Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2768: Li family disciple

   Chapter 2768 Li family disciple

  "Chen Xuan don't move." The leader of the city lord's family hurriedly held down Chen Xuan.

The leader of the City Lord's family gritted his teeth, and his pupils showed determination. He raised his sword and rushed forward, shouting: "Liu Jude, I challenge you."

  "You want to buy time for Chen Xuan. Unfortunately, you are not qualified." Liu Jude did not intend to pay attention to the meaning of the leader of the city lord family at all, and went to Chen Xuan.

  Afterwards, the disciples of the Li family also rushed over, but compared to the previous battles, the cultivation of the leader of the city lord family and the disciples of the Li family was too ordinary.

  That Liu Jude directly cut out a halberd, and easily swept away the leader of the City Lord's family.

The leader of the   City Lord’s family rubbed the ground and rolled several times, but failed to stop the entry twice. In the end, the attacking profound power disappeared, so he stood up breathlessly with the cloud-leaf marksmanship.

   Liu Jude: "Give up, you are not my opponent at all."

   "Stop talking nonsense." The leader of the City Lord's family gritted his teeth and shouted, "Go to hell."

  His halberd was trapped, and the mighty power rushed towards Liu Jude. This is the thunder phantom that Chen Xuan gave to the leader of the city lord family before, which can increase defense and attack power.

  That Liu Jude erected a giant halberd, and used the giant halberd directly in front to resist the Heavenly Killing Halberd of the leader of the City Lord’s family.

  The Heavenly Killing Halberd pierced the giant halberd. Instead, the profound energy of the leader of the City Lord’s family collapsed first and was shot out.

  Liu Jude made an impact, and the huge palm was directly printed on the stomach of the leader of the city lord family to kill me.

  The leader of the City Lord’s family spit out a mouthful of blood, turned several somersaults in the air, and wiped the ground after landing and retreated far away.

  Chen Xuan is still condensing the profound at this moment, so he can't attack Liu Jude rashly, otherwise, the heaven and earth profound energy he just gathered will dissipate.

   "Recover well." The leader of the City Lord's family pressed Chen Xuan's chest and said firmly: "Don't let City Lord Lu's efforts be in vain."

   "By the way, the spirit grass you gave us earlier, I still have some here, eat it quickly."

  The leader of the City Lord’s family did not have a storage ring, so he brought very limited things. He took out a small package of rejuvenating grass from his close-fitting sleeves and fed it to Chen Xuan.

The medicinal effect of    Soul Refining Pill continued to continue. The turbulent and long medicinal effect repaired Chen Xuan's injuries and at the same time restored his profound strength and soul power.

  Two restorative medicinal properties, Chen Xuan's current situation began to improve quickly.

  "Do you still fight?" Liu Jude held the giant halberd and looked at the leader of the city lord's family from a distance.

  "Fight. Why not fight." The leader of the City Lord's family struggled to stand up, blood pouring out of his mouth, and his face was running down his chin.

   Liu Jude's body touched the ground, and an attack rushed up.

  The leader of the City Lord’s family hurriedly ran the Heavenly Kill Halberd: "Cloud Leaf Spear Technique."

   Profound strength surrounded the cloud leaf spear technique to form a powerful body shield.

  But Liu Jude smashed the defense Xuan with a simple collision and blasted the leader of the City Lord's family with a sword on the chest, knocking the leader of the City Lord's family into flight.

  The eyes of all the contestants followed the leader of the city lord family, watching him being kicked to the sky, after spitting out a large mouthful of blood, he fell again.

  This cannot be called a competition at all. It's an inverted crush.

"Do you still fight?" Liu Jude looked at the leader of the city lord family lying motionless on the ground and said: "The leader of the city lord family, we used to play from childhood to big, but I can kill you, but if you Stay strong, and you will eventually die."

  "The leader of the city lord family got up from the ground", he wiped the blood on his face and said: "Continue."

   "I saw it." Liu Jude nodded in excitement. With a sword, the leader of the City Lord's family revealed a look of surprise, and he slammed his fist into the stomach of the leader of the City Lord's family.

