Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2745: Chen Xuan's hands

   Chapter 2745 Chen Xuan's hands

  The spiritual power sprayed by the blue-haired girl swept through the smell from the jade, and was suddenly blown out hundreds of meters, even thousands of meters away.

  "Don't be stunned." The blue-haired girl grabbed Chen Xuan's hands and said, "What I just blown out is the scraps of animal bone grass, and a powerful beast will be attracted to it soon, and I will leave quickly."

  She held the blue-haired girl with her left hand, and Chen Xuan with both hands, and lightly jumped on the spot, her body dragged the spiritual power of two people and flew out.

  Chen Xuan let the blue-haired girl take her to fly, whispering in her heart, her strength is so powerful that she can master the art of the Royal Sky without spiritual power.

This method is a typical sign of a master of the **** emperor realm. A warrior will condense spiritual power into spiritual power in the **** king realm, and in the **** emperor realm, the quality of spiritual power can improve by leaps and bounds. And OK.

  At this time, Chen Xuan realized that this mysterious blue-haired girl was at least not an enemy.

  Otherwise, if she wants to get something from herself with her cultivation base in the realm of the **** emperor, she can just grab it, so why do she help herself in every possible way.

   "Okay, that's it." The blue-haired girl took Chen Xuan and the blue-haired girl to the ground slowly, saying: "The powerful monsters have now been attracted to where we were before, so let's go deeper from here."

  In this secret realm, Chen Xuan could not float in midair at all, but this blue-haired girl could.

   Chen Xuanqi said: "Since you can fly, why don't you fly in with us?"

  The blue-haired girl glanced at Chen Xuan, and said, "Going further in is the depths of the secret realm, and floating in the air will leave a very strong spiritual fluctuation, which will attract the attention of Beasts."

   "Oh." Chen Xuan nodded silently.

He has indeed never dealt with Warcraft. Although he has learned a lot about the existence of Warcraft in this world through books, Chen Xuan in the original world has everything he wants in his sect, and he does not need him personally. Go to Warcraft to find something dangerously.

  Then the three quickly went deep into the real depths of Lu Yu's secret realm.

  At this point, a flash of fire flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he found that the spiritual power in this place was very strong, and it was not at the same level as other areas.

  Chen Xuan looked left and right, his eyes swiftly passing every plant, looking for what he wanted.

  The blue-haired girl was also cautious here, she said slowly: "What are you looking for, you have to come to this place."

  Chen Xuan slowly said: "Flowing grass."

  The blue-haired girl chuckled softly: "That is in line with your natural ability. It seems that you are trying to improve your realm."

  When it comes to talent, Chen Xuan is silent again.

  The blue-haired girl glanced at Chen Xuan coldly, and said, "You are very guarded, don't you still trust me?"

  Chen Xuan felt that the identity of the blue-haired girl was a bit mysterious. He just saw the blue-haired girl's back faintly emerging with blue wings, looming, even very much like Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's wings.

  The blue-haired girl squinted her eyes, just about to say something, but her eyes changed: "Wait."

  She stopped abruptly, suggesting that Chen Xuan lowered her body.

   Directly ahead, in a dense forest, a shadow of a huge monster slowly passed by.

  The shadow seemed to be more than three feet tall and five feet long, but it didn't make a sound when walking.

   Chen Xuan suddenly took a breath after seeing the thing, "I have seen this thing on the legend of Warcraft. It is a crown-toothed wolf."

  Crown-toothed wolf, a kind of wind-powered beast, this kind of thing has a huge body, but its movements are very incompatible with its body, and it is very smart.

   "God King Realm." The blue-haired girl slowly said: "Don't attract its attention, otherwise it will attract more monsters."

  Chen Xuan glanced at the blue-haired girl subconsciously.

  The blue-haired girl casually said: "The blue-haired girl is wearing a black tortoise protective clothing, and the beasts below the sky will not find her."

   "Mysterious turtle protective clothing." Chen Xuan grinned. The protective clothing himself knew that it was worth more than 50 million spars. It's such a big deal.

  After the crown-toothed wolf in the realm of the **** king walked away, the blue-haired girl suddenly pulled the blue-haired girl and sneaked forward: "Speed ​​up, the fragments of my animal bone grass last only two hours."

