Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2816: Banquet day

  Chapter 2816 The day of the banquet


  His body flew back several meters, and he was blown out by the infuriating energy that came from the impact. Chen Xuan's true energy came violently, shattering his body refining protection, and then hit his body.

  At this moment, he was surprised. After all, he had cultivated to the triple peak of the Divine King Realm at a young age and practiced into the Liaojin Fist, which was when he was full of confidence. Although Chen Xuan defeated Hu Luo, Hu Luo was completely ignored by Liu Hua. That's why he wanted to teach Chen Xuan a lesson.

  Furthermore, because he was so young that he reached the triple peak of the Divine King Realm and showed great potential, they allowed their Liu Family to develop very well.

  He originally wanted to teach Chen Xuan a lesson. In order to stand up for his brothers, for the position of the family, and for the idea of ​​crushing the B-level warriors in his heart, he even imagined Chen Xuan after he was defeated at the moment he shot.

   "What, it won't be right, this kid was still in the three levels of the Divine King Realm before it was clear, how could it be possible to continuously improve so many levels in just one month, I don't believe it!" Liu Yue also exclaimed in surprise.

  Liu Hua is the pride of their Liu family, how could they be beaten up in one palm. In his heart, although Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong, it is not so strong.

   Hong Jue also showed an unbelievable expression. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation level to rise so quickly. That was a warrior in the realm of the **** king who was hit and flew out by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword.

   "What? A palm?"

That Hong Zhen just fought against Liu Hua. He knew very well that no matter what kind of exercise he Hong Zhen displayed, he was not his opponent at all, but Liu Hua was hit by Chen Xuan casually. , This made Hong Zhen once again feel how big the gap with Chen Xuan was.

   "Is this Chen Xuan's cultivation skills?"

   "No wonder he dared to agree to a final victory with Yuwen Tuo today."

   "Although Big Brother Yuwen's cultivation is very strong, Chen Xuan's cultivation is also terrifying."

   "I really don't know how much Yuwen Big Brother has to win against him. This kid has improved his cultivation so quickly. A few days ago, his cultivation was not that terrible."

   "But I see that his demon soul yoke has not been opened, obviously he has not reached the fourth stage of the **** king realm, or the **** king realm, it should be the third peak of the **** king realm!"

"Until reaching the fourth level of the God King Realm, it is impossible to be the opponent of Big Brother Yuwen. I heard that Big Brother Yuwen has already reached the fourth level of the God King Realm not long ago, but this kid has released the truth. The strength of the Qi is the most, and only the three levels of the Divine King Realm, crossing three levels to defeat Yuwen Tuo, this is absolutely impossible."

"Yeah, although this kid is very strong, he probably used some tricks of crooked ways. Didn't you see the demon soul he used just now? The realm of this demon soul is only used by those crooked ways of the Dragonblood tribe. We are all using true energy dignifiedly. If this kid didn't use the demon soul, his realm would definitely not be as powerful as Yuwentuo, I am afraid Yuwentuo could kill it in minutes!

"This Chen Xuangang has been promoted to the realm of the **** king, and he feels that he can divide the victory or defeat with Big Brother Yuwen. It is simply stupid. He has no idea how powerful Brother Yuwen is. That is the person who can defeat the lord-level monsters at a young age. Moreover, it is also our first genius in Lu Yucheng, which is almost indisputable."

  Some warriors were discussing in a low voice, while Wang Lun stood silently around Chen Xuan from beginning to end.

   Dealing with Liu Hua, Wang Lun must have known that Chen Xuan could completely defeat him. So he was not surprised at all.

  At this time, Liu Hua was clutching his chest and was injured by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword. He had already suffered some injuries, and his face was gloomy and said, "You are good, but I'm not as good as others, I have nothing to say."

Liu Yue also kept saying: "Boy, with Chen Xuan guarding you, I will let you go. But I hope you will be more eye-catching in the future. If you let me meet you in the future, then you must pay attention to it! Got it! No."

   Then he left with his martial artist?

   "Chen Xuan!"

Liu Hua, who was supported by Liu Yue, suddenly paused and looked at Chen Xuan and said: "Although I am not your opponent now! But don't be proud! I don't believe that your strength can be continuously improved. Now you are the demon you can use. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????”Although I am not your opponent now! But don’t be proud! I don’t believe that your strength can be continuously improved. Soul power, then you will be backlashed by the demon soul. I don’t believe that your body can hold the realm of the demon soul. Haha! Chen Xuan, you are just a poor worm lost in front of the power. The same as those of the blood tribe!"

Although he lost to Chen Xuan, his heart was very unconvinced. He wanted to come to Chen Xuan only to rely on the realm of the demon soul to defeat him, not to mention that the realm of the demon soul is still very unstable, plus he He is also very young, so he thinks he can defeat Chen Xuan in a few years.

If you are an ordinary cultivator, then he thinks it is very reasonable, because although the demon soul will quickly increase the strength of the cultivator, the cultivation of the demon soul is very unstable and very It may cause backlash. In this way, not only will you lose some of your cultivation base, but it will also be difficult to improve again. In addition, Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is only the third level of the **** king realm, but his cultivation base is only A bit lower than Chen Xuan, but his talent is not low, and he can be ranked among Lu Yucheng.

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan still showed disdain, and said lightly: "At that time, I will still be able to beat you with one palm."

  Liu Hua is not Chen Xuan's opponent until now, not only is he not now, Chen Xuan believes that he will not be his opponent in the future.

