Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2731: Best skill

   Chapter 2731 The best skill

  Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu have both arrived now, constantly using their best skills.

  The Scarlet Fire Sword in Liu Ziqi’s hand was split three times in a blink of an eye. The three sharp sword auras were like a trident, and they blasted towards Chen Xuan’s body at the same time.

  These three swords were split almost at the same time, which shows how amazing Liu Ziqi's exercises are.

  Hua Quanliu slashed the epee in his hand, and the epee was like a huge boulder, pressed down with a magnificent momentum.

The man in the direction of the Hua family still smiled coldly, his eyes closely following every movement of Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan became angry, and he provocatively glanced at the Chinese man, as if saying, do you want to help them? Well, today I will defeat the two Liu Ziqi personally under your disturbance.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan moved. At this moment, time seemed to stop.

   Liu Ziqi’s sword, Hua Quanliu’s sword, and now the peanut ruler in the hands of the man from the Hua family outside the court is aimed at Chen Xuan’s body

  I saw Chen Xuan suddenly bend his upper body backward, like a full bow.

  At the same time, the last peanut ruler in the hands of the Hua family pierced the sky with a whistle, and directly blasted in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  After the peanut ruler blessed a small amount of spiritual power, the speed was unparalleled. It cut a long distance in a blink of an eye, and it was about to stick to Chen Xuan's back almost the next moment.

  At the same time, the power of the Vermillion Bird in Chen Xuan's body broke out to be stronger again.

The direction the peanut ruler flew was predictive. As long as Chen Xuan's upper body rebounded, he would definitely be hit.

  But Chen Xuan relied on his amazing explosive power to turn his upper body back into a backflip suddenly.

  He soared into the air, and the peanut ruler wiped his back and flew over, and he forced the gown back and threw it through, but he failed to hit Chen Xuan's body.

   And Chen Xuan backflips this time, condensing all his spiritual power on his feet. Not only did he escape the peanut ruler, he escaped Liu Ziqi's trident sword energy, and Hua Quanliu's epee descended from the sky.

   even kicked the chests of Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu with his feet.

Only hearing the thumping of their feet, Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu's chests were slumped. They didn't even have time to react. At the same time, they spewed a large mouthful of red blood. They were now fainted before flying out of the competition stage Died in the past.

  唰. Chen Xuan landed successfully and stood upright on the competition stage.

  Everyone is silent.

   Bang Bang, knowing that at the same time Liu Ziqi and Hua Quanliu both fell to the ground, rebounded high, and then fell again.

Won? Everyone is stupid.

  It's really true. Won? Chen Xuan actually won the battle with one enemy three?

  Especially, he is alone, and he has overturned thirty-nine young martial artists without a break.

  This is an unprecedented victory in the Lu Yucheng competition. I won so beautifully, so surprised.

   "I announce." Lu Jiuyuan appeared on the stage. He grabbed Chen Xuan's hands and raised them high, and said softly, "Lu Yucheng, the competition is over."

  “The body of Chen Xuan from the Santo’s Mansion is the first place”


  The scene exploded, and countless warriors raised their arms and cheered.

  This subverts everyone, and even makes them forget that they lost the game.

  Lu Jiuyuan held Chen Xuan's hand high, announcing Chen Xuan's brilliant victory. This was the most incredible victory in Lu Yucheng's martial arts competition ever.

  In previous competitions, there has never been a talented player like Chen Xuan, and at a young age, he has now reached the ninth level of the realm of the gods, and even the warrior of the first level of the gods has not beaten Chen Xuan’s body.

  At the same time, countless people screamed for Chen Xuan. There is only one protagonist in the whole match, and that is Chen Xuan’s body.

