Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2681: Can't get the upper hand

  Chapter 2681 Can't get the upper hand

   "Sure enough, it is Qingfeng Shuge's sword technique, presumably his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the realm of gods." Chen Xuan secretly said.

  Even though this cultivation base had already taken the top spot among their Qingfeng Book Pavilion, it was obviously unable to gain the upper hand against Chen Xuan.

  Seeing that he wanted to count on himself, Chen Xuan's face also became very cold.

   Instantly condensed the Suzaku fire within his dantian, and Chen Xuan attacked him.

   Seeing the flames of the Vermillion Bird and the true energy of the flames emerging from Chen Xuan's body, the martial artist's face also revealed horror. The next moment, his transformation sword energy was blocked by Chen Xuan.


  Two breaths erupted, Chen Xuan stabilized his figure, once again condensed the flames of the surrounding Vermillion Bird, and violently attacked the warrior instigator.

   "How is it possible! His cultivation can reach the eighth level of the realm of the gods!" The Qingfeng Shuge martial artist was surprised.

  He was really frightened now. He originally thought that he could easily kill Chen Xuan with his eight-fold cultivation base of the Divine Sovereign Realm, but he did not expect that Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the eighth-fold Divine Sovereign Realm.

   "Damn, it seems that I despise him too much!" The warrior cursed, and suddenly his figure flashed, trying to escape.

Chen Xuan wouldn’t let him go easily, so he quickly gathered the Vermillion Bird's fire and chased it in an instant. At the same time, a red sphere appeared in the hand of the warrior, and then he threw it at Chen Xuan and hit it. Above the ground.


   There was an explosion on the ground, and black smoke emitted, covering Chen Xuan's eyes.

  It was only a moment, and Chen Xuan couldn't see him anymore.

   "Cough! What is this that can block my sight." It took several minutes for the black smoke to completely dissipate and gan.

   "I have seen Yuchi Hongyi use this kind of thing before." Chen Xuan recalled suddenly.

  Since he has escaped now, Chen Xuan does not intend to pursue it anymore. Even if he does it, he may not be able to pursue it. After all, the area in the Lu Yu Mountain Range is very wide.

  Since then, Chen Xuan has been watching carefully behind him all the time, beware of anyone attempting to plot against him.

  After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan has reached the bottom of the mountain, and there are many dense jungles growing nearby.

   "I don't know where to get to Lu Yucheng now. Forget it, let's take a look at night." Chen Xuan said secretly.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to walk in, he suddenly felt an evil innocent aura coming from the front, and then Chen Xuan slowly turned on his aura perception.

Chen Xuan gradually walked into the dense forest and saw many puppets lined up on the ground. Following the puppets, Chen Xuan found a dragon blood tribe warrior sitting in the bushes.

   "It's not good, it looks like this guy." Chen Xuan said secretly.

   Just as Chen Xuan was thinking, he suddenly saw the black spirit puppet suddenly open his eyes, and bloodthirsty and brutality was revealed in the brows.

  The next moment, I saw the black spirit puppet stand up fiercely, urging the energy of the whole body to rush towards Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan kept retreating towards the back, and the black spirit puppet exuded a very fierce cultivation base.

  The black spirit puppet's cultivation must have reached the seventh level of perfection in the realm of the gods, and Chen Xuan and him did not have the upper hand in the fight.

  Suzaku's fire aura emerged from Chen Xuan's dantian. Even if Chen Xuan was able to withstand his bombardment now, he still had no chance of winning.

   "It seems that I can only try this Suzaku sword technique now." Then Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes and appeared in Chen Xuan's memory.

   Then Chen Xuan's hands were stamped with the seal, and two powerful breaths suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's body.


  This force suddenly became more turbulent.

  Chen Xuan raised the Liaoyuan sword and bombarded the black spirit puppet.

  The black spirit puppet's face revealed a trace of ferocity, and he raised a broken sword, and fiercely attacked Chen Xuan with a spirit energy.


  Between them, two auras are constantly intertwined.

  At this moment, a prairie sword blade in Chen Xuan's dantian landed on Chen Xuan's body, and surging energy emerged.

  The toes moved, and the Liaoyuan sword held by Chen Xuan bombarded him.


  Chen Xuan struck the body of the black spirit puppet, and then saw a stone on the ground.

   "It seems to be a blood puppet, are the people from the Black Blood Sect still nearby?" Chen Xuan whispered.

  This kind of puppet is a technique of the Black Blood Sect. This technique can allow the master to escape at a critical time, but it will certainly not escape too far.

  "Find out his master first, otherwise I will be in danger." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  It's just that he doesn't know who controls the blood puppet.

  In a hidden mountain forest, a warrior spit out blood with a look of anger on his face.

   "This kid's cultivation base has become stronger again! I didn't expect that I could not kill him even after learning the techniques of the Dragon Blood Tribe!" This warrior is the warrior of the Qingfeng Book Pavilion.

