Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2651: Tuoba Hong's strength

   Chapter 2651 Tuoba Hong’s Strength

  Before, Chen Xuan dismissed Tuoba Hong at all. When Chen Xuan met Tuoba Hong before, he only thought that he was a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and he was definitely not a good person.

  At that time, Chen Xuan thought Tuoba Hong wanted to attack him, so Chen Xuan slipped away from the battle.

  Also, Chen Xuan hadn't seen the realm of Tuoba Hong's strength, but he could withstand the attack of a powerful warrior in the Dragon Blood tribe, which was enough to prove his strength.

After escaping from the secret realm, Chen Xuan temporarily went with Tuoba Hong. After all, they had a common enemy, Xue Mo, but Chen Xuan and Tuoba Hong had nothing to say about friendship, just a cooperative relationship.

  Even though the strength of Tuoba Hong is far above Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan can't admire him, not to mention the character of Tuoba Hong makes Chen Xuan feel a little helpless.

  But at this moment, Tuoba Hong appeared at the right time, seeing the white mist in the sky, turned into a human form, and everyone's faces showed a color of astonishment.

Tuoba Hong glanced at Wang Lun and said to Wang Lun, "I was watching the battle just now. I thought this kid could bring me a wonderful performance. I didn't expect to lose so quickly. I was really disappointed! "

Tuoba Hong showed off, his face was obviously joyful, but the elder of the Blue Bull Gang was obviously a little displeased, and his face turned blue and said, "What the **** are you? Where did it come from? ?"

The members of the Blue Bull Gang next to him shook their heads. However, among the crowd of Hundred Flowers City people who were onlookers, there were a few people who knew each other, and one of them shuddered and said: "This won't be Tuoba Hong. Right?"

   "Tuoba Hong? Had he been killed a long time ago? How could he be here." The curious expression on the face of another warrior said.

"Look carefully, the way he came out just now was similar to Tuoba Hong of the Dragon Blood Tribe. It was a white mist. I heard that Tuoba Hong was practicing a demon soul..." A man onlookers looked serious. Said.

However, the elders of the Blue Bull Gang didn't seem to take Tuoba Hong seriously, and said with a vicious expression: "If you want to stand in the way of our Blue Bull Gang, then you have to bear our anger. If you want to protect this kid, Then wipe you out!"

  Tuoba Hong stared at the elders of the Blue Bull Gang with a laugh, as if he had heard a joke, and said: "Dare to be so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu!"

The elder of the Blue Niu Gang frowned, but the second elder of the Blue Niu Gang suddenly rushed to his side and whispered: "Elder, this guy's exercises just now resemble Tuoba Hong. It's not really him, right? ?"

   "Tuo Ba Hong... not right" The elder of the Blue Bull Gang also began to look serious.

They have naturally heard of Tuoba Hong’s name. As the A-level criminal of the Yunye Empire, he once severely damaged the Yunye Empire in battle. Even if Tuobahong’s strength is not terrible, it is definitely not what they can deal with. Got it, not to mention that Tuoba Hong is still from the Dragon Blood Tribe. All Yunyemen people will have a natural fear when they see the Dragon Blood Tribe.

  Moreover, Tuoba Hong also mastered many secrets of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and possessed many ancient secrets inherited. It is said that he was besieged by the people of the Yunye Empire and his strength was sealed. Since then, he has not shown up on the rivers and lakes for a long time.

   "No, if it is really him, how could he be here..." The elder of the Blue Bull Gang's expression began to become more solemn.

  Tuo Bahong seemed to have heard what the elder of the Qingniu Gang had said, and he laughed and said, "Why can't I be here? I can go wherever I want. You can control me or not!"

The next moment, the elder of the Blue Bull Gang said with a fierce expression: "It doesn't matter what Tuoba Hong or Tuoba Hong is, he has already been expelled from the Dragon Blood Tribe, and he is still a criminal of the Yunye Empire. The thing is that we don’t have to be afraid of him. His strength is still limited. I don’t believe how big waves he can make. Today I will kill this so-called Tuoba Hong to see if he is real. It's so strong!"

