Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2730: Spiritual Blade

   Chapter 2730 Spirit Power Sword Blade

  The three of Hua Yuanhong, Liu Ziqi, and Hua Quanliu looked at each other, their faces all ugly.

   "You are really too angry." Hua Yuanhong took the lead in jumping onto the martial arts stage with a sullen face.

  It seems that the Qibang martial artist has self-esteem, and it is impossible to agree to one-on-two.

  Hua Yuanhong said as he took out a silver-white heavy sword from his low-level storage ring, and slowly gathered it together

   "That is." Liu Ziqi frowned and lost his voice: "Silver Moon Long Sword can be counted as a high-level weapon.

  Hua Quanliu nodded silently: "It seems that Hua Yuanhong has used all the treasures of the housekeeper."

  Chen Xuan did not expect that Hua Yuanhong would use such a powerful weapon. He silently calculated in his heart that a high-level weapon can at least blast a thousand kilograms of force.

  And the Silver Moon Long Sword can be enhanced by spiritual power. After Hua Yuanhong's own spiritual power is enhanced, the Silver Moon Long Sword should be able to blast a thousand kilograms at most. This is only the attack of the weapon itself.

   This kind of powerful attack is simply a nightmare for the nine-tiered martial artist in the realm of God Sovereign. Even the nine-tier martial artist in the realm of God Sovereign has only two thousand nine hundred jin of strength.

   "I have always ended with a sword before, and I wasted one third of my spiritual power."

  Chen Xuan showed a solemn look. The power of the Vermillion Bird can make the highest burst of spiritual power very strong, that is, the nine-fold dual-level of the realm of the gods, but this kind of explosion is extremely powerful in the consumption of spiritual power.

   Two-thirds of the spiritual power is barely enough to explode three times. After three times, he will suddenly fall into a weak state.

  This is also one of the reasons why Chen Xuan wants one-on-two. He wants to use the strongest burst period to solve the enemy at once.

  It seems unlikely now.

  Na Hua Yuanhong has now put on his weapon. After Lu Jiuyuan announced the game, he rushed towards Chen Xuan’s body.

  This silver moon sword is too heavy, weighing hundreds of catties, and it slows down Hua Yuanhong’s flexibility.

  Chen Xuan tentatively exploded to twice his spiritual power first, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird continued to burn around Chen Xuan, and with a thousand catties of force, the long sword blasted against Hua Yuanhong’s chest.

  Only heard a roar, that Hua Yuanhong was flying upside down and fell on the edge of the competition platform.


  Everyone sucked in cold air.

   "You have such a powerful spiritual power?" Hua Yuanhong climbed up with difficulty

  The strength of a thousand catties happened to be the critical point of the Silver Moon Long Sword's defense. Therefore, Hua Yuanhong was not damaged by half.

   While Chen Xuan frowned, and slowly looked at the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, the secret path was right.

  The Suzaku fire surrounding the Liaoyuan Sword has now appeared a dense crack, and then with a squeak, the whole zhenqi scattered into pieces, and the ice and fire began to burn by Chen Xuan’s side.

   "Hahaha." Hua Yuanhong laughed: "Your tattered Liaoyuan sword, also wants to be an enemy of my high-level weapon?"

According to the rules in the Azure Cloud Continent, the Liaoyuan sword refined by Chen Xuan can only be regarded as an ordinary tenth level. It only takes one step to reach the spirit level. However, compared with his Silver Moon Long Sword, Chen Xuan’s The Liaoyuan sword is really nothing.

  Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword, can’t withstand such a tyrannical attack at all?

"It's time for me." Hua Yuanhong jumped up suddenly. On the surface of the mighty Silver Moon Long Sword, the spiritual power roared, condensing layers of frost, like a huge boulder that fell from the sky, and fell to Chen Xuan fiercely. .

  Chen Xuan immediately poured his spiritual power into his body and quickly escaped, while Hua Yuanhong happened to hit the competition stage where Chen Xuan was a moment ago.

  Only heard a boom, the entire competition platform was smashed by Hua Yuanhong with obvious cracks.

   "His cultivation is really terrible." Everyone was surprised

  The martial arts platform was built with black profound crystal, and it was able to be cracked by Hua Yuanhong's sword. One can imagine how powerful his power is.

  Hua Yuanhong became more and more angry, and ran towards Chen Xuan while shouting: "You have no weapons now, how can you be an enemy of me."

  Chen Xuan frowned, but a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Without weapons, you can't be abolished?"

