Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2815: Burst of power

   Chapter 2815 Explosive Power

  At this time, Chen Xuan was too late to pay attention to the eyes of those people, and directly said to Wang Lun and Li Qiuyu next to him: "Follow me into this City Lord's Mansion and ignore these people."

  Immediately, Chen Xuan, Wang Lun and Li Qiuyu entered.

   But at this time, not far in front of them, it suddenly appeared noisy.

   "Boy, see if I won't teach you this time! You little beast, dare to steal things from my house." A young man's voice suddenly came from a distance.

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came over, making Chen Xuan look suspicious. He raised his eyes and saw that at this moment, a black-haired young man directly patted the martial artist's face.

   "You are bold! People who dare to provoke me!"

  And the same, at the same time, near the warrior, a man in a brocade robe said angrily: "You openly assaulted my Hong brother!"

   "It's Hong Zhen and Hong Jue!"

  Li Qiuyu also looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Chen Xuan and the two of them!"

"It's them?"

Chen Xuan did not expect that it was actually Hong Zhen and Hong Jue. Since the second parting, he has never seen them again: "What's the situation with them? This is in the City Lord's Mansion, how are they? Maybe you will fight here?"

These two people were both martial artists in the Yunye Gate. A year ago, Chen Xuan had just entered the Yunye Gate and received help from Hong Zhen. However, afterwards, Chen Xuan had some disputes with them, and these people His mind is not pure.

After Chen Xuan helped Lu Cheng lord to rise to power, these people secretly revealed the news to the people in the Pantheon, and they were arrested by Chen Xuan. If it weren't for their help to Chen Xuan in the first place, Chen Xuan would have been Turn face with them.

  It’s just that after that incident, Chen Xuan saw the two of them and never took care of them.

  Chen Xuan frowned and said: "Is it up here? This is the City Lord's Mansion. Don't they know how serious it is to cause trouble in the City Lord's Mansion? They simply don't put the City Lord in their eyes!"

At this time, Chen Xuan and the others did not know what was going on, so they could only watch it first, but he also faintly found a clue from the battle between the two of them. It seemed that the two of them were wrong first, and the other party is here now. Asking for courtesy, Chen Xuan does not plan to take action for the time being.

  He wants to see what happened, and then take action, so as to ensure the fairness of things.

At this time, Chen Xuan raised his eyes and heard the black-haired young man say: "This kid, I worked so hard to take out a technique from the ruins last time. I wanted to share it with him, but I didn't expect this kid. Unexpectedly, evil thoughts arose, and he took the initiative to go to my house and stole the exercises. What a brute!"

   "Fart, the exercise that we performed together originally had my share, how can you say that I stole it? And I didn't steal anything at all, so you don't want to spit people here!"

Hong Zhen also looked angry and said: "What you said is not wrong. My brother and you are the same person, and my brother is not the kind of person you said! You need to know who was performing the task with you at the beginning, this task What you got must have his share, how can you say so much now!"

At the same time, the black-haired young man said again: "Last time I wanted to teach this guy a long time ago. If it weren't for Big Brother Yuwen's face, I would have shown him the color, but today, I don't ask for the face. Come, my name is not Liu Yue!"

   "Liu Yue!"

  His name is Liu Yue, he belongs to the Liu family, and his cultivation is not strong, but Hong Zhen and the others are stronger.

   Chen Xuan did not expect that they would actually have a conflict. But after hearing the discussion between them, Chen Xuan added some guesses of his own, and he might also understand what happened between them.

  Want to come, Hong Jue offended this Liu Yue, but this Liu Yue was not so easy to provoke, not only from the Liu family, but also from Liu Ande’s family martial artist, Chen Xuan did not have a good impression of him.

   "Liu Yue, you are deceiving too much!"

  At this time, Na Hong Jue said: "It's not that you scolded me for deliberately embarrassing me. My cultivation is not as good as you. But I will definitely go to Elder Nangong for justice.

   "Boy! Do you think I am afraid?" At the same time, Liu Yue was not afraid at all, and continued coldly: "In this case, I want to see Master Nangong anyway, then I will teach you again today!"

   "Liu Yue, you are too much!" Hong Zhen also continued to guard Hong Jue's body. At the same time, he showed his true Qi, his true Qi appeared, and he even reached the triple level of the God King Realm.

  Thinking that it might be possible, he was also cultivating hard.

   "Hong Zhen, do you think you can keep him?" Liu Yue kept talking.

   "Anyway, you want to hurt Brother Hong, I don't allow it!" Hong Zhen resisted.

Hong Zhen and Hong Jue are not children of a big family, but they are a small sect from Lu Yucheng. The name of this sect is unknown, and even Chen Xuan has never heard of it, but they are very talented and related. Also joined the Cloud Yemen together.

In   Yunyemen, everyone is a powerful warrior in the air list. Being able to enter the Yunyemen is not only superior to the major palaces, but also a symbol of Lu Yucheng's strength.

  At the same time, Liu Yue was only a threefold cultivation base of the God King Realm, which was also resisted by Hong Zhen. Hong Zhen just confronted Liu Yue twice. Seeing that Liu Yue couldn't win Hong Zhen by herself. Then a warrior next to Liu Yue suddenly made a move.