  The leader of the City Lord’s family hurriedly used the halberd to defend.

   Liu Jude's punch not only smashed the cloud leaf spear technique of the leader of the City Lord's family, but also broke the arm bone of the leader of the City Lord's family in half.

The leader of the   City Lord’s family suffered heavy losses. Without the profound protection of his body, after rolling on the ground several times, his skin was rubbed and his body was covered with blood.

   "Enough." Chen Xuan stood up and roared: "Liu Jude, fight with me."

  This time, no matter how hard the leader of the city lord family struggled, he could never get up again. He was injured too badly.

  This can come and go, and the leader of the City Lord’s family has also won for Chen Xuan a few precious minutes.

  Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and flicked the long sword in his hand, which kept rattling.

   Liu Jude said softly with excitement, “City Master Lu spent a few minutes for you with his life.”

   "But I am not Liu Hongyi, Chen Xuan, I will show my true cultivation skills."

  After that, Liu Jude's body trembled violently, and the profound energy was turbulent like boiling water.

   "That is thunder shock." All the contestants were shocked.

   "Broken." The leader of the city lord family closed his eyes tightly, and his chest was full of fear.

   Profound strength and thunder concussion are not things at the same level. Only by entering the three levels of the **** king realm can you master thunder concussion.

  Although Liu Jude's profound strength had not completely transformed into a thunder shock, it was not something that Chen Xuan could contend.

  All the contestants have no doubt at all, even if Chen Xuan is in peak state at this time, he will never be Liu Jude’s opponent.

  Chen Xuan's complexion was cruel, he had never underestimated Liu Jude, when the power of a Vermillion Bird blasted out.

  Chen Xuan turned into a phantom, pushing towards Liu Jude with the sword of Liaoyuan.

   took out the true cultivation base Liu Jude, but was not afraid, and actually chose to collide with Chen Xuan head-on.

   "Biyun halberd method." Liu Jude roared, clutching the giant halberd, and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's power is sharp and sharp, obviously more than a grade higher than Liu Jude's Biyun Halberd.

   But Liu Jude's thunder shock was more than a level higher than Chen Xuan's profound strength. Now, Chen Xuan is still in the realm of the **** king. Although he condensed the **** king, he failed to master the thunder shock.

  The two people met halfway with a sword and a halberd, and Shen attacked together.

  The violent and turbulent aura swept across the Quartet, and the people confronted with swords and halberds, and they would actually fight against each other.

  Chen Xuan's flame was roaring, desperately trying to shake Liu Jude.

  Followed by, Chen Xuan's second half of the Suzaku Suzaku's supernatural power is the third most powerful, the sword is raised, and the huge sword energy soars into the sky.

  Liu Jude's body trembled violently, and the giant halberd was taken out high under the shroud of thunder, and it sank again.


   Sword Halberd contended, then Chen Xuan and Liu Jude were both shaken back. Both of them stepped on the ground and ran back for more than a meter.

  All the contestants felt incredible.

  Suzaku, who is so powerful as Chen Xuan, only matched Liu Jude's.

  You must know that even if Liu Hong ate two golden cores and tried his best, he could not hold the strength of Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird and was almost smashed to death.

  The gap between profound strength and thunder shock is so huge.

  At this time, the profound strength that Chen Xuan finally recovered was consumed almost half of the time because of a Vermillion Bird.

  Chen Xuan was injured from the injury, he held the arm tightly and raised the blade, preparing to attack again.

Liu Jude shook his body casually and said, "You know, the Biyun Halberd Technique is just a very ordinary martial skill, but my Biyun Halberd Technique restrains all the attributes of profound energy. Your Vermillion Bird's power is mine. Invalid."

  This sentence made the people watching the battle feel a sinking heart.

  But Chen Xuan slowly said in relief: "I have seen the power of your thunder and turbulence. In this case, the Vermillion Bird Feather will most likely be helpless against you."

  Liu Jude laughed like Hong Zhong: "Suzaku's feather is very strong, and it can hurt my body more or less."

