Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2729: Family also has to compete

  Chapter 2729 Family also has to compete

  Everyone screamed in surprise, and the blue veins on their foreheads bulged out.

  This kind of rule is clearly aimed at Chen Xuan, and everyone knows who they will vote for first.

They don’t believe that Chen Xuan is their opponent. The competitions held by Lu Yucheng’s major families will also attract many people to bet. After all, these major families will hold competitions every three years. It is Lu Yucheng's air ranking.

The   Qi ranking will change at any time, but there are many people who are unwilling to be on the Qi ranking. At the same time, there is still no one who supports Chen Xuan.

  The warriors of the major families who had lost money before did not hesitate to put more bets on them, however, they just gambled on Chen Xuan's death.

   "Alright." Lu Jiuyuan glanced at Chen Xuan, then clapped his hands: "Alright, Chen Xuan is playing as our city lord mansion this time, and I personally press Chen Xuan's body."

   Soon, after Lu Jiuyuan announced the result of the voting, the atmosphere on the scene exploded in an instant. Everyone shouted and roared

  Lu Jiuyuan nodded: “According to Lu Yucheng’s ancient rules, bets will be placed during the competition. This time I will buy myself to win.”

  Everyone screamed, but Chen Xuan always had a cold expression.

  In the dark, the city lord observed Chen Xuan silently, and he kept nodding his approval: "No matter what Chen Xuan's level is, he is worthy of appreciation for his unchanging concentration."

   "Okay." At the edge of the martial arts stage, Lu Jiuyuan clapped his hands for silence, and said, "Next, it's up to me."

  Someone under the "I" stage raised their hands in anger, and a martial artist in the late stage of the gods leaped on the stage of competition.

  The other warriors held their shoulders to watch. The stronger the cultivation base, the more they want to appear later, which shows how extraordinary their identity is.

  The warrior turned on the stage and said: "My name is Li Quan."

  Chen Xuan shook his head: "Don't talk nonsense, talk more is useless, do it."

  The warrior suddenly became angry. He held the sword in both hands, and his spiritual power was injected into the hilt, and the blade slowly trembled slightly.

   "Sure enough, it's different from the previous game. He has a very strong cultivation base." Chen Xuan stepped out with a light smile, and the Suzaku's spiritual power surged in the dantian.

  Spiritual power was injected into the blade, the long sword swept out, and the warrior and the sword flew out of the competition platform with a boom.

  The end of a sword.

   "It's still a trick." A warrior said in surprise.

  This time the competition of the major families was selected in the City Lord’s Mansion, so it was Lu Jiuyuan himself who presided over the competition. At this moment, he showed admiration to Chen Xuan, and immediately watched another Wang family warrior jump up.

However, Chen Xuan still shot him down under the martial arts stage without much effort. At this time, there was still a burst of ice and fire burning on the body of the martial artist. Chen Xuan gently raised his arm, and the Suzaku fire immediately gathered on his body. .

  Lu Jiuyuan was a little bit unable to react, and after a shock, he said: "Chen Xuan wins."

   "I" another warrior jumped onto the martial arts stage, this warrior is also in the late stage of the realm of gods.

  He just wanted to introduce himself, but saw Chen Xuan walking towards him quickly, so he closed his mouth and flew towards Chen Xuan.

  As soon as he was about to shoot, Chen Xuan shot at a faster speed.

  The warrior's hands hadn't been lifted, and he felt that the hot Liaoyuan sword was now against his throat.

  Chen Xuan said coldly: "You are dead now."

  As soon as the voice fell, the blade was turned, and the Liaoyuan Sword slapped the opponent out with a snap, and it was still the end of the sword.

   "I" another warrior ran up and attacked Chen Xuan directly.

  Chen Xuan ran the tyrannical Suzaku sword aura, and the ice and fire burned on the Liaoyuan Sword, shaking his wrist lightly, and the long sword blasted the enemy over.

