Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2733: Huaxia Road

  Chapter 2733 Huaxia Road

  Everyone rushed to ask questions, but the questions they asked were clearly to please Huaxia Road.

  As for the young people who are preparing to participate in Lu Yu's air list, they treat Huaxia Road as an idol.

   "Hehe." Huaxia Road smiled and said, "I was able to enter the Pantheon, on the one hand because of my outstanding talent in cultivation, and on the other hand, because of my diligent practice."

   "I have always kept one thing in mind, that is, you can't be too arrogant, you must learn to be humble."

  When the women on the scene heard what Huaxia Lu said, bright little stars flashed in their eyes, and they admired Huaxia Lu very much.

  In the words of Huaxia Road, it was obvious that he was beating Chen Xuan on the side, satirizing Chen Xuan's "arrogant" performance in the practice competition.

   "Chen Xuan, you are one of the most outstanding young people in Lu Yucheng. I wonder if what you think of me makes sense?" Huaxia Road suddenly asked Chen Xuan.

  This question was beyond everyone’s expectations. No one thought that Huaxia Road would directly point the finger at Chen Xuan’s body at the congratulatory ceremony.

  'S eyes were transferred to Chen Xuan's body.

  Everyone was standing and listening to Huaxia Road's speech throughout the congratulatory ceremony, but Chen Xuan was the only one sitting in the seat.

   Chen Xuan's behavior caused everyone to frown, thinking that Chen Xuan was too angry.

  Chen Xuan’s voice was loud and loud, saying: “Our City Lord’s Mansion was too low-key and too unwilling to suppress our hostile family, which led to today’s miserable end.”

  Everyone heard the change, thinking that Chen Xuan would be slow to Huaxia Road, at least he should be polite?

  Who knew that not only did Chen Xuan not slow down, but instead got on the bar with Huaxia Road.

  This sentence now makes Huaxia Road look ugly.

   Immediately after, Chen Xuan smiled slowly and said: "Also, low-key and humble? That is the behavior of the weak. Sometimes, the high-profile is not our own choice, but because our opponents are too innocent."

   "Oh?" Huaxia Road had a sullen face, slowly playing with the fingers in his hands, and said: "You are really too angry when you say this."

   "Do you think you are the most outstanding person? That is to say, can you then compare with other tyrannical talents on the spot?"

   "Hehe." Chen Xuan said with a cold expression: "You Hua Family really have not forgotten to suppress our City Lord's Mansion, do you want me to make a fool of yourself in public?"

   "But it's okay, I have fulfilled your wish. If you have any abilities, just use it."

   "Right, right, right." The city lord hurriedly came out to make a round and said: "Since it is better to compare, than to cultivate comprehension, I have collected some very good exercises over the years. Why don't you let the outstanding talents learn on the spot?"

  The city lord was afraid that Huaxia Road would act on Chen Xuan in public, so he had an idea and came up with such a way.

   then made everyone overjoyed. The exercise method that the city lord himself has collected is actually going to be used for people to learn. Each of those precious exercises is invaluable.

  "This place can't be used, let's go to the main courtyard." The city lord immediately ordered people to get the exercises and invited them to go to the open land together.

  After knowing this news, the families in the main courtyard were also overjoyed. Even young people who knew that their talents were not as good as others, squeezed their heads to participate in this competition.

  What's the problem even if you lose? Anyway, I saw the exercises myself, remembered it, and write it down as soon as I go home.

   Soon, the main courtyard was vacated a large area, and on a table on the scene, the city lord placed three exercises.

  Looking at the three exercises secrets, everyone was agitated, one by one, eager to try, and even more people poured a few sips of tea, no matter what, they wanted to learn as much as possible, and memorized the practice methods.

  The city master stood behind the table and said: "These three exercises are not too high in level. The first is a very high and low level, the second is a very high intermediate level, and the third is a high level."

  Hearing these words, blood boiled suddenly. God, they are all very high techniques.

At this time, the city lord used an hour and said: "Let's use one hour as the time limit. Even if the person who learns one exercise within the time limit wins, he can participate in the second round of competition and learn the second exercise, and so on. "

   "Then, all the talented young warriors with strong cultivation bases in Zhen Yang Sheng, come and participate."

   screamed and exclaimed. Very high skill is very rare. A family like the Liu family of the Hua family probably only owns three books and five books. If you memorize these three books today, it would be a great harvest.

  It seems that the city lord has really lost his blood.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan suddenly spoke. He looked at Huaxia Road and said, “It’s just a competition for the winner of the ulcer, it’s really boring.”

   "Brother Xia Lu, since you are embarrassing me, why don't you come and join us?"

  "Chen Xuan's body" the city lord's complexion changed slightly, and he slowly said: "You are crazy. Huaxia Road is a deep warrior in the Pantheon. How high is his understanding, do you need me to remind you?"

  Chen Xuan only smiled, without saying anything, Huaxia Lu stared at Chen Xuan with a big laugh: "Are you sure? You really want to insult yourself?"

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Then ask Brother Xia Lu to humiliate me, why?"

   "Okay." Huaxia Road pulled up the hem of his robe, and walked to the middle of the field: "Today I will meet you, Chen Xuan, who knows nothing about heaven and earth."

  The city lord loves and hates Chen Xuan. He loves Chen Xuan with enough courage and courage. This is also the reason why he hates Chen Xuan.

  Immediately, the city lord asked dozens of warriors, plus Huaxia Road himself, to enter the main entrance hall, and the rest of the idlers and others stayed in the grass.

  The city lord held the first exercise method in his hand, and dozens of people formed a circle. The city lord personally read out the practice method of this exercise method. After listening to it, he suddenly understood it by himself.

   Listening to the cultivation method read out by the city lord, dozens of people, and 200 of them were embarrassed.

