Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2738: Suzaku

   Chapter 2738

  The half of the incomplete book was temporarily named "Suzaku Sword Qi" by Chen Xuan.

  This Vermillion Bird Sword Qi does not know what level it belongs to, but Chen Xuan knows that the power of this technique is amazing, at least at a high level or above.

   may even be a superb, superb exercises.

  Chen Xuan slowly raised his hands, and there was a blue-red light spot the size of a ruler floating beside his body, which was extremely dazzling.

   "I was in the city lord's mansion that day, just trying my skills. It's unclear how powerful this four-stroke Suzaku Sword Qi burst is."

   "I want to see how powerful this Suzaku Sword Qi is."

  Thinking about this, Chen Xuan mobilized the spiritual power in his dantian and quickly transformed it into the power of the Suzaku, and then used the four-fold cultivation method of the Suzaku Sword Qi to clamp this spiritual power on his hands.

   Then he felt that his spiritual power was madly drawn away, like a whale sucking water.

   And his right palm actually flashed with a dazzling blue-red light, but what was even more amazing was that Chen Xuan felt unable to control this spiritual power, like carrying a huge boulder on his back.

   "It's awful." Chen Xuan's pupils contracted, and he whispered softly: "I didn't expect that the power of the Suzaku Sword Aura would be so great that I had to release it suddenly, otherwise I would burst and die."

  Chen Xuan didn't have time to think about it, he jumped up and blasted his sword heavily on the ground.

  The power of the blue and red Suzaku poured out, and with Chen Xuan's sword, the power of the blue and red Suzaku turned into the quadruple of the giant Suzaku sword aura in a blink of an eye.


  The whole earth trembles because of this sword, and the terrifying blue-red ice and fire are like waves.

  Chen Xuan only felt a piece of spiritual power in front of him, and the ring-shaped ice and fire roared, roared, shredding everything he encountered nearby.

  And the deafening roar of the huge boulders all over the field, even surrounded by the cold sound of tiger roar.

  After the sky full of spiritual power disappeared, the sight that appeared before his eyes surprised the well-informed Chen Xuan.

   "It's so tough, did I make it?" Chen Xuan's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

  It was a crater with a diameter of ten feet, and the outer edge was a pattern spreading in all directions, and Chen Xuan stood in the depths of the crater.

   What’s even more frightening is that the entire area of ​​one mile has now been razed to the ground.

  Buildings and boulders are all gone. The ground is flat and smooth, looking down from a height, it is a neatly rounded open space.

  Only one mile away can you see the intact building boulders.

  Chen Xuan took a few deep breaths, unable to calm down for a long time

   "This Vermillion Bird Sword Qi is a ground-level exercise." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and clenched his palm. That's right, at least it was a ground-level exercise.

   At least the earth-level exercises can trigger the heaven and earth vision, but when I released the four-fold Suzaku sword qi just now, I clearly heard the sound of the tiger's roar.

   "No, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time and withdraw." Chen Xuan suddenly ran towards the distance.

  He made such a big move here, and he will definitely disturb the cultivators in nearby cities. If anyone finds out that this open space was created by him, Chen Xuan will have unimaginable consequences.

   While running wildly, Chen Xuan was thinking about another question.

   Spiritual power is not enough to consume Suzaku's Sword Qi quadruple. The Suzaku Sword Qi Quadruple Sword didn't exert its due power at all. Just now Chen Xuan only used the spiritual power of a dantian in his body, and the Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple he showed had that powerful power.

   Waited for Chen Xuan to run a long distance and made sure that he was safe before stopping.

   "It won't work." Chen Xuan leaned behind an ancient tree and slowly looked at his hands: "My physical strength is still there, but the spiritual power in a dantian has been drained."

   "Without a warrior with spiritual power, the cultivation base will be greatly reduced. This is not the result I hope to see."

  He analyzed it calmly and found the crux of it.

The Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple is like a car. Obviously, I am a little wolf pulling a cart now, and my spiritual power is too low. If I use one dantian's spiritual power to overdraw, then Chen Xuan can't bear it. You must improve your realm as soon as possible.

   "It's a pity." Chen Xuan shook his head: "That Suzaku Sword Qi is only half a fragmented book. It contains only the first six sword techniques, but it does not condense the soul and practice qigong."

  Skills are only used for fighting. Only the condensing soul and qigong practice can be used to improve the realm. Choosing one from the condensing soul or qigong practice can improve the realm of a martial artist.

  The characteristic is the spiritual power of the Vermillion Bird, so it is obvious that Qi training is more suitable for you.

  However, Chen Xuan thought of another thing at this time. He muttered: "When it comes to the Qigong method of Suzaku's ability, the Suzaku technique is the most powerful in the world."

   "Since I don't have the Zhuque Jianqi Qigong method, I can also use the Zhuque exercise method instead."

  While talking, Chen Xuan took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from the storage ring. This was the thunder talisman that sealed the seventeenth place in the ranking of the gods, the demon soul.

  Chen Xuan sat cross-legged and threw the thunder talisman into the air. The strange thing was that the thunder talisman was suspended in the air without falling.

