Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2814: Defeat the black blood killer

  Chapter 2814 Defeating the Black Blood Sect Killer

"How could this kid's strength be so strong." His face was full of surprise, and then he said to Chen Xuan: "How can your kid's cultivation level improve so fast? I don't believe it! What's your cultivation level? It may improve quickly. I don’t believe that this is the power of a demon soul. How can you use the method of possessing a demon soul? It depends on possessing. But it is one of the methods of our Black Blood School, how can you understand it? get!"

Chen Xuan sneered at him, and immediately replied: "You don't know where my demon soul came from. There is nothing wrong with it. It was taken from your Black Blood Sect. It's just the power of this demon soul. You can't control it, but I can control it!"

Chen Xuan is now possessed by the demon soul, but now his physical strength has increased a lot, reaching the realm of Taoism, so this black blood sect warrior can't imagine that now Chen Xuan has not been demon. The soul controls reason.

"Wait a minute, this is absolutely impossible. If you are exhibiting a demon soul possessed, how can you still be sensible? I have heard about this demon soul possessing a body. I want to use this technique, not only As long as the cultivator has a strong physical endurance, and it is also very likely to be taken over by the demon soul!" The Black Blood Sect warrior roared hoarsely.

  In his eyes, he didn't believe that Chen Xuan could freely display demon soul possession, but in fact it was true. In terms of Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, it really required a certain price to display demon soul possession.

However, Chen Xuan didn't want to explain to him at all. He waved a sword and cut off his head. After he was killed, the red breath continued to dissipate from Chen Xuan's side, and waited until the red mist dissipated. After that, Chen Xuan restored the original scene.

  It was the same as he had just walked out, and then Chen Xuan turned around and saw Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun who were fainting next to him.

  At this time, Li Qiuyu had fallen into a coma, and Wang Lun seemed to shook his head suddenly, and he seemed to have woken up from the coma just now.

  Chen Xuan ran over immediately, and then said to Wang Lun: "Brother Wang, are you okay."

  Wang Lun seemed to have some unresponsiveness. When he saw Chen Xuan, he immediately pulled out the black giant sword on his back, but he saw the corpse of the Black Blood Sect warrior in the distance. Also reflected.

   "Chen Xuan, did you kill him?" Wang Lun asked Chen Xuan with a curious look.

Chen Xuan also saw a complex look on his face. Wang Lun wanted to attack the past, but he was concentrated by the black mist and fell into a faint. If it weren't for Chen Xuan, then Wang Lun was very faint. It is possible to be killed by the warrior in the black blood. Fortunately, Chen Xuan has now won the battle.

  But Wang Lun still has some doubts, Chen Xuan's strength is only the triple peak of the realm of the gods.

The opponent’s cultivation was far above him. Thinking of this, Wang Lun could only think of Chen Xuan’s demon soul possession technique, otherwise Chen Xuan would definitely not be his opponent. After all, the strength of the Black Blood Sect warrior, Even Wang Lun is not his opponent.

"That guy is very powerful. Did you use Demon Soul Possession? Tonight, you and Yuwen Tuo are still fighting. If you display Demon Soul Possession now, wouldn’t it be dangerous for you to wait, Yuwen? Tuo's strength is also very strong, do you make sure that you have the power to defeat them after using the demon soul possession?" Wang Lun asked worriedly.

  Wang Lun’s worry is reasonable, because after using the demon soul possession, Chen Xuan's body will fall into a period of depression, during this time Chen Xuan can't use steam at all, let alone his Liaoyuan sword aura.

   Chen Xuan also expressed some helplessness about this. If he had just displayed the Demon Soul Possession, he would definitely not be the opponent of the Black Blood Sect warrior, otherwise Chen Xuan and Wang Lun would both be killed by the Black Blood Sect people.

"Don't worry about so much. I have already eaten two souls just now, but the effect of this soul-refining pill can make my body quickly recover. If there is still time, we will go over quickly, I am afraid that the meeting is about to begin. Now." Chen Xuan replied.

   At this moment, Li Qiuyu also woke up suddenly. At this moment, Li Qiuyu looked at the surrounding Wang Lun and Chen Xuan with a look of doubt.

   "What happened just now..." There was a hint of curiosity in Li Qiuyu's eyes.

Li Qiuyu’s cultivation has just reached the realm of the **** king, so Li Qiuyu has not reacted, he has fallen into a faint, and even the body of the black blood sect warrior has not been seen, so he is now full of doubts, don’t know why I just fell into a coma.

   Then Chen Xuan and Wang Lun explained to Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu only then realized that they had just encountered an enemy sneak attack.

Then they set off toward the banquet. After this sneak attack, Chen Xuan's vigilance was also greatly improved. He did not expect that he would provoke the entire Black Blood Sect. Those who want to come to the Black Blood Sect are bound to Chen Xuan will be killed, but Chen Xuan will not be killed by them so easily.

   At this moment, Li Qiuyu asked next to Chen Xuan: "Big Brother Chen Xuan, he has already displayed Demon Soul Possession today, and his body must be in a period of weakness. I wonder if you are still Yuwen Tuo’s opponent?"

  At this moment, Wang Lun also hurriedly turned his head. He was also very curious that Chen Xuan must have fallen into a period of weakness now, and that Yuwen Tuo's cultivation base was unfathomable, and among the younger generation, he rarely encountered rivals.

  If it is said that Chen Xuan, who was in his former heyday, may fight Yuwentuo by then, Chen Xuan's body is no longer as strong as before. If they fight Yuwentuo tonight, they are likely to be in danger.

