Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2724: Black Blood Lair

   Chapter 2724 Black Blood Sect Lair

  Lu Yuan showed a hesitant look, as if he had recalled something he didn't want to think of, but Lu Yuan didn't stand there anymore, followed the body of City Lord Lu, and walked into the Black Blood Sect.

  At this moment, City Lord Lu and Chen Xuan stood in front of the Black Blood Sect protector.

  The Black Blood Sect is the strongest family in the City Lord’s Mansion, and the strength of its Black Blood Sect protector is even more unfathomable.

"It turned out to be City Lord Lu. I didn't expect you to come here to find me. A few days ago, I heard that you were competing with others for the City Lord of Lu Yu. I didn't expect you to be on the throne of City Lord so soon." Black Blood Sect protector Dao.

   "Old friend! I haven't seen you for a long time, so I specially came to visit you this time!" Lu Chengzhu laughed loudly, and immediately opened his arms to embrace the Black Blood Sect protector.

   "Wait!" The Black Blood Sect protector said coldly.

   "What's wrong?" Lu Cheng said.

   "Brother Lu, I am physically inconvenient today. Please forgive me and sit down! Please forgive me if you don't entertain me well!" The Black Blood Sect protector said.

   Suddenly, several warriors came out from behind and placed some stools behind Chen Xuan and Lu Chengzhu.

  Chen Xuan quietly approached City Lord Lu, and whispered: "City Lord Lu, are you sure this person is on the side of City Lord Lu?"

  Since Chen Xuan came into the family, he thought that the black blood sect guardian of this black blood sect was very weird, but Chen Xuanye didn't dare to confirm it, so he looked at him suspiciously.

  After all, the Black Blood Sect

  At this time, the Black Blood Sect protector saw a girl behind Lu Chengzhu, and his face was surprised, "It turned out to be Lu Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I haven't seen you for a long time!"

  Lu Yuan laughed loudly and said, “This time we came to see you for an important thing.”

   "Oh? What's the matter?" The Black Blood Sect protector whispered.

  At this moment, City Master Lu suddenly said: "I came to you this time because I hope you can reveal to us the news of the Black Blood Sect."

   "What? You are really not afraid of death! You dare to come to this place! In the past, I don't care about you!"

  The Black Blood Sect protector said coldly: "Since you dare to come over, then I will kill you!"

   City Lord Lu was silent for a moment, and then left the Black Blood Sect with Chen Xuan and Lu Yuan.

   "Wait!" The Black Blood Sect protector suddenly said.

   "What's wrong? Since you are not going to help me, do you want to stay here for dinner?" Lu Cheng said.

The Black Blood Sect’s guardian stared at the city lord sullenly, and said: “Don’t blame me for being cruel. The Black Blood Sect is now different from before. You have nothing to do with the Yunye Empire. If you don’t obey me, I can only You kill, and then give your Xiangshang head to the Black Blood Sect, then I will be one step closer to resurrecting the adult!"

   "What!?" Lu Chengzhu asked in surprise.

   "Take it!"

  The Black Blood Sect's Black Blood Sect protector waved his big hand, and many warriors appeared behind his body, and then the warriors group surrounded Chen Xuan.

   City Master Lu yelled at this time, and then a ray of fierce full strength burst out from above his body, instantly shining into the restaurant, and immediately blasting out the warriors who had come up.

   "Unexpectedly, the strength of City Lord Lu was so overbearing." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart, this is the first time he has seen City Lord Lu take action.

  At this time, the Black Blood Sect’s guardian's face couldn't hang, he walked forward to hold the long sword in his hand, and stared at Chen Xuan coldly.

   "Since you want to stand on the side of City Lord Lu, don't blame me!" The Black Blood Sect protector instantly raised the long sword in his hand and commanded the warriors to surround them.

Chen Xuan gently waved the long sword in his hand and killed a warrior, but the next few warriors suddenly gathered around, watching the warriors attacking towards him, Chen Xuan slightly swayed his own. Profound energy in the body.

