Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2732: Just learn from each other

   Chapter 2732 is just a discussion

  Although this is only a contest of martial arts, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is to provide a stage for the younger generation of warriors in the major families, and the warriors who can gain fame will get the attention of the major forces.

  However, it will also be hated by others.

In the Pantheon, a black-robed warrior slowly said: "This Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, is probably the one who killed our Pantheon warrior last time, Chen Xuan is probably the guy who delayed our plan in Black Rock City. Unexpectedly, he had the guts to show up and joined the Yunye Sect. Unfortunately, the Yunye royal family is not what it used to be, and his talent is so strong, I must let him die!"

   "It's an adult. Although he is very talented, he is only cultivated at the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. As long as I take action, he will definitely be able to kill him, but we don't need to worry now."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan opened the red cloth covered on the tray first, and saw that there was a golden card lying inside.

  Na Lu Jiuyuan said: "This invitation is to invite Chen Xuan to participate in the contest of congratulations."

  "And there are more than one million spars in the storage ring. This is the bet you won for today's big victory. I personally gave it to you as agreed."

   "One million?" The warriors onlookers suddenly kept shouting in surprise.

  Even Nangong Zhongjun and Wang Lun were shocked. They never heard that Chen Xuan had won the game.

  Because the news of Chen Xuan's victory in the battle was so surprised that he rushed to tell each other how powerful Chen Xuan's cultivation was.

  But there was no report that Chen Xuan had won the game.

  Nangong Zhongjun’s smiling face was a little stiff, but he was still surprised.

  Before, Chen Xuan sent back five million spars and a lot of herbs, and now he has won another million spars. This time, the Cloud Yemen can certainly rise again.

  As for the warriors, they all looked at Chen Xuan enviously, and they all envied the birth of such a good warrior in the Nangong Army.

  Look at people. The City Lord’s Mansion personally sent two hundred guards to send out invitations. What an identity style this is.

  Chen Xuan accepted the invitation with a smile, and then gave the storage ring to the Chinese Army Nangong Army.

   Immediately afterwards, he clasped his hands toward the many warriors, and said, "Thank you for coming to congratulate the patriarchs."

  Everyone hurriedly clasped their palms and arched their hands, constantly expressing their understanding.

   "Yes, Chen Xuan need not be so polite."

   "Yes, Lord City Lord invited him personally, of course I have to go quickly."

   Then Lu Jiuyuan smiled and said to Nangong Zhongjun: “Nangong Zhongjun, let’s go to the City Lord’s Mansion together. You and I haven’t been together for a long time.”

  In this sentence, the Nangong Army was in a very happy mood, but he still had something to do. The Nangong Army still clasped his hands and apologized, saying, “Chen Xuan will do it, I’m lack of skills, and there are other things.”

"Well, you are the middle army of the Yunyemen after all, and I can understand it." Lu Jiuyuan nodded sensibly: "Then please take the time to gather with me another day. Recently, I learned a new alchemy method. "

  Nangong Zhongjun's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Okay, when the matter is over, I will visit."

   "Okay Chen Xuan, let's go."

   "Then I will leave first, everyone." Chen Xuan waved goodbye to Wang Lun, and headed to Lu Yucheng with many guard leaders.

  Waiting outside, there are already crowds of horses and wagons.

  The competition is not only the family in Lu Yucheng, but there are other towns, large and small, belonging to Lu Yucheng. In each town’s competition, the top winners are invited.

  The staff of the city lord’s mansion was thriving. The seniors brought the juniors to attend the congratulation ceremony. Only at the city lord’s mansion, only Chen Xuan came alone, which seemed a bit lonely.

  At the gate of the city lord’s mansion, people from various towns and families were calling on each other and humility, all crowded in the door.

   Chen Xuan still felt strange in his heart, why those people didn't enter the mansion, they were all crowded here to do.

  Waiting to get closer, I realized that the city lord Lu Jiuyuan was actually standing at the door. All the family members did not dare to cross Lu Jiuyuan and lead the way into the mansion.

What Chen Xuan didn’t know was that when he left, Lu Jiuyuan also showed his strength and displayed his own techniques, allowing the patriarchs of these families to see his cultivation skills. Now, Lu Jiuyuan has now obtained his cultivation skills. The initiative.