   Before the words fell, Chen Xuan's whistle quickly flickered, and the power of the demon soul appeared on his body, leaving behind a red arc, not only escaped Hua Yuanhong's attack, but even approached Hua Yuanhong's back.

  In the next blink of an eye, Chen Xuan's both hands were inserted into Hua Yuanhong's weapon at the same time. Then the spiritual power exploded, and both hands actually tore off Hua Yuanhong's pair of shoulder pads.

   "What, you." Hua Yuanhong was shocked.

  Clang Clang.

  Chen Xuan threw two heavy shoulder pads off the competition stage. He twisted his wrist to move his body, ready for the next attack at any time.

  Although the weapon attack is very strong, but your Hua Yuanhong's speed is not as fast as my Chen Xuan, can't I rely on this advantage to remove your weapon.

A trace of fear appeared in Hua Yuanhong's eyes. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to have such great strength with his bare hands. You must know that the Silver Moon Long Sword has adhesion. That is the same as the attack itself.

  In other words, unless Chen Xuan uses more than a thousand catties of spiritual power, he cannot remove the Silver Moon Long Sword.

Hua Yuanhong, who was in a panic, had no time to think too much, and hurriedly launched a violent rush towards Chen Xuan. The spiritual power under his feet exploded, driving the rush out. That strength and speed have been unprecedentedly improved.

  Chen Xuan once again bypassed Hua Yuanhong's front at a faster speed, his body like a flexible cheetah, suddenly clinging to Hua Yuanhong's back.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan's hands have now lifted Hua Yuanhong's back weapon.

   At this moment, the competition stage suddenly blasted a fierce spiritual power over that spiritual power, which was like a sword, and it approached Chen Xuan's head.

   Suddenly, it would be impossible for anyone to escape, but Chen Xuan was extremely sensitive.

  As the white horse crossed the gap, Chen Xuan resolutely gave up the tearing of Hua Yuanhong, turned over and shot, his body bounced back.

   And that sword aura flew out close to the competition platform, only to hear a scream, the competition platform was cut off by a corner.

  The cut is as smooth as a mirror.

  Look at the competition stage again, now there is one more person.

   "You really can't wait any longer." Chen Xuan sneered, and glanced at the sword in Liu Ziqi's hand.

  The sword in Liu Ziqi's hand is no longer the previous weapon, but a temporary one.

  The whole body of this sword is pale red, and it carries a cold temperature without any spiritual power being poured into it.

  Liu Ziqi pulled the blade of the sword alive and said: "Red Fire Sword, high-level weapon."

  Fully smooth. Another high-level weapon.

  The sword qi released by this kind of cultivation weapon can no longer be measured purely by spiritual power, because sword qi is not a strength, but a sharp cutting force.

  At this time, Hua Yuanhong didn’t care about dignity. He slowly roared: “Liu Ziqi, I ran from the front, you cut him from the side.”

  As soon as the voice fell, Hua Yuanhong roared. With strong spiritual power, he quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan. He completely closed off Chen Xuan's front line of defense.

  And Liu Ziqi was waiting for an opportunity. He moved next to Hua Yuanhong. The Red Fire Sword in his hand was now buzzing because of his spiritual power, and his sharp sword aura was ready to give a deadly sword at any time.

   "Good coming." Chen Xuan's eyes showed a sharp glow.

   Although it failed to bring Hua Quanliu out, it was a good deal to inflict heavy losses on the two of them.

  That Chen Xuan was not forced to hide from nowhere as expected, but unexpectedly, he launched a counterattack to Hua Yuanhong who was the strongest attacker.

   "What?" Liu Ziqi was shocked.

  I saw Chen Xuan rush out abruptly, with a side horse step in his body, his hands and five fingers spread out, the entire palms of both hands were wrapped in spiritual power, and they were severely printed on the armor of Hua Yuanhong's chest.

  At that moment, the power of Suzaku suddenly exploded. The power of Chen Xuan's palm was completely blown to the nine-fold two-fold of the realm of the gods.

  Splash high-level weapons with one palm.

  The terrifying Suzaku's spiritual power was abruptly printed on the chest of the silver moon long sword with an inch-deep palm print.

   There was a muffled sound, the sound was low and terrifying, and Dehua Yuanhong's entire set of weapons disintegrated in a blink of an eye. One by one, the heavy armor pieces kept flying around.

