Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2728: Start the game

  Chapter 2728 Start the game

   Back home in Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan went to prepare to buy some medicinal materials. He heard that the Pantheon had been uniting people from various families recently, so the Lord Lu was very uneasy.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan saw a warrior from the Hua family come to Lu Yucheng. It is said that this warrior's cultivation has now reached a very terrifying state, and his name is Hua Yuanhong.

But after Hua Yuanhong saw Chen Xuan, he didn't seem to put him in the eyes at all. Although Chen Xuancai emerged in the last sect competition and also has very strong strength, Hua Yuanhong does not think Chen Xuan Xuan is comparable to him.

"Chen Xuan, this time I have specially ordered the patriarch to come to you. I am afraid that in the Lu Yucheng martial arts competition in a few days, I will have a battle with you. Then I will see how many catties you have. , Can actually get the attention of the patriarch." Hua Yuanhong said of course.

   "Then you can see how I defeated you." Chen Xuan replied.

Hua Yuanhong said coldly: "Chen Xuan, don't be too arrogant. If it weren't because you are still in Lu Yu City, I can kill you in minutes. It's a pity that this is the imperial capital, but in the Secret Realm of Azure Clouds. I'm not so lucky. Once I run into you in the secret realm, I will go and walk you Chen Xuan's head and show you some color!"

Chen Xuan knew that this Hua Clan martial artist was very powerful and might even reach the late emperor realm. But it was because Chen Xuan recognized this that he unscrupulously refuted Hua Yuanhong. He thinks he is not the opponent of this Hua family warrior, but he believes very much that as long as his cultivation level can be raised to the early stage of the **** king realm, then let alone Hua Yuanhong, even if the patriarch of the Hua family comes in person, Chen Xuan is also sure to deal with him.

Hua Yuanhong's status in the Hua family is also very high, and his cultivation level is also very strong. How can he be ridiculed by others like he is now, and suddenly a wild aura emerged from Hua Yuanhong's body, Chen Xuan felt a powerful aura suppressing his body. Hua Yuanhong quickly gathered the spiritual power of Heaven and Earth, and began to oppress Chen Xuan's body. He wanted to teach Chen Xuan a lesson, and realized the powerful spiritual power.

  Chen Xuan's pupils turned sharply, and then his breath exploded in the blink of an eye near him, so he said in a deep voice, "Do you think you are still my opponent now."

  Hua Yuanhong heard Chen Xuan's words, his face changed drastically. His heart became even more angry, so he said coldly, "Chen Xuan, are you trying to find death?"

  Chen Xuan showed disdain for her, then looked at Hua Yuanhong with a mocking look and said: "I bet you don't dare to do it here."

  After all, this is Lu Yucheng, he must weigh and weigh if he wants to do something against Chen Xuan. Hua Yuanhong 04 is constantly changing, but in the end he has reduced the spiritual power in his body, but his pupils are still unabashedly filled with strong killing intent, looking at Chen Xuan, and slowly saying: "I advise you not to Too rampant, don't let me meet you outside Lu Yucheng, otherwise I will make you look good!"

  Chen Xuan chuckled lightly, and after seeing Hua Yuanhong leaving, Chen Xuan passed it slowly. Here, he said to Princess Ouyang next to him: "I'm sorry, this person is here to trouble me."

   Princess Ouyang slowly shook his head and replied: "It doesn't matter."

   Then they walked towards the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion. go with.

After returning to Lu Yucheng, a black-robed warrior suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, our family chief said, if you don't stop, don't blame us for being rude."

  The black-robed warrior left here after speaking, leaving Chen Xuan behind, showing a curious look.

  "Who is the head of their clan?" Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking in his mind who he had recently provoked.

  Unable to think of anything, Chen Xuan went to the City Lord’s Mansion and saw Lu Jiuyuan.

  "Chen Xuan, the Chinese family in Lu Yucheng is planning to hold a competition in Lu Yucheng recently. I have just arrived in Lu Yucheng. I am afraid that these people came to embarrass me. I am afraid that they have deliberately tested this competition."

