Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2727: Wanyan Jiude

  Chapter 2727 Wanyan Jiude

Wanyan Jiude also said: "Yes, when I was still in the north, I saw him discussing something secretly with a person next to me. When I saw me in the past, I changed to discuss other topics. At that time, I thought it was strange. , Why I’ve never seen him before, but based on his appearance, I can be sure that they are from the Black Blood Sect. These Black Blood Sect people never take the initiative to come to our City Lord’s Mansion. This time they send someone There are still many powerful and domineering geniuses who definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity to plant these people in the city lord's mansion. If they succeed, we will be in danger."

  The negotiation has progressed into the night, and the soft moonlight enveloped their faces.

  In the City Lord’s Mansion, everyone gathered around the table, discussing the plan, and they had gradually been able to guess the conspiracy of the Black Blood Sect.

Now the Black Blood Sect still occupies a great advantage. Now they have used a large number of corpses to refine the Gorefiends, and in the entire Black Rock world, there have been many Black Blood Sect protectors. The strength of these Black Blood Sects is strong. Very fierce, even some of the Black Blood Sect’s guards have reached the realm of the **** king, and this strength has far surpassed ordinary families.

  I couldn’t see anything to discuss, so Lu Chengzhu said, “It’s not too late. No matter how we discuss it, we have no clue. We can only cover it with water, and the soil will block it in the future.”

   "It's not too late, let's rest first."

   "Then I will leave first!" Lu Cheng said.

  There were two old men in green robes who followed Lu Chengzhu. Seeing that Lu Chengzhu had already left the house, two black-robed old men slowly followed behind.

The strength of these two elders is very domineering. One of the black-robed elders has reached the fifth level of the Divine King Realm. As for the other elder, even Chen Xuan can’t tell what realm his cultivation has reached. .

  Seeing that City Lord Lu had just walked out the door, Wanyan Jiude also bid farewell to them and returned to the resting place.

   Immediately afterwards, Lu Chengzhu looked at Chen Xuan and asked, “Chen Xuan, things have happened one after another recently, I don’t know if Wanyan Jiude is on our side.”

"I still thought he was a bit weird, but we still can’t make any decisions at will. If he turns back then, we will definitely face a lot of danger. After all, he now has a lot of information about us. I hope he will stand by us. Here it is." Chen Xuandao.

   Chen Xuan couldn't determine this matter casually, but Chen Xuan always thought that this matter was not that simple. The City Lord Lu, who had just met at the beginning, encountered Wan Yan Jiude in the middle of the journey.

"Let’s not talk about it, your current cultivation is close to the realm of the **** king, and you have reached the ninth stage of the **** king realm. If you can really rise to the realm of the **** king, we will be even better. After all, our strength can There are only these few people who have reached the realm of the **** king. In addition, you still practice the Vermillion Bird technique. This can make your cultivation level more domineering. By the way, Chen Xuan, I think you have mastered the Demon Soul now. Mysterious, but you must be careful. If you fail to succeed, you will probably ruin your own cultivation base. After all, the realm of the **** king is a watershed. Only when you reach the realm of the **** king can you be able to master the method of the demon soul." Lu Cheng said.

   "I have been cultivating the method of the demon soul recently. If I succeed, I will be able to break through to the realm of the **** king." Chen Xuandao.

"If you want to master the demon soul, I am afraid that it is not so easy. I used it for several years to advance to the realm of the **** king, but your talent is much higher than mine. I don't know how much you can use. Promote to the realm of the **** king for a long time." Lu Cheng said.

"I'm going to hunt the beasts again. I feel that the power of the demon soul in my body will soon increase. The demon soul I cultivate is the soul of the ancients, and it will not have deep side effects on my body. If I can rely on it With the power of this demon soul, I can ensure that when the demon soul is condensed, I won't lose my cultivation base because of it." Chen Xuan slowly said.

  City Master Lu slowly nodded, and then said to Chen Xuan: "I hope you will succeed. Our plan this time still needs you very much."

