Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2652: Black shadow

  Chapter 2652 Black Phantom

After getting the pill from the Alchemy Association, Chen Xuan went to the Dragon Que Mountain Range alone, staring at him as he was getting closer and closer to the Dragon Que Mountain Range, but at this moment Chen Xuan heard a burst from behind. sound.

   Feeling the danger behind him, Chen Xuan quickly turned his head, and several sharp arrows shot at him suddenly.

   "The first pubic area! Get up!"

  Chen Xuan quickly mobilized the profound energy in his dantian to shoot down those sharp arrows to the ground.

   "It's really a genius of the Yunye Gate, it can actually block our attack." Several shadows in the distance walked out slowly. Hearing the sound, Chen Xuan carefully stared at the people who came over. These people didn't know Chen Xuan, but they knew Chen Xuan extremely well.

  Chen Xuan just wanted to ask them about their origins, and saw that several people suddenly raised their swords and attacked Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, the bodies of several people have walked in. Chen Xuan raised the Suzaku blade and slashed, and the Liaoyuan swordsmanship suddenly bloomed.

  Now Chen Xuan has been able to integrate his sword skills with this Liaoyuan sword more smoothly. So when Chen Xuan bloomed out of the Swordsmanship, the warriors who covered their faces took a few steps back.

   But those few people obviously didn't intend to let Chen Xuan go, and pursued them. Seeing a few of them approaching Chen Xuan quickly using the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian to defend him, but there was also a warrior behind him who wanted to plot against him.

  Chen Xuan quickly wrapped his body with the power of the Vermillion Bird, and he did not know how many bombardments Chen Xuan had exploded. He stared at the black-haired warriors in front of him, as if their strength was not weak, but they were all the strength of the four peaks of the gods.

   "What are the origins of these people?" Chen Xuan thought secretly.

   Then Chen Xuan escaped a bombardment from the black-haired warrior, jumped far away, staring at the black-haired warriors and said: "What hate do I have against you to make you come here to attack me?"

   "No enmity, no resentment!" The black-haired warriors raised their swords and attacked.

   Hearing the black-haired warrior’s answer, Chen Xuan also figured out who the mastermind of this matter was. Someone must have hired them to plot himself.

  The black-haired warrior rushed towards him, and Chen Xuan repelled him with a sword.

   "This guy has a bit of strength." The black-haired warrior said softly.

  At this time, the black-haired warrior suddenly turned into twelve ghosts.

  The ghost surrounded Chen Xuan and bombarded, and Chen Xuan quickly bloomed with the power of the Vermillion Bird to resist.

  The power of the white Suzaku swept across, and all those phantoms were defeated.

  Chen Xuan has not seen such a weird technique. The black-haired warriors in front of him are obviously not from the Yunye Empire. Chen Xuan has never heard of this technique before.

  With the power of Vermillion Bird and his dexterous speed, Chen Xuan kept avoiding the bombardment of the black-haired warriors, and one of the black-haired warriors continued to use the phantom.

   Suddenly, there were more than forty black-haired warriors, which made Chen Xuan a little rushed, and hurriedly used the power of the Vermillion Bird. What Chen Xuan did not expect was that the phantoms were divided again. Then it became hundreds.

  Chen Xuan couldn't tell which entity was the black-haired warrior, and could only use the Liaoyuan Sword to slash out the power of the Vermillion Bird.

  The power of the fiery red Vermillion Bird also showed a ghost, and the phantoms were all collected and dispersed. Chen Xuan, who broke the phantoms, also saw the black-haired warriors still in place, making Chen Xuan feel a little weird.

  Because of the five black-haired warriors just now, there is only one left.

   "Is he alone when I saw you just now?" Chen Xuan said secretly.

The black-haired warrior saw Chen Xuan's smashed his phantom, and muttered something silently, and then a lot of phantoms came out. Those phantoms resembled the black-haired warrior, and the raised sword surrounded him. Come.

  Cooperating with the power of the Vermillion Bird and the Liaoyuan Sword, Chen Xuan prevented the phantoms from getting close to his body. Now the power of the Vermillion Bird in Chen Xuan's Dantian is too tyrannical. Twenty minutes later, the Phantom hadn't approached Chen Xuan at all, and it had been collected and dispersed by Chen Xuan's power of Vermillion Bird.

