Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2805: Dying resistance

   Chapter 2805 Dying Rebellion

Although he exploded with a powerful force that could suppress Chen Xuan in progress, Chen Xuan prided himself on his speed. As long as his opponent couldn't kill him with a single blow, then Chen Xuan could be far away. Flee, and then put pressure on the opponent, especially these power-type martial arts, most of them have to increase their size. Although their size has increased, they cannot avoid becoming the opponent's target, because it is more than three meters high, even if Chen Xuan thinks it's hard not to hit his body.

With a sneer, Chen Xuan immediately rushed forward, his body rotated in the sky, and another flame struck his body. This Vermillion Bird flame continued to burn, and suddenly it directly hit his huge body. Body, knocked his body back slightly.

"Ah!" He screamed, then extinguished the flames on his body, and looked at Chen Xuan viciously and said: "Little beast, if you have the ability, you will fight against Lao Tzu. You will only be a good guy. Today I will definitely I want to kill you, you little beast, you dare to kill both of my brothers. Today I want you to die, not only to kill you, but also to pull your muscles. Skin, drink your blood, and then grind your bones to feed the dog, little beast!"

  He seemed to be puzzled as he spoke, but Chen Xuan only showed a look of disdain when he heard it.

As the saying goes, dogs that bark don’t bite people and dogs don’t bark. This Pantheon warrior understands this. If he can kill Chen Xuan, he can just rush to kill Chen Xuan. It is precisely because he can't do it, so now he can only curse Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

   Chen Xuan was deeply disdainful of this.

"I think you should save your energy. Now that you have been besieged by the three of us, I am afraid that your reinforcements will not fall. This time you are going to kill me in a secret operation. I thought it could be done with toxins. Contain me, you can kill me, although your plan is very good, but it's a pity that you met me." Chen Xuan said coldly.

In the next moment, Chen Xuanbian gathered the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual power and quickly launched a fierce attack towards him. Now he is at the end of his way. Facing the fierce and crazy attack of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, he has gradually recruited He couldn't stand it anymore, but after fighting for more than half an hour, his muscles suddenly atrophied, and immediately he couldn't hold the long knife in his hand, and fell to the ground with a loud noise.

  After his body slowly fell to the ground, Wang Lun instantly pulled out the black giant sword and cut the body of the warrior of the Pantheon in half.

After    killed him, Li Qiuyu hurried over and said to both of them.

   "You two are all right."

  Chen Xuan patted the dust on his body and replied: “It’s okay. Although I forced out the toxin just now and used a lot of physical strength, it’s just a piece of cake to deal with him, so I don’t have to worry too much about me.”

  Wang Lun also shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Chen Xuan, the banquet has already started now. Most of the people invited this time are from Yunyemen, but I think it is very likely that people from the Pantheon will come over. We must be more careful this time." Li Qiuyu said.

  Chen Xuan nodded gently and replied: "I guessed that they would definitely attend this banquet. Even if this group of people does not come, it is likely that they will interfere with us."

"You mean, this banquet is very likely to have their minions? In my opinion, although there is a possibility that a group of people will make trouble, but I don't think they will blatantly deal with you, if you get to Lu Yu In the city, I think they must converge." Li Qiuyu said

Wang Lun then nodded and said, "It’s Elder Yuwen, this person has long wanted to get rid of them, especially you Chen Xuan. Now you are standing on the side of City Lord Lu, and now City Lord Lu is their first-class enemy. , What's more, he is still a celebrity next to the city lord, helping him with many things. Although I went to perform tasks before, I haven’t heard of what you helped him, but based on your current status, I think he will definitely get rid of is you."

Chen Xuan nodded, "Whether they want to get rid of me or not, they are all delusions. I will not be killed by them casually. Although the Pantheon is very powerful, they still Not to the point of affecting an empire."

"It also makes sense, but now their first goal is Lu Yu City. They want to survive Lu Yu City. It is very likely that their next target will be other cities in the Yunye Empire, or even Black Rock City. Lucheng, these cities are within their range. If their strategy succeeds one day, then the two of us will be really in danger." Chen Xuan continued.

"I also thought about this question. I can only say that these people in the Pantheon shouldn't provoke us. In other words, Chen Xuan, your cultivation level has actually improved. You were the second level of the realm of the gods not long ago. It has reached the peak. It takes a year or two for ordinary cultivators to upgrade to a level. It has only been less than a month since you have actually increased your cultivation level." Wang Lun said.

Hearing what Wang Lun said, Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly, but he looked at the serious look on Wang Lun's face, so he said to him: "Brother Wang, don't say that, your talent is also very strong, although You are only two or three years older than me, but your cultivation is also much stronger than mine."

  Wang Lun seemed to have thought of the meaning in Chen Xuan's words, so he laughed awkwardly with Chen Xuan, as if he also heard what Chen Xuan wanted to express.

   "Let's go over now, I'm afraid it will start tonight," Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then a few of them first cleaned up the corpses of these Pantheon warriors. After all, Chen Xuan’s Suzaku Fire was not a vegetarian, and their corpses were burned in a blink of an eye. Ashes, and from their storage ring, Chen Xuan also got a lot of spars. Although there were not many spars, they were enough for Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, it is ready." Li Qiuyu also said.