   "Vermillion Bird Sword Technique!" Chen Xuan yelled softly, and an astonishing mysterious force floated on top of Chen Xuan's body, gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword, and knocked out the bodies of several warriors.


  The strong arrogance that burst out turned into a burst of profound energy, knocking the two warriors in front of him into the air, but there was a trace of regret on the face of City Lord Lu, and said to Chen Xuan, "Boy! I'm looking for death!"


  A strong qi hit Chen Xuan's chest and knocked his body into the air.

   "Is this the strength of the Divine King Realm." Chen Xuan stroked his chest. If it weren't for his demon soul strength that had increased his body strength to the second level of Dao and Physique, I am afraid he would not be able to withstand the blow.

   "Chen Xuan! Are you okay!" Lu Chengzhu said nervously.

   Then he saw Lu Chengzhu jumping outside with his body, and Chen Xuan followed closely.

After going out, they fought together. Chen Xuan quickly gathered Wuhenzhen Qi in his body and waved at the warriors. These warriors were killed by Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye.

After seeing Chen Xuan killing these warriors, a trace of murderous intent was exposed on the face of the Black Blood Sect protector: "It is estimated that now you are no longer just a gangster. Those who dare to kill me, this kid is really tired of life. Up!"

  Chen Xuan smiled contemptuously, "I can't control that much, you are trying to provoke me, you are seeking your own death."

   "Kill him for me!" The Black Blood Sect protector roared.

The warriors next to    stopped to watch, and did not rush to siege Chen Xuan. These warriors also knew very well that their strength was not enough in front of Chen Xuan.

  So Chen Xuan just took a quick step forward and knocked out many Black Blood Sect warriors. These warriors thought that Chen Xuan's strength was nothing more than this, and Chen Xuan's displayed strength surprised them.

"Lord Lu, the name of this kid who followed you is called Chen Xuan! In the last clan competition, I saw his talent is excellent, but unfortunately he is now by your side, I can only give him to killed!"

   "You are dreaming!" Chen Xuan sarcastically.

  In a moment, the profound energy in Chen Xuan's body rose again, and a Suzaku innocent energy attacked several Black Blood Sect warriors.

  Even City Lord Lu looked at Chen Xuan differently, the profound and domineering that Chen Xuan just displayed, killed all the warriors in the blink of an eye.

   "Unexpectedly, your strength will increase again!" City Lord Lu exclaimed.

  Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and replied, "I can't think of Lu Chengzhu, your strength has reached the five-fold realm of the overbearing God King!"

The strength of City Master Lu is also very domineering. Chen Xuan stood in the same place and City Master drove his palm. Invisible profound energy appeared in the air, raging violently, and the roaring City Master Lu headed towards the black blood sect guardian. .

  Looking at the thick dark clouds that appeared in the sky. Chen Xuan immediately roared, the large black clouds were knocked away, and the billowing black profound energy faintly revealed a ray of sunlight.

This Black Blood Sect’s Black Blood Sect’s protector is also very overbearing. After a draw with City Lord Lu, after seeing that he could not block the Black Blood Sect’s protector, he turned to Chen Xuandao behind him: "You go first, I will then Go to you!"

   Chen Xuan had no time to react, so he hurried to flee outside the city. At this time, Chen Xuan could only rely on his profound energy perception to explore the things in front of him.

  Some warriors behind saw that Chen Xuan wanted to escape, waving the blade in his hand, trying to block his movement.

   But Chen Xuan just breathed out a little, and the Vermilion Sword Technique was activated instantly, knocking out the warrior who was in front of him.

   "Go, don't think so much!" Chen Xuan said to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan still hesitated very much, Chen Xuan then said to Lu Yuan: "Don't worry, your uncle will not be defeated. He will naturally come to us when the time comes. Let's leave here first, or wait until these warriors surround us. That's troublesome!"

