Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2653: Kill the black warrior

  Chapter 2653 Killing a black-haired warrior

  Chen Xuan has slowly become familiar with the power of Vermilion Bird. Before that, Chen Xuan could not condense the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian so skillfully to use his sword technique.

  Now Chen Xuan can take out the Liaoyuan sword from the storage ring at will, and the Liaoyuan sword can be condensed on the palm of his hand at any time.

  The black-haired warrior's eyes became more and more anxious, he did not continue to attack Chen Xuan, but pulled his body far away.

   Seeing the black-haired warrior a few hundred steps away from him, Chen Xuan quickly urged the innate profound energy in his dantian, and the speed suddenly increased a lot.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird spread out slowly around him, and the power of Vermillion Bird gradually formed behind him, and waves of fiery red swords quickly attacked the black-haired warrior!

   "Suzaku's Blade!"

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, hundreds of Liaoyuan swords shot at the black-haired warrior. The black-haired warrior did not wait for Chen Xuan's attack. Instead, he urged profound strength to avoid the past again, his speed was extremely dexterous, and it was difficult for Chen Xuan to hit.

  But now the initiative is in the hands of Chen Xuan, and waves of Liaoyuan swords attacked the black-haired warrior. In this gap, Chen Xuan turned his back over.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird opened slowly under the palm of his palm, and slowly condensed into a piece of red feathers. When the fire feather appeared, Chen Xuan pointed his palm at the black-haired warrior.

  A fiery red blade shot towards the black-haired warrior.


  The black-haired warrior did not notice the sharp blade attacking him.

   Suzaku's Feather suddenly hit the black-haired warrior. At this moment, the black-haired warrior quickly operated the profound energy in his body, and several phantoms appeared.

  When Chen Xuan saw these phantoms, Huo Yu suddenly hit the black-haired warrior's phantom.


  Even though it hit the phantom but there was no harm, the black-haired warrior rushed towards Chen Xuan suddenly.

   "Dead!" Chen Xuan roared loudly.

  The black-haired warrior rushed towards Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan saw that the black-haired warrior had rushed towards him now. The power of the Vermillion Bird suddenly gathered continuously, and then continuously launched a bombardment towards the black-haired warrior, and several phantoms continued to appear.

   "It must be this!" Chen Xuan roared in a low voice.

  Now Chen Xuan was able to use profound strength to identify which ones were entities and which ones were incorporeal.

   But when he discovered it was too late, Suzaku's Feather had hit his body.


  The black-haired warrior's body was hit by the Suzaku Fire, Suzaku's Feather, and he found that his body could no longer move, only his lips could move.

   "It is so despicable! Using a hidden weapon!" The black-haired warrior roared in a low voice.

  Chen Xuanyin laughed: "This Vermillion Bird's Feather, but the strength of the Vermillion Bird in my dantian is condensed. It's not a hidden weapon, it can only be said that you underestimated the enemy!"

   "I want you to die!" the black-haired warrior roared.

  The black-haired warrior also ignited profound energy, and several phantoms bombarded Chen Xuan again.

  When seeing several phantoms bombarding him, Chen Xuan quickly retreated to the right.

   "No, if you are hit by a phantom, you will also get hurt!" Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Chen Xuan knew that the phantom could also cause a bombardment. If it were bombarded by the black shadow, then it would obviously cause Chen Xuan to suffer some damage.

  Even if the phantom cannot cause damage similar to that of the entity, it will cause considerable damage if it is hit.

  Speaking, Chen Xuan bombarded the black-haired warrior. Now the body of the black-haired warrior was unable to move his eyes. Staring at Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, he could only close his eyes.

Chen Xuan’s Suzaku enemy stabbed the black-haired warrior in the heart, and then his body was paralyzed to the ground. Seeing Chen Xuan, the black-haired warrior he killed, turned the Suzaku into a burst of fiery red Suzaku’s power. Income within the pubic area.

   "Finally killed it." Chen Xuan exhaled a long breath. He and the black-haired warrior had fought for so long here. A lot of his time was wasted.

   After killing the black-haired warrior, Chen Xuan did not relax his guard. He was still watching out for the black-haired warrior’s companions to plot himself.

   "I don't know if this guy has a companion nearby." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

   Just after Chen Xuan was on guard for more than half an hour, and found that no one had come, he boldly walked towards the body of the black-haired warrior.

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan's eyes showed a curious look.

  A piece of red brocade dropped from the body of the black-haired warrior. Chen Xuan walked over and picked it up from the ground.

  "Xuanling Secret Method." Chen Xuan carefully looked at the four words written on the brocade.

  Ochre-red brocade is actually written with mysterious magic.

  Look at the ochre red brocade. Chen Xuan guessed that this ocher-red brocade might be the phantom technique used by the black-haired warrior.