After a while, Lu Chengzhu said: "Chen Xuan, if you want to master the demon soul, you must also figure out where it came from. I have heard about the method of the demon soul ascending to the realm of the **** king. Let me tell you." Lu Cheng said.

  "What did you hear? Do you know the origin?"

"In the early years, I also condensed the demon soul, but the cultivation of the demon soul will have some side effects on the body. If you want to promote to the realm of the **** king, you must imagine yourself as a king, otherwise it will be difficult to promote to the gods. The realm of the king, the realm of the king of the gods is a watershed for cultivators. Being able to enter the realm of the king of gods will increase your life span by hundreds of years. It also fully shows that you have surpassed most ordinary cultivators. In our City Lord's Mansion, people who can reach the realm of the God King are not in the majority, and even in the entire Yunye Continent, there are very few people who can reach this realm." City Lord Lu said slowly.

   "That's it." Chen Xuandao.

After a while, City Lord Lu then said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, if you want to condense the demon soul, you can also try to surpass the strength of your body. If you surpass the dao body, it is very likely that you will be condensed. Demon soul, it happens that you are still cultivating a demon soul, and the demon soul is just capable of tempering the strength of the cultivator’s body. Why don’t you take advantage of these few days to hunt down a few beasts and see if you can surpass the realm of Taoism. If we can surpass the realm of Taoism, then our odds of winning will be much improved."

   "Does it mean that I want to be promoted to the realm of the **** king, but I have to make the body strength surpass Dao body?" Chen Xuan asked.

To know that an ordinary cultivator has reached the realm of the **** king, his body strength does not have to be able to reach the level of the immortal body. After the surpassable Dao body, the body strength must be able to reach the immortal body, a cultivator who can enter the realm of the immortal body. Not much. If Chen Xuan wants to reach the immortal body, he will have to put in a lot of effort.

"I'm just guessing, but I don't dare to go down to the Analects. You must pay attention to the demon soul when you cultivate. Although the demon soul can greatly increase your physical strength, this power will definitely have some side effects. You should People who have seen the dragon blood tribe, although the cultivators of the dragon blood kingdom are very strong, they have a fatal weakness. These dragon blood tribe warriors cannot mobilize the whole body's true energy, although they can pass the power of the demon soul , To mobilize the profound energy between heaven and earth, but their Dantian is very weak. Because of this, the number of strong people in the Dragon Blood tribe is far less than that of other nations." Lu Cheng said.

  "My demon soul was also discovered in a secret realm. The side effects of the power of the Vermillion Bird are very small. I am afraid that there are not many people who cultivate this demon soul." Chen Xuan replied.

In the past few days, Chen Xuan also learned of his origin from City Lord Lu. It turned out that he was separated from the Black Blood Sect and brought a lot of information to City Lord Lu. It is precisely because of this that the Black Blood Sect is in the City Lord’s Mansion. Will greatly reduce the strength of the country.

  At the beginning, City Lord Lu wiped out many of the remnants of the Black Blood Sect. It was precisely because of this that he was able to sit in this position.

"Chen Xuan, you must not tell anyone about this matter. If you get in touch with the power of the Vermillion Bird in the secret realm by others, it is likely to attract the attention of those strong, especially the dragon. People of the blood tribe, although we are currently teaming up with the dragon blood tribe, if the dragon blood tribe knows that you are cultivating the power of the Vermillion Bird, they will definitely have ideas about you. After all, the dragon blood tribe is also now because they can’t practice. Distressed by the power of the dantian." Lu Cheng said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly and replied: "Of course I know, and only you know this."

  Chen Xuan trusted Lu Chengzhu very much, after all, Lu Chengzhu helped Chen Xuan a lot.

  A quiet night, with a cold wind blowing, and a quiet and desolate moonlight shrouded, after a night?

  At this moment, Chen Xuan just opened his eyes, and he thought a lot. Regarding the city lord mansion and the promotion to the realm of the **** king, he involuntarily turned his body on the bed, and finally decided to get up and find Yan Jiude.