   "Is it so fast?"

  Chen Xuan put away his swordsmanship: "Since then, let's go back."

  After Chen Xuan designed the destruction of the Cao family, City Master Lu must be overjoyed. Although most of the credit was given to Mo Ling, City Master Lu knew very well that Chen Xuan did not want to be very ostentatious.

   "Chen Xuan has already notified." Li Qiuyu also said.

   "Chen Xuan."

  Chen Xuan was also satisfied after seeing it, and said, "Back to Yunyemen."

   But at this time, Li Qiuyu said: "Brother Chen, this time, we must be careful."

   Hearing the words, Chen Xuandao: "Don't say more, let's go."

   Soon, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun entered Lu Yucheng and walked directly in the direction of the banquet.

  "Look who is here, isn't this Chen Xuan." At this moment, several warriors appeared.

   "It's weird, this kid is here too." Wang Lun glanced over.

  Wang Lun did not worry at all at this time, he was just following Chen Xuan, he understood that these warriors were not in Chen Xuan's eyes at all.

  Cao Ande and others all died in the hands of Chen Xuan, what can they be? So he did not speak.

  Although Li Qiuyu's face looked like frost, he was very unhappy, but he saw Chen Xuan stay silent and did not speak.

  At this moment, Chen Xuandao: "Why, do you have a lot of opinions?"

  The warrior, named Li Guo, was a follower of Yuwen Tuo. Although Li Guo was from the Li family, at this moment, Chen Xuan saw Wang Jun and others behind Li Guo, not far away.

  Yes, there are also many disciples of big families in Yunyemen, and these people are not kind to those who come.

  They felt that they had come back early, so they waited here deliberately and happened to meet them.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

   "No, no. Chen Xuan, you are a warrior on the Lu Yucheng Qi list. I am just an ordinary Yunyemen warrior. How dare you have any opinions."

  At this moment, Li Guo said, "After all, it was Yunyemen's decision. I didn't see Chen Xuan coming here."

  Chen Xuan originally thought that this Li Guo was looking for something, but when he heard him say this again, he didn't want to pay attention, but just killed Cao Ande before, Chen Xuan really didn't have the mood to talk to these little warriors.

  "Go, Li Qiuyu, leave first."

  Immediately, Chen Xuan wanted to take Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun away.

   "Where do you want to go."

   However, Li Guo and three other Yunyemen martial artists were trapped in his way forward.

   "What do you mean?" Chen Xuan's expression finally cooled down.

  These disciples are here to look for things. Chen Xuan just tolerated them. Because the implication is also more obscure. He wants to treat others with his own mind. However, if Chen Xuan is tolerant to these warriors.

   "What do you mean?" Chen Xuan showed an expression of anger.

   "Chen Xuan, we don't mean anything?" Li Guo said.

  At this moment, Li Guo took the other three people and stood in the way of Chen Xuan and them.

   "Chen Xuan, Lord Lu, will definitely be driven down by Yu Wentuo, haha."

  Li Qiuyu finally couldn't help it, his face turned cold: "You are also from the Yunyemen. Could it be that you have eaten the purpose of the Tianyuan Palace?"

   "Look, Chen Xuan was stopped by Li Guo and the others!"

   "Many people came to watch, haha, today his face is going to be lost here!"

  At this time, Wang Jun and the others on the other side suddenly looked at Li Guo and the others with a smile.

  Wang Jun smiled when he saw it, “He is only the second level of the realm of the **** king. Today, I want him to lose all his majesty.” During the speech, Wang Jun's eyes were gloomy.

   "Teach him a lesson." Liu Mo suddenly said viciously nearby.

   "After all, he is our B-level warrior!"

  Wang Jun also said: "If he doesn't do it first, we can't do it, but you can rest assured that he might not even be Li Guo's opponent."

   "Look, Li Guo is openly trapping Chen Xuan and the others!"

   "Look, Wang Jun and those people are also there. It seems that Li Guo must have been signaled!"

  At this moment, the ordinary Yunyemen warriors passing by one by one stopped and stopped to watch. After all, Chen Xuan on Lu Yucheng's air list was actually trapped.

   Those ordinary Yunyemen martial artists who surrounded them, their comments were also heard by Chen Xuan.

   "Li Guo, you rubbish."

  After that, he once again said in a deep voice to Li Guo and others: "I'll say it again and let me go."

   "Why, do you want to use the identity of a B-level warrior to suppress us?"

   "We are going here, why?"

  Li Guo also said: "What can you do to us, hahahaha, Chen Xuan, although you are also a second-level warrior of the Cloud Yemen, now, only this Li Qiuyu listens to you, haha."

  A few others also burst into laughter.

  At this moment, a palm had hit Li Guo's face, causing his body to rotate directly and fly into the sky.

   Then, Chen Xuan pulled out his sword, and another backhand hit Li Guo with another sword.

  Chen Xuan's shot was too fast and too fast, Li Guo didn't react at all, and in an instant, his body flew out directly.

   "How is it possible? Chen Xuan's cultivation level has risen to this level so quickly.

  (End of this chapter)

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