Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2748: See Li De

   Chapter 2748 see Li De

  After bidding farewell to Lan Ling, Chen Xuan once again returned to hunt down a few monsters in the mountains. He hurriedly returned to the Yunye Gate because Wang Lun had something to discuss with Chen Xuan.

  Through Wang Lun, Chen Xuan knew that the family of Lu Yucheng knew that Chen Xuan was going to enter Black Cloud Cliff, and now he had united several of those family warriors, and planned to kill Chen Xuan in the Black Cloud Cliff.

After returning to the Cloud Yemen, he first glanced at the precious Mogu jade grass. This precious Mogu jade grass became larger than when Chen Xuan came back a few days ago, and obviously became more tyrannical. , I chatted with Li Qiuyu again, and then hurried to Lu Yucheng.

  However, Chen Xuan only met Li De.

  Even if Chen Xuan can use the power of the Suzaku to condense the Suzaku sword aura, his lethality has been slowly stretched out. If he wants to cause more powerful lethality, he most wants to build a weapon of sword.

"Let’s go to the highest peak of Black Cloud Cliff again. There are still a lot of materials for crafting. Moreover, I must ascend to the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm within this month, otherwise I will be in danger when I encounter the warriors of the Pantheon. "Chen Xuan thought in his heart, he had already moved quickly to the highest peak of Heiyunya. On the way, Chen Xuan only took two hours to reach the highest peak of Heiyunya.

  In this place, Chen Xuan easily found a place off the beaten track.

  After placing the treasures he needed, he took a few deep breaths: "It's going to begin."

   "I hope that this time, my cultivation level can be improved a lot, and it is worthy of my efforts to search for materials."

  After seeing no one in the surroundings, he used a sword and epee of the same size to dig a large hole two meters deep in the ground. This trace has penetrated into the doorway of the rocky Heiyun Cliff.

   Then immediately put the pond into the pit, he jumped into the pond, and then buried the iron stones on it with his true energy.

  Ensure that he is safe and sound, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction, he placed a piece of grass in his mouth when he was in the middle of the pond.

   "I once heard herbalists say that the practitioners themselves condense according to the spirit of herbs, and they can get unexpected results."

   "I hope he is right." Chen Xuan still feels a little nervous in his heart, after all, he is still the strongest time to practice herbal medicine.

  He slapped the inner wall of the pond with his palm, and the pond burst into flames for an instant. The next moment, Chen Xuan displayed the Suzaku flame in his body.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan was able to revolve with the strength of the Suzaku. In addition, Chen Xuan just ate a raging fire herb. This spiritual herb was extremely effective, allowing Chen Xuan's body to be guaranteed not to be killed within almost an hour.

  As the strength of mastering the power of the demon soul increased, Chen Xuan also began to feel the heat in his body, and the distortion of the strength became more and more serious.

  Fortunately, Hui Ling Cao assisted him. The tyrannical medicinal properties allowed him to get rid of his dependence on profound energy, and the partridge spirit pill suddenly cooled his body.

   Immediately ate the flame grass. With unparalleled tolerance, herbs can be found in almost every corner of this black rock world. This monster can adapt to all harsh places.

  It is a kind of high-grade spiritual grass that grows up in the baptism of Vermilion all year round.

  Mastering the power of the demon soul this time, Chen Xuan immediately integrated the spiritual power carried by the flame grass itself into his flesh and blood.

  The flames in the pond became more and more violent, Chen Xuan's body was red, and the spiritual power of the flame grass suddenly penetrated under his body, into the bones and internal organs.

   After training, Chen Xuan's entire face was flushed and purple. With his tightly clenched fist, he endured unimaginable pain, and thought in his heart: "It's almost done, it's almost done."

   "The ten skeletons of the body have almost been trained, and in the end only the Vermillion Bird Soul and Dantian remain."

  The tyrannical qi of the flame grass swam through Chen Xuan's body, and Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly opened, revealing a touch of Suzaku's power in his pupils.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird was aroused by him to the third level. For a moment, there was a Vermillion Bird sword aura that was hard to see with the naked eye, and Chen Xuan was surrounded.

   Sword Qi condenses into the Suzaku Demon Soul, which starts from the Suzaku Demon Soul with the medicinal properties of the flame grass and swims to every blood vessel in the body.

  Now, after that zhenqi swam for almost two hours, the medicinal properties of the flame grass were finally completely absorbed by Chen Xuan.


  The iron stone in the pond was directly topped into the air, and then a silhouette of people shot up into the sky immediately.

  Chen Xuan turned over and landed on the way.

   "It's done." Chen Xuan stared at his body tightly with excitement, and he felt his body become stronger.

