Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2654: Dragon Sparrow Plain

  Chapter 2654 Dragon Sparrow Plain

   "Hey, what is this?" Chen Xuan sat upright, took the red brocade to his eyes, and looked at the characters on it.

   "Sure enough, it is a character of the Eastern Region." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  The so-called Eastern Region is compared to the Yunye Empire, and now Chen Xuan is in the Middle Region. The Eastern Regions are all in the far east.

   is very far from the middle domain.

  "Why did they come here?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

   "The Eastern Region is very far away from here. It would be impossible to come here without the power of space." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan turned the red brocade over, and a few lines of small red characters were written on the right. Chen Xuan looked at the line carefully.

"The characters are like the characters of the Eastern Region, but they can't be said. I don't even understand the words of the Yunye Empire. I can't understand even a word on it." Chen Xuan couldn't understand what those words were written. So put the red brocade into the sleeves.

  "Go to the Vermilion Plain first." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Since Chen Xuan entered Baihua City, he took the task from Li Qingtian and was about to go to the northeastern part of the Yunye Empire to find the traitors, so he said goodbye to Wang Lun temporarily.

  Wang Lun was seriously injured, and he must not be able to perform missions with Chen Xuan.

  "We should return to Lu Yucheng first, and take the herbs to Elder Nangong as soon as possible." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Fifteen days later, Chen Xuan appeared under Lu Yu's city wall.

   "It's great, I'll be back in time." Chen Xuan stepped into the city.

  The Yunye Gate is in the northernmost part of Lu Yu City, and it connects to the Lu Yu Mountain Range. Chen Xuan did not pass the Lu Yu Mountain Range on his way, and now he can only pass through the city.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan came to the mansion of Yunyemen and hurried directly in the direction of Elder Nangong.

   "Elder Nangong is not here." A disciple said to Chen Xuan.

  "Where did he go now," Chen Xuan asked.

   "Elder Nangong has gone out to collect medicinal materials. It is estimated that it will take some time before he comes back." The disciple said.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan didn't care about that much, and rushed directly into the mansion of Elder Nangong.

   "Chen Xuan?" Nangonghan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Nangong Han, how is Li Qiuyu now" Chen Xuan asked excitedly.

   "Li Qiuyu's injury has stabilized now, and I'm waiting for your medicine." Nangong Han said.

  "Okay! But the method of refining the pill still needs to wait for Elder Nangong to return." Chen Xuan said.

  After waiting for more than half an hour, Elder Nangong finally returned, and Chen Xuan excitedly went outside to greet him.

   "Elder Nangong." Chen Xuan said gratefully.

He knew that during this period, it was because of Elder Nangong that could stabilize Li Qiuyu’s injury. Li Qiuyu was hit by Li’s soul silver needle, and the coldness in his body entered his body. If it weren’t for the elder Nangong, he would continue to absorb Li Qiuyu with the fire I'm afraid Li Qiuyu has long lost consciousness with the coldness in his body.

   "Come here." Elder Nangong said.

  Chen Xuan and Nangong Han followed Nangong elders all the way to the alchemy room.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out all the herbs he had collected.

   "Ice breaking grass, soul refining grass, cold ice crystal, flame bright grass, water spirit grass, earth spirit grass." Chen Xuan took out the herbs one by one, and looked at Elder Nangong solemnly.

   "Okay, you have found all of them. Now that the herbs have been collected, we shouldn't waste time, hurry up to refine the pill." Elder Nangong said.

  I saw Elder Nangong wave his sleeve lightly, and a pot of alchemy furnace appeared out of thin air.

  The alchemy furnace is surrounded by purple gas, and even Chen Xuan's alchemy furnace cannot be compared.

"Ice-breaking grass is a thing of extreme cold, soul-refining grass can stabilize the human soul body, cold ice crystals can be used as a conductor to attract the extreme cold energy in Li Qiuyu's body, and Yanhuang grass can suppress the extreme cold energy in her body. There are also water spirit grass and earth spirit grass. After all these are collected, the five-spirit medicine can be made." Elder Nangong said softly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He knew the specific effects of these medicinal materials, but he still didn't understand how to refine the pill.

   Seeing Elder Nangong skillfully putting the herbs one by one into the alchemy furnace, Chen Xuan showed a look of admiration.

  I had long heard that Elder Nangong was a first-class alchemist in the Yunye Empire, and seeing it today opened Chen Xuan's vision.

After a while, the pill was taken out of the alchemy furnace.

  The mellow color pill exudes bursts of fragrance.

   "Okay, take this pill to Li Qiuyu as soon as possible." Elder Nangong said.

Chen Xuan was not idle, and hurriedly took the pill and went to the room. He saw Li Qiuyu lying on the ice bed with no expression on his face. Chen Xuan did not hesitate and delivered the pill directly into Li Qiuyu’s. In the mouth.

   "Wake up?" Chen Xuan saw Li Qiuyu's eyebrows trembling slightly.

  After a while, Li Qiuyu suddenly opened his eyes and found that Chen Xuan was standing next to her. There was a look of excitement on Li Qiuyu's pretty face.

   "Brother Chen." Li Qiuyu said in a very weak tone.

  "Stop talking, it's good to see that you are awake now." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Li Qiuyu nodded gently, and then lay down.

  Elder Nangong also rushed over at this time, and after seeing Li Qiuyu awake, he showed a relaxed expression.

   "Since Qiu Yu wakes up, I don't have much to worry about. Li Qing is also my disciple. I have been guilty for a long time for this, Chen Xuan." Elder Nangong suddenly turned his body to Chen Xuan.