  Chen Xuan lightly nodded excitedly: "In that case, it's time for me to take it out."

  All the contestants heard the words, and only felt that what happened today was beyond his understanding.

  Housekeeping skills. Chen Xuan used so many terrifying martial arts before, isn't it that those are not powerful martial arts. How many tactics does this Chen Xuan hide behind.

  After Liu Jude heard of Chen Xuan, he was like an enemy. He knew very well that Chen Xuan was definitely not a whisperer, and his ability to master the Vermillion Bird's Feather was enough to show how talented Chen Xuan was in fiery profound strength.

  I saw Chen Xuan’s blade condensed a sword aura, his body was facing the long sword, and he blew a few times.

  Following him, his arm was a finger, and he was suddenly entangled with a layer of fiery profound energy.

   "What is he doing." All the contestants panicked.

  A dumbfounded, watching Chen Xuan's arm make all kinds of weird moves.

   "Condensing profound strength." During the martial arts competition, Li Lingwei widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

  Condensation of Xuan is a very old method, and even patriarch Liu is at a loss when he has heard of it by people of Li Lingwei's age and experience.

   At this moment, Chen Xuan moved his arms together, and finally the **** of his body was brought together, and a sword aura fell.

  Suzaku supernatural power, burning fire mood.

  At this moment, Liu Jude hadn't had time to see anything, but he was aware of a very big crisis earlier and enveloped him.

  He doesn’t know where this kind of crisis comes from, but as a warrior, he has a keen sense of danger. He subconsciously held the giant halberd high, and lay the giant halberd on his head to kill me.

  At this moment, his thunder shock erupted at a high level. The giant halberd began to tremble.

  That is when Chen Xuan's sword energy fell to the end, a raging fire fell from the sky without warning.

  The raging fire, directly hit the halberd and kill me

  Liu Jude didn't even hum, but was smashed into the spot by the terrifying lethality.

  On the black rock, no one from Liu Jude can be seen. Only the giant halberd lay flat and sank three feet deep into the ground.

  No one has spoken, and I can’t even send out exclamations.

  Heiyun Peak is surprisingly quiet.

   "I didn't intend to use this trick casually." Chen Xuan let out a sigh of relief.

  The profound strength he was born was only enough to initiate the fire mood twice, so he didn't choose a stronger bird king because the consumption of the bird king was three times that of the fire mood.

   Chen Xuan is not a last resort, really does not want to use the Suzaku Suzaku's supernatural power, because the warriors know that the more his hole cards are displayed, the less a means to save his life.

  Now all the contestants have seen the raging fire mood, and they will also guard against this sword.

   But this fire mood should be enough to solve Liu Jude.

  But the ground behind it shook for a while, and immediately after that, Liu Jude's body jumped out.


After Liu Jude landed, he actually made the ground shake.

  He is so heavy.

  All the contestants hurriedly looked at Liu Jude, and someone suddenly shouted: "Look, Liu Jude seems to be getting bigger."

  Chen Xuan also discovered that Liu Jude's breath had reached his early days. And the body is much stronger than before.

  This is what happened.

  A thick layer of thunder shook around Liu Jude's body, and Liu Jude wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "To be honest, I can't think of your sword aura."

   "But my trump card is not just the thunder shock, but my martial arts, thunder is broken."

   "Dead." Liu Jude stretched out a finger: "It's only the second state."

   Chen Xuan furrowed his brows deeply. It seemed that Lei Bingtian was a martial skill that could make Liu Jude's cultivation base explode. It was not only a simple explosion, but also his body became extremely heavy.

   "Chen Xuan, do it again." Liu Jude picked up the giant halberd and flew towards Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan's pupils moved, his arms quickly gathered Xuan and Liu Jude raised the giant halberd again.

  The fire hit the giant halberd and shot Liu Jude in flight directly from the ground. The halberd took off and flew, and the whole body's dantian was making loud noises that were overwhelmed.

  Liu Jude's body fell on the ground, and he vomited a stream of blood. But it didn't make Liu Jude suffer fatal trauma, he stood up again.

  (End of this chapter)

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