"Unexpectedly, this time I mastered the power of the demon soul, and even the impurities in my body were eliminated. Now I have passed the next time I master the power of the demon soul. for."

  Chen Xuan chuckled secretly, it seems that this time the gain is not small.

  Later, it was Suzaku's strength that absorbed Suzaku's sword aura.

After he was fully prepared, he actually threw his true energy into the air, and said slowly: "Every time the cultivation level is improved, the difficulty will increase rapidly. It is not clear whether this promotion will continue to jump like the last time. Two minor repairs."

  In the next moment, he still used the formula of Suzaku's strength, and the Suzaku spirit in his body quickly moved, summoning Suzaku's sword energy.

  In an instant, Zhen Qi cracked and cracked, and layers of white Suzaku's power visible to the naked eye surrounded Zhen Qi, and the surrounding wind was loud, and the trees were all crushed by Chen Xuan's Suzaku's power.

   "It is not clear what year and month can we truly absorb the sword aura that masters the power of the demon soul." Chen Xuan sighed, and with a move, a white Vermillion bird gathered in an instant.

   After Suzaku touched Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan's pupils were closed tightly, and a strong Suzaku's power was revealed in his eyes.

  Suzaku's power, after less than an instant, it completely penetrated every inch of Chen Xuan's body, muscles, and bones.

   "Is it really going to die?" Chen Xuan thought weakly that he couldn't even feel the pain.

   But in his reality, a miraculous scene is being performed.

  The body fragments that fell off Chen Xuan's whole body unexpectedly began to return to his body.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt his body muscles tighten and strong.

   Chen Xuan's two pupils showed a touch of brilliance, and he felt that he was still at the core of his true energy. So it was inferred that he might have been in a coma for just a few minutes, but in the world of Black Rock, it actually seemed as long as several years.

  He didn't have time to sigh with emotion, and decisively stopped the formula of Suzaku's strength.

  The violent fire month hurriedly disintegrated and turned into a power of Suzaku. The power of Suzaku was decomposed into smaller Suzaku sword aura, and finally disappeared in the profound energy.

   And Chen Xuan hurried halfway, rolled over and landed.


  This time the landing was not violent, but it actually made the ground tremble, and under him, there was a circular cracked trace, and the trace was scorched and black.

   "There is still a lot of remaining sword energy in my body that masters the power of the demon soul." Chen Xuan's two pupils narrowed slightly, facing the air is a Suzaku sword technique.

  He protected the precious sword qi in the Suzaku Divine Soul that mastered the power of the demon soul, and at the same time drew the excess power of the demon soul in the profound body at one time.

  唰! A crystal blue sword aura, soaring away. That sword gas exploded in the middle of the road, and the wind that it drove had actually blown away the clouds on the earth.

   "So strong?" Chen Xuan's eyes widened. This is the strongest Suzaku sword technique he has ever released.

  It seems that the facts are just as he speculated. The power of this burning Suzaku arc is far more powerful than Ke.

   Then Chen Xuan thought, he beckoned to attract a new Suzaku sword aura, and immediately a Suzaku sword aura, he did not breathe into his body, just observe carefully.

  The power of this Suzaku sword aura was suddenly extremely violent, and it was not clear how many times stronger than a Suzaku sword aura. Chen Xuan did not dare to try to absorb the tyrannical Suzaku sword aura.

   "It's strong again." Chen Xuan frowned, "With the physical strength I have tempered now, I dare not easily attack this Suzaku sword aura, but he"

  He thought about it. The formula he used just now to improve spiritual power was already the most powerful cohesion method he had mastered.

   Obviously, if you want to absorb a Suzaku sword aura, you must find a more powerful method of cohesion.

  However, Chen Xuan did not have a more advanced method of cohesion, and he had to go to some clan's Secret Book Pavilion to have a chance to find it.

  He inserted the sword into the ground and took out the exercises to watch slowly. This exercise formula is generally local, and it is a type of exercises specially used to move the figure. It does not have an offensive effect.

   "Well, even if it's complicated, it's easy to understand." Chen Xuan stared tightly, nodding constantly.

  He had practiced more complicated exercises countless times before, so this book is nothing in his eyes.

  He sat cross-legged, reading the exercise formula intently, and groping over and over again in his mind.

  After reading a book of exercises, Chen Xuan felt that it was dark.

   "At this point, I've seen it for more than two hours." Chen Xuan rubbed his shoulders and said, "It's not difficult to memorize it. It depends on the individual."

  He became dignified, meditating the formula silently in his heart, pouring his true energy into his body.

  When the formula took effect, the dust particles under Chen Xuan's body actually slowly floated upward.

  Chen Xuan took a step, followed by a scream.

  He rubbed his forehead and felt that he had hit a mountain wall.

  (End of this chapter)

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