Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2682: Vicious disciple

  Chapter 2682 Vicious disciple

  The warrior stared at Chen Xuan with a deep expression, and then a **** aura suddenly condensed on his arms.

   "I didn't expect your Qingfeng Book Pavilion to collude with the people of the Black Blood Sect." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Haha! What is the Black Blood Sect! It's all stealing our Qingfeng Book Pavilion!" The Qingfeng Book Pavilion warrior said grimly.

  The next moment, a strong and turbulent infuriating aura appeared on the red arms, and these infuriating auras came towards Chen Xuan.

Roar! A fierce wind blade phantom rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Suddenly, the red wind blades turned into ten, and the ten wind blades opened their mouths violently and bit towards Chen Xuan.

  Qingfeng Shuge's exercises are also very powerful, and Chen Xuan dare not underestimate the enemy.

   "The power of this kind of exercise that I just bloomed has reached the sixth level, and it is extremely powerful. You can't kill him if you don't believe it!" Qingfeng Shuge martial artist said fiercely.

  Chen Xuan is not worried now, because he has the blessing of Suzaku Fire and Blazing Fire.

  Even if he is now facing a strong man in the Divine Sovereign Realm Seventh Level, he will definitely not shrink back at all, not to mention that his cultivation base has just entered the Divine Sovereign Realm Seventh Level.

  Chen Xuan let out a soft roar, and bursts of fiery red sword aura burst out suddenly, and Chen Xuan slowly gathered the power of the spiritual fire within his dantian.

  The power of the spirit fire can make Chen Xuan's bombardment become stronger and more horizontal. After just gathering for a while, his body is full of tyrannical true energy.

  The lethality doubled.

   "Suzaku swordsmanship is the second most important!" Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice.

  In the mid-air, a fiery red glow suddenly appeared between them, and then these glows turned into Liaoyuan sword energy and pierced the warrior.


  The earth was suddenly blasted out of a crack by the spirit fire sword, and then the glow that emerged, rushed to the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion.

  "Tianluo Secret Collection! Snake!" Qingfeng Shuge warrior roared loudly.

  I saw Liaoyuan’s sword aura penetrate the ten red giant pythons that came up, and Chen Xuan’s face revealed a relaxed look.


   Just when Chen Xuan's spirit fire dissolved the first two red pythons, the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion revealed a yin smile.

  His body suddenly ran away, releasing a devastating breath, and then a red wind blade emerged in front of him.

  The giant red wind blade expelled a raging qi, spraying on Chen Xuan's body.


  The flame defensive layer in front of Chen Xuan was suddenly shattered by the red wind blade. After that, the mysterious wolf chased Chen Xuan with a force of destruction.


   Then Chen Xuan's body was shot down to the ground. Chen Xuan frowned and said, "His cultivation level has improved a lot."

   Seeing Chen Xuan being shot down to the ground, the warriors of Qingfeng Book Pavilion were covered with bloodthirsty smiles, staring at Chen Xuan gloomily, and said, "Boy, I see what you can do now!"

  A joking smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face. He hadn't fully developed his cultivation level just now.

   "It seems that now I can only try the second stage of Suzaku Swordsmanship to see if he can defeat him." Chen Xuan said softly.

  After that, Chen Xuan slowly gathered the true energy in his dantian, and suddenly, around Chen Xuan's body, tyrannical Suzaku true energy appeared, and the world changed color!

The face of the warrior in Qingfeng Book Pavilion also changed slightly, and he cried out, "This is impossible."

   Chen Xuan's blooming cultivation base made the warriors of Qingfeng Shuge a little heartbroken. He stayed in the secret cave for so long, the purpose is to improve the Qingfeng cultivation method.

   "Boy! Even if you know Suzaku swordsmanship, you will die!" The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion roared.

   then controlled the ten red giant pythons and rushed towards Chen Xuan. The powerful infuriating energy exuding in the air was wrapped in a layer of spiritual fire.

   "Suzaku swordsmanship is the second most important!" Chen Xuan yelled softly.


  In the middle of the air, the sound of blazing flames was heard, and then the red wind blade was seen rushing out, being sealed by the flames.

  In the beginning, the red wind blade was able to suppress Chen Xuan's sword aura, but later the red wind blade was covered by a layer of spiritual fire.

   then slowly fell to the ground. Seeing this scene, the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion instantly retracted the red giant python, and now his arms were frozen by a layer of spiritual energy.

  The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion was hit and shouted hysterically. He had never thought that Chen Xuan Liaoyuan's sword spirit would be so tyrannical.

   Now his cultivation level has reached the seventh level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and he is not Chen Xuan's opponent either.

  The next moment, the amazing infuriating energy in the midair has slowly gathered.

  The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion let out an angry cry: "How is this possible!"

  After that, the warrior's face began to become more and more fierce: "Boy, die for me!"

  He originally felt that he had the chance to win, but now that Chen Xuan displayed the extremely powerful Suzaku swordsmanship, the warriors of Qingfeng Book Pavilion felt very desperate now.