  The three of them rushed in the depths of the dense secret realm, but it became more and more difficult for Chen Xuan to find the circulating grass.

  Because the deeper you go, the denser the vegetation. Towering giant trees penetrate the sky, and the broad-leaved vegetation below makes visibility worse.

  The three of them spent more than half an hour, passing through layers of dense jungle, and suddenly enlightened, a magnificent and peculiar pond appeared.

   "Yeah." The blue-haired girl clapped her hands in surprise and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."

  There are a lot of strange vegetation in that pond. The key is that these vegetation will shine by themselves.

  The dense jungle makes the interior of the jungle as dark as night, and the glowing vegetation is very dazzling.

  The blue-haired girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly said: "The circulation grass you are looking for must be in it."

   "Yeah." Chen Xuan nodded excitedly: "The light plant is formed by absorbing suzaku. If there is a circulating grass in the secret realm, it must be right here."

  The three of them lurked in cautiously, in the glowing jungle, everything nearby looked so mysterious and dreamy.

  A large number of plants exude magnificent light of different colors, and even the insects inside will emit colorful brilliance.

  The blue-haired girl was the happiest, she touched this one while touching that, her face smiled brilliantly.

  The blue-haired girl looked in her eyes and rubbed the blue-haired girl's hair fondly.

   "Here, the flowing grass." Chen Xuan dazzled a bright shadow in his eyes, and rushed over. go with.

  A shining vine is wrapped around a luminous building.

  Chen Xuan grabbed the vine, but was disappointed

  He collected the first-grade circulation grass, and the blue-haired girl reminded him: “We still have one hour when the smell of the scraps of animal bone grass is about to dissipate.”

  Chen Xuan glanced at the blue-haired girl, and he really liked the girl in his heart, and said, "Forget it, you can get one product for one product, let's go out."

  The blue-haired girl shook her head: "Isn't that here for nothing? Look for it again, there is still time."

  The three of them fumbled again. They found all kinds of weird herbs here. Chen Xuan was very rude and took away all of his brains.

   "Ah, Grape." The blue-haired girl pointed in a direction and giggled.

  Chen Xuan heard the words, looked over with the blue-haired girl, and said in unison: "Suzaku's Stone."

  On a vine, there are two bunches of grape-like things hanging, but the two bunches of things are exuding shimmering brilliance.

  "Do you know too?" The blue-haired girl looked at Chen Xuan's body in surprise

   "Good thing." Chen Xuan walked over excitedly, and carefully reached out and took off a string of Vermillion Bird Stones: "This thing will explode when it encounters a violent collision, and it will be powerful."

   "Looking at this appearance, it should be the Vermillion Bird Stone. Throwing a strand is enough to blow up a nine-tiered master of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and throwing a strand out, it will not be a problem to blow up the Divine King Realm master."

   is really a good thing. Chen Xuan carefully took off the two strings of Vermillion Bird Stone and separated the two strings of spiritual power.

   Just when he was happy, the light and shadow behind the vine made Chen Xuan overjoyed.

"Circulation grass, this is a herbal medicine that can consolidate the essence and cultivate vitality. It is very rare. If I can get this herb, I can once again increase the strength of my body refining." Chen Xuan's eyes were rounded, and he turned the circulation grass. Take off

  Originally wanted to find the circulation grass, but unexpectedly found a better one.

  With this circulating grass, the fire resistance I have to hone is definitely better than expected.

  "Okay, now that you have found what you want, let's leave." Seeing that Chen Xuan was so happy, the blue-haired girl smiled infected.

   "Thank you so much." Chen Xuan nodded sincerely to the blue-haired girl after harvesting the grass.

  Chen Xuan said with a smile, "I can't eat it, it's very hot."

  The blue-haired girl wrinkled her forehead: "Beep, stingy."

  The blue-haired girl looked beside her and laughed blankly.

  The atmosphere between the three people became more harmonious, and they soon left the jungle.

  But not long after leaving the mysterious jungle, the blue-haired girl suddenly stood still, slowly opening her mouth wide, making a coughing sound in her throat, and her pretty face turned pale blue.

