Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2744: hit a snag

   Chapter 2744

  People from other big families have suffered a big loss in Chen Xuan's place, and lost a big face. It is really angry that Qiqiao is about to smoke.

  The patriarch of the Li family touched a nail at Chen Xuan's place several times in a row, but he was not angry, so he said angrily to the blue-haired girl: "We talked to the patriarch Zhao before. You said it will be given to the city lord mansion?

  Hearing these words, even Chen Xuan suddenly rolled his eyes, saying that the patriarch of the Li family was really confused.

As a result, the veil-faced woman who had been smiling all the time suddenly turned cold. Her eyes half-squinted towards the patriarch of the Li family: "I asked you something? Our own things, whatever I want. , It's your turn to talk more?"

  While speaking, a flash of frost suddenly flashed in the eyes of the blue-haired girl.

  This eye made the patriarch of the Li family suddenly feel that it was as if he had fallen into an ice cave in a dog days. A coolness rose from the soles of the feet and rushed directly to the top of the head.

  Chen Xuan became more and more unable to see through the woman with the gauze face. When she laughs, she makes people feel like a spring breeze, but when it is cold, she is like a sharp blade.

  However, Chen Xuan was very familiar with the breath radiating from the blue-haired woman, but Chen Xuan could not tell where he had seen it.

  The big families knew that they would be more humiliated by staying, so they hurriedly left.

  Lu Jiuyuan took a deep look at the veil-faced woman, then laughed: "Since the deal has been concluded, let's get closer. Lu Yu's dense forest set a table to celebrate."

   "It should be, I will be the host, Chen Xuan, you can take care of the city lord and this aunt." Wang Lun hurriedly smiled.

The veil-faced woman shook her head. Her cold face just now became kind again. She pointed to Lu Yu Milin next to her: "I want to chat with Master Chen alone, Master Chen, I will go back if you After dealing with the matter, come to Lu Yu Milin..."

  Lu Yu dense forest is a shortcut from Lu Yu City to Lu Yu Mountain Range, Chen Xuan did not expect that this woman would let him go there to look for her.

  As soon as the voice fell, she turned upstairs.

  Leave everyone to look at me, and I look at you. I only think that this woman is acting weird and elusive.

  Wang Lun hurriedly asked: "Chen Xuan, what is the origin of this aunt? How can I give me six bottles of ancient ring pill to brother Chen Xuan."

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, “Don’t ask so much, I’ll see her right away.”

   "Okay, thank you so much." Wang Lun expected the blue-haired girl to be a noble girl, so he didn't ask too much.

  When the city lord’s mansion left, Chen Xuan asked the city lord, "Master Lu Jiuyuan, do you know the identity of this woman?"

  Lu Jiuyuan stroked his beard and shook his head: "I only know that she is a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and the specific identity is unknown, and this is the second time I have seen her."

   "Chen Xuan, his origin is still unclear, so be careful."

   "Understood." After Chen Xuan sent away the city lord, he took a deep breath and stepped into the dense forest of Lu Yu.

  What should come is always coming. Since the blue-haired girl may know the power of Suzaku, she will go to meet her to see what her purpose is.

  The mysterious blue-haired girl is now sitting on a stone bench in the dense forest, and the table is full of rich dishes.

  Chen Xuan looked at the neighborhood in surprise, he found that he unexpectedly came into a secret realm.

  She stood up gracefully and waved to Chen Xuan: "Master Chen, please sit down."

  Chen Xuan pulled away from the chair and sent the Frost Sword to him first: "Your sword."

  The blue-haired girl looked at Chen Xuan with a smile but didn't take the sword.

  "Return your sword to you." Chen Xuan saw that she was indifferent, so he said again.

  The blue-haired girl shook her head and said, "This sword is for you."

  Chen Xuanqi said: "You have to give away such a precious weapon? However, nothing won't work."

   "What." The blue-haired girl interrupted Chen Xuan, and slowly said, "You have received all the six bottles of ancient ring pill. Now I owe my favor, is this a sword short of it."