  Chen Xuan's expression hesitated, secretly, the minimum requirement for the cultivation of the Vermillion Bird technique is the nine levels of the Divine Sovereign Realm. I don't know if I can bear it, so I just try it out.

  After making the plan, he first swallowed a small pill. This pill was not an elixir, but a pinch of nine herbs.

  The pill entered into the abdomen, and the medicinal properties of the herb slowly spread. Chen Xuan was bathed in a warm atmosphere. Within the time of a cup of tea, all his spiritual power had now been fully restored.

  Afterwards, after making complete preparations, Chen Xuan took a deep look at the thunder talisman in the air, and then silently operated the cultivation method of the Vermilion Bird in his heart.

  He possesses the power of the Suzaku, which is rare in the ages. This powerful and outrageous talent gives him an unparalleled affinity for the Suzaku Sword Qi.

  The profound and mysterious Suzaku technique was turned extremely smoothly by Chen Xuan, as if a fish caught water.

  When the cultivation method successfully entered a week, the air around Chen Xuan fluctuated, and the thunder talisman floating in the air slowly trembled.

  Lei Talisman sensed the call of the Vermillion Bird Cultivation Method, and from the surface of the talisman, a weird white demon red aura quickly spread.

  Those white demon red auras are densely packed, intertwined into a fire net, so that this land forms a vacuum belt, and the nearby buildings are attracted to the ground, and they continue to fly to the thunder talisman.

  It's just that those buildings just touched the white mysterious fire, and they turned into powder.

   Chen Xuan looked at this scene, only to feel shocked, that is the source of the thunder of the gods, it is by no means a joke.

  But he gritted his teeth, now that he is ready to fight, he can’t stop

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan suddenly waved, and from the countless demon red aura above the thunder talisman, only a ray of white mysterious fire was drawn.

  As soon as the white Xuanhuo touched Chen Xuan's body, it quickly merged into his body.

  At that moment, Chen Xuan was bounced by the fire, his limbs were extremely stiff, unable to move, but he clearly sensed the domineering spiritual power of the demon soul, and rushed into his body.

  The powerful demon soul filled Chen Xuan's entire body. At that moment, Chen Xuan was very worried that he would become crazy because he could not bear it.

   But then, a scene that made Chen Xuan terrified appeared.

  He felt that the white, demon-red aura was refined by the Vermillion Bird Method, and turned into spiritual power into his body, and at the same time, his realm slowly skyrocketed wildly. That kind of speed is now beyond Chen Xuan's control.

   "My realm." Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

  The six peaks of the gods.


  The realm that can be improved by assisting with high-level pill, and diligent practice, unexpectedly stepped over because it only absorbed the mysterious fire of a demon soul.

  I was promoted from the late stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm to the Divine Sovereign’s Sixth Level Peak, only consuming the energy that is one of the profound fires 9 more accumulated in his body.

  If you don’t quickly find a way to consume the remaining demon soul’s spiritual power, then what it brings to you is not help, but destruction.

  The realm has just been improved, and the body is in a full state, and I don’t know if I can hold it up again.

   Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, really reluctant to disperse these precious spiritual powers, so he bit his scalp and continued to absorb it.

  He feels his body is like a balloon being blown up, getting bigger and fuller. It's about to be closer to the body and bear stronger.

  At this time, the energy of the demon soul once again freed Chen Xuan from the shackles of the realm, and his realm traces soared.

  Nine layers of the realm of gods.

  However, there is still 80% of the power of the mysterious fire from the demon soul.

   "No more. It's stronger." Chen Xuan suddenly gave up the promotion.

  Because each time the martial artist has raised a realm, it takes a while for the body to adapt to the new realm.

  However, the powerful demon soul energy in the body is still too much, and Chen Xuan thought of how to dissipate the residual energy.

  He took a sudden step, waved his palm to the sky, and roared: "Suzaku Sword Qi is fourfold."

  The four-fold Suzaku sword energy blasted by this sword suddenly drew out all the excess energy in his body. And that Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple was blasted into a huge fan-shaped light, rushing straight into the sky. This time, the four-fold power of Suzaku's sword aura was more than ten times greater than the previous one.

  Even half of the sky was reflected blue-red. And the sound of tigers roar in the sky was shocking.

   "Huh. Huh." He took a few big breaths in a row, shocked by the horror of Shen Lei.

  This is too scary. I just drew away a small demon red aura and created such a powerful situation. If it absorbs the entire demon soul?

  At the same time, the Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple is too tyrannical. With so much demon soul spiritual power remaining in his body, he was still being emptied by the four-strength sword of Suzaku's sword energy?

  Chen Xuan was suddenly surprised in his heart, as to what realm he had to rise to before he could release the fourfold Suzaku Sword Qi twice.

  "Let's check my spiritual power now." Chen Xuan closed his eyes and looked inside and checked the spiritual power in his dantian.

   "Huh?" Chen Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, and said with joy: "My current spiritual power reserve is actually now a very strong time in the late stage of the gods."

  (End of this chapter)

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