Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2746: Pause slightly

   Chapter 2746 Pause slightly

The speed of the crested wolf only paused for a while, and quickly returned to its original speed, blasting towards Chen Xuan's body with a swish.

  Faced with an angry God King Realm Crown-Toothed Wolf, Chen Xuandun felt the pressure made him breathless

   After all, this is a monster that dominates a party, extremely powerful, even surpassing the realm of the **** king by many.

  The crested wolf came too fast, Chen Xuan was anxious, so he could only mobilize the power of the demon soul to push himself out with a bang.

  At this moment, the crown-toothed wolf passed by Chen Xuan, and the heavy wolf body rubbed against Chen Xuan's body.

  Although it was just scratching, Chen Xuan still felt like he had been hit by a boulder. The bones all over his body spasm fiercely, and a mouthful of sweet blood overflowed from his throat.

   However, Chen Xuan's bounce was fast enough and far enough this time.

  Crown-toothed wolf lost Chen Xuan's target, and turned around and ran towards the blue-haired girl and the blue-haired girl.

  The blue-haired girl watched the crown-toothed wolf get closer and closer, and now she had a look of despair on her face.

   Ke Just then, there was a whistling sound.

  Boom! The crown-toothed wolf was hit by the Vermillion Bird Stone on the side of its body, and was blown off again, ramming sideways on a giant tree surrounded by five people.

  The giant tree was broken in a blink of an eye, and the sawdust flew indiscriminately.

  Chen Xuan jumped out and wiped the red blood on the corner of his mouth: "Stupid wolf, come and play with the Chinese army, your target is me."

  Crown-toothed wolf jumped up furiously, dashing violently according to Chen Xuan.

   Profound Fire's ability makes it extremely powerful and at the same time horrifyingly fast. This time, afterimages appeared on the huge wolf body.

   "Be careful." The blue-haired girl yelled worriedly.

  Chen Xuan once again invoked the power of the demon soul, poured spiritual power into his feet, and threw out sideways.

  However, in mid-air, although the sharp claws of the wolf's head could not penetrate Chen Xuan's stomach, the wolf's body once again rubbed against Chen Xuan's body.

  This time, Chen Xuan directly smashed into an afterimage, flew out with a bang, and broke several ancient trees in succession.

  Crown-toothed wolf smashed Chen Xuan far, and after finding that he had lost Chen Xuan's trail, he turned his head back to deal with the blue-haired girl and them.

  This time the crested wolf is sure to win, its nostrils are wide open, and it rushes up with white breath.


   There was another explosion, which exploded on the crested wolf's body, exploding the crested wolf flying horizontally.

  Chen Xuan did not know where he jumped out again, he kept coughing, every time he coughed up a **** flower.

   "It's really hard." Chen Xuan snorted in pain, and tore off the long robe that had been broken into rags, revealing the power of the Vermillion Bird inside.

  If it weren't for the power of the Vermillion Bird to protect the body, just one collision from the crown-toothed wolf of the **** king realm would be enough to break Chen Xuan's body.

  "Hey." Chen Xuan spat out a **** saliva and said: "With me, you can't even move them all."

  Speaking, Chen Xuan hammered twice on his chest: "Come on. You **** stupid wolf."

Chen Xuan was also irritated by this monster. At this moment, he had already used the power of the demon soul in his body. The red soul power, coupled with the power of the fiery red Suzaku, burned on Chen Xuan's body, making him look particularly frightening. .

 It's a pity, Chen Xuan thought in his heart that the Suzaku Sword Aura is a large-scale attack. In order to avoid hurting the blue-haired girls, there is no way to use it here.

  The blue-haired girl looked at Chen Xuan in shock, seeing Chen Xuan's embarrassed appearance, yet such a tenacious performance, a layer of soft light gradually appeared in her eyes.

  The crested wolf jumped and jumped violently on the spot, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically.

  This time it was really hysterical.

   Chen Xuan gritted his teeth. Knowing that he would not be able to escape the impact of this crested wolf no matter what, he grabbed all the Suzaku stone and threw all his brains at the crested wolf.

   "You are crazy." The blue-haired girl exclaimed.

  A strand of Suzaku stone exploded on the crown-toothed wolf's head.

  Chen Xuan’s angle calculation is very good. The blue-haired girls are just behind the crested wolf, in the dead corner of the Vermillion Bird Stone, and will not be bombed.

  These Vermillion Bird Stones are actually Chen Xuan's use of his superb alchemy techniques to seal the power of Vermillion Bird in his body, which can cause very powerful damage to the enemy.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also tried his best to set up a spiritual shield in front of him. That spiritual power called the power of the Suzaku, and the surface of the shield crackled.

  But this degree of self-defense gas shield can't resist the crest-toothed wolf's rush, but what Chen Xuan wants is not to blast the crest-toothed wolf's rush, but.

  The fire wave of the explosion engulfed Crown-toothed Wolf and Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye, and the fire wave hit the self-defense gas shield and flew Chen Xuan away.

  Chen Xuan was flying upside down, only to feel that his whole body was knocked apart, even his brain buzzed, and his consciousness slowly blurred.

  "Fortunately, it's just a blow up. It's better than being hit by the crested wolf."

