Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2708: Cloud Leaf List

   Chapter 2708 Cloud Leaf List

Lu Jiutian looked at the young man in black in front of him and said to him: "Li Hong, I am afraid you know the purpose of my visit this time. You also know the time when the imperial family of the Yunye Empire passed on in the mainland. The longest, Lu Yucheng is also one of the oldest cities in the Yunye Empire, and Lu Yucheng has inherited a secret realm. As long as you can promise to be loyal to me temporarily, I will allow you to enter the secret realm. If you enter In the Yunye Secret Realm, I can guarantee that your cultivation will be upgraded to a level within a month!"

  The current cultivation base of the Qing Lingzong is very tyrannical, and Lu Jiutian naturally wants to win over the Qing Lingzong.

Not only Lu Jiutian of the Cloud Leaf Empire, but even the Yuchi Family of the Dragon Blood Tribe are beginning to win over outstanding warriors among the various sects. Li Hong's ability to win the championship on the Cloud Leaf Ranking naturally represents his different cultivation bases. Normal, and Lu Jiutian wanted to draw him to his side this time.

  "Cloud Leaf Secret Realm?" Li Hong asked.

   "Yes, the prerequisite for the Yunye Empire to select the city lord is to enter the Yunye Secret Realm for experience, and only those who come out alive are eligible to be the city lord of the Yunye Empire!" Lu Jiutian said in a deep voice.

Looking at Lu Jiutian, Li Hong said in a deep voice: "City Lord, it is not impossible for me to promise you, but I also have one condition. If I let you become the lord of the Yunye Empire, you will cede by then. A county for our dragon blood empire."

Lu Jiutian looked at Li Hong with a grim look on his face, and said, "Of course I can agree to your request, but you must guarantee my request. If it fails, I won't cede your dragon blood. empire."

  Li Hong believes himself: "I have won the Yunye ranking this time, do you still distrust me? It seems that Zishan County of the Yunye Empire is destined to be ceded to our empire, hahaha!"

   Hearing the words, Lu Jiutian gave him a gloomy look, and then stopped talking.

The imperial family of the Yunye Empire was once very powerful. It used to rely on the imperial power to integrate the large sects within several empires, and was attacked by various sects. But even so, the imperial family achieved great victories. Therefore, the support of the sect was lost. The sect that remained in the Yunye Empire has recovered its strength, but the imperial family is gradually losing ground. Even so, the Yunye Empire is still the strongest comprehensive cultivation base in the entire Black Rock World. Yes, although the Dragon Blood Empire has flourished in recent years and has won several wars, it has not yet been able to shake the status of the Yunye Empire.

  At this time, Lu Jiutian nodded his face, and thought to himself: "As long as I can be the city lord, I will rely on you alone, and I will not be held in the palm of my hand!"

  After the end of the battle between Qibang and Yunyebang, Lu Yucheng of the Yunye Empire calmed down again, all the sects returned to where they were, and most of the dragon blood tribes also returned.

  In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. Chen Xuan did not follow Li Lu and the others back to the Yunye Gate, but chose to stay in Lu Yucheng temporarily.

  In this month's time, Chen Xuan has been cultivating. He felt that his cultivation level was about to break through, but it was always the smallest difference.

   "If I can break through to the realm of the **** king, I will have greater certainty when I enter the Yunye Secret Realm." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

Li Qiuyu saw Chen Xuan whispering, so she stepped forward and said to him: "Chen Xuan, what are you muttering here alone? I think you have been cultivating these days, are you about to reach the **** king? Realm?"

  Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun did not follow Li Lu back to Yunyemen, but chose to stay in Lu Yucheng temporarily.

  Li Qiuyu has always followed Chen Xuan. As for Wang Lun, Chen Xuan didn't know why he stayed in the imperial capital, but the three of them stayed here temporarily, but they could take care of each other.

   "Is it too dull to practice? Why did you run out." Chen Xuan asked.

   "It's really boring. Why don't we call Wang Lun to visit the imperial capital. I haven't been here for a long time." Li Qiuyu said.

   "That guy Wang Lun probably won't go out with us. I'm afraid there are other things he stays in the imperial capital." Chen Xuandao.

  As they spoke, Wang Lun suddenly appeared.

  Wang Lun looked at them expressionlessly and asked: "Did you two talk about me just now?"

   Seeing Chen Xuan’s shocked expression, Wang Lun said afterwards: “It happens that I have been a little dull during this time, so why don’t we go to the imperial capital for a stroll.”

  Half an hour later, the three of them appeared in a prosperous area in the imperial capital. Chen Xuan suddenly felt a lively bang in front of him, so he walked forward.

   "What's there?" Chen Xuan saw a very huge building in the very center of the imperial capital.

Wang Lun walked over slowly, and said to Chen Xuan: "There is a duel field, and sometimes there are matches between humans and monsters. The dignitaries in these empires like to watch the duel between humans and monsters. , And even spend a lot of money on gambling."

The duel field in Yunye Luyu City is the largest in the entire Yunye Empire, and there are often battles between humans and monsters, or battles between monsters and monsters, and battles between people. , As long as you can afford the price, you can choose your beast to fight against other people's requirements.

  Of course, there are some lower-level spirit beasts among them, and those who can afford Warcraft are very high-value people.

   "What game is it now?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

   "Go ahead and ask if you don't know." Wang Lun said.

When the staff outside the arena heard this, they immediately said to them: "Do you want to choose a spirit beast to fight? Now the price of spirit beasts is very cheap, and there is an ongoing process between spirit beasts in the arena. You two are not in Lu Yucheng's duel, are you? Spirit beast duel between spirit beasts is not common, and you must not let go of this opportunity."

