Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2753: easy

  Chapter 2753 is easy

   Surrounded by Lu Yucheng, there are several large and small towns. Chen Xuan also made people rush to Lu Yucheng and asked His Majesty to send warriors to protect these villages and towns.

  The cultivation base of these villages and towns is not enough to fight against a large number of dragon blood tribes, and the methods of the dragon blood tribes are extremely cruel, they will not leave the lives of these warriors, on the contrary, they will use the bodies of these warriors to refine other grass.

"Just relying on our cultivation base is probably not enough to deal with them at the same time, but also to take into account the safety of other places around. Now we can only mobilize all those people to the village of Guwei, and then I want to let one person go. If you find your Majesty the city owner, the city owner will naturally send someone over." Chen Xuandao.

  After leaving the main hall of the Council House, Chen Xuan returned directly to his residence. He had another question, why did the Dragon Blood Tribe choose to attack the village of Guwei.

  You should know that after a few wars in Guwei, it is now just an ordinary village and town that can no longer be ordinary.

  Even if the cultivation base of this village is very weak, it is not the reason for the warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe to attack, after all, the village of Guwei is useless to them. Unless they want it in this place.

  Chen Xuan’s sense of true qi was already very tyrannical. He could very keenly feel the breath within a radius of tens of miles. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a shock coming from the ground.

  It was not that the ground was really shaking, but Chen Xuan felt the sound of breathing under the ground.

   "There is definitely something under the ground." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

At this moment, the earth shook again and again. Suddenly, many monsters escaped from under the ground, and there were even a few monsters whose bodies were very large. As soon as they came out, the ground began to collapse continuously, extremely frightened and tight. Staring closely at the beast coming out of the ground, Chen Xuan immediately commanded some guards to kill the beast.

   "If there is a monster jade, then it makes sense." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  After seeing Chen Xuan, there was a smile on the face of the young man in green robe.

"I thought who it was. It turned out to be Chen. I had heard that you were very talented. You entered the cultivation base of the **** king at a young age, but I remember how you came here just after you participated." Qingpao Youth Tao.

   "I don't know who you are?" Chen Xuan's face was puzzled.

  The young man in Qingpao was respectful to Chen Xuan. He was also a royal family in other places, and his cultivation level reached the triple level of the **** king cultivation level. Because he didn't like to take care of things, he gave him the first place.

   At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a familiar voice coming over.

   "Chen Xuan!"

  Chen Xuan hurriedly turned his head, feeling that this person was actually Lu Younai.

   "It turns out that this is the case. I said how could you be here alone? No, how could you come here to perform tasks alone?" Chen Xuan's face showed doubts.

  "Are you worried that I am not the opponent of these dragon blood tribes?" Lu Younai said straightforwardly.

  A trace of embarrassment was revealed on Chen Xuan's face.

   "But you are still somewhere else. You haven't returned to the Yunye Gate for two consecutive months. Your lord is still looking for you, so let me come and find you." Lu Younai said.

  Chen Xuandao: "I can't return to the Yunye Gate for the time being. I might as well tell you that if I hadn't rushed to the village in time, the village and town would have been slaughtered, and dealing with the Dragon Blood Tribe is not just me.

  And now that he has come here, Chen Xuan will find ways to help other places solve the crisis.

   "Guwei villages and towns have just been attacked by dragon blood warriors, and now they are resisting so densely, it is really unimaginable." Lu Younai said.

  From the time he came in, Lu Younai felt that the village and town that had gone through the war was now functioning in an orderly manner.

  There are many warriors patrolling the streets, and the faces of these people show confidence, and the zhenqi barrier has been established again.

  He just came to the village and town, as if he had never been attacked. While admiring Chen Xuan's tyrannical cultivation base, he stared at Chen Xuan closely.

The leader of Guwei Town suddenly said: "If it weren't for Chen, we would definitely not be able to keep the city." "Yes, and the boss Chen Xuan didn't show a trace of tension in the face of the Dragon Blood Tribe's upcoming attack, just like he didn't release the Dragon Blood Tribe. It's the same in his eyes." A guard said excitedly.

  Lu Younai knew that Chen Xuan would definitely reach a very tyrannical cultivation base in the future, maybe Chen Xuan could really resist the attack of this group of dragon blood tribes.

   "Chen tell me how you deal with the dragon blood warriors. Since I am here too, I can't stare at it tightly." Lu Younai eagerly slapped his hands.

  Chen Xuan knew that Lu Younai’s personality was uncomfortable, and he probably stayed too idle at Yunyemen, so he took the order of real Lu Yu to come here to look for him.

"What I think is very simple. The dragon blood tribe attacked the village of Guwei and left a dragon blood blade here. The dragon blood blade is the place they used to summon the dragon blood tribe to attack. If I were here waiting for them At that time, it will be possible to attract the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe to attack. As long as we can concentrate our strength, we can make them come back and forth." Chen Xuan said softly.

"We all know that the Dragon Blood Tribe is very cruel, but he also doesn't know how many warriors there are in this group of Dragon Blood Tribes, and as long as we can bring them all here, we can also reduce the number of Dragon Blood Tribes." Chen Xuandao.

The face of the leader of Guwei Town showed a sudden enlightenment: "I heard you say that. I just realized it. In this case, we will quickly let the warriors guard the village and town. Chen will give you the command, as long as you have something. If you want, just let me know."

"I don't have any requests, but I don't know that the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe will attack the villages of Guwei. I hope that His Majesty can send people over to disperse some of their cultivation bases, but he now has theirs in the villages of Guwei. The Dragon Blood Blade shows that they absolutely regard this place as an offensive ground. Now we are focusing our strength on Guwei villages and towns. After all, the Dragon Blood tribe will definitely attack Guwei villages and towns." Chen Xuandao

   "What else do we want to do now?" the leader of Guwei Town asked.

