Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2706: Second-level disciple Liu Hongyi

   Chapter 2706 Second-level disciple Liu Hongyi

At this moment, he looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. He knew that Chen Xuan had great potential. He would definitely become a strong one in the future, and if Chen Xuan could stand on his side, he would be more sure of fighting for the throne. .

"Well, since you said that, I will give you a chance to enter the Yunye Secret Realm, but the Yunye Secret Realm cannot be opened yet. As long as the Secret Realm is opened, I will definitely find a way to send you in. As for the people on Lu Jiutian's side , It's up to you." The man said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then left Li Mansion.

  Looking at the back of Chen Xuan leaving, he thoughtfully said: "Elder Li, what do you think of Chen Xuan?"

  Li Lu heard the words and said: "I have investigated Chen Xuan's identity a long time ago, but his origin is very mysterious."

  Having seen Chen Xuan's battle, he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was very powerful and his potential was very deep, and he was also a rare talent in the entire Yunye Empire.

  Even Lu Jiutian only dared to expel Chen Xuan from the game on the grounds that Chen Xuan fouled, but he did not dare to move the Yunye Gate.

After Chen Xuan was expelled from the competition, the second-tier martial artist of the Yunye Gate lost many victories. After the end of the Qi ranking competition, it was a competition between the martial artists, and even ranked in the entire Black Rock World. Renowned Liwei.

   Just when Chen Xuan was in the hotel, a warrior suddenly found him.

   "Are you Chen Xuan?" Martial artist asked.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and replied: "I am Chen Xuan, I don't know what's the matter with you?"

   "We have received the news that in Lu Yu City, the Zong-level alchemist of Modan Building has arrived in Lu Yu City. This is a great opportunity for you."

  Warrior left here after speaking.

Chen Xuan was slightly puzzled, and then thought in his heart: "I'm afraid this person was sent by Li Luhe. Now that the people in Modan Tower are on Lu Jiutian's side, I'm afraid they also want to get rid of the people in Modan Tower, no wonder Li Before the road, I would also have to remove the Zong-level alchemist in Modan Building. It turns out that he had made these plans before."

  So, Chen Xuan began to inquire about the whereabouts of that clan-level alchemist. In the evening, Chen Xuan put on black clothes, and soon came to a restaurant.

The   zong-level alchemist rushed over from Lu Yucheng specially, just wanting to appreciate the Qibang competition, but his life is about to end now, Chen Xuan has quietly approached him.

In the   restaurant, Chen Xuan has been looking at the alchemy grandmaster. The alchemy grandmaster's hair is red, very easy to identify.

In the middle of the night, the alchemy master walked out of the restaurant drunkly. Chen Xuan felt that an opportunity had come, so he drew out a sword directly. At the moment Chen Xuan drew out the Liaoyuan sword, a black figure suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, Murong porcelain was killed.

  Murong Ci had no time to shout, so he was hit by the sword of the black shadow in the heart, and a tyrannical spirit penetrated his neck.


  Murong porcelain's body slowly fell to the ground.

   "It seems to be dead." The black shadow went up to touch Murong Ci's heart.

  After killing Murong Porcelain, the black shadow did not stay for too long, and then disappeared.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan immediately concealed the aura emanating from his body. Close to Murong porcelain.

   But Murong Ci suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp blade suddenly stabbed towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan did not expect that Murong Ci was still alive. He was stabbed in the arm by his sharp blade, and blood flowed out of Chen Xuan's body.

   "Looking for death!" Chen Xuan shouted angrily, holding the Suzaku sword, directly inserted into Murong Ci's heart, burned his dantian with the Suzaku, and killed Murong Ci.

  Murong porcelain was killed, but the people in Modan Tower didn't know.

  At this time, Chen Xuan still remembered in his mind the young man wearing a black roe.

"That guy's cultivation base is really too tyrannical. With just one blow, he can actually kill the red robe middle-aged warrior. I'm afraid this cultivation base has reached the realm of the **** king, right? It is also tyrannical, and judging from his practice, this person is not from the Yunye Empire, he is probably from the Qingling Sect." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

After calming down, Chen Xuan felt some strange discomfort in his body, so he hurriedly checked his body.

  After a while, the pain on his body disappeared suddenly, so Chen Xuan hurriedly bandaged the wound on his arm.

  Murong Ci just used the pill to stop the heart and escaped the attack of the man in black, but he did not expect to encounter Chen Xuan's surprise attack again. Now Chen Xuan can make sure that he has killed Murong Ci.

  Murong Porcelain has a high status in Lu Yucheng's Modan Tower, but Modan Tower is standing next to Lu Jiutian. Chen Xuan kills them, and Lu Jiutian can reduce his cultivation.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan sent the news to Li Lu.

At this moment, in the Modan Building in Lu Yucheng, the Qingpao youth looked at the people with a grim expression: "We have been assassinated in the last few days, and now we have died three alchemy masters. If we can't get the murderer out If it comes out, then we will all be in danger!"

"Unexpectedly, this group of guys have already been staring at us, and they always act when we are alone. Our old guys have a good cultivation base, and there are also some powerhouses in the realm of the gods. But they were all killed by a single blow. That's how Li Juege was killed. What a pity, I still want to compete with him in alchemy techniques." The middle-aged martial artist said.

  The one who can kill the alchemy master in one blow must be the strong, the cultivation base can at least reach the realm of the **** king, and can also come and go freely in Lu Yucheng, ignoring the capture of the guards.

   "Sect master, now that we have provoked them, the most important thing is how to resist. I think there must be more than one murderer, otherwise they can't commit crimes in two cities at the same time." The middle-aged martial artist said.

   "I also have some suspicions. Several clan-level alchemists were killed in the first place, but Lu Yucheng will also be assassinated. I am afraid someone has enmity with us." The master of Modan Building said.

   "Could it be that those guys from Yudanfang are jealous of us?" said the middle-aged martial artist.

   "I don't think it is necessarily. Although those guys have a competitive relationship with us, they are not so bad. They should not be from the Yudanfang." The door of Modan Building said.

  In these days of competition, the whole Lu Yu City was surging. Except for the empires of various empires, no one knew that several alchemists of Modan Tower had been assassinated.

  After three days, the Qi ranking competition finally ended. Chen Xuan was disqualified from the competition, so Yunyemen did not get the first place in the competition. He won the Black Mist Sect and Qinglingmen.

  (End of this chapter)

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