Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2707: Qing Lingzong

   Chapter 2707 Qing Lingzong

As for the Qing Lingzong, this time I also participated in this competition because of the truce between the two empires. As for the sects behind, no one paid attention. The people of Qing Lingzong were in the Qi ranking competition a few years ago. There was a genius named Li Hong. His cultivation reached a very terrifying realm. He could reach the late stage of the Ninth Stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm at a young age. Even in the entire Black Rock World, I am afraid that no one can interact with him. In comparison, even Wang Lun's cultivation was only at the early stage of the eighth stage of the God Sovereign Realm. As for Chen Xuan, he had just entered the peak of the late seventh stage of the God Sovereign Realm.

After the   Qi ranking contest ended, Yun Yemen even though it entered the third place, but it dismissed the rewards.

The   qi list competition is just the beginning, and the following competitions between the various sect warriors are truly exciting competitions.

The competition between the sect warriors does not represent the sect, but to fight in their own name. Any warrior who can win the competition represents his own top few in the black rock world. Once he can enter the rankings The status of the ranking has naturally risen.

  And Chen Xuan has now been disqualified from the competition due to a foul, so he cannot participate in the Yunye Ranking.

Among the top ten in the Yunye List, only Wang Lun has hope among the Yunyemen.

  Gu Ling also has the opportunity to enter the rankings. The rules of the Yunye List are also very simple. Any warrior who can enter the Yunye List will not be more than 30 years old.

  Also it is extremely talented. The Cloud Leaf List represents the most outstanding talented warriors on the mainland. As long as they can enter the list, all warriors will do whatever it takes.

Decades ago, the Yunyemen had always steadily occupied an important position on the Yunye List. Almost among the first few, they were all martial artists of the Yunyemen, but in recent years, since what happened that year Since then, the Yunyemen has begun to go downhill, and there are very few Yunyemen warriors in the Yunye Bang.

  In each sect, the most powerful warrior will be sent to participate in the ranking of Yunyebang. Although Yunyemen is not very interested in external affairs, it also has a strong interest in Yunyebang.

  Being able to enter the Zongmen in the Cloud Leaf Ranking, it represents how strong the cultivation base of the Zongmen is. At that time, it will attract a large number of geniuses to enter the Zongmen, so Yunyemen will attach great importance to this game.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also followed Li Lu to the imperial tournament square to watch the Cloud Leaf Ranking competition.

Below the entire competition platform, countless warriors shouted at the drums of the warriors in their respective sects. The atmosphere on the scene was very lively. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the competition platform. Above.

  After seeing the appearance of the young man in white robe, his expression and Lu Jiutian's expression changed slightly.

  After seeing the young man, Chen Xuan asked Li Lu next to him in confusion, "Who is this person?"

  Chen Xuan felt that the young man in the white robe exuded a very powerful aura.

   Li Lu said solemnly: "His name is Yuwen Batian, he is a member of the Qing Lingzong, and he is also the number one in the previous Yunye List. His cultivation is very powerful."

Gu Ling next to him once again added: "I heard that when he was in the Divine Sovereign's Seventh Realm, he could kill the warriors in the Divine King Realm, and now that several years have passed, I am afraid that his cultivation base has become stronger. "

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and was very puzzled in his heart. He could feel the tyrannical aura radiating from Yuwen Batian, and he also knew clearly that he was not his opponent at all.

   "I have long heard that he is the strongest among the younger generation in the Dragon Blood Empire, and he deserves to be the number one on the Black Rock List." Chen Xuan admired.

The   Black Rock List is the most powerful ranking in the entire continent. If you can enter this list, it means that there are very powerful existences in the entire Black Rock world.

  He could feel that Yuwen Batian’s body released an unusually wild aura, and Yuwen Batian could release it. This aura invisibly suppressed the cultivators on the competition platform.

   "I didn't expect him to come." The City Lord of the Qing Lingzong laughed loudly.

After Yuwen Batian appeared, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became frenzied again.

  Next, each sect selected two warriors with the strongest cultivation base to compete for the Cloud Leaf Ranking.

  Chen Xuan only watched here for one day, and Chen Xuan didn't contact him in the next battle. He only knew that after a few days, the battle for the Yunye List was finally over. Moreover, the number of Yunye Ranking is now determined to be 30, and Yunyemen accounts for six.

If the Yunye Gate still cannot occupy a greater advantage, it means that no one is available to the Yunye Empire’s royal family. This is a problem that the empire’s royal family has been avoiding. Although this is just a battle for the arrogance, it is still being clouded. Many big sects in the Ye Empire are concerned, after all, other sects from other empires participated in this Qibang battle, especially those of Dragon Blood and the Qingling Sect.

  Qing Lingzong is a very different sect in the Yunye Empire. He is on the border of the Yunye Empire and is neither under the jurisdiction of the Yunye Empire nor the Qingliu Kingdom.

As for Wang Lun, he won third place in this competition. Chen Xuan discovered that Wang Lun used the exercises very powerfully and he practiced very quickly. In just half a year, Wang Lun’s cultivation level was just right. Having reached the ninth stage of the Divine King Realm, Wang Lun could fully reach the Divine King Realm in time.

Among the remaining warriors is Li Qiuyu. Since Chen Xuan asked Li Lu to refine the Five Spirit Pills and feed Li Qiuyu to eat, Li Qiuyu immediately opened up the spiritual veins in his body. The speed of cultivation increased significantly, only a few months later. At that time, Li Qiuyu's cultivation reached the late stage of the Seventh Realm of God Sovereign.

  This cultivation speed, even Chen Xuan might not be able to achieve it.

Li Qiuyu also participated in the Yunye Ranking this time, and he also ranked 30th in the Yunye Ranking. This is already a very good result. Being able to rank on the list represents Li Qiuyu’s cultivation. Has occupied an advantage among the younger generation of warriors in the Yunye Empire.

  As for the first position, it is still occupied by Li Hong from the Dragon Blood Empire. His cultivation is too tyrannical, and even Wang Lun is not his opponent.

  And the strength of the demon souls cultivated by the warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe is more powerful, and can even use the power of powerful monsters.

  As for, the Qing Lingzong has flourished in recent years, and has produced many geniuses with very strong cultivation bases, even in the Pantheon, they don't give a face.

  The battle for the Yunye List finally came to an end, and the two city lords in the Yunye Empire also began to secretly win over the warriors in the various sects.

  Although the various sects generally do not help other empires, there are always exceptions. In the Yunye Empire, there are tyrannical warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe, and even practitioners of the Dragon Blood Empire.

  At this moment, Li Lu suddenly found Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, I recently got news that the people in Modan Building are searching for my mansion, and they also heard that I have a relationship with people in the Alchemy Association, so now they are investigating us." Li Ludao.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, the people in Modan Building could not find the murderer, they would definitely find other soft persimmons, and the Alchemy Association became one of their targets.

  The Alchemy Association has been passed down in the Yunye Empire for hundreds of years, but in recent years it has also begun to decline. The emerging Modan Tower has gradually replaced the Yudanfang and began to dominate the entire Yunye Empire.

  So, Chen Xuan followed Li Lu to meet the grandmaster of the Alchemy Association in Lu Yucheng.

  After their discussion, Li Lu asked the Alchemy Association to fight back now, but he had to be careful of Modan Tower's plot.

  At the same time, in a hidden manor in Lu Yucheng.

  (End of this chapter)

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