   "I want to kill Lao Tzu." Tuoba Hong's complexion also began to become sinister, and then his arms gradually turned red. Tuoba Hong's attack was very rapid, and he entered directly in front of the elder of the Blue Bull Gang in the blink of an eye.

  In the blink of an eye, Tuoba Hong knocked the body of the elder of the Blue Bull Gang into the air, and Chen Xuan realized that Tuoba Hong’s cultivation had actually reached such a terrifying state.

  God King Realm!

   Just one move can kill the elders of the Blue Bull Gang.

  After seeing the great elder being killed, many members of the Blue Bull Gang immediately became scattered and fled.

   "It seems that it is really Tuoba Hong. What he just displayed is the power of the demon soul. It is really terrifying." A martial artist exclaimed.

In a blink of an eye, this group of members of the Blue Bull Gang were killed clean. With a relaxed look on Tuoba Hong’s face, he said in a deep voice, “I’ve already reminded you, but you don’t know how to promote. Can't blame me."

  A man who was rescued by Chen Xuan looked at Chen Xuan excitedly and said, "Benefactor, we can only survive thanks to you. I will give you the Bing Po grass."

  Chen Xuan did not refuse. He really needed Bing Po grass, so he took it from the young man.

  "Who are you? Why did the Blue Bull Gang want to **** your things?" Chen Xuan asked.

The young man looked at Chen Xuan with a grateful expression and said, "We are all members of the Baihuacheng Drugstore. The members of the Qingniu Gang have long been greedy for our drugstore. Today, I want to take this opportunity to include our drugstore. Their range of control."

   "It turned out to be like this." Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan and the young man bid farewell and entered the city with Tuoba Hong and Wang Lun.

  In these days in Baihua City, Chen Xuan has been looking for the medicinal materials he wants from the medicinal material shops.

It made Chen Xuan feel that it was unexpected that all the medicines there were out of stock. If you want to buy them, you must provide the name of the spiritual level certificate, which means that you must be a member of the higher spiritual level to buy those medicines. Able to buy.

  If you want to buy, you have to wait for the next batch of pills.

  In this pill, all the pills are purchased from the alchemy association, but now the alchemy association in the Yunyemen only has a spirit-level alchemist, so it is normal to be out of stock.

  Alchemists are divided into junior high school spirit level, and those who go up from the spirit level are spiritual products. The ability to reach the spiritual level can show that his alchemy skills are already very powerful.

  As for Xuanpin alchemists, there are already very few, and the entire Yunye Empire will not exceed one hundred. If you are a pill alchemist above the profound level, and alchemists who have reached the level of the grand master are even rarer, it can be said that it is difficult to find a few in Yunye Empire.

  Chen Xuan hasn’t applied for spiritual membership here yet, but Chen Xuan didn’t want to wait for the next batch of pills to come out, so he asked the staff here.

   "Excuse me, can you please inform me, I want to talk to the staff on your side." Chen Xuan said to the guard.

   "Please wait." Chen Xuan, the captain of the guard, entered the hall after speaking.

  The guard came outside the gate of the main hall without a while, and said to Chen Xuan: "Please go in."

   Chen Xuan heard the guard say that, so he stepped in.

   Arriving at the service hall, the service staff glanced at Chen Xuan and said with a strange expression to Chen Xuan, "Isn't this Chen Xuan?"

  The serving woman seems to know Chen Xuan’s name, so Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said, "I want to apply for a spiritual member, do I need any fees?"

  The serving woman heard what Chen Xuan said, so she showed an awkward look: "If it is Mr. Chen who wants to come to handle it, we would naturally welcome it, but now you have handled it and there is no pill for you."

   Chen Xuan frowned upon hearing this and said, "Then when can I get those pills?"

   "If it is Young Master Chen who wants to apply for a Spirit-level membership here, I can do it for you now, but there is no!" He saw that Chen Xuan really needs to buy those pills, so he continued.

   "But there is also a way. It's better to go directly to the alchemy association in our Yunyemen, Master Chen, to ask those alchemists."

Chen Xuan stared at the staff and didn't seem to be lying to him, so he didn't speak any more. He also had some connections with the alchemists of the Yunyemen. Elder Nangong was one of the best alchemists in the Yunye Empire. The reputation is very high.