   "This is a good thing." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  The secret method used by the black-haired warrior just now was also seen by Chen Xuan. Even though those phantoms cannot cause any substantial damage, they can distract others. Although it's not a very powerful technique, it's enough.

  "Try it first. Chen Xuan stared at the rows of small characters and found a safe place to practice.

  Just killing the black-haired warrior didn't make Chen Xuan lose much profound strength, but he was also injured by the black-haired warrior.

  So Chen Xuan first took out a pill and chewed it. Even though the pill that Li Qingtian refined was extremely bitter, it was extremely useful for healing injuries.

  After eating the healing pill, Chen Xuan took out the ocher red brocade with ancient characters written on it, and Chen Xuan could barely understand it. He has studied the characters in the Black Rock World, and also understood the history in this continent, knowing that there is another place on this continent called the Eastern Region.

  Chen Xuan knew that the brocade was the technique used by the black-haired warrior, and the secret of the mysterious spirit could turn into a real phantom to attack the enemy.

   "If I can apply this power to my Vermillion Bird's power, wouldn't it be able to increase my strength again?" Chen Xuan's eyebrows trembled slightly.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan silently picked up the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian and started practicing.

  If he can learn the above exercises, it will undoubtedly be a huge help to Chen Xuan's cultivation.

   "If I can also materialize the power of the Suzaku, I will obviously be able to make the flames of the power of the Suzaku more effective with less effort." Chen Xuan saw that the fire of the Suzaku had slowly attached to his limbs.

  Chen Xuan followed the steps on the red brocade and practiced step by step, first condensing the power of the Vermillion Bird, and operating the exercises according to the above description.

   "Turn one into two!" Chen Xuan said secretly.

Next, he tried to divide the power of the Vermillion Bird into two parts, but Chen Xuan was a little disappointed in the result. In the past, the same profound energy condensed the Suzaku Fire, and could not replicate an incorporeal body.

  But Chen Xuan did not give up. According to the above described exercises, Chen Xuan tried many times. At the tenth time, Chen Xuancai felt the Vermillion Bird profound energy in his body gradually filled up.

  On the fourth time, Chen Xuan finally succeeded once, seeing the two condensed Suzaku powers, one of which was the energy condensed by his entity, and the other was the incorporeal body condensed by Chen Xuan.

  In other words, there was only a very shallow profound energy on the incorporeal body, not Chen Xuan's Suzaku's power directly condensed, staring at the Suzaku fire formed by that shallow profound energy.


  Suzaku's fire suddenly blasted onto a tree beside him, and the physical Suzaku's fire could cause damage to the tree if it burned, and saw a Suzaku fire sword inserted into the tree. But the phantom of the Suzaku fire he condensed disappeared without a trace.

   "It still seems to be impossible. Before attacking the enemy, he walked into the air and dissipated." Chen Xuan shook his head.

  At this time, he thought that when the black-haired warrior bombarded him, those phantoms were like entities, capable of causing substantial damage to the enemy.

  "Try again." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Chen Xuan continued to condense the power of the Vermillion Bird and attacked the ice crystal, but did not form a real incorporeal body.

  At the same time that the power of the two Vermillion Birds converged, the power of the Vermillion Bird suddenly made Chen Xuan feel extremely full, and Chen Xuan continued to show the power of a few Vermillion Birds.

   But the phantom of the power of the Vermillion Bird that he has condensed now is just a phantom, and it can't cause any harm.

  But Chen Xuan also knew that he had just practiced for more than half an hour. It was already very remarkable to be able to condense the power of the Vermillion Bird, but Chen Xuan still wanted to try it.

Chen Xuan once again divided two bursts of profound energy from his dantian, and then he quietly divided the Suzaku fire into two, but this time it was considered a failure. Condensed that another burst of Suzaku fire was actually him. The innate profound strength in the pubic area is working.

After discovering that he had failed, Chen Xuan shook his head disappointedly.

"Try again. If you can really condense the incorporeal body, it will be worth the time. In addition, this time I will go to the Lu Yu Mountain Range to hunt thieves. If you can learn this technique, you can at least bravish Fan." Chen Xuan said secretly.

   Soon, Chen Xuan was excited again and kept experimenting.

  After repeated experiments, Chen Xuan began to master the trick.

   "It seems that I have to condense the Suzaku Fire before my profound energy emerges, so that the power of the two Suzaku Fires can be dispersed." Chen Xuan said with joy.

  After repeating the contact hundreds of times, now he is able to skillfully use this technique to make the Suzaku fire bloom in two.

  But Chen Xuan still couldn't condense his own phantom like the black-haired warrior.

   "Let's do this first, don't rush for success." Chen Xuan withdrew the power of Vermilion and took out the red brocade and flipped it over at will.

  (End of this chapter)

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