Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2767: Blade collision

  Chapter 2767 Blade collision

  Last time Liu Hongyi’s, he almost hit Chen Xuan every time. This time he triggered the potential speed and caught up with Chen Xuan's evasion speed.

   "I see how you escape this time." Liu Hongyi roared wildly, and the long sword penetrated his defense Xuan and hit Chen Xuan's throat. Chen Xuan couldn't avoid Liu Hongyi's speed, so he could only use his sword to resist.

  The two fought each other with swords, and Liu Hong cut Chen Xuan away with one sword. Chen Xuan felt as if he was kicking on his chest, a stream of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but when he flew upside down, he only used a sword aura to cut it out, but Liu Hongyi easily avoided it.

   "Haha, your sword aura can't keep up with my speed." As soon as Liu Hong escaped the sword aura, he chased and killed me in the second blow

  Chen Xuan was still flying backwards, biting his scalp and placing the blade across the back of his body, forced the second blow to hit the blade, and cut Chen Xuan away again.

  Chen Xuan was in the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out, but there was an unexpected sharpness in his pupils, and Chen Xuan fought back again. It was another sword gas.

  Liu Hong escaped easily, looking very bad, Liu Hong chased him again and again, each time he could bring internal injuries to Chen Xuan. And every time Chen Xuan's sword aura could be evaded by the frantic Liu Hongyi.

   "I didn't expect his speed to be so fast." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

   "This is not right." Liu Jude's face showed a look of surprise: "He knows that his sword energy can't hit at all, but he still slashed out with a sword."

  "Should he not accumulate mysteries or use the power of Suzaku again."

   "Hahaha." As soon as Liu Hong finished, he laughed arrogantly: "Is it hurting my bones and muscles. Although you can use your sword to defend against my sword attack, you can't stop the impact."

   "I only need to come twice. Even if the sword does not hit you, you will die by shattering your internal organs."

   Taking advantage of this effort, Chen Xuan made another sword.

  Three sword qi flew across the ground, and Liu Hongyi moved his body to easily dodge: “I don’t know what is good or bad, death is imminent, and he did a futile act. In this case, I will send you back to the west.

  This is the second time. Like the last time, Liu Hongyi slashed Chen Xuan's sword, making Chen Xuan's current injury worse.

   And Chen Xuan still used his sword energy to counterattack. After a few minutes each time, Chen Xuan was about to stand unsteady.

   "This is your life." Liu Hongyi's pupils were covered with killing intent, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

"This time, I have to use my vain sword energy to counteract me. I would rather save my profound strength to release the power of the Vermillion Bird." Liu Jude commented on the side of his body, and showed an unhappy look: "It seems that I overestimate. Chen Xuan."

  While speaking, Liu Hongyi's offensive arrived, but Chen Xuan, uncharacteristically, jumped into the air with a vertical leap.

  In the air, it is impossible for Chen Xuan to escape anyway.

  It was just Liu Hongyi’s arrogant smile. When he saw something moving slowly in mid-air, he suddenly showed a shocked look.

   "What the **** is that." All the contestants screamed in unison.

  In the air a few meters above the ground, a powerful sword aura is condensing, slowly advancing forward.

   Although the sword aura was only a few meters away, several sword auras were highly condensed into one, making the sword aura begin to roar in mid-air.

  When Chen Xuan showed a look of surprise, he happened to have a sword inserted into the sword Qi, and after that, he turned around and immediately slashed with a sword.

   "Suzaku sword spirit."

The four words    came out slightly from Chen Xuan's mouth.

  At the next moment, Liu Hongyi encountered the shocking sword energy and was cut off by a sword. The powerful aura of the blade enveloped Liu Hongyi, making Liu Hong unable to open his eyes.

  Liu Hongyi cruelly condensed the next shield, which was also cut open in an instant. After that, he condensed the third shield, but the blade was too strong. It destroyed Liu Hongyi's shield with the momentum of destruction, leaving Liu Hongyi with no time to condense the third shield.

  Liu Hong was killed on the spot, and the two bodies were thrown away far away, and the ground after the blade fell to the ground all jumped fiercely, leaving a bottomless sword mark.

The leader of the City Lord's family glanced at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes. Not only the two of them, but the others who watched the battle were all dumbfounded.

   Chen Xuan's attack was shocking, and it was the first time they saw a cultivator who also possessed Vermillion Bird's profound power. What's more, Chen Xuan also had Vermillion Bird's magical power. Liu Jude and the others didn't even notice the sword energy condensed above their heads. But the warriors above Heiyun Peak saw it, even though the other warriors saw Jian Qi.

  Liu Hongyi, just died like that, the first genius of the dignified Liu family. Chen Xuan descended from the sky, and after landing, his body shook quickly. Thanks to his body supporting the blade, he didn't fall down.

  At this moment, a warrior of the Liu family was killed by Chen Xuan Yijian not far from Chen Xuan. The name of the warrior who attacked was Liu Cheng, a warrior of the king of the first heavy.

   "Liu Hongyi."

