Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2789: The peak of Taoism

  Chapter 2789 The early peak of Taoism

   Then, the next moment. Liu Ren's sword energy instantly became weak and began to fall to the ground, and the ground in front of Liu Ren's body cracked.

   "The initial peak of Taoism!"

  Wang Lun was surprised when he saw it: "He is actually the peak of Taoism in the early stage!"

   "It turns out that you still have extra energy to fight against me!" At this moment, Cao Ande's pupils were also shrinking.

  Chen Xuan's pupils also moved: "Indeed, it should have reached the initial peak of Taoism!" Ordinary warriors could not see what had just happened, but Chen Xuan knew.

  The power of Liu Ren's demon soul instantly possessed the three daggers. The dagger cracked as soon as he tried hard.

  A cultivator, who has cultivated to a certain level, can directly crush steel with the true qi of the demon soul, and those who reach this level can become the early stage of the Taoist body.

  The true energy of the demon soul actually transforms the true energy into higher-level true energy, and it's all one thing. It's just a different statement.

  Practitioners can cultivate this power and condense it into a tangible form. Only when condensed into one unit at the beginning can it manifest in the external world. But when he cultivated to the second level of the **** and king, with the power of the demon soul's true energy, he was able to break steel.

  "Who? I want to plot against Lord Ben and die!"

  After that, Liu Ren's pupils showed a look of surprise, and immediately flashed, floating back into the sword body that was about to fall to the ground, and suddenly came back to life, and began to attack the past.

  The next moment, four daggers flew out, with one remaining, protecting his body, sword energy, and instantly slid into the direction from which the dagger attacked.

   "Liu Ren, you must have retribution." Soon, he was killed.

  Next, Chen Xuan saw that the body of a black-clothed warrior was thrust into his chest with a sword qi.

   "You want to kill me too, and you will kill me!" Liu Ren withdrew his sword energy and fell to the ground.

   "The initial peak of Taoism is really strong!"

   "The most powerful warrior of the Cao family, it's really not easy to kill." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  Hidden Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, who had not been discovered. They did not dare to talk any more at this time, lest they were discovered, but instead talked. But the two people also looked at each other.

   "Master Liu, I couldn't think of it, you still didn't give your full strength just now."

  At this time, at the pavilion, Cao Ande spoke again: "Who is this person?"

   "A little bastard. Not worth mentioning."

  In an instant, they turned their eyes to the two warriors above the pavilion. Chen Xuan took a closer look and discovered that one of the warriors might have had a lot of movement in the fight between Liu Ren and Cao Ande. In addition, Liu Ren was attacked before, and the warrior who had conspired against him almost escaped.


  Liu Ren narrowed his eyes and said, "A bunch of rice buckets can't stop him."

   "He must die." Chen Xuan said with gloomy eyes.

  However, after the warrior said it, Doubt Yingdu still saw Liu Ren cut off his brother with a sword through her sword aura.

Wang Lun said: "Then Liu Ren, it is very likely that he was in the early stage of the Taoist body, or the realm of the **** king, and his practice is also very strong, but it is not easy to kill." Although he was also very angry, he also knew that he faced it. Such a powerful warrior can't shoot at will.

   "In the early days of the Taoist body, he was still a mortal, but he must die. Find a suitable opportunity to kill him! Now that Cao Ande is with him, it is not a suitable opportunity to be able to shoot."

  At this time, Chen Xuan moved his body and recalled his Suzaku sword aura.

  Wang Lun frowned and said: "The physical strength of the Taoist body in the early stage is still a cultivator, or the second level of the realm of the king, which is very troublesome!"

  In the next moment, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword trembled all over, and then suddenly shrank sharply.

   "Chen Xuan, what kind of sword are you?" Wang Lun was a little surprised.

  The Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand was a sword he had built again. It can be said that it was an enhanced version of the Liaoyuan sword before. Wang Lun had not seen it before, and it was normal.

  This kind of weapon, the cultivator, needs to be raised in real temperature, and the Suzaku sword aura, after all, is to kill the enemy, and to fight the enemy, the most important thing to attack is the hardness of the sword.

   "Liaoyuan sword, it was not a mortal sword, but I made it myself." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  Wang Lun was shocked: "I am not a craftsman, I have heard less about these."

"My sword is sharp and powerful. Inside this Liaoyuan sword, there are cores that need the flag of the sword extinguishing formation to activate. Before that, my cultivation base was very low, so I couldn't activate the power of its core spirit sword. Since I was promoted to the pinnacle of the Divine King's Second Layer Realm, I have gradually broken through its core, and now I can show its power!"

  Wang Lun also revealed an unbelievable look upon hearing the words: "Even so, the gap is still too big."

  Chen Xuan said, “Don’t worry about it either. As long as he is alone, and then you can attract him, I will be able to injure him severely.

  As soon as the voice fell to him, he took out something.

"what is this?"

  Wang Lun looked at the thing that Chen Xuan took out with a doubt: "This thing can hit Liu Ren badly?"

   "That's right. This thing is called the Devil's Pestle!"

Chen Xuandao: "Specially deal with cultivators. Once close up, you can directly kill it. When close up, it can break through the power of the demon soul. Even in the early stage of the Taoist body, it will definitely be severely injured, and it will not be able to break this needle. ."

  Wang Lun was also surprised when he heard: "Where did it come from?"

  "The former city lord." Chen Xuan replied.

   "There is even this kind of magical pestle." Wang Lun said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan said: "But I am afraid that it is enough to deal with the early stage of Taoism. The reason I say this is that you must find a good opportunity at that time. One hit will kill!"