   "We can investigate more about the movements of the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe." Guwei village elder said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly and said: "That's right, now I can only resist."

   "I have a way. I will ask your majesty to send someone over to help guard the vicinity of Guwei village." The guard commanded.

  The guard leader is the royal family of the empire, and Chen Xuan did not deny his decision.

  Their discussion continued in the middle of the night, and finally disbanded.

   "The martial arts of this group of dragon blood tribe warriors are extraordinary. I didn't expect them to attack us again. If it weren't for Master Chen Xuan of Lu Yucheng, we would be miserable this time!" said a martial artist.

   "Dao is right, if it weren't for Master Chen Xuan, we would have been killed by those of the Dragon Blood Tribe." Another martial artist said.

  Dragonblood tribes mostly cultivate the power of demon souls, and their physical bodies are very tyrannical, which may be a nightmare for other cultivators.

  However, Chen Xuan also cultivated the power of the demon soul. For the Dragon Blood tribe, Chen Xuan was their nightmare, because Chen Xuan could easily break their physical resistance.

  One day, the leader of Guwei Town and the leader of the guard returned to Lu Yucheng. A few days later, he returned to the village of Guwei, and he also brought many warriors, but the leader of his guard did not come back.

The street is not as good as before, there are many burnt marks, and in the south of Guwei Village is a cliff rock, this cliff rock is connected to the cliff rock, even if there is a certain amount of monsters in it, but his other practices No one wants to come to this place.

It was also accidental that Chen Xuan felt that this place actually had an entrance to the ground. Since he felt the existence of the beast jade under the ground, it means that there is a sword energy magnetic field in this place, precisely because The sword aura is limited, so the sword aura can't be emitted.

   Chen Xuan's perception is very tyrannical, and he has ensured that there is a monster jade in this place. So Chen Xuan kept walking around the cliff. Chen Xuan didn't feel any clues for several days, so he could only return to the village of Guwei.

The Guwei village is guarded by the leader of Guwei Town. Chen Xuan believes in the cultivation level of the leader of Guwei Town. It is easy to deal with the dragon blood warriors with his cultivation level, but Chen Xuan feels that the dragon blood warriors will soon Come to attack Guwei villages and towns.

Unexpectedly, at night, Chen Xuan was still sleeping, and was suddenly awakened by the gloomy shouts.

   Suddenly a mass of red clouds rose above the Guwei village and town.

  The vast infuriating energy suddenly rushed from the north to the town of Guwei. The call to kill suddenly sounded, and all the warriors stared at the outside of the city gate vigilantly.

   "It's not good, I'm afraid I'm going to attack." Chen Xuan said in shock.

  This time the number of dragon blood cultivators is probably much more than before, and Chen Xuan's face showed a sneer.

   "He will kill as many as he comes!" Immediately, Chen Xuan flew towards the square of Guwei Village.

The leader of Guwei Town was resting on this square. When Chen Xuan arrived, he felt that he felt the attack of the dragon blood cultivator and had already risen.

   "They're attacking again." The leader of Gu Weizhen said softly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "We must hold on this time."

  Only ten minutes later, the village of Guwei was already surrounded by dragon blood practitioners.

  Many cultivators in the villages and towns of Guwei also took out his wounding weapon, exuding a tyrannical aura and a spirit of seeing death at home.

  Outside the village of Guwei, crowds of dragon blood practitioners have already attacked them.

  Dragon blood cultivators, even though they are cultivating demon souls, many of their cultivation bases have also reached the cultivation level of the gods. Dragon blood warriors are very cruel and can be described as dehumanizing.

"Give it to me! Kill this city without leaving it!" The dragon blood warrior shouted angrily, the power of the demon soul emerged, the red eyes were condensed with cruel mysterious light, and beasts were emitted from all over his body. The ferocity.

   Seeing that the dragon blood cultivator had broken through the city gate, Chen Xuan slashed the power of the Vermillion Bird in his hand and slashed a dragon blood cultivator in front of him.

  In the earth, several dragon blood practitioners are approaching them. One of the dragon blood practitioners is covered with heavy iron armor, and the whole body is condensed with a terrifying aura.

  The dragon blood cultivator who flew above the earth had a very tyrannical cultivation base. He still carried a gloomy wide knife in his hand, and Chen Xuan couldn't see what cultivation level he had achieved.

At this time, the dragon blood cultivator wearing the armor said in a low voice: "It seems that you have been guarding our dragon blood blade these days, but it really troubles you, but today I will give these days Take it back, Shun actually killed you!"

   "Haha! I didn't expect that you haven't destroyed the spirit statue. Don't you know if we can make the power of the demon soul more violent when we are near the spirit statue?" a dragon blood cultivator said sinisterly.

In the next instant, many dragon blood cultivators rushed towards the square frantically. There were dozens of people, and their bodies were full of turbulent red innocence. The houses were all shattered, directly towards the center of the square. Offensively.

   "You all go to deal with these dragon blood practitioners, Lu Younai, you also help them deal with dragon blood practitioners." Chen Xuandao.

  Lu Younai’s face showed self-confidence, his cultivation level has reached the peak of the **** king cultivation base, it is easy to deal with these dragon blood cultivators

  At this time, the leader of Guwei Town raised the sword in his hand and slammed into the dragon blood cultivators. In a blink of an eye, they slashed and killed two dragon blood cultivators.

  (End of this chapter)

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