Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2820: Start seated

   Chapter 2820 Start to take a seat

   After finishing, he solemnly bowed to Chen Xuan, meaning that he was lamenting Chen Xuan's grace of not killing, because Chen Xuan was able to kill it just now, but Chen Xuan did not do that.

Because Chen Xuan knew that it was too much to do so, and Chen Xuan could also see that when fighting, the bald man also did not hurt the killer, but left room for it. Obviously, it was just a symbolic discussion with Chen Xuan. Something.

  Because of this, Chen Xuan didn't kill him either. Instead, he clicked to stop. After shooting down his body, he instantly recovered the power of the Vermillion Bird Fire, or Chen Xuan had already killed him just now.

  After seeing the bald man leaving, everyone immediately opened the chatterbox, and even a few warriors’ surprised eyes fell to the ground, obviously not believing that Chen Xuan’s strength could be so powerful.

   "No way, how could the power that Chen Xuan burst out just now be so strong? I'm afraid he already has the strength to fight Yuwen Tuo now."

   "Fart, how could this kid Chen Xuan be Yuwen Tuo's opponent."

   "That's right, Yuwentuo became famous too early, and his strength is also very strong. Although Chen Xuan can beat it, it doesn't mean that his cultivation level surpasses Yuwentuo."

"Well, let's take a gamble and see who is better than Chen Xuan and Yuwentuo. I don't believe that Chen Xuan can beat Yuwentuo. Although this kid's cultivation has improved very quickly, Yuwentuo's cultivation is the same. Not low, Yuwentuo reached the fourth level of the Divine King Realm as early as two months ago, and now Yuwentuo’s cultivation base may have reached the fourth level of the Divine King Realm!"

"You can't say that. The two battles that Chen Xuan has just gone through are definitely weak now. I'm afraid this is still Yuwentuo's strategy. Would you let Chen Xuan now fight against Yuwentuo in his heyday? In my opinion, this is not fair at all, and we should fight another day!"

   also heard a group of warriors talking about it. Some of them were on Chen Xuan's side, and some of them held a wait-and-see attitude, but this group of people who held a wait-and-see attitude was not optimistic about Chen Xuan.

  Of course, part of the reason is because Chen Xuan has already experienced two battles just now, and after consuming that part of his physical strength, the battle with Yuwen Tuo at night is obviously not his opponent.

  However, Chen Xuan didn't care, because Chen Xuan still had a killer that he didn't use. Although his body felt very weak, Chen Xuan knew very well that tonight's game would not go on at all.

Chen Xuan has received news from the Lord Lu, and people from the Dragon Blood Tribe will also come tonight, because a high priest of the Dragon Blood Tribe is taking a few warriors as a guest in Lu Yucheng, since the war with the Northern Dragon Blood Tribe After the defeat.

  This group of Dragon Blood Tribes did not take Yunye Empire's people in their eyes, and this time, City Lord Lu also told Chen Xuan that Dragon Blood Tribes would come to blend in.

The dragon blood tribe occupies the north, and has been independent for thousands of years, and their cultivation methods are also very weird. They are not improved by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. They will get the beast soul from the body of the beast. Gain the power of a monster.

  The warriors of these dragon blood tribes will also cultivate the power of the demon king, and the demon souls they cultivate are more simple and violent, directly absorbing the power of crystal nuclei, and transforming the demon soul into the power of the beast soul.

In these thousands of years, the hands of the Pantheon tried to grasp the north, but every time it ended in failure. The high priest of the Dragon Blood Tribe is not only a symbol of strength, but also represents the faith of the Dragon Blood Tribe. .

The dragon blood tribe believes in the dragon god, and the most entangled technique among the students is the dragon soul, but this kind of dragon soul is extremely rare, and the strength is also very powerful. Among the dragon blood tribe, there are only a thousand miles to choose. One person will have the dragon soul.

