Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2723: Domineering defense

   Chapter 2723 Overbearing Defense

  Watching these warriors of the royal family begin to besiege him, Liao Huolang let out a roar. The huge body shook violently, Kaka's voice overflowed from her body, and at this moment a flame suddenly gathered from the body of the forest. Under the shining of the sun, these flames were especially dazzling, and the fire was scorched. The wolf's huge body was like a hill, and suddenly began to sway in the mid-air, as if an ancient soul beast rushed towards the royal family head of the royal family.

When the synonym of Patriarch Wang was on the body of the Singing Fire Wolf, only sparks were wiped out. The long sword that Patriarch Wang took out in his hand was definitely not a common-rank soldier, but it could not be used to destroy the body of the Fire Wolf at all. Pulling aside, this is enough to show how overbearing defensive power the Single Wolves have.

However, this aroused the fierce star of the Single Wolves. The powerful beasts roared in victory, and spit out a violent flame from the mouth. All these flames gathered in the sky. The sky was densely clouded and overbearing. The Singing Fire Wolf became a nightmare for all the Wang Family warriors. Even Chen Xuan, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help blinking. This kind of domineering lethality was simply not something that the Wang Family warriors could resist.

However, the Singing Fire Wolf is already deeply trapped in the Wang Family's formation. The Wang Family's formation is also a very domineering formation of the Wang Family. If it is trapped in the Wang's formation, it will be difficult for even a powerful Warcraft to rush out, after all. It is all the elders of the Wang family who have exhibited the formation of the Wang family.

The royal family is also a very old sect in the city lord’s mansion. Many of the elders of these royal families have reached the realm of the gods and are very overbearing. Therefore, the king's formation is also aggressive and aggressive. At the same time, In the Wang Family's formation, from time to time, fire-red long swords smashed into the fire wolf's body, but they still couldn't break the defense of the fire wolf.

The fire wolves have heavy scale armor. These armor pieces can withstand a lot of damage. They can't hurt the fire wolf's body at all. Many long swords are burned by his side before they are concentrated on the fire wolf. The burning flame was blown away.

And Chen Xuan also watched the white jade formation, trapping the legendary singefire wolf in the middle of the formation, and the singefire wolf in the middle of the formation launched a fierce charge again and again. Wanting to rush out from the formation, how could the Wang family's clan let this single fire wolf rush out, snorted, and then said to the elders next to him: "I don't know who wants to frame us. The Wang Family, that’s why the Singing Fire Wolf was brought over. We must not let that guy succeed. First, control the Singe Fire Wolf, otherwise our Wang Family would be in danger!"

Having said that, they all know that it is so easy to control the powerful beasts. Even Patriarch Wang does not have to be able to defeat the Singing Fire Wolf. Now they are only temporarily trapping this Singing Fire Wolf. In the formation, it is a matter of time that the Single Wolves want to rush out of the Wang Family's formation.

After all, the cultivation base of this scorching wolf has even surpassed the realm of the **** king. The most powerful king of the king family is only in the realm of the fifth peak of the **** king, although he can rise again with only one step, but He couldn't have the upper hand when facing the Single Wolves.

   Even if the Wang Family is not weak in the City Lord’s Mansion, it is difficult for them to deal with the ancient fierce beast like the Liao Huo wolf.

It is precisely because they are so close to the Singing Fire wolves. Although they were sometimes attacked by the Singing Fire wolves before, it is usually the warriors of the royal family who took the initiative to enter the **** of the Singing Fire wolves. If they don’t take the initiative to go. Provoking the Singing Fire Wolf, this ancient beast will not take the initiative to kill humans, but they now clearly see the Singing Fire Wolf attacking a human sect, which is very rare in the entire Yunye Continent.

  How could they know that they were deceived by Chen Xuan? Now, they still don’t know why the Fire Wolf attacked them.

At this moment, in a house in Wang’s house, a warrior looked nervously at the fire wolf in the sky through the window. He was the warrior who got the prince and the warrior from Chen Xuan. I also watched the golden Ganoderma lucidum in my hand, not knowing that this was the Ganoderma lucidum that caused trouble.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a crisp sound. Accompanied by this sound, he suddenly found a crack in the Wannian Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, and then bursts of golden flames rose from his hand. The flames in his hands began to keep few people, and after a while, these flames all gathered in the air, and directly rammed into the body of this warrior.

This king’s warrior’s cultivation was only in the early stage of the Ninth Stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Facing the overbearing flame, he actually directly threw the Wannian Ganoderma lucidum into the ground. A little unicorn ran out in the middle. This unicorn had not only domineering flames, but also a trace of thunder and lightning. It was obvious that this little unicorn was a hybrid monster.

  Seeing that the original Wannian Lingzhi was actually a prince and afterwards, this warrior opened his eyes.

   "Unexpectedly, we were deceived!" The warrior exclaimed loudly, but now the Liao Huo wolf is already attacking the Wang family, even if it is too late to explain.

But if he didn’t go out to explain, he was afraid that the entire Wang family might be burned, so the warrior of the Wang family hurriedly picked up the little monster on the ground and ran towards the outside of the door. At this time, he ran too fast. She almost fell from the ground, and then her body rose into the air and flew into the air.

Patriarch Wang was fighting hard with the Singing Fire Wolf, and seeing a warrior of the family hurriedly flying into the sky, he suddenly coldly shouted: "Hurry up, you are not the opponents of the Singing Fire Wolf. You must be a mess if you come up. !"

  The warrior hurriedly explained: "Master of the royal family, master of the clan! I know why the fire wolf attacked our royal family, it must be because of this little monster!"

