Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2819: Retirement of Appreciation

  Chapter 2819 Resignation of Appreciation

"This kind of sword technique is also a very old technique. Although this sword technique is very similar to Frost, it is actually not. And the strangest thing is that this technique can arbitrarily distort spiritual power and cause interference to the enemy. Although the lethality is not strong, it will cause a lot of trouble, and it is also a niche swordsmanship. I have seen this kind of exercise when I was still in the Demon Hunting Group. Do not deal with this kind of exercises positively. Face the ground, otherwise the other party will stick to you!" Wang Lun said anxiously.

   Chen Xuan replied and raised the Liaoyuan sword to deal with the opponent. He also felt that the bald man's swordsmanship was indeed a bit clingy.

   can not only distort his Vermillion Bird fire, but also trap his body from all directions. Chen Xuan has broken free from his silver-white spiritual power several times, but to no avail.

  Because these spiritual powers are like endless, they have been entangled with the sword blade in Chen Xuan's hand, so that Chen Xuan can't use the Suzaku sword technique.

Turning around again, Chen Xuan hurriedly stepped back two steps, but the strange spiritual power chased his body again, and after Chen Xuan cut off the silver-white spiritual power in front of him, he found that he was behind him. Another touch of spiritual power began to come in contact with his body.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan's body was wrapped in this spiritual power, just like an insect cocoon.

   "Break it for me!" Chen Xuan roared, holding the Liaoyuan sword in his left hand, and at the same time his body began to rotate quickly. Chen Xuan's body turned faster and faster, and a few sparks burst out of his body in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire on the blade began to condense. As Chen Xuan's body turned faster and faster, the silver-white spiritual power surrounding him began to gradually shatter, and finally fell into a number of fragments. on the ground.

   Seeing Chen Xuan actually break his siege technique, a look of surprise appeared in the corner of the bald man’s eyes, but he was immediately covered by him, and his body rushed towards Chen Xuan again.

The bald man raised his arm, revealing a silvery-white breath from his wrist. This time the power was stronger than before. While condensing his strength, he shouted at Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, this time I It depends on how you get out, so that you can see how powerful my exercises are!"

  He roared, and a huge breath burst out from his body, and then he trapped Chen Xuan's body in it. Chen Xuan couldn't break free from it.

Chen Xuan did not expect that his attack would be so fast. The most tricky thing about this bald man’s exercises is that this silver spiritual power is almost everywhere. Chen Xuan just cut off the energy in front of him, and then Behind him began to be wrapped up again.

"Chen Xuan, don't cut off the true qi in front of you. Use your body first and then wrap it up. I think with the powerful burning power of the Suzaku Fire, his silver spiritual power is still inferior to the Suzaku Fire." Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan.

After Wang Lun’s reminder, Chen Xuan suddenly realized, so after Chen Xuan gathered inside his body and went out, a burst of flames emerged from his dantian. These flames burst out along Chen Xuan’s wrists, and then surrounded them. Around Chen Xuan's body.

When the Vermillion Bird's fire began to gather, Chen Xuan's body appeared with red lines. Now Chen Xuan does not intend to hide the power of the demon soul. The cultivation of this bald man is indeed a bit tricky. If Chen Xuan does not show the demon Soul power, I am afraid that a lot of time will be wasted.

  Only red lines appeared on Chen Xuan's cheeks. Now that the power of Chen Xuan's demon soul has been improved, some changes have taken place in his red lines.

  The original thick red lines have now formed a series of small lines, and there are six of these small lines, which means that Chen Xuan has now condensed six demon souls.

After the    Demon Soul was displayed, all the warriors in the onlookers suddenly had this discussion.

   "I didn't expect this to actually master the power of the demon soul, but I heard that his power of the demon soul is a little different from the group of guys in the Dragonblood tribe, more like the demon soul of the Black Blood Sect."

"Yes, only the Black Blood Sect and the Dragon Blood Tribe are the only ones who can use the Demon Soul flexibly. Others want to use the Demon Soul. I am afraid that it is not that simple. I just didn't think that Chen Xuan could use it freely. power."

