Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2747: Repair pen

  Chapter 2747 Xiuwei pen

  Chen Xuan nodded, his eyes swept across the room. On the opposite wall of this secret practice field, there were two things, one was a pill furnace, and the other was a human-shaped stone.

  After seeing the stone, Chen Xuanqi said, "Do you have a pen? This is great."

   Lan Ling smiled slowly: "The cultivation pen can only detect attacks below the **** emperor realm, but you can use it."

   "By the way, your name is Chen Xuan, right? My name is Lan Ling. I have something to give you before then."

  Speaking, Lan Ling took out three things from the storage ring, namely a Frost Sword, some medicine pills, and a Frost Technique practice book.

  "Is this going to be given to me?" Chen Xuanqi said, Hanshuangjian has been seen by him now, but this is the first time he has seen the red book.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan cultivated the power of the Vermillion Bird, how to use this dagger that exuded the cold air.

   Lan Ling pointed to the Shuanghan Sword first, and said, "This dagger is called Shuanghan."

   "Just put the spiritual power of the Soul of the Vermillion Bird into it, and its level will be improved. As far as I know, they can be upgraded to a stronger level, which is the first level of the best."

   "Superior?" Chen Xuan said in surprise: "Such a high level of cultivation? I am afraid that the entire Lu Yu City will never find such a high-level weapon and armor."

   Lan Ling said: "Your current realm is still relatively low. Under normal circumstances, you can raise the power of the demon soul to a very high intermediate level, and you can reach a high level when it bursts."

  “There is also this book. This is a mental secret book called Qingxin Mantra. It is the ultimate primary mental method and can be used through the spiritual power of the Soul of Suzaku."

   "It's the best again." Chen Xuan took a deep breath, this secret method of mind is too precious.

  Because in general, the secrets of the mind are rarer than the secrets of the exercises, a top-quality secrets of the mind, its value far exceeds the top-quality secrets of the exercises.

   Lan Ling said: "In these years, I have been searching for the blood of ancient monsters and beasts. By the way, I collected these three things related to the power of the Vermillion Bird, and they were just gifted to Master Chen."

  Chen Xuan is not a hypocritical person, she gave it, and she accepted it unceremoniously.

   Lan Ling said: "You just wanted to use the repair pen, let me help you test your current state."

   "Well, I just want to take a closer look at the cultivation level." Chen Xuan moved his muscles and bones, full of energy.

   Lan Ling took a notebook and stood by and said, "Now, test the normal spiritual power."

  Chen Xuan raised his hand and slammed his sword on the Xiu base pen, and saw that the Xiu base pen trembled a few times.

  Lan Ling carefully observed the condition of the Xiuzhi pen, wrote and painted in the notebook, and reported: "Normal spiritual power is two thousand one hundred jin, and the next test will be stronger spiritual power."

  Chen Xuan transformed the spiritual power into the power of the Vermillion Bird, and in a blink of an eye he raised the spiritual power very strongly, hitting it with a sword, and the Xiuzhi pen slipped backwards after being smashed.

  Lan Ling nodded and said: "Seven thousand catties, which is about normal spiritual power, so now, let's test the power of normal spiritual power."

  After rigorous testing, Chen Xuan got the following data.

  At present, Chen Xuan is the first peak of the **** king realm, but his talent and strength are extremely strong, and his combat power even exceeds the cultivator of the second peak of the **** king realm.

  Since Lan Ling already knew Chen Xuan’s Soul of the Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan did not hide his continuous Vermillion Bird Sword Qi, and detected the fourfold power of the Vermillion Bird Sword Qi on the spot.

  The four-fold Suzaku sword energy he used with the power of the Suzaku completely drained the power of the Suzaku at one time, and the damage was very powerful.

   And the Vermillion Bird Sword Qi, which he uses with the power of the demon soul, produces even stronger lethality.

  Even Chen Xuan himself was taken aback. He didn't think so much at the beginning, but now that he got the specific values, he knew that the power of the demon soul and the Suzaku Sword Qi were so tyrannical.

   "How?" Chen Xuan weakly leaned against the wall, because his spiritual power and power of the demon soul were all used up.

  Lan Ling was shocked at first, then frowned: "To be honest, there are mixed joys and sorrows."

   Lan Ling said: "Your explosive power is so strong that people can't believe it, but at the same time this is also your shortcoming."

   "Because your realm is too low, so when fighting with others, you must pass a stronger burst to defeat your enemy, and a stronger burst means consumption."

  Lan Ling looked at Chen Xuan seriously, and said, "Whether you are spiritual power, the power of the Vermilion bird, or the technique, you need a stronger explosion."

   "But your own Dantian capacity is only that little, it's not enough."

   "Yes." Chen Xuan sighed, "That's why I desperately want to improve my realm."

Lan Ling nodded: "Well, when you are fighting with others, try not to use the demon soul as much as possible. This is not to hide the cultivation base, but to be able to fight for longer. I reminded you at the beginning not to arbitrarily. With the power of the demon soul, although this power can improve your cultivation, it consumes too much of your physical strength."