  Chen Xuandao: "Lu Jiuyuan, these families are all forces in Lu Yucheng. They are used to arrogance and extravagance. They are dissatisfied with your desire to reform market distribution."

  Lu Jiuyuan sighed and said, "I never thought about it, but Qingyun Kingdom is too rotten now. I want to shake their interests. These families will definitely do it right with me."

   "Lu Jiuyuan, leave this to me. Today, I also saw a black-robed warrior's plan to persuade me not to stop them. I'm afraid it was sent by someone from the Hua family." Chen Xuan thought.

Lu Jiuyuan whispered: "It's a pity that I don't have the right to mobilize the Yunye Gate of the Empire. Now Lu Yucheng's defensive spirit has been transferred to the north to guard against the Dragon Blood Tribe. Now the only thing I can rely on is you. The city lord who went to Lu Yu City must now think of every means to make me stupid."

  A few days later, Chen Xuan represented the city lord’s mansion to participate in the contest of various races in Lu Yucheng.

   said it was a martial arts contest, that is, the younger generation of warriors in these families. Most of these people are hovering around the ninth level of the realm of gods. For the current Chen Xuan, there is some certainty to deal with them.

  The next morning, after Chen Xuan got up, he walked in the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion.

  At the same time, Wang Lun saw that Chen Xuan had left the Cloud Yemen early, and he didn't even say hello. He was curious, but he was about to break through his cultivation level, so he didn't follow.

   Chen Xuan, who left the Yunye Gate, took more than half an hour to get to the outside of Lu Yucheng, immediately proved his identity, and walked into Lu Yucheng.

  The Yunye Gate was built in the Lu Yu Mountains next to Lu Yu City. With Chen Xuan’s current cultivation base, it only takes half an hour to reach it.

  As soon as he entered the city lord’s mansion, Chen Xuan saw many people wearing wide robes and big sleeves. These people were all well-known family businessmen in Lu Yucheng.

  After seeing Chen Xuan, Lu Jiuyuan walked over with a smile of joy. Come and say to him: "Chen Xuan, these people are my confidantes. This time the competition is up to you."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and replied: "Lu Jiuyuan is relieved, most of these people are the cultivation bases of the ninth level of the gods, and I am sure to deal with them."

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked over and said to Lu Jiuyuan with a smile on his face: "My lord, I didn’t expect that you just became the city lord, and you didn’t even have a decent subordinate. I would not have held this martial arts competition after I knew it , Lest the city owner lose face."

  Lu Jiuyuan laughed and said, "Don’t say that, the Chinese chief. Firstly, this competition represents my city lord’s mansion. Secondly, you can get to know each other. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?"

  Chen Xuan stared at the patriarch surnamed Hua, knowing that he had some pivotal status in Lu Yucheng, and that he had something to do with Huaquan Hong Zhuoqun. In Lu Yucheng, no one would not give him face.

   "Well, let's not gossip. With my ability, it is still possible to mobilize these families and hold a competition." Patriarch Hua finished speaking and walked to the vicinity of the playing field.

  This sentence made it clear that Lu Jiuyuan, who had just become the lord of the city, had no cultivation base to mobilize these families.

  Although Lu Jiuyuan is the lord of the city and the royal family of Qingyun Nation, the number of Yunye royal family is too large, and Lu Jiuyuan is not considered the top among the royal family members.

"Don't say much. For the first time, I want to learn from the Lord City Lord, and see if your people can protect my Lu Yucheng from safety." After the Chinese chief said, a black-robed man rushed to the competition stage. on?

  As soon as Hua Yuanhong rushed up, everyone held their breath and was very nervous.

   "Chen Xuan, his name is Hua Yuanhong, and his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the realm of gods." Lu Jiuyuan whispered beside Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and jumped to the top of the competition platform.

Hua Yuanhong looked at Chen Xuan contemptuously, and said: "You are called Chen Xuan, right? I have heard of you. You are a martial artist of the Yunye Sect, but you are only ranked at level C, and you didn't get the air ranking. , To deal with you, it seems that I don’t need to use my full strength at all."