   "Blue-haired girl, what's wrong with you?" Chen Xuan was shocked, and hurriedly took the blue-haired girl's hand.

   "Get out of the way." The blue-haired girl suddenly went crazy, and put Chen Xuan aside. She hurriedly placed the ice bird on the ground and said anxiously: "Why happened here."

  Chen Xuan saw the ice bird's expression extremely painful, and in just a few seconds, a layer of frost formed on his body.

  Then, the ice bird turned into the appearance of a delicate boy. The cute little face changed from light blue to fiery red, and his big eyes were also covered by frost.

  The strange low temperature, surrounding the ice bird, made her breathing harder and harder, even her heartbeat almost stopped.

  Chen Xuan showed a look of shock. He has never seen such a strange symptom. What kind of disease is this?

  The blue-haired girl was standing in front of the ice bird. At this moment, sitting behind the blue-haired girl, she quickly rubbed her hands a few times, and suddenly stuck to the ice bird's body.

   "What is the relationship between this ice bird and her, it can make her exhaust her mind and consume her own spiritual blood to save it." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

  Then she transferred a swell of vigorous and powerful spiritual power into the ice bird's body without any hesitation.

  Chen Xuan looked at this moment in shock, and found that the symptoms of Ice Bird were too strange.

  The ice bird is constantly freezing, but these ice crystals have been surrounding the ice bird's body.

  The blue-haired girl kept pouring into the ice bird's body a large amount of spiritual power. It is said that the huge amount of spiritual power was enough to burst a warrior in the realm of the gods.

  But those spiritual powers entered the blue-haired girl's body, only slightly slowing down the blue-haired girl's speed.

  The blue-haired girl cried as she talked, sobbing her throat.

   Chen Xuan's forehead was sour and his eyes were red

  But at this moment, the grass next to it shook suddenly, and a huge monster appeared.

   "Crown-toothed wolf?" Chen Xuan felt that his brain was about to explode.

  How come the crested wolf appeared in front of them at this time.

  The blue-haired girl was constantly pouring spiritual power into the boy's body at this time, and she could not tolerate being disturbed at all, otherwise it was very likely that she and the blue-haired girl would both die.

  This situation is really urgent.

  The blue-haired girl glanced at Chen Xuan anxiously. She wanted to speak, but unexpectedly, Chen Xuan turned around and fled without saying a word.

  That Chen Xuan quickly rushed out of the dense jungle and disappeared.

  The blue-haired girl saw this situation, she let out a bleak laugh, she shook her head, her thousand words turned into a silent sigh.

  And the crown-toothed wolf in the realm of the **** king, as if smelling the spiritual energy of the blue-haired girl, it actually knew that the blue-haired girl could not move at this time, and the wolf's nose exhaled excited white air.

  The crown-toothed wolf's hooves struck the ground twice, and then rushed towards the blue-haired girl and the blue-haired girl. go with.

  The blue-haired girl shook her head sadly.


   Suddenly, a cloud of ice and fire exploded on the right side of the crested wolf.

  The violent impact force stubbornly knocked the Crown-toothed wolf out.

  "You?" The blue-haired girl was overjoyed, and she saw Chen Xuan's face along the gap in the bamboo forest.

  Chen Xuan looked very solemn, and said quickly: "Don't be distracted. Quickly suppress the cold of the blue-haired girl."

  In Chen Xuan's hand, there was still a mysterious spiritual power, and suddenly, this spiritual power followed Chen Xuan's spiritual power and quickly attacked him.

  Suzaku's Stone, there is no way to really hurt the crested wolf.

  The crested wolf jumped up from the ground, and his pair of red eyes became extremely red. It was obvious that it was provoked by Chen Xuan.

  The huge crown-toothed wolf lowered its head and aimed a pair of fierce horns at Chen Xuan. Its four hoofs moved and turned into a sword energy to rush towards Chen Xuan.

   "It's fast." Chen Xuan's pupils contracted, and he slammed backwards with all his strength, and at the same time threw a Suzaku stone toward the crested wolf.

  The Vermillion Bird Stone exploded directly on the crown-toothed wolf's head, but it failed to overturn the angry crest-toothed wolf.

  (End of this chapter)

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