  Li Qiuyu blinked his eyes and asked: "Let the two spirit beasts fight?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu and said, "Are you interested?"

  Li Qiuyu nodded slowly: "Anyway, this time is quite boring, so why not buy a spirit beast, go in and relax."

  After that, the three of them walked into the playing field.

In normal times, the duel field can provide a battlefield for life and death, and it can also provide scenes of humans and monsters fighting, but in more cases, it is used as a place for two spirit beasts to fight against each other, precisely because of this, There is never a lack of people to watch in the arena.

  It took thousands of crystal nuclei before they entered the game field. Most of the people who can enter the game field are very rich.

   "Unexpectedly, there are so many people here." Li Qiuyu said.

  After seeing Chen Xuan and the others walk in, the staff quickly walked to the three of them, and respectfully said: "It’s probably the first time for the three to come to the stadium. You guys wear this brand first."

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan took three signs from the staff. The badges of the playing field were printed on the signs. Only when he got this sign, he could choose the spirit beast to fight.

   followed the staff to the spirit beast area and the beast area, Chen Xuan directly chose a beast.

At the same level, the beasts are more powerful than the spirit beasts, because the beasts use the crystal nucleus in the body to cultivate, while the spirit beasts use the crystal nucleus to condense the surrounding heaven and earth profound energy. In comparison, the beast's The cultivation method is stronger and more horizontal and closer to human beings.

After a glance, Chen Xuan found that many of the beasts’ cultivation had reached the second level of the god-sovereign realm. It can be said that these beasts are at the lord level in some small places, and there are many types of these beasts, and there are many of them. Chen Xuan has never seen it.

  There are many crystal nuclei in Chen Xuan's ring. Although these monsters are very expensive, they are not worth mentioning for Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Wang Lun and said to him: "How? Wang Lun, thanks to your help Li Qiuyu before, this time I'm here to treat, what kind of monster do you want to choose? Whatever you want."

  Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and slowly said: "That's right, if there is no big brother Murong, I am afraid that my injury will take a long time to recover."

  Wang Lun replied: "Don't be so polite, this is what I should do."

  Wang Lun was not polite at all, and directly chose the most expensive beast. The name of this beast was Xuanhuohu, and his cultivation even reached the fourth level of the realm of gods.

   Before the staff could speak to Chen Xuan, he directly took out a large number of crystal nuclei from the ring.

  Chen Xuan also saw the price of this monster, but he had promised Wang Lun, so naturally he would not break his promise.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan also carefully observed the type of this monster, and chose it with Li Qiuyu.

   "What do you think of this monster?" Li Qiuyu pointed to the monster and asked.

   "I think this monster is better." Chen Xuandao.

   "Then what do you think of this monster." Li Qiuyu said again.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw a monster staring at him.

  The body of this monster is very small, and it emits a blue blazing fire, and this monster is still chattering at Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan walked towards this monster.

   "It seems like I have seen the fire rat before." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

When    approached this monster, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the monster yelling at him.

  Hesitated for a moment, Chen Xuan finally chose this monster. This monster looked like a bird and very much like the fire rat that Chen Xuan had encountered before.

  However, the body of the monster in front of him is a bit larger, but his cultivation is not so tyrannical, it is only about the three levels of the realm of the gods.

  Li Qiuyu blinked and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, you like this little monster. Its cultivation base is really too weak. It only has the realm of God Sovereign. What do you choose him for?"

  Chen Xuan didn't know why he chose this monster, but he felt that he had a relationship with this monster, so he spent tens of thousands of crystal cores to buy this monster.

   "In this case, I also want a monster." Li Qiuyu suddenly said.

   Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly, and said to Li Qiuyu: "Then you go choose one."

  Li Qiuyu furiously picked a beast, and then the three of them rushed towards the beast area.

  After they came to the Colosseum area, they discovered how big the area of ​​the arena is. The entire area of ​​the beast beast was divided into blocks, which could accommodate dozens of beasts at the same time.

  Furthermore, in the fighting beast area, various areas are also divided according to the cultivation base, there are areas in the realm of gods and demons, and areas in the realm of gods.

  A tyrannical beast cannot enter an area lower than his own cultivation base, but he can enter an area stronger than his own.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the monster in front of him, revealing doubts.

   Just as Chen Xuan was about to ask, the voice of the warrior suddenly came over, and two monsters were fighting in front of them.

   "Kill him, kill him!" The warrior shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan is now in the realm of God Emperor. In a blink of an eye, a monster won the victory.

  The defeated Beast will end up miserably. Not only will it lose the right to freedom, but it is also very likely to be eaten by the opposite Beast.

  After seeing the defeat of Warcraft, the young man's face suddenly showed frustration, and the face of the warrior who won was full of smiles.

If the Warcraft can win consecutively, the owner can also get a large number of crystal nuclei as compensation. Moreover, as long as the Warcraft wins a certain number of consecutive rounds, it can be gifted by the game field with a technique that limits the ability of the Warcraft. Rely on this Cultivation methods can simply control monsters. For a warrior, he can gain the allegiance of a monster, and his cultivation will increase a lot.

"This ancient scorpion has won several games in a row. Up to now, there is no beast that can defeat this ancient scorpion. Do you think this ancient scorpion is a beast with a bloodline mutation?" A young man commented.

"I have been observing this ancient evil scorpion for a long time. This ancient evil scorpion is like no one in the area of ​​the gods. No other monsters are his opponents. I am afraid it is really a monster of ancient blood. , That guy is really making a lot of money, if he can win a victory with the ancient sha scorpion in his hand, he can get the beast control technique gifted by the duel arena, really enviable!" Young man said.

  (End of this chapter)

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