  Because of this, the Dragon Blood Tribe will have a huge conflict with the southern empire, and the Pantheon is the most despised by the Dragon Blood Tribe, because the Dragon Blood Tribe believes in only one god.

  So for thousands of years, the various empires in the Pantheon have tried their best to unite against the dragon blood tribe, but each time they ended in failure.

  A year ago, the war between the Yunye Empire and the Dragon Blood Tribe was provoked by the Pantheon.

   Therefore, although the Dragon Blood Tribe has a deep hatred with the Yunye Empire, this is only at the national level. As for every practitioner in the Dragon Blood Tribe, they hate the Pantheon even more.

After receiving this news, Chen Xuan had already guessed that the sacrifice of the dragon blood tribe must have come to trouble the Pantheon, but these had nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

After defeating the bald man, the bald man also voluntarily withdrew from the Cloud Yemen. In other words, the family behind the bald man had escaped from the control of the Yunye Empire and turned to the Pantheon.

   Although the Pantheon did not grasp actual power, the Pantheon used various methods to control the inhabitants of the shadow world,

  And now the power of the Pantheon is also rising. The Pantheon is already in the southernmost part, directly affecting a small empire, and the leader of that country believes in the Pantheon incomparably.

According to the rumors heard by Chen Xuan, the Lord of the country had too much trust in the Pantheon, and as a result, several elders of the Pantheon were taken into important positions. Finally, the Pantheon bit by bit was eaten away by the Pantheon. Now the Lord suddenly Died,

It is because of this incident that the various empires became vigilant, because everyone felt that the ambition of the Pantheon was bulging bit by bit. They were no longer limited to controlling people's thoughts, but wanted to control everything. .

If the Pantheon is really allowed to do so, then the balance of the world will be broken, and the entire huge Pantheon will control the entire world bit by bit. As long as it can integrate the various empires of the Eastern World, it can do it in one fell swoop. Defeat the dragon blood tribe in the north.

  The people of this group of dragon blood tribes have obviously noticed the conspiracy of the Pantheon, so they sent a high priest this time with the purpose of uniting the Yunye Empire.

  Although after the war, the people of the Yunye Empire and the Dragon Blood Tribe did not make friends with each other, on the surface, both sides began to associate, because the Dragon Blood Tribe was also keenly aware of the pantheon's conspiracy. They also know that once the Yunye Empire is controlled by the Pantheon, it will be them that will be unlucky at that time.

  At this moment, seeing Chen Xuan defeating the praise, Hu Luo's eyes showed hatred.

   Hu Luo's face was stagnant and bitterly said: "Chen Xuan, let you be arrogant now, wait for Yuwen Tuo to come, you will be finished."

  At this time, Chen Xuan also said to him: "Hu Luo, did you go back and ask him? This is a challenge. Did your words count?"

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, all the martial artists around became silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

   "Sure? I have already reported this to Yuwen Tuo!" Hu Luo said immediately after hearing this.

A blue-robed Heiyan stepped in, and his voice sounded: "Yuwentuo said it, it's a deal! Today, he will come as promised! I will defeat you with a dignified cultivation base! Chen Xuan, I still don't believe it. Your cultivation base can be improved so fast in just two months, but our Yuwentuo's cultivation base has reached the peak of the fourfold of the **** king realm. It is not true that Brother Yuwen's current real cultivation has reached the fourfold of the **** king realm. Uncertain, what do you use to fight against our big brother Yuwen?"

  This person is Yu Wenqiang.

  The Pantheon also came to participate in this banquet, and this person was Yu Wenkeng, Yuwentuo’s younger brother.

Although his cultivation is not as strong as his brother, his talent is not weak. He has reached the triple peak of the **** king realm at a young age, but for Chen Xuan, his cultivation is not enough to be a threat at all, so Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously.

   "What, did he say that? Thinking that Yuwen Tuo really accepted the challenge, then I want to see how Yuwen really wants to beat me."