   A strand of Vermilion Stone not only smashed Chen Xuan, but also lifted the crested wolf away. The sturdy wolf flew through the air and fell heavily into the distant jungle.

  At the same time, the fiery red on the blue-haired girl's face has now turned light blue, and there is also a weak breath in her forehead, which is about to recover.

   However, the powerful crested wolf in the realm of the **** king unexpectedly jumped back.

This crest-toothed wolf was bombarded by a Suzaku stone, but it did not hurt its bones, but some cold red horn marks appeared on its fur. This wolf's attack was far more powerful than a human warrior in the same realm. Too much.

  It roared at Chen Xuan twice in anger, and immediately rose into the sky, and a surging spiritual force suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.


  It roared again, and a violent aura swept over it. Chen Xuan showed a look of shock, staring at the monster.

   So, its scarlet pupils were aimed at the blue-haired girl and the others.

   began to dig its front hoofs, and when it was about to start running towards them, a spirit power suddenly flew over in the sky.

  That is a powerful spiritual force.

   This time the spiritual power did not come from a blast, but weakly drew a red arc in the air and landed on the back of the crest tooth wolf.


   Spiritual power exploded, but due to a problem with the angle, the crown-toothed wolf was just blown out of the body chair for a few times, and it did not turn over.

  The dense bushes rustled, and Chen Xuan's body reappeared.

  He dragged his embarrassed body and moved out step by step. The Suzaku power on his body had long been gone. It was estimated that he was shattered by the impact of a strong explosion.

  Even Chen Xuan couldn't stand up straight anymore. There were cracked skin on many parts of his body, and bright red blood seeped out. He just stood there, and his body kept swinging.

   "Come on." Chen Xuan chuckled lightly, patted his chest while wiping the blood spilled from the corner of his eyes, "I haven't had enough. Cough."

  A big mouthful of red blood was coughed on the ground.

  The crested wolf is now a bit dazed. It stared at Chen Xuan with wide eyes, and must be thinking, what's the matter with this tiny human being?

  But Warcraft wouldn't think too much, since it didn't understand it, it raised its claws and decided to give Chen Xuan the last lethal sword.

  Just as the crown-toothed wolf was about to run, Chen Xuan finally knelt down on one knee due to lack of physical strength

  He had red blood in his mouth, but he was still smiling: "You can kill me if you can kill me."

  The first tyrannical genius under the starry sky will be hit to death by a small crown-toothed wolf of the realm of God King, and I don’t know what virtue the crown-toothed wolf has accumulated in the past life.

  But Chen Xuan looked at the blue-haired girl, thinking inwardly.

  Although I intend to seek revenge on the Pantheon, I really can’t bear to watch the blue-haired girl be killed, she is still so young.

  The crested wolf has slowly rushed over now.

   Facing the crest-toothed wolf that burst out, Chen Xuan spread his arms: "Trust me, never run away."

  It’s just that, before the crown-toothed wolf rushed over, Chen Xuan shook his body and lost consciousness.

  However, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a blue-haired girl flying in the sky, with wings like a phoenix growing behind her, which looked very bright and beautiful.

  The severe pain caused Chen Xuan to wake up from the coma.

  He turned over and jumped up for the first time, and shouted, "Come on!"

  He suddenly discovered that he was actually standing on the bed with a quilt that had just been overturned under his feet.

  The quilt is blue, and it smells like a cold daughter.

   "Where is this place?" Chen Xuan looked around in surprise and found that he had now put on a new underwear.

  He opened his clothes and looked again. There were a lot of dense cracks on his body, and the ointment that exuded a faint medicinal fragrance was also smeared.

  Looking at the surrounding environment again, it is clearly a strange place.

  At this time, Shimen was suddenly pushed aside, and a graceful figure stepped in.

  It was a blue-haired girl, and Chen Xuan saw her look. She had big eyes, but the corners of her eyes were raised, and her forehead was straight.

  But every beautiful woman has its own style, and the beauty of this woman is a kind of "beautiful" that is different from ordinary people. It is an indelible desire that will rise from the depths of the heart.

   "You." Chen Xuan was taken aback, this woman made him feel very strange.

   "You are awake." The blue-haired girl smiled.

   "It's you?" Chen Xuan showed a look of shock. This was the mysterious blue-haired girl. She took off the veil?

"Can't recognize it?" She took out two slender fingers and placed them on Chen Xuan's forehead. Suddenly, blue light traces appeared on Chen Xuan's forehead, which were light at the corners of her eyes. Qingyidi: "Such eyes, you should recognize them."

   "It turned out to be like this." Chen Xuan suddenly realized, no wonder. It turned out that the blue-haired girl had disguised her eyes, and her real eyes were fox eyes.

   "That boy, how is she." Chen Xuan shook his head and hurriedly asked.

  The blue-haired girl said gratefully: "He is fine now, thanks to you."

   "That's good." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he always felt that the blue-haired girl's manners did not match her appearance.

  This blue-haired girl is steady and dignified, giving people a sense of maturity and style.

  The blue-haired girl walked to the window with a light lotus step and put her hand on Chen Xuan's shoulder: "Your injury is not healed. Lie down and rest. I'll go and bring you a bowl of soup right away."

  (End of this chapter)

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