Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2704: See Lu Jiutian

   Chapter 2704 See Lu Jiutian

  All of them have a look of anger in their hearts, murderous intent is hidden in their eyes, and there is a sulky look on their faces.

  The game is still the same as yesterday. Every sect selected a tyrannical warrior to fight against, and Wang Lun was the first to go up to fight.

The warrior of the Tyrannical Sect on the field was excited, and said coldly: "You are called Wang Lun, right? I haven't heard of your name yet, but it's a pity that you met me today. If you defeat it, it proves that my cultivation base is stronger than you!"

  Wang Lun had a cold smile on his face: "I have heard too much of this."

As the first warrior in the Yunyemen, Wang Lun’s face was light and calm. His cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king. Among the younger generation of warriors, he is invincible. .


  Wang Lun took the lead, and his figure flashed, and a spiritual force suddenly emerged from his body, and the sword aura waving all over the sky attacked the Tyrant's warrior.

  Batianzong warrior immediately raised the sword in his hand, and the Demonstration Sword Art was blooming.

   turned into a majestic profound energy in the sky, and quickly attacked the Tyrant's warriors.

The two profound qi suddenly collided in the sky, and the body of the Tyrant's warrior quickly retreated behind. At the same time, Wang Lun raised his hand in the scene, a strong red sword qi emerged from his sword blade. , Stabbed at the warrior of Tyrant's Sect.

  In all the stunned eyes, the warrior of the Tyrannical Sect was directly blown by Wang Lun and flew above the martial arts platform.

   "Wang Lun wins!" the referee shouted.

Chen Xuan didn’t feel strange about Wang Lun’s victory. If Wang Lun lost to the Tyrant Sect warrior, it would make Chen Xuan feel weird. With Wang Lun’s cultivation base, almost no one among the younger generation of warriors It is his opponent, and I am afraid that only the people of the Qinglingzong and the Dragonblood tribe can compete with him.

Time passed bit by bit, and then Yunyemen continued to participate in three games. What made Li Lu feel annoyed was that all the warriors of the Yunyemen lost in the next three games. This made Li. Lu shouted that the group of warriors were not fighting, but he was helpless.

After the incident of that year, Yunyemen has not recruited warriors for several consecutive years, and it has also suffered huge losses. Therefore, the younger generation of warriors will not accept them, and only Wang Lun’s cultivation can reach the realm of the gods. It is the B-level warrior who has to choose from the warriors among the first-level warriors, so most of the second-level of the Yunyemen are warriors in the seventh realm of the gods.

  In the afternoon, Gu Ling, a warrior from Yunyemen, was the first person to go up to the competition.

The warrior of the Tyrannical Sect snorted coldly and looked at Gu Ling and said, "Gu Ling, although I lost to you before, I have been working hard for the past few years. Today I will show you the results of my cultivation. !"

  Gu Ling laughed and said: "You weren't my opponent before, now you still want to fight with me?"

   Hearing this, the warrior of the Tyrannical Sect gave a cold snort, and then drew out the blade in his hand. The blade was constantly flashing with thunder and roaring constantly. The next moment, the power of thunder struck Zhao Yun.

With a contemptuous smile on Gu Ling's face, he gently raised the blade in his hand. Suddenly, a tyrannical sword aura pierced through Thunder, and bombarded the body of the Tyrant Sect warrior.


  The Batianzong warrior was immediately knocked out, almost in the blink of an eye, the Batianzong warrior didn't even have the opportunity to resist, so he was defeated by Gu Ling.

Seeing his own martial artist being blasted down, the elder of the Overlord said coldly: "Even if you can win, what about it? As long as we can win the next few games, we can give you the Cloud Leaf Gate Step on your feet!"

  The next player to play is Liu Hongyi.

  The martial artist of the Tyrant Sect that Liu Hong encountered was not strong, so he won the victory as he wished.

  The next game was Li Qiuyu, and Chen Xuan stared nervously on the competition stage.

  The name of the warrior sent by the Overlord Tianzong is called Wang Hongyi. He is the most tyrannical among the young warriors of the Overlord Tianzong, and he is also famous in the Yunye Empire.

   "Unexpectedly, only a little girl was sent over." Wang Hongyi mocked.

  Looking at Wang Hongyi and Li Qiuyu, he showed disdain.

   "Batian Sword Art!" Liu Hong shouted angrily, and directly burst out the most tyrannical attack. He had already urged the Tyrant Sword Art to the extreme, and a tyrannical aura rushed into the sky.

   Among the younger generation of fighters of the Overlord Tianzong, only Wang Hongyi can cultivate the Overlord Sword Art to the sixth level.

   Seeing Wang Hongyi’s attack, Li Qiuyu immediately condensed a tyrannical aura, and moved towards Wang Hongyi’s defense.

  Wang Hong showed a look of contempt, and a wild breath appeared around his body. The next moment, when Wang Hong raised his palm, a wave of thunder power suddenly appeared.

  Because of the thunder, Wang Hongyi's speed suddenly accelerated in the sky, and suddenly appeared beside Li Qiuyu.

  Li Qiuyu suddenly raised the sword in his hand, and a mysterious energy condensed in the white jade hand.


  Li Qiuyu directly bloomed out of his fascination, and the tyrannical air blade attacked Wang Hongyi.


  Several profound energy suddenly appeared in the sky, and a tyrannical air blade and sword energy collided together, making a huge noise.

   Just when they thought that Li Qiuyu was defeated by Wang Hongyi, they suddenly saw Li Qiuyu gently raising the blade in his hand, tapping his foot lightly, and waving the blade again, smashing Wang Hongyi's strength to pieces.

  Wang Hongyi had doubts on his face, and then showed disdain, once again waved the blade in his hand, and the power of thunder flashed in his blade.

  Li Qiuyu quickly waved the blade in his hand, and another air blade radiated from his scene and attacked Wang Hongyi.

   "I didn't expect you to be from the Li family." Wang Hong exclaimed.

  Li Qiuyu did not answer, and continued to attack Wang Hongyi, a series of Qi blades condensed in the sky, forming a tyrannical Ling Juejian Qi.


Ling Jue Jian Qi quickly attacked Wang Hong. Wang Hong showed mockery on his face and said to Li Qiuyu: "Although you are a member of the Li family, you can't help me with these Ling Jue Jian Qi. Comparing the speed with the power of my thunder, you are not qualified!"

  In a blink of an eye, Wang Hongyi's body suddenly disappeared. With the power of thunder, his speed was maximized, and he suddenly appeared behind Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu could not dodge and was knocked out one by one by Wang Hong.

  Li Qiuyu's cultivation base, after all, just reached the second stage of the seventh stage of the gods, facing Wang Hongyi who has reached the first stage of the late stage of the seventh stage of the gods, Li Qiuyu is obviously not his opponent.

  (End of this chapter)

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