   "What?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Recently, you have to be more careful. Li Zhuoqun has always been the one who will report to him. I can help you stop him in Lu Yucheng, but if you leave here, you will most likely be retaliated by him. If the sect master is still there , Then recently he dare not blatantly kill you, if the Dugu Sect Master leaves, you must be careful." Elder Nangong said.

  Chen Xuan nodded heavily: "I also know, but I have to go to the Longque Plain again." Chen Xuan said.

   "Oh? What are you going to do over there?" Elder Nangong asked.

  "Elder Li Qingyun asked me to kill a group of thieves near the Dragon Que Mountain Range. When I got the Water Spirit Pill, it was thanks to Elder Li. I had promised him and I would naturally not break my promise." Chen Xuandao.

  Elder Nangong first gave Chen Xuan an admiring look, and immediately said: "I didn't expect you to meet Li Qingtian. He should still be in the City of Hundred Flowers now, right?"

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "Yes, I saw him in the Alchemy Association of Baihua City."

   "If this is the case, then you can go, but you must be careful." Elder Nangong said.

   "Good!" Chen Xuan said.

  Li Qiuyu also looked at Chen Xuan weakly and said, "Brother Chen, you must be careful!"

   "Don't worry, even if I can't beat Li Zhuoqun, I can still run away from his hands." Chen Xuan believed in himself.

  With the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan is confident that his speed can't even catch up with Li Zhuoqun.

   After absorbing the profound energy, Chen Xuan planned to go to Dragon Sparrow City again. According to Li Qingtian's prompt, many people who killed innocent people appeared near Dragon Sparrow City. It is still unclear what their origins are.

  Chen Xuan came from here last time, so he was familiar with the road. In just two days, Chen Xuan entered the Lu Yu Plain.

From the Lu Yu Plain to the north, there is another plain connecting Lu Yu City, the Longque Mountain Range. However, when Chen Xuan first entered, in the city lord’s residence in Longque City, a warrior wearing a black robe He suddenly appeared, and said to a middle-aged warrior with a black beard next to him: "Patriarch, that kid has already come out of the Yunye Gate."

  The middle-aged warrior with a black beard was reading a book, a trace of killing intent flashed in the corner of his eyes, and he immediately asked, "Where is he now?"

"I heard that he has left the Yunyemen mansion in Lu Yucheng, and there is no one to protect him. Chen Xuan, this kid has now entered the plain next to Lu Yucheng. This is the best opportunity for us!" The black robe warrior said with a cold expression.

  Since the last time Chen Xuan killed Yu Wenxiong in the ice secret realm, they have sent many people to besiege Chen Xuan, but they have not found any clues to Chen Xuan.

Later, they finally found Chen Xuan in the City of Hundred Flowers, only to find that he was with Li Qingtian, so they temporarily let go of Chen Xuan, but they did not expect that Chen Xuan would come to Lu Yuchengzhi after a while. Cloud Yemen in China.

  Naturally, they dare not provoke the Yunye Gate, after all, the Yunye Gate belongs to the royal family.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had just returned from the Yunye Gate, and the black-robed warrior received the news, so he reported it to the Yuwen City Lord of Dragon Sparrow City.

   "This kid dared to kill my son, he must make him look good." City Lord Yuwen said with killing intent on his face.

  The warrior in black robes heard the words, nodded and said, "Should you let Elder Li pass?"

   City Lord Yuwen nodded and said: "This matter must be done for me neatly!"

In their eyes, Chen Xuan was just a warrior who had just entered the fourth stage of the God-Sovereign Stage. Although his own techniques were rather weird and he also mastered the fire of the Vermillion Bird, now they have joined forces with the Poro Sect assassin. Chen Xuan must be killed.

The killer of Poluo Sect is very powerful and has reached the initial stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and in the branch hall of Lu Yucheng, this Poluo Sect's assassin is enough to be regarded as a senior assassin.

   Directly letting him take the shot this time is enough to show that they attach importance to Chen Xuan.

  After receiving the news, the killer of Poluo Zong left Lu Yu City and came to Lu Yu Plain.

In   Lu Yu Plain, Chen Xuan swept to the south with ease. As long as he got out of this plain, he was already close to Yunye City, and he would probably have to walk more than half a month at the speed of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was walking in the Lu Yu Plain at this time, but he did not know that he had been targeted by the assassins of Poluo Sect.

The assassin of Poluo Zong entered the plain, and constantly felt Chen Xuan's profound power through his breath.

  The killers of the Poluo Sect have a unique sense of profound energy, and they can detect the position of Chen Xuan through the aura in their body.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was fighting a monster. The sword blade in Chen Xuan's hand flickered. The next moment the Suzaku sword technique was displayed, a burst of Suzaku fire covered his body and turned into a plume of fire. Offensive towards the monster.


  Suzaku's swordsmanship was cast and there was a sound of dragon chanting, carrying an extremely powerful force, directly killing the beast.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan put the body of the beast into his storage ring.

  This storage ring is a standard configuration for the warriors of the Yunyemen, and all warriors will have such a storage ring.

   At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Chen Xuan, and a grim voice rang: "Where can you run now?"

The killer of Poluo Zong suddenly appeared, and Chen Xuan was shocked. The killer appeared in front of Chen Xuan suddenly, causing Chen Xuan to retreat behind him.

  The killer looked at Chen Xuan's body with a tyrannical aura, directly suppressing Chen Xuan's profound strength.

   "I actually reached the eighth level of the gods." Chen Xuan felt the powerful aura on the assassin's body, and his face changed slightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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