   "But I still have one more thing to tell you." Lan Ling said: "This first-level mental method of the best, because the cultivation base is too high, so it is also terrible for your physical energy consumption."

  The power of Vermillion Bird poured into his feet can also increase Chen Xuan's speed.

   Lan Ling nodded, and said: "I have seen the cultivation method of the clear heart spell. This ultimate mind can increase the short-distance movement speed by five times for the nine-tier martial artist in the realm of the gods, because this heart must use the power of the Vermillion Bird.

   "And the speed of the Purifying Heart Curse for the martial artist of the **** king realm is four times, the speed for the **** emperor realm is very strong, and the speed for the glimpse of the sky is twice the speed."

  Chen Xuandao: "In other words, this heart-clearing curse, I can use it at the Divine Emperor Realm at most, and it will be of little significance in the future.

   Lan Ling said: "However, the basis of these speed values ​​is based on the ninth level of your Divine Sovereign Realm. If you reach the second level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, your spiritual power storage will be improved."

   "Well, but can the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm increase five times." Chen Xuan asked.

  What is the concept of releasing two spiritual powers in one minute? This can even increase Chen Xuan's lethality.

   "As for the attack." Lan Ling took the red frost dagger and said: "This frost can only take the attack for you in proportion."

   "In other words, Frost can absorb a thousand catties for you."

   "Oh. I understand." Chen Xuan suddenly said, "It turns out it is like this."

  Chen Xuan was not disappointed, but rather happy. Because of Frost's defensive characteristics, Chen Xuan could enjoy its benefits in any daily battle.

  Rather than the power of Suzaku, it only works when it encounters a fatal attack.

  At the same time, this soft frost armor is not easily damaged.

  Next, Chen Xuan made another increase in the power of the weapon.

  Chen Xuandao: "Unsurprisingly, spiritual weapons can only increase spiritual power."

"Yeah." Lan Ling nodded and said: "But the sword qi cannot be measured by spiritual power alone. It involves the sharpness of the sword qi, the characteristics of the practice, and how high the level of the practice is. , It’s too complicated, so I won’t introduce them one by one here."

  Chen Xuan is of course very clear about these, so he won't say more.

He held the Frost dagger, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. This dagger had a restrained, steady, clever and unworkable taste, which won Chen Xuan's favor. Although Chen Xuan was not cultivating with Frost Qi, he could actually Mobilize the strength within the blade.

   "I have finished all my questions, now let me talk about your brother." Chen Xuan put away these treasures.

  Lan Ling smiled, and took out hundreds of herbs from the storage ring.

   Chen Xuan was surprised to see that these herbs are all invaluable and rare in the market.

   Lan Ling said: "In my tribe, a senior said to me that to cure his illness, he must use the spiritual power of the Suzaku to refine his pill. However, you are not a real Suzaku, you just have the soul of the Suzaku."

   "Although what I practice is only pill, we still have to wait. I have now sent a signal to seek their help."

   "Alchemy?" Chen Xuan smiled: "Then don't bother them, I can do it."

   "You?" Lan Ling said with joy: "How many surprises do you hide? The more you dig, the more you find that you are very powerful."

  Pill, the cultivation base is not too high, Chen Xuan is confident that he can do it easily, and can guarantee that each is the best, after all, Chen Xuan is also a very powerful alchemist.

  Immediately, the two lit the furnace on the grass.

   Lan Ling personally controlled the fire, she released a group of spiritual power, that spiritual power burned into ice and infuriating, and directly burned the bottom of the pill furnace.

  This matter is related to the life and death of his brother, Lan Ling also became nervous as never before, and soon fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

   She looked at Chen Xuan nervously: "All right?"

   "No problem." Chen Xuan smiled confidently. According to the formula provided by Lan Ling, he divided the 100 kinds of pills into ten batches and put ten kinds in one batch.

   Following this, Chen Xuan used the power of the Vermillion Bird to cross into the pill furnace, accurately controlling every minute and every change in it.

  To be honest, the blue spirit was very nervous at the beginning, because hundreds of herbs have to be tempered together, which is a very complicated process. As long as one link goes wrong, all the herbs will be destroyed.

  But as Chen Xuan's alchemy progress deepened, the expression on her face changed from tension to relaxation, and then to surprise. She didn't expect Chen Xuan to master the skills of alchemy flexibly.

  More than 100 kinds of herbs were put into the pill furnace one after another, and none of the herbs showed a slight difference.

   "My God." Lan Ling was shocked in his heart: "Young Master Chen's control over alchemy is comparable to the imperial alchemist. No, it is even more terrifying than the imperial alchemist."


  The top cover of the pill furnace was opened, and a pot of fresh pill appeared.

  Each pill was glowing with a cold red light, and it was indeed, and it was a very good product.

   Lan Ling held these medicine pills and wept with joy: "I finally got it. With the efforts of many young warriors, I finally saw hope."

  Chen Xuan wiped his sweat and took a look: "There are almost a hundred strands, right? Is it enough."

   Lan Ling nodded excitedly: "Enough is enough, 100 shares are completely enough, Master Chen, I. I don't know how to thank you."

  (End of this chapter)

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