Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2766: Missed

  Chapter 2766 No hit

  In this way, he dodges the third sword aura, encounters the second sword aura in the process of dodging, and is about to collide with the second sword.

  But it was such a short time difference, and Chen Xuan passed the second sword qi. He was almost swept by the claws of the second sword qi.

  In his eyes, Chen Xuan had collided with the second sword. But the slightest difference saved Chen Xuan once.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan jumped over again, and this time evaded three sword auras, and came to the track of the seventh sword aura. The seventh sword aura was about to attack the tip of his nose, and he followed closely behind. The sword fell to the ground and rebounded yesterday.

  In his eyes, Chen Xuan jumped yesterday and hit the sixth sword aura, but visually, it seemed that he had collided, but in fact it was still a slight difference.

  This kind of scene is really shocking. Seen from a distance, Liu Hongyi's sword energy covered the area, searching for the ball cruel bombardment, all the contestants looked with the naked eye, only the light and shadow could be seen passing by.

   And the speed of Chen Xuanteng's turning and avoiding is definitely slower than that of Jian Qi, but he just shuttled back and forth among the countless lights and shadows, avoiding the rapid speed of Jian Qi at a slow speed.

"No way."

  The warriors on the two Black Cloud Peaks took a breath. Then Chen Xuan had to use how precise calculations to achieve this level.

  Although this description is too exaggerated, Chen Xuan gave all the contestants the feeling that it was like this.

"This guy." The Patriarch of the Liu family squeezed his arm tightly and exclaimed: "It's terrifying. His method of avoiding is like a warrior with many battles. There is not enough comparison. It is absolutely impossible to do this step with fighting experience."

   Liu Jude looked cruel: "But this kind of rich experience can be called fighting, appeared in Chen Xuan this guy to kill me."

   Chen Xuan can do this step, one is because he is really suitable for martial arts. He is a man born for martial arts.

  The other one, thanks to his **** level.

  That is the response, speed, and strain energy are all excellent.

  Liu Hongyi was a bit proud at the beginning, but now, not only is he a last resort, but he feels hot in his chest. I just feel bombarded.

  Who is actually teasing whom.

   "Smelly guy. You came to perform with me." Liu Hong was very angry, his profound strength in his body increased a little, and he continued to cleave the sword, but this time, every sword aura he cleaved was greater than before.

   Before, the sword energy was only more than three meters long. This time, the sword energy he cleaved reached six meters. The direct improvement is very much.

   "Well, Liu Hong panicked." Liu Jude frowned.

  Sure enough, the larger Meteorite Sword Qi, although the covering area has increased a lot, it represents a longer time for accumulating energy.

  Chen Xuan in order to avoid this falling spirit sword aura.

  But don’t forget, Chen Xuan’s plight has not improved or reduced, but Liu Hongyi expended his profound energy much faster than before. This is what Liu Jude worries about.

  Liu Hongyi is not a fool. He felt his profound strength flow quickly, and immediately realized this, and quickly took the long sword.

  Sword Qi no longer struck, Chen Xuan also settled his body, his chest was slightly undulating, and his eyes were always fixed on Liu Hongyi.

  Liu Hong gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's really like an annoying leopard, jumping up and down. It seems that if you just attack you with sword aura, you have no choice but to try this sword aura."

  After that, Liu Hong's long sword lay across the back of his body, and his body arched right after him, like a beast ready to pounce.

   "Thunder Soul Overlord Body."

   Then Liu Hong whistled and attacked.

   "It seems that Liu Hongyi finally understands that only close combat can maximize his advantage." Liu Jude nodded excitedly.

  The long sword passed by. Liu Hongyi and Chen Xuan passed by, and that Jianfeng slashed directly at Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan came back quickly, and the magnitude of the back was so great that his body was about to attack the ground behind.

  Liu Hongyi's second sword failed, and immediately turned around again. The third hit came faster than the first two hits, and Chen Xuan hadn't recovered yet. In the eyes of all the contestants, it is impossible for Chen Xuan to escape the third blow.

  It is impossible for Chen Xuan to escape no matter what, but Chen Xuan did a move that no contestant could have imagined. He grabbed his arm downward and directly used the force of pulling back to lie down for a moment.

  At the moment when Chen Xuan was lying on the ground, Liu Hongyi's sword just scratched Chen Xuan's body.

   "Hidden." All the contestants watched only felt their scalp tingling. The scene was really thrilling.

  While the clan chiefs who were watching the battle, some expressed admiration for Chen Xuan, some also expressed appreciation for Chen Xuan, and some showed fierce killing intent.

  Chen Xuan stood up from the ground, still holding a long sword, his expression indifferent.

   "I really didn't expect it." The city lord of Lu Yucheng showed an admiring look on his face.

   "We have been focusing on Chen Xuan before. He can change his body flexibly in midair to avoid Liu Hongyi's sword energy. This kid is really a fighting genius."

On the side of    body, a patriarch answered: "This kind of skill in fighting skills is difficult to honed without having been on Black Cloud Peak."