   "Chen Xuan, you are here." The stalwart Lu Jiuyuan smiled lightly.

  Chen whispered: "Yes."

   "Let's go." Lu Jiuyuan laughed and pushed away from the crowd, and walked straight towards Chen Xuan.

  Everyone did not dare to enter the mansion without authorization, instead they stayed at the door and waited for the city lord to enter the mansion. The city lord had already returned to the home city lord’s mansion, but he was still waiting for him outside the mansion, and only to welcome a Chen Xuan’s body

  The young children who won the family’s victory originally thought it was a good thing to be able to come to the congratulation ceremony, but at this time, compared with Chen Xuan, they felt very jealous of Chen Xuan’s body.

  Especially the Hua family in Lu Yucheng, and the Liu family are also in the crowd.

  They stared secretly at Chen Xuan, who was given special treatment, all of them looked ugly.

  "" Chen Xuan was aware of everyone's gaze and raised Lu Jiuyuan's majesty, so Chen Xuan pretended to be humble and said: "By the invitation of Lord City Lord, Chen Xuan is honored, how dare you bother Lord City Lord to go out to meet him in person."

  The city lord patted Chen Xuan heartily, and said, "Before the competition, you came to the city lord’s mansion in person, trying to get a place in the competition, so courageous."

   "In order to participate in the martial arts competition, I even signed a life and death contract, so courageous."

  "Above the martial arts competition, you alone fight the heroes and win the first place, a good hero."

  It seemed that the city lord deliberately wanted to say these things to others, and the voice was raised several times.

  He grabbed Chen Xuan's hands and said, "Such a courageous and courageous young warrior hero, I deserve to be greeted by Lu Jiuyuan in person."

   "Come on, Chen Xuan, enter the mansion with Lu Jiuyuan. Let's congratulate Li Zhengzhong on slowly."

  Under everyone's gaze, Lu Jiuyuan actually pulled Chen Xuan forward together, and both entered the mansion.

  Everyone knew this moment in their hearts. If they couldn't even tell the meaning of the city lord, they would be a fool.

  Chen Xuan, truly became the number one celebrity in Lu Jiuyuan's fancy.

  In the City Lord’s Mansion.

  Six towns, several winners in each town, a total of dozens of people.

  Among them, only the top five masters in each town, the top warriors in total, and the seniors of their families, can sit in the living room of the city lord’s mansion.

  The other winners and their families took their seats in the main courtyard outside Ying's living room to participate in the congratulatory ceremony.

  Because in Lu Yucheng's martial arts competition, Chen Xuan won from the first to the last, so he could not be divided into two, three, four or five.

  So Chen Xuan, Hua Yuanhong, Hua Quanliu, and Liu Ziqi entered the Ying living room.

  There are many seats in the living room, but it is also full of people from various families.

  The chief seat is the seat of the city lord Lu Jiuyuan, and there are six seats next to him, seated by the champion warriors of the six towns, on the left and right sides of Lu Jiuyuan.

  After Chen Xuan took the seat, he found the Hua family, the Hua family, and the Liu family at first sight.

  It is worth noting that Chen Xuan's attention is that in the last match of the martial arts competition, the young warrior who used a peanut ruler to sneak attack on the black robe of the Hua family was actually among the Hua family.

  When Chen Xuan was looking at the man, the man was also looking at Chen Xuan’s body

  The eyes of the two people met in the air, and there was a very playful look in the eyes of the black-robed young warrior.

  This kind of eyes made Chen Xuan feel a little weird. It is said that the Hua family has lost such a big face and should be as far away from him as possible, but the black robe young warrior of the Hua family seems to have a confident look.

  "Come" At this time, the city lord interrupted Chen Xuan's thoughts.

  Lu Jiuyuan raised his glass and said, "Let’s congratulate the young talents of Lu Yucheng together. Because of their existence, Lu Yucheng can continue to grow."

  Everyone raised their glasses and congratulated in unison.

  After three rounds of tea, the atmosphere was fierce, and everyone’s topics revolved around cultivation and the wonderful performance of the six competition areas.

