Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2822: Finally started

   Chapter 2822 finally started

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he grabbed his cup from the hand of a warrior next to him, and saw that the liquid in the cup was constantly circulating, and the speed of circulation was so fast that if he drank it, his lips would be directly affected. Cut open.

Wang Lun sneered, raised the cup and said to him: "I knew you had no good intentions a long time ago. The wine in this cup has been secretly controlled by your true energy. This current is probably directed at Chen Xuan. Yes, since you are disrespectful to us first, there is nothing for Chen Xuan to use the Suzaku fire!"

  After finishing talking, Wang Lun laughed twice, causing the warriors beside the robe youth to gritted their teeth with hatred.

  But they were helpless, because Wang Lun was too fast to grab the cup just now. Before they could react, the cup was already in Wang Lun's hands.

   Seeing Wang Lun’s shots, they also knew that Wang Lun’s cultivation level was not low. He had reached the fifth level of the **** king realm. At this age, he could reach the fifth level of the **** king realm, and he was obviously a talented cultivator.

  And they naturally know Wang Lun, and they have also heard that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun killed a warrior in the Pantheon.

So one of the disciples of the Pantheon suddenly stood up, pulled out the saber in his hand, stared at Wang Lun and Chen Xuan, and said: "You two guys, you really don’t know good or bad. Our son invited you to drink, unexpectedly. Framed us in every possible way. The wine in the glass just now was obviously good, but after you snatched it, you let the water flow in the glass secretly, and it was ridiculous that we framed you!"

  However, after seeing this person set aside the sword, Chen Xuan also showed up the flames of Vermillion Bird.

These flames burned on Chen Xuan's shoulders, but unexpectedly, Chen Xuan's clothes were intact. The flames did not burn on his clothes at all, but they kept floating from Chen Xuan's body, faintly emerging. There was a trace of fire, and this move surprised all the martial artists on the sidelines.

"No, do you see the flames burning on Chen Xuan? This flame can actually burn on his body without burning the clothes he is wearing, what exactly is this kid practicing?" A Yunyemen waited. The martial artist's surprised eyes fell to the ground.

  In their hearts, unless it is someone who has realized a certain level of quenching, Chen Xuan is only a cultivator of the triple peak of the realm of the gods, how can it be possible to achieve this level.

   "By the way, did Young Master Yuwen not extinguish Chen Xuan's flame just now, and now he is holding the cup and he is uncertain, I don't know what he is thinking!"

"That's right. I'm afraid this Young Master will not be able to extinguish Chen Xuan's flame. I have seen Chen Xuan make a shot before. His Vermillion Bird's fire can burn everything in front of him, and only he can burn this kind of flame. Take it back, if the cultivation base is only one or two levels higher than him, there is no way to extinguish this flame!"

   "And I saw a layer of light blue mist on the flame, I don't know what the temperature of the memory has reached, and the wine in the glass has not been dried, which is really strange!"

   Just as they were discussing, this Young Master Yuwen's face was already black, but under the eyes of everyone, he could not say bluntly that he could not extinguish the fire of Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird.

So the situation ended in a stalemate. He raised his cup and stared at Chen Xuan, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Okay, I really didn't expect you to have this kind of trick. It seems that I really underestimated you before, Chen Xuan. I do have the strength to fight against my big brother Yuwen, but I think you better save it. The real strength of our big brother Yuwen is not something you can imagine. Once he displays all his strength, only you will cry. Portion."

Chen Xuan sneered and replied: "The match between I and Yuwentuo is nothing to do with you. You are just a junior, and you are not qualified to talk to me. Toasting you with a glass of wine today is enough. You save face, if you are not good or bad, then I will teach you a lesson for your brother!"

After hearing this, the face of the young man in the robe was suddenly black and purple, and he was obviously very angry, but he was helpless with Chen Xuan, because the fire of the Vermillion Bird displayed by Chen Xuan was indeed not extinguished by him, and it is still at the banquet. In, as a disciple of the Pantheon, he could not blatantly fight Chen Xuan.

First, as the second son of the Yuwen family, he is pretentious and thinks that he is disdainful of shooting with characters like Chen Xuan, and before he comes out this time, even his brother Yuwentuo also asked him to go to the banquet this time. , Don't care about other things.

  At the very beginning, he was very dissatisfied, thinking that Chen Xuan was not qualified to fight Yuwentuo at all. He believed that he could defeat Chen Xuan with his strength, and he would get Yuwentuo in his turn.

  However, the facts were always unexpected. When he felt the temperature of the flame in the cup, but the wine in the cup was intact, he discovered that Chen Xuan's true cultivation level was very powerful.

  "Chen Xuan, don't be too arrogant!" At this moment, he could not bear it. This was the first time he fell in front of everyone, and he also lost the face of their Yuwen family, not to mention that he is still Yuwen Tuo's younger brother.

  Where does this put his face? His elder brother had set a challenge with Chen Xuan before. As a result, he was embarrassed now. More importantly, he still had no choice but to take Chen Xuan.

At this moment, he stared at Chen Xuan fiercely, and then slammed the cup to the ground. The flame in the cup suddenly burst out, and the martial artist sitting next to him was shocked and hurriedly got up, but in the next second Chen Xuan gently waved his wrist, and all of these flames gathered in Chen Xuan's palm, and a flame was suddenly floating on the palm of his hand.

Chen Xuan just sneered at this and looked at the robe young man and said to him: "I didn't expect Yuwen Tuo's younger brother to be so uneducated. Fortunately, you are still in the Pantheon, and you don’t even have this education. Don’t come out to the banquet. This is not only to lose the face of your Yuwen family, but also to lose our face in Lu Yucheng if it spreads. By then, the pantheon on the other side of the imperial city will spread this news, ha ha.