"Before I came, someone told me that the major families in Lu Yucheng were intricately intertwined, so I must be careful. I didn't expect to meet Chen Xuan. It seems that my city lord mansion is about to rise, relying on Chen Xuan's talent. The family must have a lot of restraint, hey, if it were not for these people to value their own interests too much, how could Qingyun Nation lose to the barbarians of the Dragon Blood Tribe." Lu Jiuyuan looked at Chen Xuan at this moment and nodded in relief. , He seems to have seen the future of Qingyun country now

  Lu Jiuyuan then said to Chen Xuan: "Haha, Chen Xuan, you won all the bets in the entire game, and someone will give it to you in person later."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Jiuyuan deliberately looked at the patriarchs of the major families. The patriarch of the Hua family’s face was black and purple, and he was obviously very angry.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and he took a deep breath, feeling very good.

  It's just that the aura of the black-robed young warrior on the Hua family's side was very powerful, and Chen Xuan suddenly noticed the black-robed young warrior.

   Turning his head and looking at the Hua Family, the young warrior in black robes is now gone.

  After the game, only the Qingjin patriarch shouted angrily: "Bring me this bunch of waste home."

   Soon, the Hua family, Liu family and other big families continued to carry away the defeated warriors of their families.

  In this martial arts competition, the Liu family was painstakingly trying to give Lu Jiuyuan a smashing power, but in the end, his Liu family became the biggest loser. It became a joke for the whole Lu Yucheng.

  The people in Lu Yucheng knew that the Liu family was aggressively trying to give Lu Jiuyuan their power, and even claimed that they could easily defeat Chen Xuan, but in the end, Chen Xuan not only did not die, but also won.

  This is enough to make the Hua family unable to lift their heads in the next few years. After all, the Hua family is a big family in Lu Yucheng, and the city lord of Lu Yucheng back then had to give these big families a bit of face.

  But there was one thing that made Chen Xuan very strange. The young warrior of the Hua family in black robes attacked him in a sneaky way, and the city lord had clearly seen it, but Lu Jiuyuan didn't say anything. He even let the young warrior leave.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan thought secretly that the origin of the young black-robed warrior must be very simple.

  "Chen Xuan's body", the city lord personally came down to congratulate Chen Xuan, and said: "Come to participate in the congratulatory ceremony tonight. By then, all the winners of the martial arts competition in Lu Yucheng will all be"

   "Okay, I really appreciate the hospitality Lu Jiuyuan." Chen Xuan nodded with expression.

Seeing this situation, Lu Jiuyuan admired Chen Xuan even more: "Our Qingyun country is really lucky to be a genius like you, but since you are ready to serve for our Qingyun country, you must make a plan. Now the Dragon Blood Tribe In the north, the people of the Pantheon are also playing a big game across the Qingyun Continent. Besides, the Blood Spirit Sect is also trying to infiltrate our empire."

  Chen Xuan immediately said: "City Lord, I have thought about these things now. Thanks to your help, Li Zhuoqun dare not touch me. How to say, I should work for you."

   "Hahaha, good!" Lu Jiuyuan was obviously very happy.

  In the noisy atmosphere, Chen Xuan left the arena and set off to return to Lu Yucheng.

  But behind him, they followed the crowd like a tide. Those people followed Chen Xuan while running to tell each other, and they would compete in Lu Yucheng's martial arts competition.

  It seemed that it was not Chen Xuan who won, but those of them who were lucky enough to see Chen Xuan's game.

At this time, no one dared to yell at Chen Xuan anymore. Even a fool knew that Chen Xuan had a boundless future. Lu Jiuyuan had a good status in the royal family. He was the nephew of the old country lord. He also had a certain right to speak in Qingyun Nation. It's a pity that the royal family is not what it used to be. Even the big family of Lu Yucheng dare not give him face, but even so, Lu Jiuyuan has a very special status. Who would dare to offend him a bit?

  Especially at this time, Chen Xuan was the most effective stopper around Lu Jiuyuan.

   Chen Xuan couldn't bear the disturbance, and immediately speeded up, returning to the Yunye Gate like the wind.

After returning to Yunyemen, he couldn't wait to tell the Nangong Army of the good news.

  Nangong Zhongjun, as the four major troops of the Yunye Gate, knew Lu Jiuyuan, and it was precisely because of the relationship between the Nangong Zhongjun that Chen Xuan stood firmly on Lu Jiuyuan's side.

