Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2804: Flame is burning

  Chapter 2804 Flame is burning

  Chen Xuan was very confident. As long as he was hit by the fire of his Vermillion Bird, even the sixth-level master of the Divine King Realm would not be able to heal. After all, this was formed by the aggregation of Chen Xuan and his body.

   "Damn it, what the **** is this? Why is this flame indestructible at all." One of the warriors of the Pantheon shouted loudly, and a flame was already burning on his face.

  At this time, the warrior screamed desperately: "Damn, Chen Xuan, this kid's Suzaku fire is so terrifying, brother, you must give me revenge..."

   Before he finished speaking, his body was burned to ashes. Chen Xuan’s Vermillion Bird Fire was so overbearing, even if he didn’t even leave his body, he was burned to death by Chen Xuan directly. This powerful power made the remaining two Pantheon warriors unexpected. .

  In fact, it will take a lot of time to kill him with Chen Xuan's cultivation base. However, when he saw that Chen Xuan hadn't destroyed his dantian and had recovered his strength, he was immersed in surprise.

  It is precisely because of this opportunity that Chen Xuan can kill him. Otherwise, with Chen Xuan's strength, it will take time to kill him.

"Impossible, second brother! You can't die." The warrior said as he ran towards the ashes that were burned to the ground, he still held up the ashes that were burned to the ground in disbelief, and finally took it with him. Looking at Chen Xuan with a pained look, he said, "Chen Xuan, you are done, I must let you die today!"

As soon as the voice fell, his body rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan had long expected that she would definitely launch an attack. With a slight movement of her body, a Suzaku fire spread towards him. This time Chen Xuan condensed it. Suzaku's fire is stronger and more violent than the Suzaku's flame that killed his second brother!

Sure enough, she is already immersed in anger, and the warrior in anger is irrational. He doesn't care about anything and just wants to kill Chen Xuan, but how can Chen Xuan be easily touched by him? , At this moment, Wang Lun had already rushed over from the side.

  At this time, Wang Lun had already seen his movement, raised the black giant sword in his hand, and slashed it down, instantly splitting her body in half.

Before he could react, there was only one tattooed warrior, the eldest brother of the three of them, but this only happened for a few minutes before he saw that both of them were killed. But before he had time to react, Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

  "Wang Lun did a great job, now there is only one person left. As long as we kill it again, we can rush to the banquet!"

The next moment, this warrior also realized that the situation was not right, and hurriedly turned around to escape. Although he also wanted to avenge his two companions, now he also realized that his actions were unfavorable, even if his cultivation level reached the gods. The Wang Realm is sixfold, but now he is alone against Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

Needless to say, Wang Lun’s cultivation level has reached the fifth level of the Divine King Realm. Although he can defeat Wang Lun alone, but now he has added a Chen Xuan. He believes that he does not know his opponent at all. What he can do is He ran away desperately, and then brought the news to Elder Yuwen. He wanted to tell Elder Yuwen that Chen Xuan could actually force out the toxin he refined.

If Elder Yuwen learns about this news, I am afraid that his eyes will fall to the ground, because Chen Xuan is only less than twenty years old. You must know that most of the martial arts at this age are in the eighth or nineth level of the gods. This Chen Xuan is not only a tyrannical cultivation base, but what is even more frightening is that she still has many secrets, including Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire.

  Of course, this is the second one. What made him even more unbelievable was that Chen Xuan had been poisoned by the toxin of this extinguishing needle, and now he was still chasing him alive and kickingly.

  When she turned her head and saw Chen Xuan's body, she had already approached him quickly.

   "Wang Lun, you outflank him from the side, and you must kill it today. If I guess correctly, this Pantheon has already taken action. Don't let him bring the news back." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded lightly, but his body did not stop. It was just a breath away. Wang Lun had already carried the black giant sword in his hand, and his body quickly shuttled, and between the two breaths, he chased the warrior of the king's temple.

  A black sword aura rushed towards his body, and Wang Lun's body followed Chen Xuan, and with him came to the side of the Pantheon warrior.

  The warriors of the Pantheon hadn't reacted yet, they saw that Chen Xuan's blade had condensed a strong aura, and this aura made him feel trembling all over.

He incredible watching Chen Xuan's body approach him step by step. The most important thing is that Chen Xuan's speed is too fast, not only because of Chen Xuan's own demon soul power, but also a speed type demon. Soul, coupled with Chen Xuan, also had an incredibly fast speed in the previous world.

  Now he can't escape even if he wants to escape, so this warrior can only turn around and face Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

   "You two beasts, since you won't let me run, I will show you a little bit of color today."

As he said, his body suddenly began to swell, and then bursts of true energy quickly condensed. In a blink of an eye, his body became more than three meters high. His body was like a hill, and he was wearing it. With a terrible breath.