  The big families suddenly stood up at the same time, their pupils widened, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

  Silver Moon Longsword, was bombarded by Chen Xuan to disintegrate.

  Hua Yuan Hong wowed out a big mouthful of red blood, and the internal organs were all subjected to the powerful vibration force. At that moment, he was already fainted.

  唰. An extremely fierce sword aura, accurately cut from the gaps in the armor pieces scattered around, and approached Chen Xuan's door.

  Chen Xuan’s spiritual power explosion this time has not yet been completely over. He did not dodge or dodge, grabbing a piece of swift armor piece in front of him.

  The armor piece did not have Hua Yuanhong's spiritual blessing, and was cut in half by Liu Ziqi's sword aura on the spot, but its sword aura was just offset.

  Chen Xuan grabbed the armor piece with his left hand, replaced it in his body, quickly rotated half a circle, and threw the armor piece away with a buzzing sound, just about to hit Liu Ziqi's chest.

  At this moment, Hua Quanliu suddenly shot, he rushed up from the stage with an epee in his hand, but he came too hastily, there was no time to release his sword energy, so he could only come across with a silver spear to protect Liu Ziqi's chest.

  Liu Ziqi also crossed the Red Fire Sword.

   As soon as he reached the long sword, he was hit by the armor fragment containing six thousand catties at the same time.


   The deafening impact sounded, Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu vomited red blood in both mouths when they were smashed. With the force of the two, they were blasted back more than ten steps, and both retreated to the edge of the martial arts stage.

  Chen Xuan chased after victory, and rushed towards the two with a sliding step. go with.

   At the same time, there was a burst of sound from the outside of the field, and a small thing suddenly blasted towards the competition platform, and the target was Chen Xuan’s body.

  Chen Xuan was caught off guard, turned around hurriedly, and swept the bare prairie sword in the direction where the hidden weapon was flying. go with.

  The flying thing made Chen Xuan aware of the great threat, so this long sword used a stronger burst, using the spiritual power to the peak of the nine-fold dual-layer of the realm of the gods.

  And the Liaoyuan Sword slammed into that thing, and it actually shattered the Liaoyuan Sword into pieces.

  Chen Xuan was bombarded by a huge force, and quickly retreated. The blood in his body rolled and almost spurted out a mouthful of sweet blood. Fortunately, he was suppressed in time.

   "Someone attacked, so shameless." Chen Xuan shouted angrily.

  He can see clearly now that what is flying here is actually just a peanut ruler.

  Furthermore, the peanut ruler attached is not spiritual power, but genuine spiritual power.

  Spirit power, only the masters of the **** king realm above the nine levels of the **** king realm can release

  Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu saw that they had a chance, and immediately launched a counterattack against Chen Xuan without hesitation.

  Chen Xuan slapped a palm on the side of Liu Ziqi's sword, slapped the red fire sword flying, and then blasted Liu Ziqi's chest with a sword.

  Out of the field, another peanut ruler flew up unexpectedly.

  The accuracy of this peanut ruler is amazing, and it will hit Chen Xuan's palm in the next instant. If it hits, the spiritual power of the peanut ruler can destroy Chen Xuan's hands.

  In a hurry, Chen Xuan suddenly removed the spiritual power from his palm and stepped back three steps, but Liu Ziqi kicked it on his stomach.

Hua Quanliu, who came from the side, was about to hit Chen Xuan's back with the silver spear in his hand.

  Chen Xuan quickly poured spiritual power into his feet, in an almost impossible posture, his entire body suddenly tilted flat against the ground, slid out, avoiding Hua Quanliu's epee.

After    settled, Chen Xuan turned his head and waited with cold eyes, only to see that a man dressed in white and unusually handsome was standing in the direction of the Hua family.

  The man touched the scene in his early twenty-five years, and his realm was about in the late stage of the gods and demons.

  At this time, the man was holding the empty peanut shell in his hand, and he was looking at Chen Xuan with a smile, and he also held a peanut ruler between his hands and fingers.

  "Good opportunity." Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu got a chance to catch their breath, and they both doubled Chen Xuan's body from both sides.

  Chen Xuan glared at the handsome man in the direction of the Hua family. The man raised his fingers holding a peanut ruler, which means, if you dare to move, I will pop out.

  "Stop it." At the same time, Lu Jiuyuan stood up, and he shouted: "Who is so bold, dare to disrupt the match."

  But now the city lord appeared, it was too late now, the battle on the competition stage was changing rapidly.

  (End of this chapter)

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