"Chen Xuan, you actually came back. I heard that you shocked them in the contests held by the major families in Lu Yucheng. It's really good! Only then can we count as the people of the Yunye Clan, let the people of these major families Take a good look, our Cloud Yemen is not so easy to provoke!" A warrior said with a laugh.

  At this moment, Wang Lun also heard the sound and rushed to Chen Xuan and said to Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, I'll just say why you left Yunyemen without saying a word a few days ago. It turns out that you went to participate in the competition."

  After that, the Nangong Army made an exception and left the training chamber. Before Chen Xuan had time to chat with his friends, he heard someone shouting outside the door.

   "Lu Yucheng, the Qin family is here to pay a visit."

   "Oh, Qin's family?" The Nangong Army and Wang Lun were taken aback, but they saw a large group of people rushing in from the outside of the door.

The Qin family is one of Lu Yucheng’s family, but it does not belong to the cultivation family. The business is considered to be doing business. It is in charge of the medicinal material market. He also heard the name of Chen Xuan and knew that he was at the Yunye Gate outside Lu Yu City. Just rushed over.

The head of    is the name of Qin Zhan, the patriarch of the Qin family. He also carries a few subordinates and many family members behind him, carrying two large boxes.

  Na Qin Zhanming folded his palms and said with a smile: "Nangong Zhongjun, I heard that Chen Xuan in the Yunye Gate won a great victory. I, Qin Zhanming, would like to congratulate you."

   "Hahaha." The Nangong army was proud of the spring breeze and was in a good mood. He also replied, "Brother Huang is polite."

   "Lu Yucheng, the Zhao family is here to congratulate." There was another shout outside the door, and a large group of people walked in crowded.

   "Oh? Zhao Qing, the patriarch." The Nangong Army had just received Qin Zhanming, and hurried to meet them.

   "Unexpectedly, even Lu Yucheng's family will come. It seems that they already know that Chen Xuan is a member of the Yunye Clan, so they all come up and take the initiative to make a good relationship." Wang Lun said softly.

  The Nangong army was overwhelmed, and hurriedly called Wang Lun and some of his servants to greet the guests.

Although the Yunye Gate has such a strong master as the Dugu Sect Master, Qingyun Nation is not what it used to be. In the entire Yunye Qi list, the Yunye Gate warriors rarely can be ranked. The original Tianyuan Palace Covenant , It has only been established for a few short years. However, the Yunyemen has been in a state of desperation in recent years, otherwise it would not have been so rushed. Many powerful warriors were killed in the Dragon Blood Tribe War. As for the current Yunyemen's sharp reduction, if it hadn't been for the Dugu Sect Master himself to kill more than a dozen dragon blood tribe masters, I am afraid Qingyun Nation would have been destroyed by now.

  There is an endless stream of people who come to congratulate you. There are big families, business families, and many cultivating families also come to congratulate you.

  For many years, Yunyemen has never been as lively as it is today.

  Those who came to congratulate him constantly squeezed in to talk to Chen Xuan, hoping to get acquainted with young warriors like Chen Xuan.

  But before they got close to Chen Xuantao, the door of Yunyemen was bustling again

  Two hundred guard leaders rushed to the city lord’s mansion in person, and the leader was Lu Jiuyuan who hosted this Lu Yucheng martial arts competition.

  The warriors who came to congratulate you, wisely stepped aside.

  Lu Jiuyuan smiled heartily, handed a wooden tray to Chen Xuan, and cordially said: "Chen Xuan, uncover it."

  Nangong Zhongjun stroked his beard and nodded with a smile. The more he looked at himself as a warrior, the more he felt as happy as having eaten honey.

At the beginning he saw Chen Xuan’s talent and his alchemy skills. As the only legal sect of Qingyun Nation, the Nangong Army appreciated Chen Xuan very much, and Chen Xuan lived up to expectations. He was very powerful, and he actually competed in various big families. I got such a good result in the competition.

  (End of this chapter)

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