   But the body of the black-haired warrior still has no movement.

  The body of the black-haired warrior did not move, and then threw a few sharp blades towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing that the sharp blade shot towards him, Chen Xuan jumped into hiding. The black-haired warrior saw that he hadn't hit Chen Xuan, and then shot ten sharp blades at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan used the power of the Vermillion Bird to form a layer of ice in front of him to protect himself, but the strength of the black-haired warrior was extremely strong. The top of the wall of fire in the direction in front of Chen Xuan was pierced by the ten sharp blades. A hole, and then continued lasing towards Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the Suzaku to form a line of Suzaku's fire shields in an instant. This type of Suzaku's fire shield was formed by Chen Xuan condensing the power of the Suzaku, so the body strength is even stronger, obviously The ten blades of the warrior did not penetrate Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire shield.

  When the ten sharp blades landed, Chen Xuan saw clearly that the ten bombardment blades were ten hidden weapons, and then the black warrior unexpectedly took out several sharp blades from his sleeves.

  But the colors of these sharp blades were different from the previous ones. The colors of these sharp blades were gray and red, and it made Chen Xuan feel bad, because there was a very powerful profound energy attached to them.

  The ten sharp blades quickly bombarded Chen Xuan, and while running the power of his Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan also quickly avoided.

Sure enough, a hole was penetrated by ten hidden weapons at the place where Chen Xuan had just now. What made Chen Xuan feel most incredible was that the ten hidden weapons were released one after another by the black-haired warrior. This is equivalent to hitting the bullseye.

  Chen Xuan also used the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian, and now he was about to fight back.

  The black-haired warrior had been bombarding himself just now, so Chen Xuan condensed the power of the Suzaku into a series of Suzaku fire behind him.

  The fire of the Vermillion Bird floated behind Chen Xuan, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird immediately shot towards the black-haired warrior. When the black-haired warrior saw it, a look of horror appeared on his face.

  He quickly turned a few somersaults towards the right side, and then formed a ray of red profound energy in front of the black-haired warrior's eyes, and then dispelled all Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's fire.

   Seeing the black-haired warrior dissolve the flames of the Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan finally paid attention to the warrior in front of him, thinking that he already had the strength of the four-fold god.

   Even if Chen Xuan is only the four-fold peak of the gods, he still relies on his huge profound strength and the common use of his several dantians, and consumes it with the black warrior.

  Suzaku’s Fire Sword radiated continuously and struck towards the warrior. The black-haired warrior's speed is extremely dexterous, Chen Xuan can hardly hit it, so Chen Xuan can only condense the Liaoyuan sword, and fought close to the warrior.

  Liaoyuan swordsmanship bloomed, and the warrior quickly took out two scimitars from his body, but the scimitars showed red profound strength, which looked extremely strange.

   Then several phantoms appeared next to Chen Xuan. When the phantoms attacked Chen Xuanjia, Chen Xuan was frightened, and the power of the Vermillion Bird was quickly circulated to cover it. But the phantom disappeared in an instant.

   Staring at the black-haired warrior, taking advantage of this gap, he had already fled far away, and Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking.

  It seems that the melee ability of the black-haired warrior in front of him is not very strong, otherwise he would not retreat to the right so quickly.

  If his melee combat is very strong, he will choose to confront him head-on. The black-haired warrior did not wait, and several phantoms suddenly appeared beside him.

   Then Chen Xuan saw several groups of phantoms bombarding him. With the experience just now, Chen Xuan now knew that the group of phantoms seemed to have no practical bombardment.

  But Chen Xuan also had to beware. After all, he didn't know what technique the black-haired warrior was using.

  He avoided the bombardment of those phantoms, and then raised the Liaoyuan sword.

   Continue to chase the black-haired warrior, and now he doesn't want to spend too much time with the black-haired warrior, because he still wants to experience his strength in the Dragon Que Mountain Range.

  Moreover, now that he is being tricked by this person, it is not clear whether he has any companions. If there is, Chen Xuan is really not his opponent.