  Following the tea ceremony, the city owner announced on the spot that he would introduce a very important guest.

  And the important guest he invited up is the mysterious young warrior in black robe from the Hua family.

  As soon as he saw this warrior, Chen Xuan noticed it very much.

   Seeing Lu Jiuyuan’s respect for the mysterious young warrior, he knew that his identity was very unusual.

   "I'm here to introduce." Lu Jiuyuan pointed to the man from the Hua family and said, "This warrior is the current patriarch of the Hua family and the eldest son of the Liu family, Huaxia Road."

   "At the same time, Huaxia Road is also a deep warrior of our Canglan Continent and other pantheons of sects."

  As soon as this remark came out, it was full.

  Other sects? That is second only to the existence of the eight major sects. For people in a small place like Lu Yucheng, other Zongmen Pantheons existed above the clouds.

  Hua family actually has a junior who entered the Pantheon? And also became a deep warrior of the Pantheon.

   "Congratulations. I already knew that the Hua family must be extraordinary."

   "Yeah, this kid Xia Lu has an extraordinary talent since he was a child. I've seen it a long time ago."

   "Changhe Patriarch, the nobleman has produced such a talent, it is really the glory of our Lu Yucheng."

  Everyone changed their attitude towards the Hua family in a blink of an eye, and even the Pang people in other towns also looked at the Hua family with admiration at this time.

   "It turned out to be like this." Chen Xuan nodded secretly. It is no wonder that Huaxia Road attacked him on the day of the competition, but the city lord did not blame it. It turned out that he did not dare to offend the Pantheon.

   Immediately afterwards, the city lord threw another blockbuster.

  The Huaxia Road, this time represents the representative of the sect of the Pantheon who came to select the disciples. In other words, Huaxia Road can determine who can enter the Pantheon in the future with a single sentence.

  The news suddenly lifted the Hua family to the sky. The transcendence of his status, even in this sensitive period, once surpassed the city lord himself.

  Everyone, all families, constantly stood up, and went to build relationships with Huajiala.

  At this time, the Hua family sneered in Chen Xuan’s direction

  The situation is obvious. Most of the sects who come to select outstanding talents this time are third-rate or even fourth-rate sects.

  At this time, there is another sect’s intervention, which will definitely make other sects very jealous. Almost, the representatives of other sects will look forward to the head of Huaxia Road.

  Now everyone looks at Huaxia Road's eyes again, and now they are quite respectful. This respect comes from fear and hope.

  Chen Xuan frowned, knowing that his path was getting narrower and narrower, that he and the Hua family were feuds, but the Hua family had the right to speak in Lu Yu's Qibang.

  I am afraid that my future path will be more difficult.

  Then the focus of the entire congratulatory ceremony suddenly shifted from the six champions to the one on Huaxia Road.

   Chen Xuan also noticed that everyone at the scene quickly became indifferent to their attitude, as if everyone had deliberately kept a distance from themselves.

  The Huaxia Road gave Chen Xuan a meaningful look and then cleared his throat.

  Everyone knew that Huaxia Road was about to speak, and the scene suddenly fell into a quiet state.

  The Huaxia Road smiled slowly, and said, “If it weren’t for my vigorous recommendation, how can we see the small remote corner of Lu Yucheng in the Pantheon?”

  "And this time, the Pantheon gave me only five places, so I hope that the young warriors of each family can work hard."

  Everyone suddenly nodded respectfully.

   "The Prince said that we must do our best to live up to the expectations of the Pantheon."

   "Yes, we will never disappoint Prince Wang's kindness. On behalf of Lu Yucheng, I would like to thank Prince Wang."

The   qi list is coming soon, Huaxia Road, as the representative of the Pantheon, has become a true emperor of the earth.

  Lu Jiuyuan looked at Chen Xuan at this moment, and his eyes clearly felt a bit of sympathy and helplessness.

   "Prince Prince, I heard that the Pantheon's status is superb, it is the spiritual power second only to the eight major sects."

   "Yes, Prince, you can enter the Pantheon, it is really the glory of our entire Lu Yu City."

  Can you talk about the situation of the Pantheon, let me open my eyes. "

  (End of this chapter)

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