   "I'm afraid you don't know, Chen Xuan used the power of this demon soul to directly defeat a genius in our Yunyemen. That genius is still Elder Li's nephew!"

   "What did you say? I really don't know this?"

   "I have also heard about this. The original Chen Xuanxiu was not as strong as it is now, and it is precisely because of this that Elder Li has a grudge!"

"I really didn't expect that this is Chen Xuan, who can flexibly control the power of the demon soul, although many people have practiced, but it is only by absorbing the crystal core of the monster to improve the cultivation. But if you want to cultivate a striped path, you need to absorb a large number of monster crystal cores. I don't know how much Chen Xuan has absorbed. Don't you see that there are six fine lines on his face."

  Following their discussion, the bald man also showed a trace of tension, and he also heard about Chen Xuan's power of the demon soul.

  In the big world of Black Rock, Chen Xuan is not the only person who cultivates the demon soul, but Chen Xuan can minimize the demon soul's backlash, which means that after the demon soul is displayed, Chen Xuan will not be backlashed at all.

  This time he came to attack Chen Xuan. He had been reminded by Yuwentuo that Yuwentuo already knew that Chen Xuan possessed a demon soul, so he sent so many people out so cautiously to test Chen Xuan's cultivation.

It is precisely because Yuwentuo is not sure if he is Chen Xuan’s opponent. In fact, Yuwentuo has already inquired about Chen Xuan possessing a demon soul before, and when the Black Blood Sect warrior attacked Chen Xuan, Yuwen Tuo was also nearby. Although he hadn't seen anything in the formation, he saw Chen Xuan defeating the warrior of the Black Blood Sect.

The cultivation base of the Black Blood Sect warrior also reached the eight-fold peak of the God King Realm. Yu Wentuo thought that even his strength was not the opponent of the Black Blood Sect warrior. However, at this time, Yu Wen Tuo was standing outside a large hall. And beside him there was an old man wearing a silver-white robe.

   "Uncle, that kid Chen Xuan actually defeated it." Yu Wentuo said cautiously.

The white-robed old man took a sigh of relief, drank a glass of wine, and immediately said to Yu Wentuo next to him: "I guess there is nothing wrong with wanting to come. Chen Xuan, this kid really has the demon soul possessed, and he does not know the demon in his body. Where did the soul come from? I'm afraid this kid has got a lot of opportunities to use the power of the demon soul freely, and is not backlashed by the demon soul. I think there is only one reason that can be explained, his There is a powerful demon soul living in the body, and it is very likely to be a demon soul bloodline handed down from ancient times!"

  "What should I do? I have agreed to that kid's challenge. Although this is not a life-and-death battle, if I lose to him, it will really lose the face of our pantheon!" Yuwen Tuo said.

"Don't worry so much. That kid uses the demon soul protection body, which will definitely bring some loss to his body. I have investigated this kid's life experience, but I don't know where it came from, but , I can be sure that he is not a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe, the guys of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and the demons they cultivated are not so weird to him. Moreover, the monster souls in their bodies are actually beast souls, which can only be achieved by absorbing monsters. Yes, this Chen Xuan cultivates more like the black blood sect." The white-robed old man said slowly.

Yu Wentuo was shocked when he heard that, and immediately said: "It's absolutely impossible, that kid, if he is from the Black Blood Sect, how could he possibly kill the Black Blood Sect's protector? I have investigated the fact that he was in the Black Blood Sect. The team that killed the Blood Demon in the vicinity of Rock City, if he is really from the Black Blood Sect, how could he be so merciless."

Upon hearing this, the white-robed old man also replied: "I am not very clear about the specifics. The origin of this kid is too mysterious, but I can be sure that there is a powerful demon soul living in his body. Generally speaking, , Using the power of the demon soul in the body to display powerful energy, this is one of the oldest secrets in the Black Blood Sect. They will sign contracts with some powerful demon souls, and then enhance their strength through the power of the demon soul. It's just that after those black blood sect guys display this technique, their bodies will quickly weaken, and some people will even die directly."