  Wang Lun heard the words and said: "It is the peak of Taoism in the early stage, it is not so easy to kill it."

  At this moment, a figure suddenly left.

   "Huh? What's the matter? This Cao Ande is gone, but this Liu Ren also followed him out of the house?" Chen Xuan looked surprised at this time and said.

"what's going on?"

  Wang Lun also wondered. He could not hear the sound even more. I don't know what Liu Ren said to Cao Ande.

   "Go again." At this time, Chen Xuan also urged the Suzaku sword to float out again. The reason why the Suzaku sword aura had to be recovered before was that Chen Xuan was in this sword body before this moment.

  It can be said that most of the true energy of the demon soul is in it. I want to show Wang Lun the Suzaku sword aura shrinking.

  At this time, the Liaoyuan Sword floated away again, got into Heiyunzhuang, and quietly approached and spied on Cao Ande and Liu Ren.

   "Master Liu, what are you?" Cao Ande said.

   Liu Ren said: "After all, it is a major event related to Chen Xuan, and you also know that if it is exposed, the consequences will be very smiling."

"This is really risky!" Cao Ande said: "Let Master Liu commit the risk with your own body. Adults also feel guilty from time to time. If the big thing is done, you must not treat your Cao family wrongly if you oust the city lord of Lu. ."

  They don’t know what they are talking about.

  Because I was still a little far away at this time, after thinking about it, Chen Xuan quietly continued to sneak in and get closer.

   "Come, let's not talk about this." At this time, the two of them had already sat down in the pavilion.

   "Your inner core is really strong, I'm still at a disadvantage, so innocent, the consumption of controlling mystery, what's the deal? Mrs. Liu, you are humble."

   "Brother Cao, don't flatter me." When Liu Ren faced Cao Ande, he was not as cruel and cold as before, instead he was talking and laughing.

  The two of them started laughing and talking.

  At this time, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had also moved in the same way. They did not follow like ordinary warriors, relying on Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword aura.

   and they followed. The power of Chen Xuan's demon soul surged and began to condense the enchantment.

  It is only in the second level of the Shen King Chen Xuan. The range of the Suzaku sword aura from the body is not as strong, so the two people must still be within a certain distance. So quietly follow. Followed this cruise ship all the way to leave Heiyunzhuang.

   "This Cao Ande hasn't been separated from this Liu Ren. We have no chance at all." Wang Lun couldn't help but feel the voice coming from Chen Xuan sharing.

  At this time, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were walking on the street.

   "Be patient!"

   Chen Xuan moved slightly, and said: "Ka and Cao Ande are separated, we can take care of the mobile hand."

   "Wait." At this time, Chen Xuan moved his eyes, looked at Wang Lun, and said, "They are separated!"

After seeing it, Chen Xuan's expression instantly floated out of murderous intent.

   Following all the way, Cao Ande and Liu Ren are both together. This leaves them no chance to shoot.

  After all, dealing with two such powerful warriors is a bit troublesome. The point is that Chen Xuan has only one demon pestle, and this demon pestle is a magic weapon. After killing the enemy, the spiritual power will be consumed. Therefore, they can only follow all the way, and Cao Ande will finally be separated from Liu Ren.

   "Huh? It seems that he really left." Wang Lun rolled his eyes and saw that Cao Ande and Liu Renbing were separated.

   "Then Cao Ande must go back, go, continue to follow!"

  Chen Xuandao: "It's not suitable to shoot here, otherwise there will be too much movement. When he goes out, it will be when Liu Ren is dead!"

   "Okay." Wang Lun replied.

   Chen Xuan said: “According to Liu Ren’s behavior and the Cao family’s so rampant in Lu Yucheng, destroying them will just remove the malignant tumor for the Yunye Empire.”

  The magic pestle can only be shot on one person! So Chen Xuancai could only follow, and finally waited until Cao Ande separated from Liu Ren. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun began to cheer up their spirits.

  This is still Lu Yucheng, and the movement is too loud. The point is that you can't kill Liu Ren's words directly. There must be many dangers.

   Therefore, they can only continue to follow quietly.

  Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword was quietly told in the crowd, and no one noticed it. So quietly following Liu Ren's cruise ship.

   And Chen Xuan followed Wang Lun away. Following a cultivator like Liu Ren, if he releases his true energy, there is no way to hide. But Chen Xuan was different. His Vermillion Bird's power, aura and mystery, plus its astringent aura, Liu Ren didn't even notice it. Therefore, the two of them followed behind.

  At the same time, the two people have been paying attention to Liu Ren's movements.

   "Huh? This Liu Ren."

  But followed for a while, but Wang Lun frowned again: "He has no intention of going to a remote place. What are we going to do with Chen Xuan?"

  "We can only continue to follow and wait for the opportunity." Chen Xuan said, "Maybe he can kill Liu Ren, but he is struggling to die, and he will definitely see many of them."

  "Well. Wang Lun said.

  After that, they followed Liu Ren again and walked through Lu Yucheng for a while. Then, Liu Ren came outside a building. Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword still quietly followed behind him and arrived here. Through the Suzaku Jianqi, he saw the word Cao's house in front of this building.

  At this moment, at the door of their mansion, there are actually beggars begging.

  At this time, just after Liu Ren's cruise ship arrived here, those people suddenly flocked to Liu Ren's cruise ship, and they were all stopped by Liu Ren's men.

  "Everyone, everybody, stay calm, don't hurry." Liu Ren said, and then glanced at the disciple next to him.

  The person also quickly said: "Come here, hurry up, give them something to eat, eh, you guys? Come one by one."

  Afterwards, some arrogant disciples handed out things to these beggars and others.

  (End of this chapter)

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