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan glanced at this Yuwenqiang and showed a smile: "Okay, then I will see how he defeats me with his dignified cultivation base today."

   "How about Chen Xuan, do you regret it now? If you regret it, then surrender obediently, hahaha, I don't think you have the strength to deal with us, so let's surrender."

Seeing Yuwenqiang, Hu Luo immediately said: "That's not wrong, Chen Xuan, you are dead, our brother Yuwen is simply beyond your imagination. Brother Yuwen reached the realm of God King at a young age. The Quadruple Peak, but you are just a small fish that ran out from nowhere. You really have the courage to accept Big Brother Yuwen's challenge."

  Chen Xuan still smiled, not caring that although these people were constantly scolding him, Chen Xuan believed that only his own strength could explain it, although on the surface Yuwentuo was several levels higher than Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan was not afraid at all. As long as Yuwen Tuo’s cultivation level did not reach the eighth level of the God King’s realm, it would not be a big threat to Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan not only possessed the killer’s magic soul, but also Chen Xuan. Possess the power of Suzaku.

After the awakening of the Soul of Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan's strength has been rapidly improved. Now even if Yuwen Tuo enters the fourth level of the God King Realm, Chen Xuan is confident to deal with him, and Chen Xuan will not lose to Yuwen Tuo at the worst.

   "Yuwentuo really challenged! I really didn't expect Yuwentuo to accept this challenge. I'm afraid Yuwentuo wanted to challenge Chen Xuan a long time ago."

"Yu Wenqiang has said so, I said that if I want to come to Yu Wentuo is the real thing! After all, he is Yu Wentuo's younger brother, and they have discussed it secretly before coming here. I am afraid Yu Wentuo just wants to take advantage of this duel and do it in one fell swoop. Chen Xuan defeated him and established himself as the number one genius. I want to come this time Chen Xuan is really bad luck. Although both Chen Xuan and I are from Yun Yemen, I am not optimistic that Chen Xuan is Yuwen Tuo’s opponent. The strength of Yuwentuo has already been seen by everyone."

"It's not wrong. Although Chen Xuan's talent is also very strong, he and Yuwen Tuo are still at a few levels of cultivation. This is simply irreparable. No matter how powerful Chen Xuan has, it is definitely not Yuwen. It's a pity that Tuo's opponent, although I still hope Chen Xuan can win, this Chen Xuan is just a stunned young man. He thinks that his strength is improving fast, so he really thinks he is Yuwentuo's opponent. It really lost us. The face of Yunyemen."

"That's right, this Chen Xuan is really too impulsive. I didn't expect to be agitated by the other party's few words. I didn't expect that he could be reused by City Lord Lu in this way. City Lord Lu really doesn't look at people. Qiang, he didn't use me either. It's really a talent. Although I'm not Yuwentuo's opponent, at least I don't know how to be hot-headed. Accept this kind of challenge. This kind of challenge is simply death. !"

Each of the warriors present kept saying that they were not optimistic that Chen Xuan could win this competition, because Yuwentuo's strength is still a tribute to witness. Everyone knows that Yuwentuo's cultivation base is very strong, but In their hearts, although Chen Xuan was very talented, his cultivation level improved quickly, and he still had a very powerful technique, in their eyes, Chen Xuan was just a junior.

   Previously, Yuwentuo agreed with Chen Xuan, but now Yuwentuo himself agreed. Although he hasn't appeared yet, Yuwenqiang said that Yuwentuo had already challenged.

Of course, everyone knows that Yuwentuo can't resist the fight, because Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the third level of the **** king realm, and Yuwentuo's cultivation is several levels higher than Chen Xuan. If this Yuwentuo dare not accept the challenge, then But it was really embarrassing.

   "But why hasn't Yuwen Tuo seen it yet?"

   "The banquet is about to officially begin!"

  At this moment, everyone is seated, and Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are also sitting at a table in the north.

  (End of this chapter)

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