Chen Xuan sneered. This Hua Yuanhong was too confident. He thought Chen Xuan was still a Grade C martial artist. He didn't know that Chen Xuan had already become Grade B. He even reached the ninth level of God Sovereign Realm. Chen Xuan just dismissed it.

  "Try my trick, Flowing Cloud Swordsmanship." Hua Yuanhong yelled, his sword blade painted a big spiritual ripple, and it slammed into Chen Xuan's body.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan took out the Liaoyuan sword, and the power of the Vermillion Bird was burning on his body.

   But Chen Xuan raised his hand with a sword aura. This long sword actually flew Hua Yuan Hong Lian with the sword.

  Hua Yuan Hong spit out a mouthful of red blood and fell off the court.

  Everyone is quiet and silent.

   is actually just a trick.

  Everyone showed a look of shock.

  After seeing him being beaten out, Chen Xuan walked slowly to the edge of the competition stage and turned towards Hua Yuanhong, who was lying on the ground and was badly injured, and said: "It seems that you are not my opponent at all..."

  Hua Yuanhong choked in his throat several times, but he didn't say a word, and there was blood in his mouth.

  Many young warriors from all major families looked at each other, but they didn’t react after a long time.

  In addition to the Hua Family’s first defeat in the City Lord’s Mansion, the other families also have to learn from each other. The next game is still very long. Chen Xuan directly closed his eyes and slowly realized the power of the Vermillion Bird.

  If he uses Suzaku's soul to use the power of Suzaku, he can increase his spiritual power in an instant. That is, the nine layers of the realm of gods. This is currently stronger.

   But the price of doing this is also very high, that is, it will burn a lot of spiritual power quickly.

  Therefore, unnecessary consumption must be reduced during the battle, and the use of Suzaku's soul must be avoided.

  In the next game, Chen Xuan didn't watch it once, and he didn't care.

   However, it is worth mentioning that the Hua family has produced a tyrannical genius, Hua Quanliu. He does not have a super-high cultivation base, but his talent is very high.

  As long as the higher the cultivation base, the greater the potential of the warrior.

Although Hua Quanliu doesn't possess super-high cultivation base, his talent alone is now the envy of everyone.

  Unsurprisingly, as early as three years ago, Hua Quanliu of the second layer of the realm of Gods defeated his opponent by an overwhelming advantage.

   Soon, this day's competition is now over.

  The game continues on the second day, and the warriors of all families will be drawn for the second round.

  Chen Xuan also drew an insignificant figure and won, while the competitions of other warriors no longer have the freshness.

  All the warriors of the family, dozens of people were eliminated, and a few people remained. Among them, Chen Xuan won the promotion.

  That afternoon, the third round of the knockout round was slowly and successfully ended. Forty people were eliminated, and forty people were left. Chen Xuan still advanced.

  These forty people are now definitely able to enter the Qi list.

   However, it is worth mentioning that Chen Xuan's several games ended with one sword. And the sword in his hand has never been really used.

  Everyone looked forward to it very much, and was very puzzled. They wondered whether Chen Xuan had lost his luck, or whether he was really strong in his cultivation.

   Obviously, after a few games, Chen Xuan made everyone and all the warriors lose their money, and the biggest winner was the city owner.

  But now, that is, the next period of the game, it really ignites everyone's blood.

  Because of the competition during this period, it is the top ranking competition. And the rules of the game are very exaggerated.

  Lu Jiuyuan stood on the martial arts stage and raised a finger: "During this period, the first few warriors will have a wheel fight."

  After hearing it, the martial artist's exclamation sounded deafening.

  Lu Jiuyuan waited for a long time, and when the scream went down, he continued to say to the people: "If this is the case, then we will vote for a martial artist from the major families, and the first one will stand on the martial arts platform."

   "After that, other warriors will take the initiative to challenge. If the first warrior wins, he will stay on the competition stage and continue to meet the challenges of others until he fails or until he wins."

  (End of this chapter)

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