Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2817: Hu Luo

  Chapter 2817 Hu Luo

  If the two of them were outside, they would definitely disturb the people in the mansion. Chen Xuan didn't want to disturb them. After all, Chen Xuan came to the banquet this time to show others face, otherwise Chen Xuan would not come here.

If the people inside were alarmed, another storm would erupt in the battle between the two of them. Chen Xuan didn’t want to see this. Chen Xuan didn’t think so much when he came out this time, and he didn’t expect it to happen. There are so many people in front of him, wanting to learn from him.

Especially the person in front of Chen Xuan, he knew very well that this person was a warrior in the Pantheon. I am afraid that I knew that his plan had been exposed when I came to him this time. After all, Chen Xuan met several Pantheons before he came. The master’s assassination, and Chen Xuan killed them. These people in the Pantheon probably already knew the plan. Now seeing Chen Xuan standing in front of them unscathed, I am afraid that their hearts are also very panicked, so this I just wanted to discuss with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan could clearly feel that there was a murderous look in his eyes.

  Chen Xuan's perception is very keen, it can delicately capture the opponent's eyes, revealing a trace of breath, which is clearly a trace of doubt and distrust.

  "Since Chen Xuan, you don't want to say it, it's better to let me feel it myself! The time is worse than now, Chen Xuan is not clear about whether you will show your face or not, let me give some advice to my brother."

Speaking of showing his true energy, his actions were not polite at all. He stepped on his body and rushed towards Chen Xuan with his sword straight, only to see phantoms erupting from his long sword, and these phantoms erupted slowly in the sky. After a strong qi, following this qi, his body quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan, and in a short moment, he was close to Chen Xuan's side.

  In the long sword, a huge realm burst out in an instant.

   "Hong Yi."

Chen Xuan was a little shocked, the power of the demon soul was released, and this Hong Yi's blow was flashed, but even so, Chen Xuan's body swayed to the side, not because Chen Xuan was not his opponent, but because Chen Xuan He didn't expect that he would do something suddenly, after all, this was outside the mansion.

  Even if he was a minion of the Pantheon, he would definitely not dare to shoot in this place.

Chen Xuan also knew something about this person. Although he was a member of the Yunye Clan, he and Yuwen Tuo had a good relationship. This time, it must be because Yuwen Tuo. Chen Xuan did not want to fight with him, so he was almost caught. He was sneak attacked.

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan stopped, looking at the warrior with a puzzled expression.

At the same time, Wang Lun suddenly set aside the black giant sword, stared at him nervously, and said to him: "Brother, if you want to learn from each other, you have to come back in another time. Today is the day when the banquet begins. , If you attack rashly, then you have to ask the black giant sword in my hand to see if your long sword is better or mine is better!"

   Chen Xuan turned his head and looked at Wang Lun when he heard it and said to him: "Wang Lun, this person is here for me."

  I just came in and saw that Hong Yi suddenly shot himself.

  Chen Xuan was a little helpless. Before that, Liu Hua had taken the initiative to take the initiative, but this Hong Yi took the initiative to discuss with him.

At this time, Chen Xuan didn’t want to make a move. The reason he made a move on Liu Hua and others was just because they were a bit too much. But now facing the attack of Hong Yi, Chen Xuan did not counterattack, but instead used the power of the demon soul to dodge. At the banquet, Chen Xuan did not want to cause too many troubles and contradictions. In the previous experience, Chen Xuan had already felt that he had become a target of public criticism. Erchen does not want to create too many contradictions now, because these contradictions will bring him a lot of trouble.

  However, Hong Yi said unwillingly: "I want to ask Chen Xuan for some advice. Why, is it possible that Hong Yi can’t get into your eyes and refuse to give advice?"

  As soon as his voice fell, he continued to attack Chen Xuan again.

   "Hong Yi."

  Chen Xuan showed a puzzled face, tapped his toes, and the power of the demon soul once again showed its power, smashing Hong Yi's attack away.

  "Today is the gathering of the Pantheon, everyone regards harmony as the most important thing. I don't want to do it with you."

  Na Hong Yi attacked Chen Xuan again: "Chen Xuan, you have already agreed with Yuwen Tuo for a showdown? You also said that you don't want to do it?"