  When Chen Xuan killed the black spirit puppet, slowly gathered the aura of the whole body, and continued to walk forward.

  The time passed bit by bit, and suddenly three days had passed.

  Wei Chi Hongyi had already returned to Qingfeng Book Pavilion, but he did not find Chen Xuan's body, so he came out again.

   "Strange, this kid fell from here last time, how could he still be alive." Yu Chihong secretly said.

  But he searched for it several times in this valley, but did not find Chen Xuan.


  The earth trembled violently, and Yu Chihong looked at the ground with a surprise, and the next moment, an extremely tyrannical aura emerged.

   "Crap! I forgot that this is the Demon Wolf Valley!" Before Yu Chi Hongyi finished speaking, a tyrannical aura impacted his body.

   Yuchi Hongyi's body was blasted out, and then he hurriedly floated in the valley.

   "That kid Chen Xuan must have died when he came to this place. Why do I feel that I haven't found his body!" Yu Chihong said in surprise.

  At the same time, the sky gradually darkened.

  Chen Xuan walked among the Lu Yu Mountains.

   "It's foggy?" Chen Xuan said secretly.

   Seeing the white mist around him, Chen Xuan felt a touch of danger.

  After a while, the fog began to disperse, when Chen Xuan found out that he was already in the forest.

   "Where is this?" Chen Xuan's face revealed a curious look.

  At the moment, Chen Xuan walked toward the depths of the forest. Walked towards a cave.

   "Unexpectedly, I went in the opposite direction." Chen Xuan sighed.

   "There is no way, I can only wait until today is over."

In a cave not far from Chen Xuan, the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion grinned: "If you dare to provoke me, you must make him pay the price. Now my cultivation level has risen to a higher level. If you encounter that kid again, you must He's going to have his head cut off! Huh? How come someone is here."

  As soon as Chen Xuan entered the cave, he noticed a dangerous aura.

   "Who!?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Suffer to death!" the warrior of Qingfeng Shuge said angrily.

  Just now, his cultivation base has been upgraded to a level, and he has been practicing mysterious techniques continuously in the past few days to consolidate his cultivation base. His cultivation level has been upgraded to the eighth level of the realm of gods, and he can even control a black spirit puppet that is stronger than his own cultivation level.


   A loud noise came from a distance, and Chen Xuan revealed a nervous look.

   "Someone is nearby?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

   "Haha! Boy! Since you are here, save your life!" The gloomy voice suddenly rang from a distance.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan found a warrior from the Dragon Blood tribe appearing in front of him.

  "People from Qingfeng Book Pavilion?" Chen Xuan said.

"Now that you know my identity, you should know what Qingfeng Shuge will do with your body? But you are also a demon soul cultivator. If you can make your body a black spirit puppet to me The help is great! Haha!" The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion said with a loud grin.

   "Dreaming!" Chen Xuan said coldly.

The gaze of the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion changed, and he suddenly attacked Chen Xuan.

  Suzaku's fire instantly crawled over Chen Xuan's body, and an astonishing spiritual energy suddenly rose from the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, blasting the Qingfeng Shuge martial artist away.

  The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion showed no signs of injury, his face was covered with a gloomy smile, and his body also exuded a black breath.

  Chen Xuan's body was blown out.

   "Haha, it seems that this puppet of mine is not something you can hold!" The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion showed a grinning smile.

   Chen Xuan was blasted out, revealing a nervous look. Although his cultivation level is not very strong, Chen Xuan is not good at dealing with him in the forest.

  "Withdraw first." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  The power of the demon soul instantly covered Chen Xuan's body, which made Chen Xuan's speed increase several levels before leaving the forest abruptly.

   witnessing Chen Xuan leaving, the warriors of Qingfeng Book Pavilion revealed a gloomy color, and did not rush to catch up.

   "Boy, when I find you, I must make you my black spirit puppet!" Qingfeng Shuge warrior said in a hoarse voice.

  Chen Xuan moved away from the forest and arrived in the endless wasteland.

  Qingfeng Book Pavilion has a unique technique that can lock the breath of others from a distance, and therefore he has locked the breath of Chen Xuan's body.

   Staring at Chen Xuan in front of him, the warrior of Qingfeng Shuge revealed a cruel look: "Boy, the last time you gan disturbed my plan, I want you to die!

   Seeing Chen Xuanxuan's mocking face, the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion was suddenly furious, swiping the blade and bombarded Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and revolved the two energies in his dantian. In the midair, a series of spiritual fire suddenly appeared, attacking the purple sword aura of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior.

   "Boy, who are you!?" The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion was repelled by Chen Xuan two steps, and asked with a low face.

  Chen Xuan did not answer the question of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior.

  (End of this chapter)

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