Hearing Chen Xuan's sneer, the face of the young man in the robe couldn't hang up. He suddenly took out a saber from his waist, pointed directly at Chen Xuan's neck, and said to Chen Xuanhan, "Chen Xuan, don't deceive people too much. , Although I can’t extinguish your flame, your strength is not necessarily as good as mine. Do you think I’m just like the two guys just now are just as useless? The cultivation base of the two of them didn’t surpass you too much, but mine The cultivation base is the four peaks of the Divine King Realm. I don’t believe you can still be my opponent. I don’t think there is any need for my eldest brother to take action today. I will teach you a lesson now!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan hurriedly stopped his actions and said casually: "Brother, don't be so impulsive. We are at the banquet this time. How can we fight? Your brother Yu Wentuo and I are just after the banquet is over. It’s just a discussion, how can you be so reckless? I think since it’s a banquet now, why don’t we wish everyone a personality?"

  Young Master Yuwen stared at Chen Xuan coldly, and said angrily: "Chen Xuan, don't pretend to be a good person here!"

Chen Xuan ignored him and continued: "Since everyone is here to participate in this banquet, it is not convenient for us to make a shot here. If we are outside, that's okay, but we are seated now. If we are still here to make a big shot. It's not good, let me see this, you and me are better than one strength, and see if your strength is greater or my strength is greater!"

   Originally, the robe youth was already frustrated, but when he heard Chen Xuan say this, his face suddenly became excited.

  If it is speed, then he really has no confidence to overtake Chen Xuan, but if it is power, he is confident that he can beat Chen Xuan, and he can also take advantage of this opportunity to make himself famous.

  After all, although his talent is not low, his reputation is lower than that of his brother. If he can take advantage of this opportunity to beat Chen Xuan in strength, his reputation will be spread out, and he is extremely confident in his own strength, so he readily agreed and said, "Of course it is possible, but I also have a few conditions. If you lose then, you have to drink my glass of wine. Hehe, I am very curious if you can drink my glass of wine, and what you said will test me I also want to ask for advice, I am very curious about your power!"

  At this moment, all the onlookers started talking here.

  They all stared at Chen Xuan incredulously. Although they knew Chen Xuan's speed was very fast, they didn't know how powerful Chen Xuan was. Even Wang Lun next to Chen Xuan showed a touch of surprise.

Wang Lun is very aware of how much Chen Xuan's speed is. If Chen Xuan displays the power of the demon soul, his speed will be fully utilized. Only phantoms can be left in the sky, which even ordinary people's eyes can't catch. Chen Xuan's figure can only see Chen Xuan's body when he enters the realm of the **** king.

  But Wang Lun had known Chen Xuan for so long, but he didn't know how powerful Chen Xuan was, but now he heard that Chen Xuan wanted to compete with Yuwen Young Master, and Wang Lun was a little surprised.

Therefore, Wang Lun, who was standing next to Chen Xuan, also quietly said to Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, I still don’t know how powerful you are. Are you actually stronger than this kid? What if you lose to him? How to do?"

Chen Xuan gently shook his head and said to him: "Don't worry. My power of the demon soul has been improved again, and several demon soul patterns have been condensed. Now this kid is definitely not as powerful as mine, so don't worry. Up!"

  Next, they suddenly walked into the hall, and a piece of black iron stone was placed in the center of the hall.

This black iron stone is one of the symbols of the city lord’s mansion. It weighs more than 20,000 tons. Even the surrounding black iron stone is made of black iron. Otherwise, it will be difficult to bear the weight of the black iron stone. The density of the black iron stone is very high, which is also one of the symbols of Lu Yu City, and it was mined from the side of the Lu Yu Mountain Range.

  This black iron stone is standing quietly at the far north of the hall, and Chen Xuan and this young master Yuwen walked towards the black iron stone.

As    walked over, everyone started to talk.

"Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan really wanted to compare strength with him. This black iron stone is not an ordinary ordinary grade. It is different from ordinary black iron stone. I heard that this is a real scene of black iron inherited from ancient times. After thousands of years of polishing, the density of this black iron stone has far exceeded that of most black iron stones in the world. Only one piece can be used to create a magic weapon, and there are tens of thousands of tons in total. How can Chen Xuan and he get it? Are you up?"

"I don’t think it’s necessarily. The power of that Young Master is not low among us in Lu Yucheng, but this is Chen Xuan and I am not very optimistic. As we all know, Chen Xuan’s demon soul is speed type, and of course no one is in speed It can be stronger than him, but compared to strength, I think Chen Xuan is going to lose!"

   "I really didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so uncontrollable. His acceptance of Yuwentuo's challenge at the beginning has already explained this problem, and he still dares to participate in this challenge, which is really unexpected!"

At the next moment, Chen Xuan walked directly to the side of the black iron stone, and directly ran the infuriating energy to lift the black iron stone. Suddenly, everyone exclaimed. After all, they all knew how heavy the black iron stone was. Ten thousand tons, it would be impossible to lift such a heavy black iron stone if it were not for a warrior with four levels of the **** king realm, but now the facts were in front of them, so they could only stare at Chen Xuan in surprise.

   "It's your turn." Chen Xuan said.

"Okay!" After speaking, he also walked up, but he ran the infuriating energy to lift the black iron stone, but Chen Xuanchang did not hold on for the time. Regarding this, even if he blushed, the weight of the black iron stone was a little There is no moisture.

  At this moment, they suddenly heard the voice of City Lord Lu.

  But then some people also noticed that they had not seen Yuwen Tuo's figure. Although only talking in a low voice, Chen Xuan turned his qi and heard a lot.

  (End of this chapter)

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