   Chen Xuan listened to the exercises and laughed inwardly. This exercise is quite weird and very different from ordinary exercises. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn.

  But I have a lot of knowledge, this method of cultivation method sounds like a fool to me.

   Looking back at Huaxia Road, this warrior was also calm. After all, he had experienced high-strength exercises in the Pantheon, and he was quite capable.

   After waiting for the city lord to finish reading the exercises, he said: "This exercise is called the Yunye Sword Technique. It takes one to three years to learn it to the fullest."

  As a royal family, Lu Jiuyuan's cultivation base is also very powerful. When he and Lu Jiuyuan fled together, he knew that his cultivation had reached the limit of the **** king realm, and he could enter the **** emperor realm in just one step.

   "And my request is very simple, you only need to learn a small achievement within an hour, as long as you don't lose the essence of the Yunye sword technique, even if you pass the level."

   "Okay, let's all go out."

   On the grass, the city lord held a sword and said: "I will use the cloud leaf sword technique on the spot for everyone on the scene to judge."

  Speaking, the city lord pointed at a tree in the courtyard and said: "The Cloud Leaf Sword Technique is the first step."

  "To try, you must stand within the limits I set."

  The city lord drew a trace on the ground, and then threw a piece of spar into the sky. The trace was just ten feet away from the spar.

   Immediately after the sword blade in his hand condensed the spiritual power, the long sword cleaved out, the spiritual power condensed into the sword light, and the spar was cut open with a swish.

  Everyone was envious, that was Jian Mang. Only those using spiritual power can be called sword light, and those using spiritual power can only be called sword energy.

  After the spar fell to the ground, those who knew a little about cultivation had their pupils constricted.

  The spar was chopped in half by the long sword. Not only was the fracture very flat, but there was almost no defect.

  You should know that both Sword Qi and Sword Light are easy to split, but when the Sword Qi and Sword Light hit the spar, basically all of the spar is destroyed.

  But the spar is actually two neatly arranged halves, which requires the sword light and sword light to be refined. Be fine.

   is equivalent to that if you use a sword to split a spar, the spar must be smashed, and you can cut a spar with a sharp blade to keep the spar so intact.

  Seeing this situation, everyone at the scene kept clapping their hands and cheering, but the young warriors who participated in the competition were bitter.

  Many young people were each assigned a sword, so they practiced on the spot.

  There were only two people who did not take the sword, one was Chen Xuan, and the other was Huaxia Road.

Chen Xuan had gone through Lu Yu's sword qi cultivation method in his mind, and he was already well-informed. This trick lies in the high concentration of spiritual power or spiritual power, which reduces the striking surface of the sword qi to the narrowest, and strives to obtain the sharpest. The cutting effect.

   Chen Xuan also heard about this Lu Yu sword aura. This was one of the royal swordsmanship, possessing extremely strong cutting power. Chen Xuan did not expect that City Master Lu would demonstrate this technique in front of everyone so simply.

  The sword is just a carrier, the real essence lies in the operation of spiritual power.

  Chen Xuan sat cross-legged, the spiritual power in the body was mobilized according to the unique rotation of Lu Yu's sword qi, and mobilized the spiritual power in the body

  The Huaxia Road stood in place, making gestures with one finger, seeming to be groping for something.

  The patriarchs of those families have sweated for the younger generation of the family.

  After an hour passed, the city lord asked all the warriors participating in the competition to try Lu Yu's sword energy on the spot.

  Many young warriors looked embarrassed. It was obvious that they hadn't learned, so they had to bite the bullet.

  A young warrior stepped forward and stood within the trace. He held a sword blade, condensing spiritual power into the sword, and then cut out the long sword.

  The spar thrown by the city lord in the sky, its trajectory is not fixed, and the young warrior’s sword energy unexpectedly failed to hit the spar.

   "Failed." The city lord shook his head, without even touching the spar, he was eliminated.

  The next young warrior is even more exaggerated, and his sword aura is actually quite a few steps away from the spar.

  "Failure." The lord was shaking his head.

  The bystanders are all unclear, so I have to say that the juniors of their own clan are also very good, how can they not even cut the spar?

  The City Lord couldn't stand it anymore, and sighed: "Lu Yu's sword aura is still too difficult for you. You have to do your best to compress the width of the sword aura, which makes it difficult for your sword aura to maintain stability."

"But you don’t have to blame yourself. It’s already very good that you can do this step. Most people can’t even cut a trace. We knew that this Lu Yu sword qi was specially cultivated by our royal family, but you also They are all qualified to practice this sword technique." Lu Jiuyuan said slowly.

  Everyone realized that it was not that the skills of the young warriors were too bad, but that this kind of sword aura was too difficult to control.

In the end, many talented young warriors with tyrannical cultivation bases slowly tried. This time Lu Chengzhu also offered a little favor to the warriors of these major families. The purpose is to make Lu Yucheng more united to fight against the Pantheon .

  Hua Yuanhong's first performance, his performance caused a lot of exclamations.

  Because Hua Yuanhong is the first person who can hit the spar with his sword qi. It is a pity that the sword qi is not refined enough, and the entire spar is completely destroyed.

  The second Hua Quanliu was similar to Hua Yuanhong, and his sword aura also hit the spar, but he couldn't split the spar by a single minute, but only shook the spar a few steps.

  Liu Ziqi performed best. He used the sword originally. This long sword hit the spar, but the sword energy was not fine enough, so he cut the spar in half.

  The city master suddenly used it as a spar for viewing, but the spar was indeed cut, and it was cut from the middle. Unfortunately, the entire spar lost about 90% of its area.

   "It's pretty good." The city lord nodded: "It's pretty good to be able to leave some spar fragments..."

   Hearing this, he smiled triumphantly.

  (End of this chapter)

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