Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2790: Beggars serve fate

  Chapter 2790 Beggars serve fate

  At this moment. Chen Xuan also knew that it was not the time yet, so he didn't attack Wang Lun here, and now Chen Xuan also knew that time was very urgent.

If you really let him run away at that time, Chen Xuan is likely to miss this opportunity. This is a good opportunity. If you can’t grasp it, you will miss the opportunity. Next time, it’s very likely. There won't be such a good opportunity like today.

   "Let's take a look now, if there are other guards nearby, if we are discovered by the guards, it is very likely that we will attract the attention of others." Chen Xuan said.

   "Look, next to Liu's house is Cao's Mansion. It's not far away. We must be careful." Chen Xuandao.

   "Unexpectedly, they thought they would be safe when they came here. I am afraid the two of them don't know. We have been following them for so long, but the two of them probably haven't found us yet." Chen Xuandao.

   "Yes, this is the best opportunity, as long as we can take advantage of them and use your magic pestle to figure out that he will kill that guy." Wang Lun said.

"It's not wrong, but we must not be anxious, or we will be retaliated by them. Besides, I don't know if the elders of the Liu family have come over. If they all gather, I'm afraid we The two are not their opponents, you must be patient, Wang Lun!" Chen Xuan said.

   "We let Cao Ande in like this? Don't make a move?" Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuandao: "Don't worry about these people. Didn't you notice that there is still formation in the Cao family? You said, why do you have to deploy such a multi-layer formation in the secret room of an ordinary predecessor?"

   "Chen Xuan, what is the formation here?" Wang Lun said.

   "A lot." Chen Xuandao.

  Wang Lun said after hearing it: "There is a heavy arrangement of disciples to guard. What's the matter?"

  But Chen Xuandao: "Although there will be, but it shouldn't be so exaggerated."

  Wang Lun couldn’t help but said: "What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan continued at this time: "Wang Lun, it must not be that simple! Do you remember that when Liu Ren was talking with Cao Ande, he said that there were important things that people should not know about. There are relationships!"

  Wang Lun frowned slightly: "What can be sin?"

"I'll go in and take a look, naturally everything will be known." At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly said, "This heavy array may be able to block all the formations of Lu Yucheng, but it can't stop me. You defend me against sneak attacks. , When I go in to check, the conditions are right, we sneak in and kill Cao Ande directly, first kill the Cao family, and then go to the Liu family to settle the account."

  Just now, Chen Xuan wanted to kill Cao Ande immediately. But because he wasn't sure enough, it would be very dangerous if he stunned the snake. But now, the layers of guards outside the Cao family mansion also made him have to check it out at this time.

   "Chen Xuan, don't worry."

  Wang Lun said: "I will defend you against sneak attacks."

  The place where they hide first, and then, Chen Xuan suddenly got out of his body, got into the body of the Liaoyuan Sword, and urged the Liaoyuan Sword.

   Immediately after Chen Xuan crossed his knees and closed his eyes, Zhen Qi urged the sword to float towards the Cao family.

   "Let me see, what evil is hidden in you."

  Wang Lun seriously stood beside Chen Xuan to defend him against sneak attacks.

  The blade behind the invisibility was even used by Chen Xuan to converge his breath, and drifted into Cao's house quietly.

  At this time, the night is deep, no one will pay attention to the floating dagger.

  However, Chen Xuan's true energy was hidden in Jian, and he controlled and sneaked into the Cao family.

  In Lu Yucheng, some families will have some guards, and many families are more important, the guards are stricter, but there must be some ulterior crimes in it.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan controlled the blade, carefully crossing the barriers.

   "This formation is a bit exaggerated." He thought to himself.

   These formations outside were useless to Chen Xuan, and he entered easily and easily.

   Inside, Chen Xuan walked from side to side. There was really a lot of food stored here. The Liaoyuan Sword now displayed its stealth power and came and went freely in the mansion without being noticed.

   "Everything looks very ordinary, wrong, where did Cao Ande go?" Chen Xuan no longer stayed here. His sword is continuing to sneak in.

   "Here, the sword extinction illusion that has been arranged is even more advanced!"

  Not twice, Chen Xuan said in shock: "This Cao family, it seems that there is really some sin hidden! Let me see, what is your sin, on earth."

The    formation is formed on the basis of the base, and then each pattern is formed by each other to form the formation.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan heard a stern curse. Then, in the next moment, even the air here is different from the outside.

  "Beast! Cao's beast?"

  The sound is mixed, and people's hearts are chilled.

   "Huh?" Chen Xuan said coldly: "The breath of the Black Blood Sect warrior!"

  His true qi is very sensitive to the breath of the black blood sect warrior. After all, the Black Blood Sect warrior is a big taboo in Lu Yucheng.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan killed the blood demons of the Black Blood Sect in Black Rock City, and naturally knew that they all had tricks.

   "How can there be such a strong black blood sect here?" Chen Xuan showed a look of surprise: "I'm afraid someone is cultivating the power of the demon soul!"

  Thinking, Chen Xuan controlled the Liaoyuan Sword and quietly went deeper. Suddenly, he saw houses on the opposite side. The houses were full of powerful black ants.

  And the warriors were thrown in, and they were bitten by thousands of black ants. They struggled wildly and exuded a very strong innocence! It seems that they don't know how long they have suffered, and they are desperate to the depth of their souls.

   Chen Xuan was shocked to the point that his sword was trembling. Fortunately, he didn't make any noise. Indeed, he was also surprised by the scene here.

   "Cao Ande is there!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the figure of Cao Ande. He was standing under the Black Blood Sect warrior at this moment, not knowing what he was doing.