This warrior was talking, and then he took a small monster from his arms. After seeing this monster, the singefire wolf became more violent, and there were faint golden circles in his body. Fiery flames, these flames rose up, constantly washing the sky, but only a few minutes later, the Wang Family Formation was broken, and several Wang Family elders were shot down to the ground immediately, spitting out their blood.

   Just now, in order to rush out of the formation, even at the expense of burning his own life, the Liao Huo wolf broke the Wang family formation. When the Liao Huo wolf rushed out, he immediately attacked the warrior.

  This warrior can only watch the Liao Huo wolf as if entering an uninhabited state, and a domineering flame pierced his body directly.


  The body of this warrior was pierced by a flame, and then her body slowly fell to the ground.

  Seeing this situation, Family Master Wang roared, but she was helpless, after all, this little monster did come out of their Wang family.

   "Hold on!" Family Master Wang hurriedly said to Liao Huo Lang.

Although   Liao Fire Wolf is also a monster, they are not ordinary monsters after all. As a monster of this level, they have already mastered the language of human beings.

"Humans, you and I do not offend the river water. You have set foot on my land again and again before, and I have closed one eye, but this time you are really deceiving people too much, and you directly took mine. The child was carried over, and now I must destroy your entire family, otherwise it will be difficult to calm the anger in my heart!" The Singing Fire Wolf roared.

Seeing this situation, the Wang family said: "It is estimated that this is a misunderstanding. We don't know that it is actually a prince and. If we know it, we will send it back to you. Now that you have seen your child, then Please go back, we will definitely bring a large number of crystal nuclei and apologize for you!"

The Singing Fire Wolf snorted disdainfully, and a burst of flame spewed out from his nose, but the Singing Fire Wolf was still unmoved: "Humans, you are so insidious and cunning, do you think I will still Will you be fooled? Today I must destroy your family and let you know how powerful it is!"

Ignoring Patriarch Wang, the Single Fire Wolf instantly condensed profound energy, and a domineering aura floated out of his body and attacked Patriarch Wang. However, Patriarch Wang originally thought that the Burning Fire Wolf would fade away from now on. Unexpectedly, the Singing Fire Wolf was in a rage and would launch a fierce attack on him. The other elders instantly stood up from the ground and gathered beside the Wang Patriarch.

A few people worked together to block the fire wolf’s attack. At this time, the family lord Wang sighed, and then said grimly: "I didn’t think that kid actually put us together. I thought I had brought back the Wannian Lingzhi for the elders. It's not ordinary, I can't think of it, it's a prince and!"

  An elder said: "The elders of the royal family, it is too late to say anything now, we can only block the attack of the fire wolf, and then we will find that kid to settle the account!"

Another overbearing aura appeared. Even if the Singing Fire Wolf attacked several elders of the royal family, one of the elders had not had time to react, and his body was burned by the flames of the Singing Fire Wolf. Qi Lin was on his body. This is not an ordinary mortal fire, its flame can burn everything in front of him, so the elder of the Wang family struggled a few times, but the flame was still burning in his body for more than ten minutes, this elder The body was burned to ashes.

  The Wang Patriarch showed a sullen look on his face. This was the first time that the Wang family had encountered such a big crisis. It was caused by others, but even he was helpless.

  After returning from the western part of Lu Yu Mountain Range, Chen Xuan went directly to see City Lord Lu.

  I only knew that there was a young girl in a lavender robe standing next to City Lord Lu. With a faint smile on her face, she watched Chen Xuan walk into the black blood sect.

   "Chen Xuan, let me introduce to you, this Lu Yuan is also my daughter." Lu Cheng said.

Chen Xuan held a fist to Lu Yuan, and then said: "City Lord Lu, now Wang’s family has been ravaged by fire wolves. I don’t think they will come to help the Black Blood Sect anymore in the near future. Now it’s for us. There must be many opportunities."

City Master Lu nodded slightly, showing an expression of appreciation to Chen Xuan: "You really deserve to be the one I like. You have done a good job with this matter. Now that the Wang family has been attacked by the Singing Fire Wolf, I am afraid that they can no longer mobilize enough power to help the Black Blood Sect. Now we have more chances of victory. As long as we can win against the Black Blood Sect, even the royal family will have to hesitate at that time."

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and replied, “The group of Wang’s people have had enemies with me. This time it is a lesson for them.”

After that, City Master Lu suddenly talked about Lu Yuan: "Chen Xuan, now the whole Lu Yu City is surging. Lu Yuan is my daughter. Now she is also facing many crises. The Black Blood Sect is even going to use her to threaten her. Me, so I want to send Lu Yuan to my brother, so you can go with me."

  A surprised look appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and he asked in doubt: "Do you know someone from the Black Blood Sect?"

City Master Lu replied: "Yes, the black blood sect's protector has some origins with me. He was a warrior of the Demon Wind Empire at the beginning. I met him when he first came here. Defeated, so I was honing my strength every day. I accidentally entered the Black Blood Sect at the end, but I didn’t expect that he was still in the Black Blood Sect. I heard that every guardian of the Black Blood Sect had established a stronghold in the Lu Yu Mountain Range. There is a stronghold in China, not far from us, only a few hundred miles away. He owed me a favor at the beginning. This time we went to ask him for help. If he is unwilling to provide information, we can only kill him. Up."

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan directly agreed, and then followed the City Lord Lu towards the direction of the Black Blood Sect.

  It took more than half a day, and they have rushed to the Black Blood Sect.

   Coming to the outside of the Black Blood Sect, Chen Xuan quietly looked at this huge Black Blood Sect, and knew that the Black Blood Sect had already begun to rise.

  (End of this chapter)

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