  Chen Xuan slowly said in countless expressions of surprise: "Come and have some real skills."

   "Yuanhong, are you going to be on the stage? His cultivation is beyond our expectations." A young warrior of the Hua family asked slowly.

Hua Yuan Hongliu showed a solemn expression, and said: "When he was in the Cloud Yemen before, he was only a Grade C martial artist. I didn't expect his progress to be exaggerated, but now that I have reached this point, I am not in a hurry. Go up, Liu Ziqi and the others haven't moved yet, let's watch it again."

Immediately afterwards, one after another, all martial artists continued to appear on the stage, but most of their cultivation bases were only below the nine levels of the gods. Because they were only competing against each other, Chen Xuan did not kill, but these people are not as good as Chen Xuan. All were defeated by Chen Xuan with a sword.

  At the same time, there was no sound in the huge city lord’s mansion.

   "No way, his strength is so strong, and now he has defeated so many people in a row, I am afraid Liu Ziqi is not his opponent!" A young warrior of the Wang family was surprised.

  Liu Ziqi is the strongest among the younger generation of the Liu family, and can reach sixth place in Lu Yucheng's Qi ranking. Among the martial artists of these families, the strength is very strong.

   "This guy really wants to fight so many one at a time, am I dreaming?" A warrior said.

Everyone hoped that Chen Xuan would die before, but Chen Xuan was reversing the situation of the entire tournament with a single person and a prairie sword. Lu Jiuyuan had just entered Lu Yu City, no one was available, and only one of the leaders around him had reached it. The ninth level of the realm of the gods, but Chen Xuan's strength has now far surpassed their imagination, and even now it has surpassed the ninth level of the realm of the gods, which they had never expected.

  At the same time, when a man in Tsing Yi came to challenge, everyone finally ignited the fire of hope again.

In the end, all the young masters of the major families, in Lu Yucheng, they all have a certain reputation, and there are even a few young warriors who can even be ranked on the Qingyun Nation's air list, which is enough to show their strength, and Now they are finally here.

  A handsome man turned on the stage, holding a silver gun and said: "Liu Yiju, the eighth peak of the gods."

   Seeing this warrior, Chen Xuan whispered: "Good job, I'm waiting for you who are strong on the list."

   Then Liu Yi gave a roar, and rushed to Chen Xuan: "Let me learn what you can do."

   Then Liu Yi slashed down, using a daring move.

  This silver spear carries sharp spiritual power, like a crescent moon falling from the sky. At the same time, Chen Xuan's body roared with the Vermillion Bird's spiritual power, the spiritual power quickly climbed, and the long sword swung out, carrying a thousand catties of power, and quickly attacked him.



The    competition platform was trembling, and Liu Yiju did not even scream, and now he passed out when he flew upside down.

   "Weak." Seeing Liu Yiju flying out of the competition stage, Chen Xuan slowly put down the Liaoyuan sword that exuded ice and fire.

  A martial artist from the "I" Liu family jumped onto the martial arts stage, stared at Chen Xuan closely, and said angrily: "Sovereign eight-fold peak martial artist, Liu Hongyi."

  That Liu Hongyi suddenly jumped up, moving like a leopard, bringing up a strong wind, three sword auras condensed from the sword in his hand, and roared: "Hundred flowers are dazzling."

   Each of these sword auras is a beam of spiritual power released outside. Sword Qi cannot be measured purely by spiritual power, because the power of Sword Qi is very sharp.

  Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword with one hand, a surge of sword aura exploded, and in a blink of an eye he shattered Liu Hongyi's three sword auras, and then the hilt came close.

   "Too weak." Chen Xuan looked around, "Who else is there."

  At the same time, it was very quiet, and everyone showed a look of shock.

  Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan sword and shouted: "It seems that your strength is nothing more than that."

   "You arrogant little bastard." The Hua family rushed out. This warrior dashed quickly under the competition platform, and suddenly jumped five feet away from the competition platform.