  After seeing a guard at Bian, Chen Xuan and the guard greeted him, and then Chen Xuan met a spirit-level alchemist who is now in the Yunye Gate through his identity.

  In the room of the Alchemy Masters Association, a man was wearing a red robe that symbolized that only a spirit-level alchemist would wear, and Chen Xuan sat opposite him.

  But this face surprised Chen Xuan a little.

   "Master Li?" Chen Xuan blurted out.

  Li Qingtian nodded and said, "It's me."

Li Qingtian stared at Chen Xuan happily and said: "I really didn't expect your cultivation level to be improved. At that time, I heard Nangong say that you can stop Li Zhuoqun's move. At that time, I didn't believe it. Now your cultivation level has been improved. You have the realm of God Sovereign."

Chen Xuan hadn’t seen Li Qingtian for nearly a year. At that time, he was also owed to Li Qingtian if Tianyuan Palace, but what Chen Xuan did not expect was that Li Qingtian was also an alchemist. This also explained why he had a relationship with Elder Nangong. So deep friendship.

  Li Qingtian is also an elder in the Yunyemen, and has a very close relationship with Li Yuan and Nangong elders. Chen Xuan also thanks to him to cultivate the waterfall at the beginning.

  Li Qingtian laughed: "There have been so many things happening in Yunyemen recently, how is Elder Nangong?"

  When Li Qingtian said that, Chen Xuan said, “No, now Elder Nangong is very good.”

  Li Qingtian also definitely heard about some recent events in the Yunyemen, especially the deterioration of the relationship between Nangong elders and Li Zhuoqun. It is obvious that everyone in Yunyemen has already known it.

Chen Xuan and Li Qingtian proposed the medicinal materials they wanted. Li Qingtian seemed to sigh. He stared at Chen Xuan and said, "I was panicked by one incident recently, so I didn’t refine the medicine. .

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked, staring at Li Qingtian.

   "It's long after talking, but it doesn't matter if I tell you now." Li Qingtian stared at Chen Xuan and said.

"That's it. Recently, a group of thieves appeared near Yunye City. You are not in Yunye Gate during this time, so I don't know. That group is extremely domineering now, so the city lord sent people to hunt down those horse thieves. , And dispatched a lot of guards. You also know that many of the guards in our Yunye City are rookies from the Yunye Gate, and they are all warriors who have gone out of the Yunye Gate.

  Prince Lu knew about this, so he asked the warriors to eradicate the horse thieves. On the one hand, he wanted to hunt down those people, and at the same time, he wanted to hone the abilities of those boys.

  But the current Yunyemen is not like it used to be. Several powerful people like you and Wang Lun are not there, so there are no very powerful people in this generation of guards this year. If there is no one who has entered the four-fold peak strength of the gods in the past, it will obviously make the emperor feel that there is no one in our Yunye Gate.

Therefore, the emperor would not let this happen, so he asked him to find a person with the four-fold peak strength of the gods, but you also know that none of his people can enter the four-fold strength, it is me. This nephew was only the initial peak, and he couldn't enter the four-fold peak of the gods in such a short time.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "So when will this action begin?"

   "Five days later." Li Qingtian said.

   "Uncle Li, leave this to me."

   Li Qingtian's eyes lit up when he heard it, and stared at Chen Xuan and said, "What do you say?"

   "I have just entered the four-fold peak of the gods recently. I don't know if Captain Li can let me temporarily join the guard team." Chen Xuanqian said.

  Li Qingtian exclaimed after hearing this: "What! The four peaks of the gods?"

Li Qingtian felt extremely surprised. Even if he heard that Chen Xuan killed Li Dan before, but at most he only had the strength of the second-tier gods. Now Chen Xuan suddenly said that he has entered the fourth-tier peak of the gods. How could he not be surprised? .

  Chen Xuan did not speak, the fiery red profound energy covered his body, and the red profound energy spread out in Chen Xuan's possession.

  Then a fiery red Suzaku sword unfolded in Chen Xuan's palm. The white profound energy permeated the room in an instant, Chen Xuan kept the profound energy outside, and Li Qingtian was obviously shocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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