Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2739: Lift a heavy

   Chapter 2739

  Under normal circumstances, every time the nine-tiered martial artist of the God-Sovereign realm increases by one weight, the spiritual power in the dantian will only increase by half the storage capacity, and each time he increases by one weight, it doubles.

  In other words, just looking at the amount of spiritual power storage, one's own promotion to a small realm is equivalent to other people's twofold.

too frightening. This is the amazing thing about the Suzaku technique.

  He hurried away, and after leaving this place of right and wrong, it took him a short time to adjust his body to the nine levels of the realm of God, and then continued to improve.

  He didn’t hesitate, and suddenly sat cross-legged, and the Zhuque practice method began to work again.

  According to the previous method, he carefully drew a burst of white demon red aura and blended the demon red aura into his body.

  But what happened this time was unexpected by Chen Xuan.

  The white mysterious fire did not crazily raise his realm like last time.

Rather, the power of the demon soul directly and slowly impacted Chen Xuan's body.

   "Uh." Chen Xuan let out a muffled snort, and actually floated from the ground into the air.

  The white demon-red aura decomposed into countless threads of Suzaku, which seemed to envelop him like a round fireball.

  Every inch of skin on his body was under the attack of the demon soul.

  He felt his blood boil. The bones all over his body were groaning, and the muscles were cramping.

  No way. You have to persevere, you have to persevere. Chen Xuan clenched his teeth and stiffened.

  But the situation did not improve as he expected, but worsened. He even felt the skin slowly cracked and even decomposed.

   "It's awful." Chen Xuan realized the seriousness of the problem. He couldn't continue to bear the indescribable pain, so he quickly disbanded the operation of the cultivation method of the Vermillion Bird technique.

  In a short time, the white Suzaku fell apart and dissipated into the sky.

   And Chen Xuan fell to the ground from mid-air, and he was convulsed with pain for the entire time of a cup of tea, and he was relieved after a cup of tea

   "How could this happen, how could this happen." Chen Xuan frowned, and slowly rubbed the joints.


  He suddenly figured it out. The first time he absorbed the demon red aura of a demon soul, it was because he did not have the ability of a demon soul in his body. Therefore, the spiritual power of the demon soul has greatly improved the realm.

  But the second time to absorb the demon red aura, the increase is not quantity but quality.

  If the first demon red aura he absorbed was only one ten thousandth of the power of the demon soul, then the second one he absorbed might be close to two ten thousandths of the demon soul's spiritual power.

  In other words, every time he absorbs a demon soul's demon red aura in the future, he will increase the power of the demon soul in his body to a higher level.

   "I was almost fatal just because I couldn't bear the stronger power of the demon soul." Chen Xuan pondered, "There are only two ways to understand this problem."

   "First, improve my realm, and second, improve my fire resistance."

  "The trouble is that there is no practice method to improve one's fire resistance in the Vermilion Bird technique."

  Chen Xuan sighed. That day, King Lei Wu created the Vermillion Bird technique in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. He didn't need to improve his fire resistance, so he didn't write a solution to this kind of thing into the technique.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird is also resistant to fire. If it weren’t for this kind of talent, he would be blown up when he absorbed the first mysterious fire.

   "There is no way, only I can solve it by myself."

  Improving one's own fire resistance can't be solved by practicing Qi, it needs to condense the soul.

  Chen Xuan nodded, took out the pen and paper from the storage ring, and wrote a paragraph of text with a few brushes.

  Chen Xuan looked at the text and was satisfied in his heart.

  He knew a lot of weird and capable people in his previous life. Some of them were called strangers by the masters and disdain to associate with them. However, at that time, Chen Xuan was naturally free and easy, but he didn't care about them.

  Among the people he knew, there was a different kind of alchemist, and that person had mentioned a way to condense the soul.

   is to use the square weight of alchemy to let the martial artist condense the soul. Treat the martial artist as a pill and generally put it into the pill furnace for tempering.

  This idea is not unbelievable, but Chen Xuan thinks it is feasible.

  Although this is not a method of condensing the soul, it can improve the fire resistance and achieve the goal.

   "I already have Nine Spirit Pills, Gudu Grass, and Shifu Pills, although I don't have them, but the main materials that Shifu Pills need can be found in my storage ring."

  Chen Xuan thought: "Now we can only find the spirit bone pill, the circulation grass, and the very high pill furnace."

   "It seems that I have to go to Lu Yucheng's auction house."

  In addition to the pill furnace, the other two are not medicinal medicinals, but medicinal herbs, but because they are too rare, they should not be found in ordinary medicinal stores.

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuan did not want to rest and set off immediately.

  At this time, it was troubled. Chen Xuan knew his identity was sensitive, so he made a simple disguise, put on a loose red robe, and covered his mouth and nose with a black cloth.