  This Hong Yi is rude and savage, afraid that you Chen Xuan will be a little angry, he has already said that he doesn't want to do it. He even kept making moves, if not for his demon soul power speed was fast enough, he would have been attacked long ago.

  Chen Xuan felt a little unhappy at this time, this Hong Yi, help Yuwen Tuo to inquire about his suspicion. Although Chen Xuan didn't bother to expose himself, but Hong Yi wanted to force him to gather strength, which made him very upset.

   Then Chen Xuan said directly: "Hong Yi, you still go hurry up and I don't want to hurt you."

   "What did you say?" Hong Yi heard the words.

  Chen Xuan was very calm, and said: "I am here today for two things, and besides Yuwentuo, I don't want to fight against any other family's warriors."

  Originally, it was not a big deal to defeat this Hong Yi directly. Chen Xuan was not afraid of consuming his true energy. After all, he had some Suzaku supernatural power in his body, and if he displayed all his cultivation skills, what if Yuwen Tuo left.

  He wanted to end the grudge with Yuwentuo this time, but if Na Yuwentuo saw Chen Xuan's strength soaring, so he would not dare to fight, this is the result that Chen Xuan did not want to see.

  Hong Yi said: "Chen Xuan, let me see what level of your strength has been raised."

   Chen Xuan, who had already decided not to shoot anymore, no longer wanted to waste time with this Hong Yi.

   "Wang Lun!"

  The next moment, as soon as Chen Xuan's words were spoken, he had already slapped them out.


  Hong Yi was beaten directly into the air.

   "Chen Xuan said, you are not qualified to fight against Chen Xuan." Wang Lun didn't show his true anger, looked at the weak Hong Yi, and said lightly.

  Hong Yi's pupils shrank suddenly and said: "No, he has five strengths in the realm of the **** king."

  At this time, a warrior next to Hong Yi was a little shocked: "You actually made a shot at my adult!"

   "Why, do you want to get ahead?" At this time, Chen Xuan said in a deep voice, "You are not my opponent."

"Boy, die!" He suddenly pulled out a long knife exuding black air and stood up and stared at Chen Xuan viciously: "Chen Xuan, you kid are so arrogant, you dare to hit us. Family son.

Chen Xuan didn’t pay attention to him at all. He just stomped his feet and his body suddenly disappeared. When Chen Xuan appeared again, he was already behind his body, but his cultivation level was not bad. After coming over, his body also instantly condensed a red qi, and swept towards Chen Xuan. Facing his offense, Chen Xuan condensed a burst of Suzaku fire.

At the same time, Chen Xuan walked up to Hong Yi and said in a condescending manner: "Everyone is the Yunye Gate, and today, they are all here to attend the banquet of City Lord Lu. I said I don’t want to do it. I know your family and the Pantheon also have It’s a big deal, but you don’t want to lose big because of small things. After all, the Pantheon has not yet reached that level of power."

  Hong Yi said with a blank expression: "Chen Xuan, I am the real thing and want to ask you about martial arts!"

  In fact, he was really depressed when he saw Chen Xuan defeat Liu Hua before. Because Chen Xuan was using the power of a demon soul at that time, so he wanted to make an excuse to test Chen Xuan.

   Before Hong Yi looked at Chen Xuan's feeling of depression, he originally thought he would have no flaws, but he didn't expect it to be completely seen by Chen Xuan.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan shot him flying with a random palm. He knew very well that even if he made an all-out attack, with Wang Lun, it would be difficult for him to force Chen Xuan to make a move.

Although the purpose of    has been revealed, it certainly cannot be admitted. So it is still to ask for martial arts skills.

   "Chen Xuan, you are really powerful, I admire it."

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan said calmly: "I don't like others forcing me, and I don't want to discuss with you for someone like you who is rude."

   "What? Am I rude?"

  Hong Yi saw Chen Xuan's condescending expression, and he immediately became angry and said, "Chen Xuan, you are really confident. Come out by yourself if you have the ability to compete with me."

   Chen Xuan heard what Hong Yi said, but only said indifferently: "You are not qualified to do it with me."

   Immediately, he turned around and walked in.

