Surely the Snow Demon is here, too. If he comes, I am definitely not the opponent of these two people!"

  Hearing Tuobahong finished speaking, the red robe smashed the fierce warrior yelled badly, but immediately saw Tuobahong concealed directly underground.

  The red robe smashed the fierce warrior immediately gathered an astonishing turbulent red profound energy around, and then slammed it towards the ground.


  The ground was blown out and a hollow was formed, which was more than ten meters deep.

  The red robe smashed the fierce warrior saw that Tuoba Hong had already run away, and his face was hateful: "I let you escape this time, but it won't be that simple next time!"

  The Snow Demon had already rushed over, staring at the red robe and smashing the fierce warrior and asked: "Where is the kid!?"

   "The kid just ran away. I saw Tuoba Hong, but now his strength has improved a bit quickly, and I can't catch him." The red robe warrior replied.

  The Snow Demon looked furious, and then stared at the red robe smashing warrior, and said: "How can you let them both run away!?"

The red-robed warrior also showed embarrassment on his face, and then said embarrassedly: "I didn't expect Tuoba Hong to suddenly show up. I don't know if he has anything to do with the kid. Now we just need to pull the kid. If you live, you can get Tuoba Hong out!?"

"In this case, then I won't pursue it, but now we must not go back empty-handed. Now if those guys escape back to the city, they will definitely spread our whereabouts and attract people from the Yunye Empire. Then we are in danger. We still don't have the ability to contend with the Yunye Empire. Only when the adult is resurrected can we contend with those few people!" Xue Demon said.

   "Yes, I know all of these. Since this is the case, let us go to Baihua City to capture those boys and kill them one by one!?" The red robe smashed the fierce warrior said with a vicious expression.

But the Snow Demon waved his hand at him, and immediately preached to him: "Not yet. I guess the people on the Yunye Empire have already felt our existence. If this experiment cannot be completed, we can only We have retreated, otherwise we will definitely be besieged by those Yunye Empire people who come here."

   "Since this is the case, what shall we do now?" the red robe smashed the fierce warrior asked.

  A burst of black smoke suddenly rose from the red robe smashing the fierce warrior. If you look closely, you can find that a mysterious mist wolf is in the black smoke.

  Xuanwu Wolf said to the Xuemo: "The boys actually injured me just now! I don't know how many essences must be absorbed to restore my face. They must be killed by then!"

   "What are you afraid of, your injury will not recover in a few days."

   Xue Demon then said: "Now we can't be too anxious. After all, this matter has already gone out. If we are making a big incident and it is absolutely detrimental to our Dragon Blood tribe, let's leave the Polar Icefield first!"

  Chen Xuan had already escaped from the ice field. Chen Xuan, who had just escaped, did not stop his pace, but overdrawn his profound strength and continued to flee in the direction of Baihua City.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan also encountered many people from the polar icefields who hunted and killed Beasts, but they all stared at Chen Xuan in amazement, not knowing what happened to Chen Xuan, and they fled so hastily.

  Chen Xuan, who had just escaped, left the polar ice field without stopping.

  The Polar Ice Field and Baihua City border each other, and they are also the buffer zone of the two empires. When they came to Baihua City, Chen Xuan stayed in the city for a while. So he went to buy some pill. Last time he used a lot of pill in the ancient mystery.

  Now Chen Xuan has hundreds of thousands of crystal nuclei on his body. These crystal nuclei are enough for him to use for several years. As long as Chen Xuan does not squander it, he can even borrow a secret book of exercises in the library of Yunyemen every day.

  Bought some healing pills, and Chen Xuan suddenly saw that there was also a whole black pill.

He had seen this kind of pill before in Elder Nangong’s alchemy furnace, but he didn’t expect to see it at this time. Chen Xuan wanted to buy this kind of pill, which was officially a soul pill, but he didn’t expect it. Can be encountered here.

Therefore, Chen Xuan bought all the soul pill. The soul refinement pill can improve the demon soul he has cultivated. Chen Xuan has not used the demon soul for a while, and he has always been very careful about the power of the demon soul. Be cautious and dare not use it at will, because the demon soul is forbidden to practice on the mainland.

  After speaking, everyone quickly left this ancient mystery. For half a month, they had already walked out of the area covered by Hundred Flowers City and came to the realm of the Yunye Empire.

   Seeing the familiar scene, Chen Xuan also relaxed a little. Now it is the middle section of the Frost Secret Realm. If you walk a few days ahead, you will almost reach the northern section.

