Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2705: Return Li Lu's favor

  Chapter 2705 Returning Li Lu's favor

  At the same time, in the palace of Lu Yucheng.

  A young man wearing a dark black and purple robe stood in the middle of the palace, and beside him there were several middle-aged warriors in white robes standing up respectfully.

   "Lu Jiutian, Yunyemen is also a famous sect. If he is really expelled, I am afraid it will not be good for us!" said the middle-aged martial artist.

   "He is probably from there. If he is not expelled from the game, I am afraid he will cause trouble to me in the future." Lu Jiutian said.

   Hearing this, the middle-aged warrior suddenly said: "Since Lu Jiutian said that, then I will be the villain. Now I will expel Chen Xuan for cheating."

  The next morning, Chen Xuan received that he was disqualified from entering the game because he cheated in the game and used the power of the demon soul.

   Hearing this, Li Lu also showed an unhappy look, but he was helpless.

Several Yunyemen warriors suddenly cursed. Chen Xuan did not participate in the competition. The Yunyemen lost several games in the following games. Although the competition is not over yet, Chen Xuan is too lazy to continue in Lu Yucheng. Stay here forever.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at Lu Jiutian on the audience stage, and found that he was also looking at himself, and the city lord’s eyes showed killing intent.

  Chen Xuan remembered Lu Jiutian's looks deeply in his mind. Then he returned to the hotel.

  Last match Li Qiuyu was seriously injured, so Chen Xuan had some extra medicines in his hands, which he bought at the medicine shop.

  Chen Xuan delivered all these medicines into Li Qiuyu's mouth, and Li Qiuyu's expression immediately improved. Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan was a little relieved.

  After more than an hour, many Yunyemen warriors had finished the game and returned to the hotel. Li Lu had just arrived at the hotel, and Chen Xuan was the first one to look for.

   Li Lu showed a sad expression on his face, and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, Murongyan is okay, right?"

   Li Lu showed anxious expression on his face. This time he took the martial artist of the Yunye Gate to participate in the Qibang competition first, and he got the permission of the Dugu Sect Master.

  And now in the Yunyemen, Li Zhuoqun is also suppressing Li Lu everywhere. If Li Qiuyu is seriously injured, Li Lu will definitely be questioned by Li Zhuoqun.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said, "I just took some pills for Li Qiuyu to eat. Now, Li Qiuyu is no longer in danger of life."

  Li Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied: “Chen Xuan, I didn’t expect the Yunye Empire’s empire to do so well, disqualify you from the competition...

  Chen Xuan replied: "Li Lu, I'm fine, but how many games did Yunyemen win today?"

  Li Lu hesitated, and then replied, “Only Wang Lun won the game today.”

  Not being able to participate in the martial arts ranking contest has no effect on Chen Xuan. As long as he can steadily improve his cultivation level, he is not afraid of someone coming to play against him.

   "Elder, please take care of Li Qiuyu first, I have something to go out." Chen Xuandao.

  Li Lu, lightly nodded and said: "Go and come back quickly, and I think someone is targeting you now, so you must be careful!"

  Chen Xuan nodded heavily and said: "Okay."

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan came to Li Lu’s residence.

  Because of the Qibang competition, Li Lu also came to Lu Yucheng from Lu Yucheng.

  Chen Xuan met Li Lu in the Li Mansion. At this time, Li Lu was still making tea comfortably, so Chen Xuan directly found Li Lu and told him his thoughts.

As the elder of Lu Yucheng’s Li family, he himself has a considerable status, and the Li family is also the largest family in Lu Yucheng. Originally, he was still visiting old friends in the Qingling Sect, and now he has returned from the Qingling Sect. It was because of this arrogance to compete in the Yunye Empire, and at this time Chen Xuan also saw a familiar face, it was another city lord of Lu Yucheng.

  It can be seen from being with Li Lu that the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary.

  In the middle of the garden, Chen Xuan and Li Lu came to the middle garden together, and saw the young man enjoying the fallen leaves in a pavilion.

   "This is Lu Deyuan." Li Ludao.

After Chen Xuan saw it, he walked towards him.

   Apparently also saw Chen Xuan and Li Lu, so he greeted them both: "Two, please sit down."

After the old city lord stepped down, Lu Deyuan had the most hope of becoming a city lord, but Lu Jiutian would definitely not be convinced, so he calculated Lu Deyuan and asked him to fight with the Dragonblood tribe. He did not expect that Lu Deyuan would be killed by the Dragonblood tribe. The man was taken away, precisely because the war between the two empires had ceased, so he could now come back safe and sound.

The Li Mansion in Lu Yucheng is now a temporary residence. When Li Lu came to Lu Yucheng, he was the first to look for it. When he heard of returning from the Qing Lingzong, he hurried from Lu Yucheng to Lu Yucheng. .

   "We have something to find you this time." Li Ludao.

   had doubts on his face and asked, "I don't know what it is?"

   "I was expelled from the home game this time, I am afraid you know it too. I don't know if you can give me a chance to let me enter the Yunye Secret Realm." Chen Xuan whispered.

   Hearing the words, his expression changed slightly, and he turned his face to Li Lu.

  He thought it was Li Lu who told Chen Xuan about the Yunye Secret Realm, and there was an unpleasant color in his eyebrows.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly took a step forward and said to him: "Lu Jiutian, I know that the Yunye Secret Realm is not because of Elder Li, but because of Lu Jiutian."

   "It's actually him?" hesitated.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan told all the things that happened after he met Lu Jiutian in detail.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, he nodded slightly and said, "The third brother has indeed always wanted to compete with me for the throne, and he is also secretly drawing in the various sects in the Yunye Empire, but my current power has been squeezed out by him. In Lu Yucheng, if you want me to help you enter the Qibang competition, I am afraid I can do nothing."

Chen Xuan gently shook his head and said, "You also know that I have an extraordinary relationship with Elder Li. When I entered the Yunye Gate, it was thanks to Elder Li’s recommendation that I would not stand by Lu Jiutian. By the side, and I came to you this time not because I want to rejoin the Qibang competition, but because I have a request, I want to enter the Yunye Secret Realm."

   had doubts on his face and asked: "The Cloud Leaf Secret Realm is only open to people around the empire. If you want to join, you must become my guardian, and I also have a doubt. Why do you want to enter the Cloud Leaf Secret Realm?"

  Chen Xuan's face showed the killing intent, and said, "Killing."

   Hearing the words, his face showed admiration.

  He could hear Chen Xuan's words showing firmness, and he was full of anger at Lu Jiutian. Obviously, Chen Xuan was very angry at the expulsion of the Qibang contest.

  (End of this chapter)

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