   "Chen Xuan!" Just after walking a few steps, City Lord Lu appeared.

  He just came out to greet Chen Xuan and the others, and at the same time, he saw Hong Yi who was still aggrieved: "Hong Yi, you are here too, come in quickly."

   Suddenly, he greeted Chen Xuan and Hong Yi. Hong Yi definitely didn't dare to behave excessively at this time. After all, even if there was no City Lord Lu, he couldn't do anything to Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lun has been standing around Chen Xuan, wanting to do something with him, Hong Yi really has no way, after all, Wang Lun’s cultivation is too terrifying, he is not an opponent at all.

   "Congratulations." He handed over to the Lord Lu and said, "My Lord, I am not late, am I?"

   "Congratulations." Hong Yi also said with a smile to Lu Chengzhu.

  The city lord said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, you are not late"

   Chen Xuan was slightly shocked and said: "City Lord, what do you mean by this?"

The Pantheon smiled bitterly: "It's not the matter between you and Yuwen Tuo. What you said to Hu Luo before, you are quite at ease. But it has troubled me a lot. Look at the outer hall, the banquet is all around. It’s to watch today’s battle between you and Yuwentuo. They are all Yunyemen. Although they don’t have much friendship with me, I can’t ignore them now that they’re here.”

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan showed a smile: "I'm sorry, the city lord."

  City Lord Lu gave a hearty smile: "In fact, it's nothing, these are trivial things, but how has your strength improved?!"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was a little surprised, but the Pantheon didn't trust Chen Xuan, which made Chen Xuan suddenly helpless. Thinking about things this time, not many people really are optimistic about him.

  He just wanted to explain a few words to the Pantheon, but there was already another laugh outside.

   "Yu Wenqiang!" After hearing this, City Lord Lu turned and looked at another warrior who had come in at this time.

  Chen Xuan took a look and recognized that this guy was also a strong man in the Yunyemen, his name was Yuwenqiang, and he was also a member of the Yuwen family.

  Although City Lord Lu had fouled with the Pantheon, he hadn't smashed his face, so the Pantheon also sent someone to attend this banquet. Seeing Yu Wenqiang came, he would definitely turn around and go out to greet him.

   "Congratulations. I'm late, so don't blame it!"

   "Yu Wenqiang, you are too kind."

   "Chen Xuan, your table is here."

This banquet is mainly for the masters of Lu Yucheng. Of course, this is a banquet in Lu Yucheng after all, so there are some warriors who are related to the Pantheon. After all, there is no face to the Pantheon. They had no plans to directly implement the Pantheon.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan just sat down.

   "Chen Xuan!"

   "Chen Xuan hasn't seen you in a long time!"

  As Chen Xuan arrived, a group of B-level warriors from the Cloud Yemen arched their hands towards Chen Xuan.

  Many B-level warriors in the Cloud Yemen are still relatively simple. Tonight Chen Xuan agreed to fight Yuwen Tuo, and they all heard about it.

  Although they had their own opinions on this matter, I did not dare to underestimate Chen Xuan. After all, Chen Xuan's talent was indeed very strong, and in the trial of Heiyunfeng, Chen Xuan was even more capable of defeating many strong people.

  Chen Xuan dealt with it casually. He knew very well that some people wanted to see jokes, and some people admired him for real.

  Chen Xuan took a look, and that Hong Yi was also elsewhere at this time. He is also one of the B-level warriors of the Cloud Yemen. Chen Xuan found that he still had a bit of resentment, but there was no way to deal with Chen Xuan. He also knew that his cultivation base was not the right opponent now, and Chen Xuan still had the blessing of the Vermillion Bird's power, no matter how strong his cultivation base was, he could not defeat Chen Xuan.

  At this time, Chen Xuan actually saw that Hu Luo's eyes showed murderous intent.

  Hu Luo saw Chen Xuan and said, "You really dare to come!"

   Chen Xuan sneered and replied: "Why don't I dare to ask? Do you think I am a coward like you?"

  The next moment, he suddenly released the sword in his hand, glaring at Chen Xuan.

  Suddenly set aside a sword blade during this banquet, it was enough to know what he wanted to do. This person did not put the city lord in his eyes, and he did not put Chen Xuan in his eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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