  Baihua City is a small city. Just as Chen Xuan entered the city, he saw a burly man standing in front of a man.

   "Boy! If you don't call me the Bing Po grass, I will kill your whole family!" The burly man exuded a strong pressure.

   "Impossible! If you want to take away the Bing Po grass without spending a penny, how could I give it to you!" the youth said angrily.

   "It's a real life and death! Don't you know that our Qingniu Gang never pays?" The burly man took a step forward and directly lifted the young man on the ground.

  The young man himself did not have any cultivation skills. When he was lifted up by the burly man, his face turned red.

  "How much is the ice cappuccino, I bought it."

  Chen Xuan just finished speaking, many people stared at him with astonishment on their faces.

   "Is this kid going to die? Isn't he not sure what the Qingniu Gang is? He dare to say such things on the chassis of the Qingniu Gang," a man said.

   "I don't think this kid is dressed up as a local. I don't know what status the Qingniu Gang has in the outer city of Baihua City." Another man said.

  "Don't you know that you are now enmity with our Blue Niu Gang?" The eldest brother of the Blue Niu Gang roared angrily.

  The words of Brother Qingniu Gang hit the hearts of the audience like a heavy hammer.

  They all know how powerful the Blue Bull Gang is in this place.

   However, Chen Xuan glanced at him coldly, and then said: "Anyone is the Qingniu Gang, none of them can survive."

  The eldest brother of the Blue Bull Gang who originally had a relaxed smile on his face gradually suppressed the smile on his face, and then revealed an icy color.

   "What did you say!?" The eldest brother of the Green Bull Gang asked, suppressing his excitement.

"No one can live..." Chen Xuan explained again in a cold voice. In the eyes of the few people watching, Chen Xuan was simply not afraid of death, but in the eyes of everyone in the Blue Bull Gang, Chen Xuan was touched. Their reverse scales.

  Hearing this, everyone from the Blue Bull Gang stared at Chen Xuan insidiously, obviously extremely angry.

"Haha! He is really a kid who doesn't know the height of the sky and the earth is thick. With only the strength of the gods and the four layers, he feels that he can compete with our Blue Bull Gang with one person's cultivation base. That's good! I will let you see what the gap is!" Qing The big brother of the bull gang said with a sinister expression.

  Everyone was watching in a group nearby, staring at the profound energy blooming on the two people, they didn't know where Chen Xuan's confidence came from.

Even though Chen Xuan has realized the fire of the Vermillion Bird, there is still a big gap between himself and the elder brother of the Blue Bull Gang. The eldest brother of the Blue Bull Gang has reached the six-fold limit of God Sovereign. It's much more tyrannical now.

  Even if Chen Xuan's talent is good, he is only a person who has stepped into the fourth layer of the gods, and now dares to challenge the eyes of the blue bull gang.

The   Blue Bull Gang, entrenched near the Polar Ice Field and Baihua City, is one of the biggest gangs recently. The opposite is the Fire Monkey Gang. The Huohou Gang is not nearby.

  "What is the origin of this kid?" Everyone was thinking about the same question at this moment.

   Chen Xuan's aura made those people feel a little astonished, but the eldest brother of the Blue Bull Gang who was holding a black blade next to him gave Chen Xuan a mocking face.

   "Boy, you are so stupid."

   The eldest brother of the Blue Bull Gang said with a cold voice, and the black sword blade appeared afterwards, and the profound strength of his whole body increased a little, and the profound strength of his whole body surgingly emerged from his body.

   Suddenly, the elder brother of the Azure Bull gang gave a low cry, and then his blade exploded with astonishing profound energy, and a fiery red sword light suddenly burst out of the man's.

  The next moment, the sword light directly rushed towards Chen Xuan with a majestic aura. Seeing the man of the Blue Bull Gang showed no mercy, Chen Xuan also raised the Liaoyuan Sword.

   "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship is the first!"

   Chen Xuan quickly bloomed the Liaoyuan sword. Now Chen Xuan's first stage of Liaoyuan swordsmanship has reached the perfect state, and its power is much stronger than before, even if it is only the first heavy sword.


  In the sky, the flames of the Vermillion Bird suddenly bloomed, and the next moment it turned into a flame of Vermillion Bird, and it attacked the horrifying sword light that the Blue Bull Gang man swung over.

  (End of this chapter)

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