  Seeing what Chen Xuan said, Lu Yuan followed him closely and fled towards the cave.

  A few hours later, Chen Xuan continued to display his profound energy and quickly walked towards Lu Yushan next to him.

  Lu Yu Mountain is located in the northern part of Lu Yu City, but now the Black Blood Sect has sent many people to hunt them down, and Chen Xuan now has to escape into this mountain range to avoid the pursuit of those warriors.

  At the foot of the mountain range, a quiet trail twists and turns, which seems to lead to the top of the mountain range, like a dragon dormant.

  Walking for more than an hour, Chen Xuan suddenly smelled a puff of medicinal fragrance coming towards him from afar, and Chen Xuan's body was slightly shaken.

   "What smell is this?" Chen Xuandao.

  Lu Yuan also showed doubts, and replied, "Or I will go ahead and take a look."

Chen Xuan's eyes were also puzzled, and he looked in the direction of the smell, and found that there was a house not far from them, and there was a house above the cave, and there was a floating above the house. Layers of smoke.

  The breath came from above the house. Standing in their direction, the scenery inside the house was beautiful.

   "Chen Xuan, let's be more careful. This is still the Black Blood Sect's sphere of influence... However, if I'm not mistaken, this place should be a powerful place." Lu Yuan said.

   Chen Xuan showed a hint of surprise, and said: "Who is it!"

   "I once heard that there is an elder of the Wanyan family here, but I am not sure if it is here." Lu Yuan said.

  Wanyan family?

  Chen Xuan had heard of this family. It was also a family of alchemy. Similarly, the Wanyan family was one of the big families in Lu Yucheng.

After more than half an hour, they then walked towards the front. The mountain was obviously getting angry. At the end of the house there was an old strange rock. The strange rock was very magnificent, just looking at it. Many feet wide.

  The house stood beside the mountain, and Lu Yuan had followed Chen Xuan and walked towards the house.

Just after stepping into the house, the scent became even stronger. When Chen Xuan walked forward, he saw that there were many spiritual materials growing on the side of the road. These spiritual materials were very strange in appearance, and they were obviously convenient. It is a miraculous herb that has grown for thousands of years, and there is even a willow garden pill in it.

   "Unexpectedly, I would encounter a Liuyuan Dan here. You must know that this Liuyuan Dan grows in the far north, so I can see it here!" Chen Xuan said in surprise.

  The value of Liuyuan Pill is very expensive. If it is placed in the city, it can also sell dozens of high-grade crystal cores for the price, but he did not expect to be touched by him casually.

   "The breath that comes out is so strange, let's go ahead and take a look." Chen Xuan then walked toward the front.

   Soon, Chen Xuan and Lu Yuan came to the house silently. Above the house, there was another scenery. The trees growing next to them were lush and lush, and the profound power of heaven and earth was also very strong.

  Not far in front, a warrior was talking to himself. He had been studying medicinal herbs nearby for several days, but he could not find what he was satisfied with.

   "I'm afraid this is a place for planting spiritual grass." Lu Yuan said.

  They saw a house inside this house, and in the center of the mountain top, an exquisite house stood there. This kind of scene was quite a paradise.

At this moment, a warrior was sitting in front of the house. This warrior was wearing a white robe and looked energetic. He looked dozens of years old. The long robe he wore was shining in the sun. It is very conspicuous.

   Chen Xuan can't see the front clearly now, but he can also feel the strength of a man in front of him is very overbearing, so he asked Lu Yuan next to him: "Who is that?"

Lu Yuan blinked, staring at the martial artist in front of him, and said to Chen Xuan: "If I guess right, he is an alchemy master cultivating here, and his name is Lu Yu. I heard that he has come to alchemy now. He is intoxicated and has a very weird character. We still don't want to provoke him and get out of here as soon as possible."

  Although Chen Xuan’s eyes were invisible, he could feel that the alchemy master hadn’t noticed them at all now, instead, he was staring wholeheartedly at a herb in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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