   "Boy! Go to hell!" The warriors of Qingfeng Book Pavilion became hysterical, roaring loudly, and suddenly, condensing a powerful secret innocence.

   "Qingfeng exercises! Wind blade!"

  A wind blade rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword exudes a strong glow. After the blessing of the Suzaku swordsmanship, Chen Xuan’s lethality has been completely increased by two times. The next moment, a spirit fire hit the body of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior, causing him The body blasted out.

The body of the warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion fell heavily to the ground, and then his body twitched constantly, his face was frozen and pale by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword.

The face of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior was covered with incredible, Chen Xuan's slash of the Suzaku fire was very fast, and in an instant, a sword energy attacked the Qingfeng Shuge warrior.


  The warrior of Qingfeng Book Pavilion spit out blood, and the tyrannical aura originally exuding in the body instantly became wilted.

  Chen Xuan’s eyes flashed with killing intent, walking towards him step by step, and then the Liaoyuan Sword was raised. This person could only reveal a look of horror, and said to Chen Xuan, “Don’t kill me! Please!”

  Chen Xuan shook his head slowly: "When you plan to kill me, you should make plans."

  The warrior of Qingfeng Shuge's face was low, Chen Xuan didn't know what was thinking now, and walked towards him slowly.

  However, when Chen Xuan approached the Qingfeng Shuge warrior, the warrior roared wildly, and then the palm of his hand turned red.

  "Qingfeng exercises! Sword!"

  The next moment, a hidden weapon suddenly appeared from between his palms, and then the Qingfeng Shuge warrior urged his whole body to inject the tyrannical red Qi into the hidden weapon, and stab Chen Xuan fiercely.

  Because the distance is too close, Chen Xuan has no time to escape.

The hidden weapon pierced into Chen Xuan's arm. Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a cold poisonous gas invade the dantian.

   "Haha! I hit my Qingfeng Shuge's hidden weapon, even if you kill me, I won't live long!" Qingfeng Shuge warrior said grimly.

   "Die!" Chen Xuan yelled violently, mistakenly, after the Qingfeng Shuge warrior was hit by the Suzaku fire, his body was quickly falling from the sky.

Taking a quick step, Chen Xuan raised the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and swiftly turned the Suzaku's innocence, the frost on the blade rose sharply, Chen Xuan roared wildly, and the Liaoyuan sword stabbed into the body of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior. Then Chen Xuan slowly shook his arms and chopped the body of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior into two pieces. Seeing the warrior's body slowly falling down and losing his vitality, Chen Xuan once again penetrated the head of the Qingfeng Shuge warrior.

After    was killed, Chen Xuan quickly left here.

  Chen Xuan coughed slightly. When he was pierced into his body by this hidden weapon, he felt a little weird. The hidden weapon of Qingfeng Book Pavilion was definitely not an ordinary hidden weapon.


  Chen Xuan gave a light cough, feeling that his body was very cold, and a cold innocence was eroding his dantian.

  Chen Xuan quickly urged the true energy in his dantian to resist the chill.

  However, the cold air had entered Chen Xuan's body, and he kept crashing around. Following the crash of the cold air, Chen Xuan kept dealing with him.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt his head become groggy. It took more than an hour for Chen Xuan to feel the chill disappear from his dantian.

  As soon as the cold air disappeared, Chen Xuan felt that he was very sleepy, so he fell on the ground and passed out in a coma.

  However, Chen Xuan didn't know that when he was in a coma, the fire-red Liaoyuan blade was exuding on his body. The Liaoyuan blade had turned into cold air and penetrated into Chen Xuan's body.

   After more than three hours, Chen Xuancai slowly opened his eyes, and now Chen Xuan felt that his body was very tired and his head was also very painful.

   "It seems that I underestimated the enemy." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said. This Qingfeng Shuge warrior's calculation was even quicker, so that Chen Xuan didn't have time to react at all.

  Chen Xuan was exhausted now, but found that the coldness in his dantian had disappeared.

  The Qingfeng Book Pavilion also has very evil and vicious methods, which can attack with the demon soul's true energy, and then slowly control the reason of the enemy warrior.

But this kind of exercise is used by almost every warrior in Qingfeng Book Pavilion, and this kind of exercise is also a vicious exercise for cultivators. Once a warrior is stabbed by a hidden weapon, a chill will penetrate into the warrior. In the feeling, and then clear the feeling of the warrior.

   Chen Xuan felt a little scared, if he was really hit by this kind of exercise, it would be dangerous.

  It would take a lot of time to get rid of this cold air, and Chen Xuan now has to constantly resist the damage caused by the cold air.

  There is still a ray of cold in Chen Xuan's Dantian.

   Just when Chen Xuan gathered the flames of his own Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan felt his head become painful again.

  In an instant, a wave of true energy spread around Chen Xuan's body, and in that instant, the cold air was suppressed by Chen Xuan's aura.

  Chen Xuan stared at the blade of the Liaoyuan within his dantian.

   "The cold air has now been suppressed. It seems that I should not be in any danger now." Chen Xuan said.

After recovering from his injury, Chen Xuan moved away from here and continued to walk in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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