"But this kid Chen Xuan must have also exhibited Demon Soul Possession, otherwise, how could he be the opponent of the Black Blood Sect beast! I have already learned that person's cultivation base, when I put him in. , I have noticed that his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Divine King Realm, one level stronger than me, and I also set up a blood fog formation with him in advance, and Chen Xuan's strength in this formation has also been weakened. It would be impossible if he could defeat the people of the Black Blood Sect, so that kid must have used the power of the demon soul possessed, but how could he continue to fight intact and nowhere?" Yu Wentuo asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, if you use the demon soul possession, no matter how strong your body is, you will definitely suffer some backlashes, because the ancient demon souls who signed the contract are very powerful, even I am not an opponent. Even some ancient demon souls With the ancient bloodline, when they fully merge with the host, they will not cause backlash, but now Chen Xuan is not able to do it. You only need to send those people out to weaken him and take advantage of this opportunity. , Kill Chen Xuan again!" The white-haired old man suddenly said harshly.

As soon as the voice fell, the white-haired old man thought for a moment, and then said again: "Yu Wentuo, I have secretly taken the body of the Black Blood Sect assassin. Chen Xuan, this kid, was anxious to attend the banquet and did not dispose of the body. , This is just an opportunity for you. Now we seem to have a good relationship with the Yunye Empire. When you go to the banquet, you will say that you have killed the warriors of the Black Blood Sect. I now transmit the sound to the country. Lord. Just say that you have made great achievements. After all, this is an authentic warrior of the Black Blood Sect, not the blood demon that Chen Xuan kid killed last time!"

"That's right, uncle, it's up to you this time. Everyone in this black blood sect is an unforgivable criminal. As for the group of blood demons, these black blood sects made it. It’s just a humanoid puppet."

"When the time comes, you can go with peace of mind. You should go alone. Don't bring anyone. You will be embarrassed when the time comes. I will pretend that the war has just ended. I will notify the lord now, and I will propose when the time comes. If you are allowed to practice in the imperial city, you must have made such a great achievement, and this Yunye Empire's lord will certainly not refuse."

  If Chen Xuan was here, he would definitely be very worried. Originally, Chen Xuan only accepted a challenge from Yuwentuo, but Yuwentuo and the others wanted to take advantage of this challenge to kill Chen Xuan.

  At this moment, in the city lord's mansion, Chen Xuan is still fighting the bald man.

In the face of his pressing harder, Chen Xuan also showed a trace of anger. He originally wanted to attend the banquet, but he did not expect to be harassed by Yuwen Tuo again and again. What's more, the bald warrior in front of him was wasted. It took Chen Xuan more than ten minutes, and the banquet was about to begin soon, so Chen Xuan didn't intend to waste time any more.

  Chen Xuan roared, his whole body entangled with turbulent flames, and these Vermillion Bird's fire kept burning on Chen Xuan's body.

  The next moment Chen Xuan's body kept swelling, these flames quickly gathered in the sky, making the Vermillion Bird's fire seem extremely turbulent, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan rushed towards the bald man.

A flame left phantom shadows in the air. The speed of this attraction was extremely fast. Only the incomplete body could be seen vaguely, but the flames exposed in the air could not be seen. And in the next second, Chen Xuan’s The body rushed over, and a palm focused on the bald warrior's forehead.


  The bald warrior was suddenly dropped by Chen Xuanji, and his body turned several somersaults in the air, and fell on the ground and smashed a huge deep hole, enough to imagine how powerful Chen Xuan's power was.

After being shot down, the bald warrior also showed a look of shock. He hurriedly touched his body and found that Chen Xuan hadn't broken the protective body. Zhen Qi was lucky enough to survive, and he immediately lifted the sword on the ground. Blade, resigned to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, I lost. To be honest, Yuwentuo taught me to test your strength this time. All the families underneath believe in the Pantheon, so I can only retreat this time. Yunyemen, goodbye if you are destined!"

  (End of this chapter)

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