   "I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill the guy Chen Xuan." A warrior from the Liu family jumped directly from the martial arts contest and landed on the seal of Heiyunfeng

   "Open it to me." He shouted hysterically and angrily: "Remove this seal for me, I will kill him myself."

   "Sorry, I can't do it." Lu Jiuyuan said slightly.

   "Lu Jiuyuan! Good! You don't let me in, I will see how the kid Chen Xuan died later." Patriarch Liu said cruelly.

  At this moment, the city lord of Lu Yucheng also walked over and said, “Patriarch Liu, don’t get excited. Heiyunfeng is still open now, and other people can’t get in unless you also have more tokens for martial arts.”

Patriarch Liu lost his mind angrily. He pointed to the face of the city lord of Lu Yucheng and shouted: "I asked you to open it, did you hear it? Quickly open it to me. Didn't you see Chen Xuan killing my son? "

  City Master Lu’s eyes showed a cold light: “First, now is the final battle of the martial arts competition. Take your fingers away, otherwise I will immediately order you to be arrested.”

  "Second, in the martial arts competition, death and injury are inevitable. Are you only allowed to kill and not allow others to fire."

   Patriarch Liu let out an unwilling roar.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan in the Black Cloud Peak looked at Liu Hongyi's body out of breath and said: "The leader of the City Lord's family, I will avenge you."

  Now that Liu Hongyi was severed by Chen Xuan.

   "It's so dead." The warriors above Black Cloud Peak haven't recovered from the shock.

   "Liu Hongyi, that is the God King Triple Martial Artist. He is also the second strongest in the martial arts competition. He is similar to Liu Jude's Taoist cultivation level. He has reached the limit of the God King realm and was actually killed by Chen Xuan."

  All the contestants couldn't use words to describe their mood at this time. Chen Xuan was only the first warrior on the side of City Lord Lu, so how could he kill the second warrior on the Liu family's side.

  Moreover, still in such a disadvantaged situation, how could this kind of thing happen.

   "Chen Xuan." The leader of the City Lord's family rushed up excitedly.

  The leader of the City Lord’s family was moved and said, "Chen Xuan, thank you."

  Chen Xuan smiled tiredly: "You are welcome."

   "This is terrible for Chen Xuan's injury." Seeing Chen Xuan's blood, the leader of the City Lord's family suddenly showed a touch of surprise on his face: "Your physical condition is too bad."

  The current Chen Xuan is not as good as when he first came. When he was fighting with Liu Hongyi, he suffered internal injuries, especially at this time his profound strength was also exhausted.

  All the contestants turned their heads and looked over, Liu Jude stroked and walked out.

  There is also Liu Jude.

Then Liu Jude squeezed his arm and the joints crackled. He said: "Chen Xuan, there is no deep hatred between us, but this is a martial arts competition. I will solve you even if you don’t talk about personal grievances. If you don’t kill you, Liu There is no way for the family to inherit the throne."

   "Also, don't expect me to give you a chance to breathe." Liu Jude turned to look at Liu Hongyi's corpse and said: "I can see that I have known your cultivation, and it is very unwise to restore your profound strength."

At this time, Liu Jude was a little more jealous of Chen Xuan. He had also discussed everything with Liu Hong before. Although he was slightly better than Liu Hong, he couldn't win too easily, but Chen Xuan mastered the lethal Suzaku sword aura. , I am afraid that it was Liu Jude, who might not be able to withstand an attack from Chen Xuan.

  Everyone could see that Liu Hongyi, who had been strengthened twice, was killed by Chen Xuan with a sword.

  Giving Chen Xuan a chance to recover is tantamount to depriving him of the chance to survive. No matter what the reason, Liu Jude couldn't let Chen Xuan go. What's more, Chen Xuan had already threatened his name as the number one genius in Yunye City.

  Chen Xuan panted and laughed: "Don't worry, you don't even want to leave because the grudge is not over."

  All the contestants' faces became more and more surprised. In my mind, this Chen Xuan was looking for death. At this time, dare to speak big words.

   "Admire." Liu Jude clasped his fists and clasped his hands: "I admire you at this juncture, you can still be so hard-spirited, you are a tough guy, but you Chen Xuan met me today, you can only be considered bad luck.

   "If the two of us got along well from the beginning, then we should be good friends now."

   "It's a pity! You went the wrong way and stood on the side of City Lord Lu. I didn't want to kill you, but at this point, we can't look back."

  Liu Jude's body trembled, and a giant halberd appeared in his hand. The giant halberd was a single-edged giant halberd, which looked domineering. Among them, there was even a cloud of purple profound energy rippling.

   "You are wrong." Chen Xuan tried hard to stand up and said: "Even if we don't get to the opposite side, I won't be friends with you."

   "Because even if I am facing a warrior in a martial arts competition, I can't watch them being killed by a smash, but give him a sword."

  Chen Xuan did not humiliate Liu Hong in the end, but killed him with a single sword.

   "Maybe." Liu Jude sighed, this sigh contained too much.

   Liu Jude carried the giant halberd and said, "Today, either you die or I die."

  Chen Xuan supported him and wanted to stand up, but he was too tired to succeed several times.

  (End of this chapter)

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