   "Look at my sword aura." The Chinese young man roared slowly, the sword blade rising from the sky.

  This sword, with two sword auras, blasted Chen Xuan's body with a powerful force

  Everyone suddenly clenched their hands in excitement: "It's the sword of the Hua family."

The Hua family is the best at using swords in Lu Yucheng. One-handed swordsmanship is superb, and it has a strong lethality. Among all the families in Lu Yucheng, this Hua family’s swordsmanship is said to be the first. No one dares. Say the second.

  This martial artist is a nine-level master of the realm of gods, and now has far surpassed the previous two martial artists of the Liu family.

  Chen Xuan straightened his waist and smiled lightly, what about the nine levels of the realm of God Sovereign?

  This time, Chen Xuan ran very fast, like a raptor going to sea. He wrapped stronger spiritual power on the hilt, and the hilt even now had a slight trembling effect.

  Spiritual power continues to soar. Spiritual power is released by the mighty Suzaku Soul, and its power is doubled.


  The Hua family master even the sword in his hand was shattered by Chen Xuan. Fragments of the truncated sword were floating all over the sky, but the Hua family's bones were broken in many places, fainting off the stage.

   "Is there no one who can fight?" Chen Xuan drew his sword and stood upright, scanning everyone proudly.

  Everyone is silent.

  The next battle became fierce one after another, and the challenger's cultivation base became stronger and stronger, but Chen Xuan crushed everyone with an unimaginable cultivation base.

   "Still too weak."

Their ears were full of Chen Xuan's voice. His words made the big families face scandal. These families originally wanted to frustrate the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion and Chen Xuan. They had heard that the Yunye Gate had appeared before. A genius, he has now reached the C-level martial artist at a young age, and has a high talent. It only took one year to reach the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. This kind of talent is very rare in Qingyun Nation. .

  The young warriors cultivated by the great families with all their hard work are so vulnerable to Chen Xuan's down-and-out child.

  At the same time, the big families are now pale.

  But Chen Xuan became more and more courageous. He didn't even rest for a while, losing a lot of powerful enemies in a row.

  In the end, only Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu were left.

  The three of them looked at each other and saw that Hua Yuanhong's face was a little hard to see. He said solemnly, "It seems that only we can sanction him."

Liu Ziqi rubbed his wrist and said: "He deserves to be called a genius of the Yunye Gate. His cultivation is really strong. I am afraid that the guy in the Pantheon can't compare to him, but his strength is not that strong yet. Let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. , Otherwise he has been so arrogant."

Hua Quanliu laughed: "I thought this game was as boring as before, but I never thought that the city lord’s mansion has come to a person who can move our muscles and bones. It was unexpected, but it’s good, we don’t have to keep hiding. Repair to."

   "Needless to say, if you want to come, come together."

  As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Chen Xuan's body on the competition stage with unbelievable expressions.

  They couldn't think that the martial artist at this age would dare to make such a wild statement. The warriors of these three families are considered to be leaders among the younger generation. Before reaching the age of 22, their cultivation bases have reached the nine levels of the realm of gods.

  However, Chen Xuan's cultivation is at most only the nine levels of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and he has the courage to say that he wants to challenge two people at the same time.

   "Let's go together."

   "What, is Chen Xuan crazy? He wants one dozen two."

   "Haha, I actually bought it right. I bought it and he died for the last time. This time he made a lot of money."

  Everyone is boiling

  Chen Xuan asked for a fight. This is a situation that has never happened in previous martial arts competitions.

  Some people expressed their doubts. Someone shouted: "One hit two? Does this comply with the rules of the game?"

  After thinking a little, Lu Jiuyuan whispered: "Chen Xuan is the one who promised the challenge, so as long as Chen Xuan himself is willing, it is not a violation."

  This is considered to be a loophole in the rules, because no one thought that the challenged would be willing to fight the crowd alone, so there is no clear stipulation for this situation. Since there is no clear stipulation, it is not a violation.

  (End of this chapter)

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