  Chen Xuan really couldn't see through her, so he could only put the Frost Sword next to him, sat down and picked up the teacup and said, “Since it’s all here, I am not a mother-in-law, thank you for helping me.”

The blue-haired girl picked up the tea cup, but did not bring it to her mouth. Instead, she moved the red lips behind the masked silk slowly, and the tea in the cup turned into a thin water rope, unexpectedly bypassing the masked silk. The gap is directly sucked into the mouth.

   "Admire." Chen Xuan nodded and drank the tea in the cup.

  The blue-haired girl puts her cheek in one hand, and looks at Chen Xuan's body with a smile.

  Chen Xuan couldn’t stand her look, and said nervously, “Why are you helping me like this?”

The blue-haired girl gently waved her hand: "There is no need to talk about a few shops, it's nothing more than a few small dollars, and this sword is a sword gift to the hero, let alone it is also in my hands. It won't do much."

  Chen Xuan's spirit suddenly rose, the last half of the blue-haired girl's sentence, there is something in the words.

The blue-haired girl picked up a piece of greens and put it into Chen Xuan's bowl. Her voice was slightly hoarse and very sexual, feeling: "To be honest, I have something to ask for. Over the past few years, I have searched the world and wanted to find someone with the power of Suzaku. man of."

   "Haha." Chen Xuan stood up, folded his palms and said, "Thank you for your help, but you have found the wrong person. Goodbye."

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan turned around and left without even holding the Frost Sword.

  He knew very well that if he had the power of Suzaku spread, many people would want to kill him.

  After returning to the Yunyemen, Chen Xuansi still sent a message to the city lord after thinking about it, asking for news about the circulation of grass.

  Because it is necessary to elevate the realm to seven or eight levels of innate in just one month, it is impossible to rely on pill medicine alone, and only rely on the Heavenly Suzaku technique.

  Today he fought against Hua Quanhong, and now he knows that Hua Quanhong’s cultivation base is very powerful, and that Wei can only be stronger than Hua Quanhong for a long time.

  I desperately need to improve my realm, otherwise I must suffer a big loss on the air list.

  It was only a long time before the city lord’s message came back to Chen Xuan, and told that things like Circulation Grass could only appear in the depths of Lu Yu's secret realm, and repeatedly advised Chen Xuan not to enter blindly.

  "Lu Yu's secret realm?" Chen Xuan pondered and went to the library, looking for news about Lu Yu's secret realm.

  Lu Yu Secret Realm, located to the northwest of the Lu Yu Mountain Range, is a dangerous area with beasts infested. Many big family disciples and warriors who came to Lu Yu City from the South and the Seas also came to the Lu Yu Secret Realm.

  The Lu Yu secret realm is full of spiritual power, rich in many herbs, but at the same time there will be powerful monsters.

  Especially in the depths of Lu Yu's Mysterious Realm, there are more powerful God Emperor Realm Monsters. Therefore, even the people with the cultivation base of the city lord will not easily get into it.

   "God Emperor Realm." Chen Xuan rubbed the sun and struggled in his heart.

  He is a warrior who has just entered the realm of the gods, not to mention that he encountered a beast in the realm of the gods, or encountered a beast in the realm of the gods, that is a dead end.

  But I desperately need to circulate the grass, so I won’t get into the tiger's lair.

   "I don't have to be so unlucky, I can really meet the beasts of the **** emperor." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, and the cruelty in his heart came up again: "It's a big deal to do more disguise."

  Just do it, Chen Xuan immediately went to Lu Yucheng to buy a variety of common herbs, and even some crystal cores of monsters.

  After buying what he wanted, it was already late at night, so he took advantage of the night to rush to the Lu Yu Mountain Range.

  Wait to the Lu Yu secret realm in the depths of the Lu Yu Mountain Range, which happened to be at dawn.

At the edge of Lu Yu's secret realm, Chen Xuan took out all the various materials he had purchased, and said, "Most of the beasts come out at night. If you lurch in at dawn, you will have a stronger grasp."

  He simply mixed the herbal medicine he bought with the beast crystal core, crushed it into powder with spiritual power, added water to mix it into a mud, and took off his clothes and smeared the mud all over his body.