   "Damn it." Liu Hongyi's sword qi was completely lost, and he roared angrily: "Chen Xuan, you kind of contend with me head-on."

  Chen Xuan looked at Liu Hongyi coldly: "Contending with you head-on, I won't."

  Liu Hong jumped his feet in a huff: "Thunder Soul Overlord Body." Liu Hong used this martial skill again and again.

The    technique is super fast, and the most important thing is that he has extremely amazing steering flexibility when attacking. Even his sword is wearing a strong aura. If he encounters Chen Xuan, he may also be in danger.

   "But." Chen Xuan quickly condensed a sword aura: "I will perfect you."

   "What." All the contestants saw Chen Xuan's behavior.

   "Unexpectedly, he actually condensed two Suzaku supernatural powers, as long as this guy practices for a few more years..." Patriarch Liu said suddenly.

  All the contestants have forgotten a question. Just now Liu Hongyi and Chen Xuan fought for too long. Chen Xuan has not only dragged on for four minutes, but has dragged on for a few minutes now.

   "You." Liu Hongyi suddenly showed a shocked look.

  Chen Xuan landed with a sword, followed closely, and confronted the strength of the Vermillion Bird. And the two are attacking each other, how lethal both sides will be. Liu Hong's face became more and more surprised.


The two sides collided fiercely and attacked together, but although Liu Hongyi’s speed was super fast and his attack power was very strong, Chen Xuan also had some fiery flames. Not only that, but he couldn’t take advantage of Chen Xuan’s hands. The blessing of Suzaku's divine power is the destructive power that the actual collision depends on.

The blade hit the long sword, and Liu Hongyi's long sword was immediately knocked into flight by Chen Xuan. And Liu Hongyi cruelly condensed profound energy to form a body shield.

  The mysterious shield of ordinary warriors, that is, a thin layer, and Liu Hongyi benefited from the blessing of the **** king realm, so that his defense power was far beyond ordinary people, but this could not hold the power of the Suzaku.

  Liaoyuan sword against the defense, Liu Hongyi, who hit it, kept running back. The body shield was first knocked out of cracks, followed by it, and suddenly shattered.

  And Liu Hongyi condensed the shield and continued to resist, and then the second layer of shield shattered, and Liu Hongyi’s third layer was just right. Chen Xuan pushed Liu Hongyi all the way out for nearly a hundred meters. At the moment when the third layer of body shield was crushed, Liu Hong slapped his arm fiercely, and the massive profound energy suddenly condensed into a stronger body shield.

  In the last half of Chen Xuan's move, the fourth level of Suzaku's supernatural power has also arrived, and a few meters of sword aura rose to the sky. When it collided with the body shield, the two contended, the sword energy quickly shrank, and the body shield also weakened layer by layer.

  Finally, when the body shield was consumed to a thin layer, it suddenly shattered. The sword directly slashed Liu Hong out and sprinkled pieces of blood in the air.

   can make all the contestants feel shocked, and Liu Hongyi actually stood up again.

  The defensive power of God King is really not a joke. In this battle between the two sides, everyone could see that it was Chen Xuan's attack that defeated Liu Hongyi.

what a pity! Chen Xuan's sword was not enough to kill Liu Hongyi, and his power was a bit weak. Because Chen Xuan's Suzaku's Suzaku's third supernatural power only provoked a few meters of sword energy. Liu Hong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a brutal sword wound on his body.

  Liu Hongyi laughed wildly instead: "Suzaku's power is indeed powerful, and it can chop and chop even stronger damage, but you can't kill me."

  Liu Hong smiled and said, "Come here if you have any, Chen Xuan, today you have the ability to kill me."

  He put a piece of rejuvenation pill in his mouth, and stared at Chen Xuan straightly.

Chen Xuan frowned and thought in his heart, that Liu Hongyi is a bit troublesome, the power of Suzaku is strong when it is strong, but now he is only dealing with Liu Hong one person, unable to fully express the power of the power of Suzaku, now the profound energy in the body can come Suzaku's supernatural power was the fourth most powerful once, but this was not enough to kill Liu Hongyi.

   "Haha." Liu Hong clenched the handle of the sword, and said as he walked: "You can also see that you can't kill me with a sword, this is your biggest problem."

   "Chen Xuan, next time, I will let your head fall."

  Later, Liu Hongyi made a move that surprised all the contestants. On Liu Hongyi, thunder bursts out of his fingers, and a thick flame began to burn on his body. Until Liu Hongyi's face and face were red and bleeding, like an angry beast, all the contestants were shocked.

   "Thunder breaks through the sky." Chen Xuan said this word silently.

  The profound strength of Liu Hongyi's body also became more violent. Liu Hongyi, who had entered a mad state, slapped his arm directly, condensing a thick defensive mystery around his body and then launched an attack on Chen Xuan.

   "It doesn't seem to be enough." Raising his hand and slashing with a sword, Liu Hongyi's profound energy passed by.

   "Wrong." Liu Jude frowned and said: "This sword is a bit too far, right."

   "Thunder Soul Overlord Body." Liu Hongyi's speed has been improved a lot, and he immediately reached around Chen Xuan's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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