   "Unexpectedly, it was actually the Pantheon's technique of coming." Wang Lun distinguished.

Before Chen Xuan had time to answer Wang Lun, he saw that the body of the Pantheon warrior had rushed towards the two of them. Although his body became like a hill, his speed was not slow and he smashed towards where they were. .

Chen Xuan hurriedly backed away after seeing this. With this strength, if he took a step back a little later, it was likely that he would be seriously injured. Chen Xuan, who has experienced many battles, also knew that he could not fight close to a power-type warrior, otherwise he would suffer. It's probably him.

However, Wang Lun has already set aside the black giant sword and rushed over. As far as Wang Lun is concerned, as long as the opponent's strength does not exceed her too much, the defensive power of the black giant sword can be lower than most of the attacks, precisely because of the king. Lun is very confident in the black giant sword in his hand, so he knows that he can withstand the powerful attack of this Pantheon warrior.


  It was another battle. Wang Lun fought with him for more than two minutes. Taking advantage of this time, Li Qiuyu also rushed over.

  Now the situation has become a three-on-one. Even if this Pantheon warrior is possessed, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to be Chen Xuan's opponent.

At the same time, Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan will once again burst into flames, and even this flame began to burn the surrounding trees. In the blink of an eye, these trees were burned to ashes. At this time, Chen Xuan began to use Dantian. The power within, gathered the spiritual power of the whole body, and gathered these powers above the sky. I saw the current sky, surrounded by a fireball, and began to burn the surrounding air, making a crackling sound.

  Finally, all these infuriating qi converged, forming a two-foot-long fireball in the sky. After seeing the formation of the fireball, Wang Lun's body hurriedly fled to the side.

"Little beast, if you have the ability, you can fight with me for a few more rounds. I don't believe that I can't take you down today!" He said slowly: "It's really a trash, just fought with Lao Tzu for a few minutes and then ran away, I see. Today one person can kill the three of you, hahaha!"

  However, as soon as his voice fell, Chen Xuan had already gathered in the sky, attacking him with an oppressive fireball.


   A strong explosion sounded from the fireball, which directly alarmed the mortals in Lu Yucheng.

   "Oh my God, what sound is this? Such a strong explosion can happen, is there a great power in the fight somewhere!"

   "Looking at the sound of this explosion, I am afraid it is not far away, but we still can't see where the fighting is!"

   "Don't tell me, the place of battle must be far away than our Lu Yucheng, but you can see the sound of the explosion, and it must be a strong guy!"

"I don't know who is fighting near Lu Yucheng. Although Lu Yucheng is not the strongest in the Yunye Empire, no one dares to be wild here. You must know that Lu Yucheng is the commercial center of the entire Yunye Empire. !"

At this moment, on Chen Xuan's side, his fireball has directly hit the body of the Pantheon warrior, even if his body is hit by the powerful Beichenxuan's Vermillion Bird's fire head-on, even if his cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king Sixth layer, but couldn't resist Chen Xuan's attack. At this time, a wave of flames was already flowing through his body.

  Chen Xuan also sighed: "It is worthy of being the sixth level of the cultivation base of the God King Realm. It is really very powerful, and I can resist the fire of the Suzaku."

If Chen Xuan had dealt with those martial artists of the fourth and fifth levels of the Divine King Realm before, if they were hit by Chen Xuan's powerful sword aura, even if they were immortal, they would be disabled. However, he could withstand Chen Xuan's attack. Amazed.

But it's just heartache, because he absolutely can't escape today. Faced with the attack of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, let alone Li Qiuyu now. Although Li Qiuyu's cultivation is not strong, Li Qiuyu It can also help contain the warriors of the Pantheon.

  It can be said that now he is a turtle in the urn, even if he flies into the sky, he cannot escape, because there is already a flame in the sky beginning to wrap up.

"Let's give up resistance, I can't escape today." Chen Xuan said, "I didn't expect you to come back and attack me sneakily. I didn't expect it. It really disappointed you. If you came a little earlier, you might still be able to succeed. It's a pity. In the next hour, I have already forced out the poison."

  Wang Lun also said at this time: "These guys are really naive."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said: "I really think very naively. If they can advance some time, maybe their plan will really come true, but it's a pity..."

   "What nonsense!? You two little beasts, tomorrow I will let you all die for me!"

As he spoke, he raised the long knife in his hand. A powerful and terrifying aura was wrapped around the long knife. Against the backdrop of his huge body, this long knife looked very small, like a steel claw. general.

   Seeing him suddenly rushing over, Chen Xuan stepped back slightly and pulled out the Liaoyuan Sword. For its huge body, Chen Xuan's eyes were a living target. As long as Chen Xuan wanted to attack, he would definitely be able to attack him.

  For Chen Xuan, who uses the Fire of Vermilion Bird, he is the happiest to meet such an opponent.

  (End of this chapter)

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