  This kind of mud can mask human body odor to the maximum. At the same time, the reason why herbs instead of medicinal herbs are used is that the herbs are too spiritual and easily attract the attention of monsters.

  After making all the preparations, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and slowly arched his body, blasting into the secret realm with a whistle.

  At this time, his whole body is covered with mud smear, leaving only the eyes and nostrils, plus his agile posture, jumping back and forth between buildings, like a vigorous night leopard.

   But gradually, as he went deeper into the secret realm, he felt an increasingly strong spiritual power.

  Spiritual power is the unique spiritual power fluctuation of the monster body, which is equal to the spiritual power and spiritual power of the human warrior.

   Generally speaking, spiritual power is imperceptible, but Chen Xuan is now clearly aware of a spiritual power.

  But in the process, Chen Xuan discovered another benefit of Vermilion’s power.

  He injected the power of Suzaku into his pupils, and an abnormal fire flashed quickly in his pupils. At this moment, he actually saw the substantive spiritual power.

  As far as he could see, the entire mountain range was filled with pale white auras, and those auras slowly rose, making the nearby scenery a little trance, as if seeing the air surging on the rocky road on a hot day.

  It was the first time Chen Xuan saw this kind of sight, and couldn't help feeling surprised in his heart.

   "It turns out that Suzaku's power can still see this kind of thing. Huh? The spiritual power there seems to be stronger."

  Chen Xuanmeng discovered that the color of spiritual power in this secret realm was not the same. In some places, the color of spiritual power was very light, and in some places, it was slightly richer.

   "Understood." Chen Xuan nodded excitedly: "Where the spiritual power is strong, there must be a high-level beast hibernating and going around."

  With the ability to spy on spiritual power, Chen Xuan is almost as powerful as a tiger. He walked around areas with strong spiritual power all the way, but did not disturb any high-level beasts along the way.

  However, as he approached the depths of Lu Yu's secret realm, the situation became a little more complicated.

  Although he can see the substantive spiritual power, the overall spiritual power in this deep area is dark white. There is nothing to go around at all.

  Chen Xuan's pace slowed down, his expression a little nervous.

   "Is there no way to go?"

Suddenly, a very soft voice came from Chen Xuan's ear.

   "You?" Chen Xuanmeng turned his head, and immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

  Sure enough, in a tree behind him, the mysterious blue-haired girl was looking at herself slimly.

  And in her hands, she was still pulling the cute ice bird.

  Unexpectedly, she was the one who shocked!

   is the girl Chen Xuan met in the Black Rock Mountains.

At this moment, the girl was strolling with her white legs, suddenly jumped from the tree, and said to Chen Xuan: "I didn't expect you to still cultivate the demon soul. The demon soul in your body is very special. I didn't expect you to control it. power."

  Chen Xuan knew that the traces left by this mysterious blue-haired **** his forehead had saved him many times.

  "My aunt, although I don't know what your identity is, but I want to thank you very much." Chen Xuan replied.

  Chen Xuan suddenly cursed himself in his heart, which was really too careless. Even someone behind him followed all the way without realizing it.

  The blue-haired girl seemed to be able to see through Chen Xuan's mind, she chuckled and said: "You and I are so different in realm, you can't notice my existence."

The ice bird next to    blinked and called twice.

  The blue-haired girl fondly touched the ice crystal bird's head: "Hey, I can't eat any more sweets today, obedient."

Below   , Chen Xuan heard the conversation between the two of them. He looked at the blue-haired girl in surprise, feeling a little bit sad in his heart.

  Is such a young child actually suffering from an incurable disease?

  The blue-haired girl took the blue-haired girl's hand, fluttered down from the tree, and walked to Chen Xuan's side, she said: "If you want to enter the depths of the secret realm, just a detour will not work."

   "I can help you." As she said, the blue-haired girl took out a small pale green jade.

  She pulled out the jade, and suddenly there was an unpleasant smell coming out of it, and then she took a deep breath and squirted it out.

  That anger, Chen Xuan saw clearly, it was definitely spiritual power. And it is not a general level of spiritual power.

  (End of this chapter)

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