  As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan showed a face of disdain.

  However, Chen Xuan was not at all worried about the battle with Yuwentuo. He just disdainfully said: "There is nothing to worry about. Yuwentuo? I hope he can catch me today."

  These words, although they sound arrogant, but after all, they are also a magnificent Yunyemen martial artist, and Chen Xuan has his own pride.

As the strongest institution in the entire Yunye Empire, the Cloud Leaf Gate itself has the ability to deal with the Pantheon, but the current Cloud Leaf Gate is no longer as good as before. The power of the Pantheon has penetrated into the Cloud Leaf Gate, but even so, every A warrior who can enter the Cloud Yemen is a symbol of strength.

  As for Chen Xuan in the Cloud Yemen, now he has the position of commanding a military formation.

  The reason why Chen Xuan was not afraid of Yuwen Tuo was because he had just broken through to the triple level of the **** king realm, and he was directly promoted to the triple peak realm, which was a full level.

It takes two or three years for an ordinary cultivator to upgrade to a level, but it only took a few days for Chen Xuan to reach such a powerful state. Even if he did Yuwentuo, he could not do it. It takes a year for the talented warriors to cultivate to a level.

The reason why Chen Xuan practiced slowly was not because his talent was not strong, but because Chen Xuan practiced too many techniques at the same time. Not only did he have the power of the awakened Vermillion Bird Soul in his body, but Chen Xuan also cultivated the Demon Soul. Power, plus Chen Xuan also began to cultivate the profound power in this world.

Previously, Chen Xuan’s cultivation was roughly equivalent to that of a warrior in the realm of God Kings, but since the power of Vermillion Bird was awakened in his body, Chen Xuan’s strength has doubled. This is not only the power of the demon soul that brought Chen Xuan’s cultivation. Breakthrough, but also the powerful recovery of Suzaku's power.

The power of Suzaku's wings is not imaginable by people in this world. Chen Xuan has just awakened now, and the soul of Suzaku already has a fire that will never go out. This flame is Chen Xuan's killer, as long as the enemy does not surpass him. Too much, Chen Xuan can defeat the opponent through the Fire of Vermilion Bird.

  After they walked out of the mansion, they saw that there were crowds of people outside.

  But because of the huge attention that Chen Xuan and Yu Wentuo have attracted, many people gathered here. Although Hu Luo is just Yuwentuo's minion, everyone knows that the challenge is taking advantage of Yuwentuo, after all, his cultivation base is much higher than that of Chen Xuan.

   After all, Yuwen Tuo had already been famous in Lu Yucheng a few years ago. He defeated two lord-level monsters with his own power.

   But Chen Xuan is just a black kun beast that suddenly appeared. No one knows what Chen Xuan's origin is. Everyone knows that Chen Xuan came from Black Rock City.

Several thousand years ago, Black Rock City was still the center of the entire world. However, by now, Black Rock City has been reduced to a broken city. Although there are still some warriors who have returned to hunt monsters near Black Rock City, Black Rock City has long been unavailable. On the same day.

  Because thousands of years ago, there once existed a Black Rock Empire on this continent. The Black Rock Empire was so powerful that it had already ruled nearly half of the entire continent.

  And the current Yunye Empire was also included in it, but the good times did not last long, and the rule of the Black Rock Empire finally began to shatter. One of the culprits was the Pantheon. The original Pantheon began to rise.

  The emperor of the Black Rock Empire was faint and incompetent, and was finally defeated in several wars. Now the Black Rock Empire has been divided into small empires, especially in the east of the mainland. The Cloud Leaf Empire is one of the strongest empires in the east.

  Although the strength is very strong, the sword-qi Yunye Empire has also begun to go downhill, especially the war with the Dragon Blood Tribe a year ago, which caused the Yunye Empire to suffer.

  At the same time, they were walking outside, and from time to time they were watched by a group of onlookers who wanted to watch the excitement. They were very curious about what this person who wanted to challenge Yuwentuo looked like.

  It can be said that Chen Xuan has made another name in Lu Yucheng because of this incident. Everyone knows that there is a young man who wants to challenge Yuwen Tuo in the Pantheon.

The Pantheon not only has a huge power in the Yunye Empire, this Pantheon has a huge dominance in the east and south of the entire Sombra World. In addition to the western region, there are not many dragon blood in the north. The power of the Pantheon is spread all over the world. Various regions.

  But Lu Yucheng is also one of the most powerful cities in the Pantheon. In other words, the Pantheon in Lu Yucheng is quite strong among all the Pantheons.

  And Yuwen Tuo was one of the most prestigious geniuses in the Pantheon. He was able to reach the fourfold cultivation base of the God King Realm at the age of twenty-two, and there were few in the entire Yunye Empire.

Wang Lun said to him: "But Chen Xuan, there are really a lot of people here today! I didn't expect that there would be so many people. I'm afraid these people want to watch the excitement. It's not too much to watch the excitement. Big."

  There are many people in this group, they are all ordinary people in Lu Yucheng, and many of them are not even cultivators.

  The world of cultivators is full of curiosity for them. Because of their own limitations, this group of people cannot cultivate profound strength, so they will never be able to set foot in this world.

  However, they are full of curiosity about the world of cultivation. Whenever something goes wrong, they will come to watch it, just like the challenge of Chen Xuan and Yu Wentuo. This banquet also attracted some people's attention.

  (End of this chapter)

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