  He bombarded him with a sword, and Hong Zhen was directly knocked into the air, and the whole person that Hong Zhen had struck was tilted to the back with the sword.

   "You, Liu Hua." Hong Zhen looked at the martial artist in surprise and said: "How is your strength possible?"

  This warrior is Liu Yue’s elder brother, whose name is Liu Hua, and is already a triple powerhouse in the realm of God King.

   "Hong Zhen, I didn't expect you to even hold my palms!" After defeating Hong Zhen, Liu Hua said calmly: "You two brothers from the Hong family are too useless."

  Liu Yuelian said: "Hang aha, Hong Zhen, what are you, you want to stop me!" In an instant, he rushed towards Hong Jue.

   "Liu Yue, what are you going to do?" Hong Jue knew that he was not Liu Yue's opponent, and said in horror, "This is the City Lord's Mansion, don't mess around."

   But although there are many people around, everyone is watching. No one helped him, and even some people who had friendships did not come out in normal times. As for Liu Hua, he should not know what happened to his family, but like Liu Liming, he entered the realm of God King at a young age. .

  After all, the Liu family is a big family in Lu Yucheng. As for Liu Yue, Liu Liming and Liu Liming are also cousins. At this moment, Liu Yue rushed over, and Hong Jue immediately resisted.

  The two played against each other a few times, Hong Jue was still weaker, and was immediately defeated by Liu Yue. Liu Yue frantically said: "In this case, I will show you how good I am!"


  Hong Jue was immediately beaten off.

   "Alright. Liu Yue, stop."

  At the same time, a voice came, and then a black rock floated and moved.

When the power of the demon soul was displayed, Chen Xuan rushed over and grabbed Liu Yue.

  "Who!" Liu Yue was a little shocked.

  At this time, Chen Xuan said in a deep voice: "If you have any grievances, you will solve them later. It is the day of the banquet. Don't make trouble here."

  Liu Hua, Chen Xuan hadn’t heard of it much before, but he was also very good at a young age, but Chen Xuan didn’t take him seriously either.

   "Chen Xuan!" Liu Yue said.

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan also replied: "Liu Yue, have you ever thought about City Lord Lu, this is not your presumptuous place?"

   "We must give the face of City Lord Lu, after all, he is the City Lord today." Liu Hua said suddenly.

   "Brother Hong, are you okay?" Hong Zhen also ran over. He looked at Hong Jue and said, "How are you?"

  This Hong Jue, even though he had helped Chen Xuan before, Chen Xuan was not blocking Liu Yue and the others for him this time.

   Seeing Chen Xuan's move, Liu Yue just looked at Hong Jue behind his body and said unwillingly: "Boy, don't think you can get away. We, Liu family, can't be dealt with by you!"

  Hong Jue hurriedly explained at this time: "Hu Luo and the others are persecuting us, we people speak lightly, and finally have to divide the boundaries with you."

   "No need to explain." Chen Xuan said.

  At this time, the scene suddenly stalemate. Then Liu Hua walked again: "Chen Xuan, you are just ascending to the second level of the realm of the gods, right? I heard that you defeated Hu Luo, do you want to take care of this?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Liu Hua who walked out and said, “I’ve heard of you, the youngest Grade B warrior in Yunyemen. Why, do you think I’m not qualified?”

Liu Hua is very arrogant. He pointed to Hong Jue and said, "If you want to take care of this matter, it depends on whether you can take care of me! Chen Xuan, although you are the triple pinnacle of the Divine King Realm, you feel that you are Very powerful? Want to fight Yuwentuo? I think, if you can't even beat me, then you don't have to fight Yuwentuo."

  As soon as the voice fell, Liu Hua showed his true spirit.

   "The triple peak of the God King Realm?"

Chen Xuan looked at Liu Hua's invigorating zhenqi, and his body was full of zhenqi, so he said: "Liu Hua, I said, you have a bit of cultivation, no wonder you don't put Hu Luo in your eyes, but it is still **** ."

   "In this case, I will show you how good my boxing is."

   Liu Hua heard this, and immediately displayed the True Qi palm technique, with True Qi condensed in his body, and he slew towards Chen Xuan.

   "Look! Look, Liu Hua actually shot Chen Xuan! Chen Xuan's strength is not clear to what extent."

   "I've heard about Hong Jue and Liu Yue! Today, I never thought that Chen Xuan would take care of this matter."

  At this time, Liu Hua condensed his true energy with one palm. It is also very mighty.

  At this moment, they were thinking about how Chen Xuan would deal with Liu Hua's attack. Faced with Liu Hua's attack. Chen Xuan's response was beyond everyone's expectations. He didn't even show his true energy, and directly sent Liu Hua to the outside of the mansion.

  Liu Hua was beaten by Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword! A simple sword. Even the true energy was not displayed, but Liu Hua's Liaojin Fist was of no use in front of Chen Xuan.

"This is absolutely impossible. I am the triple pinnacle of the Divine King Realm, and my Liaojin Fist is much stronger than ordinary martial arts." Liu Hua himself was a little shocked: "How could this be, what power is this? "

  (End of this chapter)

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