  What happened recently made Chen Xuan think it was very unexpected. Since reaching the bottleneck, his temper has become a lot more violent.

  In addition, what Chen Xuan cultivates is still the power of the demon soul, and he has absorbed the blood of many monsters, and that violent desire always fills his body in an instant.

  When Chen Xuan came to Wanyan Jiude’s residence, he found that he was no longer there.

   When asked where the Taoist warrior Wanyan Jiude had gone, he also said that he didn’t know. Chen Xuan thought he was going to deal with other things, so he didn't ask any more questions.

  At the same time, the two masters of the first realm of the black blood sect had already rushed towards Lu Yucheng, and the speed was not slow. It is expected that they will come to Lu Yucheng in two or three days.

This news was still told by Yan Jiude that, no matter what, Chen Xuan will face off against the two masters. He has privately decided to temporarily save the City Lord’s Mansion. Now City Lord Lu’s body is injured, I am afraid that it will be within a month. It can’t be recovered. Once things go wrong, it’s hard to tell.

"Although City Lord Lu has sent people to guard the City Lord's Mansion closely, people who don't have the Black Blood Sect will not come and sneak attack. It is estimated that I must condense the demon soul and raise the cultivation base to the realm of the **** king." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart. .

   Just as Chen Xuan was thinking, a person from the City Lord’s Mansion came next to him.

   "Where did you go just now." The martial artist said.

   "I took a trip outside the city." Chen Xuan replied.

   "That's right, Wang Lun wants to see you." Wu Zhe said respectfully.

Chen Xuan’s identity in the city lord’s mansion is already very special. Everyone knows that he has received the respect of the city lord. Although he is only a B-level martial artist and has not entered the Yunyemen's aura, everyone knows him alone. His cultivation was unfathomable, and he also mastered a mysterious technique that was rarely seen in the entire Yunye Continent.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then followed the warrior to the top of Wang Lun's residence.

On the top of Wang Lun’s residence, there was a young man wearing armor. This was a warrior in the city lord’s mansion. Chen Xuan had also heard of him at the beginning, and his cultivation level had reached the seventh peak of the realm of gods. Chen Xuan faintly remembers his name as Li Lingwei.

  Since Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were on the side of City Lord Lu before, both of them have been appreciated by the City Lord, and now Wang Lun even has his own residence in the Yunye Gate.

  Although the Yunye Gate was established in Lu Yucheng, the main base of the Yunye Gate was still in the Yunye Imperial City. As for the Lord of the City, he was the Yunye Royal Family, and he had to give the Dugu Gate Master a bit of face.

   After all, the Dugu Sect Master can be regarded as the most powerful in the Yunye Empire, also known as the emperor of the Yunye Kingdom.

   "Anything?" Chen Xuan asked after seeing Wang Lun.

   "Chen Xuan, I said that the Black Blood Sect must have this idea, and the speed of their expansion is really too fast." Wang Lun said.

   "What have you done these past few days?" Chen Xuan asked.

Wang Lun sighed: "Oh, I'm all to blame. The Black Blood Sect sent people over. I wanted to kill their people halfway. I didn't expect one of them to have such a domineering cultivation base. I was afraid it was from the Black Blood Sect. After getting the consent of the Black Blood Sect, people will definitely attack us. Now, this kind of thing happened when the Lord Lu just returned to Lu Yucheng, but I only have the peak of the mid-ninth stage of the Divine Sovereign realm. Thanks to you here, otherwise we The danger is much more serious!"

  Chen Xuan was very surprised. He didn't expect Wang Lun to take someone to attack the people of the Black Blood Sect without authorization.

If he really killed the people of the Black Blood Sect, that would be fine. He didn't expect that it would not happen by chance. On the contrary, it would deepen the contradiction. The people of the Black Blood Sect must know that Lu Chengzhu sent someone to kill them halfway. The Upper Black Blood Sect is now also thinking of ways to eradicate City Lord Lu and control Lu Yucheng. If the people of the Black Blood Sect really succeed, I am afraid that they will be destroyed by the time.

  (End of this chapter)

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