   But now he can only say: "At that time, let me see what level of your strength has been improved, but even if your strength has improved quickly, it is not my opponent!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he fled with Liu Yue and others, and after Liu Hua and others left.

   "Chen Xuan." Hong Jue hesitated to speak but stopped.

Chen Xuan knew what he wanted to say, but he didn't even think about these two people. Chen Xuan helped them a lot at the beginning, but he didn't expect that these two people were Elder Zang's people. To be precise, Chen Xuan and them were originally People still applauded each other, but they were bought out by Elder Zang and deliberately framed Chen Xuan during a mission.

  But Chen Xuan directly replied coldly: "Let's go, Wang Lun."

  Hong Zhen and Hong Jue's faces also became difficult to look.

"The last time we were forced by Yuwentuo." Hong Zhen knew that he couldn't change it. He looked at Chen Xuan with shame, but couldn't say anything. He also knew that the last time had hurt Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan didn't think it was necessary. For Chen Xuan, Hong Zhen was just a minor role.

But Chen Xuan also looked at everyone coldly again and said: "I didn't make the move because of you, but because I was in a better mood, so I just helped you two by the way. Don't think that I am looking at your face. It’s only on the move."

  As soon as the voice fell, he stopped talking to these two people. Turning around, he brought Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun into the hall. Chen Xuan also helped out this time.

After all, they also helped themselves at the beginning, and when Chen Xuan first entered the Yunye Gate, they also helped him practice in the waterfall, but Chen Xuan did not expect that the human heart would become so fast. This is still short. Within a few months, the relationship between them fell to a freezing point.

  Hong Zhen thought of Chen Xuan giving him a pill to give him crystal cores. At that time, Chen Xuan still regarded him as a friend, and now he hates himself for standing on Yuwen Tuo's side.

  This discussion was also seen by many warriors.

   "These Hong Zhen and Hong Jue are just two snobs."

   "I really didn't expect that there would be such a person in our Yunyemen. It's really embarrassing to us Yunyemen, and I'm not afraid of other people's jokes."

"Yeah, yeah, these two people are really embarrassing to us. Although the strength of the Pantheon is very strong now, these two people are actually their minions, huh! I am afraid we, Yunyemen can't keep them both. That's so funny, there are traitors from the Pantheon in the Cloud Yemen."

"It makes sense. I think you two should leave the Cloud Yemen as soon as possible. Join Yuwen Tuo. The Yunyemen will not welcome you anymore. The guys in the Pantheon have already coveted our Yunye Empire. , Although many of them are from the Yunye Empire, it's just that these people are traitors and willing to work for the Pantheon, it's ridiculous!"

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already left Hong Zhen Hong Jue behind his body. Then they went through it to the outer hall to the square before the banquet.

This banquet was not far from the Yunye Gate, so Chen Xuan returned to the vicinity of the Yunye Gate. At this time, they had already walked to the front of the mansion, but when Chen Xuan had just entered, they suddenly felt it. A familiar voice.

   "I heard that your strength has also started to improve. Seeing you today, it really is!"

  As Chen Xuan was about to enter it, a voice came over again and said: "Chen Xuan can beat Liu Hua without using real energy! It really didn't happen to me that I want to come to you to improve your cultivation very quickly, ha ha."

  Chen Xuan faintly felt that the voice was very familiar, but he couldn't tell who he was, so Chen Xuan hurriedly turned around and looked at it.

   "It turned out to be Hong Yi."

   Chen Xuan frowned when he saw this warrior, because the name of this warrior was Hong Yi, and he was one of the second-level warriors of the Cloud Yemen. In the past, Chen Xuan and this martial artist had some fate, but they didn't have much contact with each other.

  Chen Xuan learned from Elder Nangong that the family of this warrior also had something to do with the forces behind Yuwen Tuo. Plus, his tone is a bit unusual.

   "Brother is too good."

  Even though this warrior has a strange tone, Chen Xuan still treats each other with courtesy. After all, when you come here today, you must all come to the banquet, and the banquet must be based on harmony.

Therefore, Chen Xuan bowed his hand and said politely: "This brother shouldn't be so serious. I was only able to defeat him by accident. If it is my true strength, I am afraid it is not his opponent. After all, I just rely on it. Only at the realm of the demon soul can we have this realm."

   "Chen Xuan, you are too modest, but I saw with my own eyes how you beat him, and just now you shot too quickly, I didn't see clearly."

   "Over reputation, I just sneaked into him while he didn't react. If it is a head-on fight, I am not necessarily his opponent." Chen Xuan said.

But at this time, Hong Yi said directly: "You just took the palm, I can't understand it! You can beat Liu Hua without showing your true energy! I have studied so many martial arts, but I have never listened to it. I said, Chen Xuan, can you tell me, what did you use for the palm you just used? Could it be the Suzaku sword technique?"

"It's just a normal palm, my brother really bothered. My Suzaku swordsmanship is not that strong, and I have already exerted my full strength just now, and I rushed over when he didn't notice my body. The palm just now was not enough. I condensed it casually." Chen Xuan said.

After hearing this, his eyebrows trembled slightly. It was obvious that Chen Xuan's words were perfunctory, but Chen Xuan was now reluctant to say that he could not force him to ask, so he glanced at Chen Xuan and revealed a trace. With a terrifying murderous aura, then he raised the long sword in his hand.

   "Chen Xuan, I really want to ask for advice on your strength, what realm you have reached now, and by the way, let me see what your Suzaku method looks like."

   "It's still not. Today is the day of the banquet. We will inevitably disturb others when we fight here, so let's go in quickly." Chen Xuan replied.

  (End of this chapter)

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