   "Is this Cao family crazy? You dare to collude with the Black Blood Sect warriors! Give the Black Blood Sect warriors a place to practice!"

  However, Chen Xuan couldn't think of the Cao family, and even dared to collude with the Black Blood Sect warriors.

   "Chen Xuan, what's wrong with you?" Wang Lun asked.

   Chen Xuan was slightly shocked: "This group of guys actually colluded with the Black Blood Sect. I didn't expect it. It seems that the group of people in the Pantheon are not good."

  Wang Lun continued: "Are you okay?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan said: "It seems that the Cao family must be removed."

  But at this time, he heard Chen Xuan's words and asked in confusion: "What happened?"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan said to him: "See it for yourself."


  Wang Lun showed a slightly surprised look, and the scenes of the scenes suddenly reached Wang Lun’s eyes.

   "The Black Blood Sect warrior is so cruel and vicious so far. These are all innocent people!"

  After seeing it, he was also shocked.

  Wang Lun can even hear the screams inside.

   "The Black Blood Sect warrior has such a turbulent power of the demon soul."

Feeling the same anger from Wang Lun, Chen Xuan said: "I don't know how many innocent warriors have been refined. There must be this Cao family. They help him to abuse, and the Cao family must be destroyed!"

Wang Lun did not recover at all and said: "This way refines innocent people to practice! Would you be happy if you get the innocent energy like this? I have heard of the Black Blood Sect warrior, but I have never seen it before. The real scene of cultivation, now, I understand. All Black Blood Sect warriors should be killed and damned!"

  He couldn’t wait to rush in and kill the Black Blood Sect warrior, but he also knew very well that it was not the time to do it now.

   Killing a Cao Ande, they are sure, but there are still Black Blood Sect warriors. Although they can't see their faces, Wang Lun knows that this Black Blood Sect warrior is very strong with the powerful aura coming from the black mist.

  So, he can only endure it.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan let go of Wang Lun’s hand and said, “Continue to defend me against sneak attacks.

   "I want to get closer and listen to what Cao Ande and the Black Blood Sect warrior are talking about."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan's invisible sword in control quietly moved closer to Cao Ande.

   "Monster Blood. These warriors are almost dead."

   "It must be a supplementary medicine."

  At this time, several Black Blood Sect warriors who had been refining the pill before said to the Black Blood Sect warriors.

  Chen Xuan only noticed at this time that on the other side, there were several Black Blood Sect warriors who were absorbing the power of True Qi to cultivate the demon soul. Of course, their aura is obviously not as strong as the demon blood lord in front of the body.

   After seeing it, the demon blood master also said two things: "You heard it too, they are about to be refined, and I still need a pill."

  Next, the Black Blood Sect warrior made a strange sound, and said to Cao Ande: "Are the new pills ready? I need more people and more zhenqi."

  Cao Ande also said: "So many people have been brought in, and it hasn't been peaceful recently, I'm afraid there will be wind leaks."

   "The power of my demon soul cannot be achieved, how can I help you, and more." The Black Blood Sect warrior slowly said: "Since you can't do it, forget it, I'll go back and talk to the prince."

  Cao Ande heard the words and said, "The little family warriors in Lu Yucheng have died and disappeared too many times, so I can only transfer from other regions. After the incident is completed, you must help me too!"

   "Very hahaha."

Hearing this, the Black Blood Sect warrior laughed and said: "Everyone takes what you need, very good! When the time comes, Prince Lu can become the city lord, and I can become the second Black Blood Sect, and your Cao family can be prosperous and wealthy. , Set up in Lu Yucheng, as for these warriors, if thousands of them die, what's the big deal?"

   "Yes, just die some warriors."

   Cao Ande smiled, but his eyes also hidden murderous intent on this black blood sect warrior.

  In fact, in his bones, he doesn't like the Black Blood Sect martial artist, but now he can only provide it to his disciples who refine and practice.

  At this moment, Cao Ande was thinking inwardly, waiting for this incident to find a chance to kill the black blood sect warrior, but he still said to the nearby disciples: "When will the next batch of medicine be delivered?"

   "Go back to the young master, the day after tomorrow." Cao Ande's confidant immediately knelt down on one knee and replied: "It will be delivered on time."

   "Very good."

   Cao Ande nodded and said: "As before, I will send it quietly, and I must not let City Lord Lu know."

   "Master, don't worry."

  Chen Xuan's sword was drilled in a corner of a nearby wall, and no one noticed him. He heard this for a while, and after hearing this, Cao Ande didn't talk about anything.

  Then, Cao Ande began to turn around and go out to other places here. Came to a place of practice.

  Chen Xuan found that there was nothing sinful, and he quickly retreated. The large blade of the dagger shuddered after returning here and changed back to its original size.

   "Huh? Chen Xuan, are you back?"

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes and waved his hand. The blade floated back and was held in his hand. At the same time, a black spirit stone appeared along with the blade and was held in his hand.

  Wang Lun didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately asked, “Do you still want to kill Cao Ande? Cao Ande, are you still staying with the Black Blood Sect warrior now?”

  "Don't hurry."

Chen Xuandao: "Cao Ande, now separated from the black blood sect warrior! If we lurch in, with my means, we can enter silently, the two of us will work together and cooperate with my soul-killing needle, and it should be able to kill Cao An. De! But in this way, there must be some noise. After all, Cao Ande is a cultivator in the realm of the **** king. If there is any noise, I am afraid that this place will also be disturbed."

  Wang Lun said: "The plan changes."

  (End of this chapter)

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