  After all, he is now stretched out to deal with a black-haired warrior. If a few more people come to help, it is really not a good thing for Chen Xuan.

  As usual, the black-haired warrior asked to see the Phantom hit Chen Xuan, staring at the Liaoyuan sword that Chen Xuan was holding while the Phantom came towards him, and stabbed the black-haired warrior.

  The black-haired warrior dodged quickly, but his speed was extremely dexterous. He turned several somersaults and escaped Chen Xuan's bombardment.

   "Boy, it seems that I really underestimate you." The dark-haired warrior's deep voice rang under the mask.

   "You have to be careful, I will kill you!"

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and then the Liaoyuan Sword that he had lifted turned the Vermillion Bird's power within his dantian.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also waved the flames of Vermillion Bird beside the black-haired warrior, trying to seal his actions.

But the black-haired warrior obviously knew Chen Xuan's tactics, so he dodged before Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire was formed. Chen Xuan also felt a little annoyed when he saw that the Suzaku fire could not seal the actions of the black-haired warrior. .

  'S Suzaku swords were constantly slashing, and the Liaoyuan swordsmanship was used, and the surrounding ice walls were all shattered by the fierce Suzaku fire.

  At this moment, the black-clothed warrior used hundreds of phantoms and continued to strike Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's face was surprised, and the power of the Vermillion Bird was quickly operating, forming a wall of fire in front of his eyes, but what surprised Chen Xuan this time was that those phantoms could actually cause a bombardment, and the cracks caused by Chen Xuan's several walls of fire.

   is obviously a rupture caused by phantom bombardment.

   "No way." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  He didn't expect that the black-haired warrior would have so much profound power for him to drive, Boom! The black-haired warrior continued to bloom several times and the Phantom launched a bombardment on Chen Xuan.

  But the black-haired warrior doesn't seem to mean that his profound strength is exhausted. Chen Xuan feels a bit weird. The black-haired warrior can actually show so many phantom bombardments. Didn't it cost him any profound strength?

But Chen Xuan didn’t believe that it had more profound strength. After all, Chen Xuan had several dantian blessings. The black-haired warrior raised two scimitars and continuously launched phantoms and bombarded him. Chen Xuan could also see that the black-haired warrior was launching a bombardment with the same costly tactics as him.

  This is exactly what Chen Xuan is good at. At this moment, Chen Xuan also exerted the profound energy in his dantian and kept thinking about the black-haired warrior launching a bombardment, and the two of them were constantly consuming it here.

Half an hour later, the black-haired warrior finally showed some physical exhaustion. The phantoms that the black-haired warrior bloomed gradually became less and less. Unlike just now, it was able to launch so many phantoms, and hundreds of phantoms were directed towards him at a time. Launch a bombardment.

  Chen Xuan gradually felt that he was about to win, and one after another the Vermillion Bird's fire bombarded the black-haired warrior.

  The black-haired warrior became obviously anxious. He never thought why Chen Xuan had so much profound energy.

However, the speed of the black-haired warrior is still extremely dexterous. Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire cannot hit the black-haired warrior, so the two of them continue to spend a while, and the physical strength of the black-haired warrior is consumed a lot, and they still feel like they are. Can't spend any more time with Chen Xuan, raised the blade and fought Chen Xuan close.

Seeing that the black-haired warrior was actually close to his body, Chen Xuan quickly condensed the Suzaku's fire sword into a prairie sword, and fought close to the black-haired warrior. The speed of the black-haired warrior was extremely dexterous, and his bombardment was also extremely high. Every time he bombarded Chen Xuan's neck.

What made the black-haired warrior feel desperate was that when his bombardment was about to hit Chen Xuan, the power of the fiery red Suzaku entangled his weapon, preventing him from bombarding Chen Xuan. At this moment, Chen Xuan raised it. The Liaoyuan Sword slashed towards the black-haired warrior.

Seeing Chen Xuan's bombardment, the black-haired warrior quickly pulled away and kept a distance with Chen Xuan. Even though Chen Xuan's close combat is not very strong, it is still better than the black-haired warrior. After all, Chen Xuan Now it has integrated the previous swordsmanship.

  (End of this chapter)

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