  Fortunately, Lu Yu City is close to the Lu Yu Mountains. On weekdays, there are many hunters, medicinal pickers, and various caravans in the city. There are many people covering their faces in such places to avoid unnecessary fights.

  Chen Xuan's dress covering his body and appearance did not attract much attention.

  Sure enough, as soon as I entered Lu Yucheng, I heard that people everywhere were talking about blue visions in the sky. Some people said that it must be a master cultivating nearby. I heard that many powerful family members have gone to Houjushi to look for the master.

  This made Chen Xuan lower his hood a bit.

  Master, those people must be missing, how could they know that such a powerful vision of the world, Chen Xuan, a little young warrior, actually made it.

  However, Chen Xuan searched in the city until the evening, and went through all the more famous medicinal stores, but did not find Linggu Pill and Liuzhuancao.

  However, the very high pill furnace is available, and it is not hard to find.

  As for the two herbs, it seems that I can only try my luck at the auction house.

  But buying things at the auction house is likely to cost a huge sum of money. At this time, Chen Xuan didn't have many spars, and they were all given to the Chinese army.

  City Lord’s Mansion is now the key to Dongjushi's resurgence. He does not want to ask the Chinese Army for money. Fortunately, he still has a lot of medicinal herbs and precious calligraphy and paintings.

  Come early is not as good as it happens. At this time, the only auction house in Lu Yu city is just about to slowly start a large-scale auction.

  The name here is "Dragon Blood Tribe", behind the big golden letters, there is a small pattern.

  When others saw the pattern, they didn't feel anything, but Chen Xuan was surprised when he saw it.

  That is a clover logo, this logo represents a mysterious family with an ancient history in this world, the Huangpu family.

  The business scope of this family covers almost all areas. How large it is and how much energy it hides is still a mystery.

  Chen Xuan only knows that this family cannot easily offend, even the people of the eight major sects, when they see the top of the Huangpu family, they must respect three points.

   "Their hands are stretched to such a remote corner." Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, or stepped forward.

  Anyway, I came to buy things honestly. How tyrannical his Whampoa family is, what does it have to do with me.

  Dragon Blood Tribe Auction House has two exhibition halls, with a total of six auction halls large and small. The largest auction hall opened today.

The    exhibition hall was responsible for displaying the items that were about to be auctioned. It ended as early as three days ago. Chen Xuan did not catch up, so this time it was a blind cat and a dead mouse. It was all luck.

  The auction hall is now full of people, and the buyers who come here are silent and solemn.

  Although no one knew the Whampoa family in this small place, they all knew that this dragon blood tribe was established by an outsider, so even a local rich man did not dare to make a mistake here.

   Soon, the depressive scene slowly became active. A woman in a red robe walked onto the booth. First, she spoke politely to many buyers, and then slowly auctioned her first treasure.

  Chen Xuan's eyes only glanced at the baby, and then fell on a blue-haired girl beside the red-robed woman.

   Normally, the girl in the red robe will be accompanied by two assistants, but the blue-haired girl is obviously not an assistant, just standing there inexplicably.

  Chen Xuan frowned, quietly perceiving it, and suddenly knew that the blue-haired girl was extraordinary.

  This woman has masked silk on her face and can't see her appearance. The key is that there is no aura in her body. But Chen Xuan knew that she was a warrior.

   "Her spiritual energy fluctuations are very cleverly suppressed." Chen Xuan nodded silently, knowing that this woman is a master who cannot be offended.

  But at this moment, the blue-haired girl suddenly caught Chen Xuan's eyes in the countless eyes of everyone.

   The eyes of the two met in the air, Chen Xuan pretended to be nonchalantly averted, while the blue-haired girl slowly nodded her head, appearing very cultivated.

   "So keen perception." Chen Xuan thought to himself, and couldn't help but look at the blue-haired girl a little more.

  The first auction item was a very high and mid-level weapon. The starting price was 50,000 spars, and buyers on the spot kept bidding.

  The buyers who came here to participate in the auction were all wealthy businessmen in the six towns, high-ranking family members, and very generous shots. This virtually added some pressure to Chen Xuan.

   Soon, the first weapon fell into the hands of a big family in Lu Yucheng.

  The second auction item is a calligraphy and painting, and the starting price is also 50,000 spars, which is now equivalent to the price of a stock of one-pin pill.

  But Chen Xuan did not pay attention to the auction items. He always felt that he had a pair of eyes, observing himself intentionally or unintentionally in secret.

  When he followed the eye to catch it back, he found that it was still the blue-haired girl, but the blue-haired girl was looking away and dodged in time.

  Chen Xuan added a caution in his heart, and slowly paid more attention to the blue-haired girl.

  The next auction process was very fierce, and often in order to compete for the same auction item, the price was raised to an incredible height.

  (End of this chapter)

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