Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2823: Lu Chengzhu arrives

  Chapter 2823 Land City Lord Arrives

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also said to Hu Luo, Yu Wenqiang and others: "But I don’t seem to see Yuwen Tuo?"

Hu Luo suddenly felt a little shocked.

   "Yes, why haven't you come yet." Hong Yi was also a little shocked.

  At this time, he also noticed that there seemed to be no figure of Yuwen Tuo. But now, the banquet has almost begun.

   "He will definitely come. You don't need to worry about this."

   And that Yu Wenqiang suddenly said in a deep voice, "Chen Xuan, you should be ready to accept failure. Don't worry about anything else."

  Chen Xuan still smiled, without saying a word.

  Everyone heard Yuwenqiang saying this, and felt that Yuwentuo was not the real thing, and they all looked forward to his arrival.

  After this, Chen Xuan and Yuwenqiang Hu Luo and others discussed a few sentences at random.

  It’s time for the banquet to begin. In fact, a long time has passed. It’s just a delay of some time, and there are many people who have not arrived at this time.

Hu Luo sat behind Yu Wenqiang's body, and some people who were affectionate with each other were sitting at nearby tables. Chen Xuan glanced around. In a remote place, Hong Zhen's figure also appeared impressively, but before Liu Hua and others. It's nowhere to be seen.

  At this time, the banquet has officially begun. He didn't have time to take care of Hong Jue and Hong Zhen.

   "Thank you for coming to Lu's banquet."

  At the beginning of the banquet, Master Lu raised his glass and looked at the crowd.

As soon as City Lord Lu appeared, he saw Chen Xuan and was immediately surprised: "Chen Xuan didn't expect you to come back, and he wouldn't find me in the manor. I wouldn't have seen you if it weren't for this party in the Pantheon. ?"

   Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Master Lu, I just came back from Lu Yucheng a few days ago."

City Lord Lu laughed, and then said loudly to everyone present: "Everyone, this is the day our banquet is held, and it is also the day our Yunye Empire celebrates. Today, everyone is gathered here, so I won’t say much. In that case, the conference will begin!"

The banquet was only the beginning at this time. Chen Xuan and the others waited for two hours before the meeting began gradually, which made Chen Xuan also a little surprised, because the city lord came too slowly, and now Chen Xuan has only one guess. That is what happened to him on the road that made him have to postpone it.

   "Liu Yi has made the Khan Kun beast merits for us Lu Yucheng, and he is also the number one warrior in the Qi ranking list. I believe let him be the commander, will you all disagree?" The city lord said loudly.

  The banquet lasted for more than half an hour, and Liu Yi was officially named a Class A warrior.

   "By the way, today is the birthday of City Lord Lu, and it is also a happy event." A martial artist suddenly said.

   "Congratulations to City Lord Lu, happy wedding!" After hearing this, each of the warriors also said.

  In an instant, a warrior wearing a luxurious robe appeared suddenly, and all eyes were focused on his body.

   "Everyone, this is my wife, Mrs. Lu." City Master Lu said suddenly.

  Mrs. Lu also raised her glass and showed a smile: "I will trouble you to take care of it in the future!"

   "City Lord Lu, you are too polite." A warrior hurriedly said.

"By the way, City Lord Lu, I have a spirit pill here. I sent it here specially. I hope that City Lord Lu will accept the small gift below." At this time, Hong Yi flipped his hand and took out the spirit pill from the space ring, showing it clearly. People want to please Mrs. Lu.

   Then many Yunyemen warriors took out things one by one, wanting to give them to City Master Lu.

   "There are so many good things." The warriors exclaimed one by one.

When    came to the banquet, Chen Xuan had already prepared a gift and specially selected a green bird picture.

   "I don't know, what Chen Xuan will give as a gift."

  Similarly, at this time, many warriors noticed that Chen Xuan hadn't offered gifts, and started to discuss them in a low voice one by one.

   And when he was preparing to present a gift, Chen Xuan saw that Yu Wenqiang also turned over and took out a black spirit stone box. Come to think of it, this black spirit stone box, I'm afraid he has prepared a technique.

  Chen Xuan also took a look, and then Wang Lun turned his hand and took out the blue bird picture that Chen Xuan had previously selected as a martial art.

   "Pantheon, I have a blue bird picture here, which I specially gave to the Pantheon." At the same time, Chen Xuan said: "This blue bird picture is, after all, the spiritual lock in Lu Yucheng!"

The green bird picture is very precious.

   "What? Green bird picture?"

   "This picture of the blue bird has been lost for a long time, how could it appear here?"

   "Are you kidding me?"

  When Wang Lun heard the name of the blue bird map, the many warriors present were all surprised. This blue bird picture is not comparable to a deep-sea spirit pill.

   "The Pantheon." At the same time, Na Yuwenqiang had already opened his Black Spirit Stone Box.

   However, when he heard Chen Xuan and Wang Lun take out the blue bird picture, his face changed slightly.

   "Coincidentally, City Lord Lu, I also have a picture of a green bird!"

Immediately afterwards, Yuwenqiang turned over and put away his black spirit stone box. With his hands, he also took out a blue bird picture and said: "I am also a blue bird picture, so I brought it here as a gift today. "

   Suddenly, all the people present fell silent.

  After seeing Chen Xuan's gift, Yu Wenqiang didn't want to say that.

   "What? His picture is also a blue bird?"

  "No way? There is only one blue bird picture, so whose one is the real one?"

   "He had clearly prepared to present the black spirit stone box before! But suddenly he also took out the blue bird picture!"

  "Two pictures of green birds?"

  Everyone in the room talked secretly. The B-level warriors present are all paying attention to them.

   "It was deliberate! I want to make Chen Xuan's face!"

  "It’s not wrong. I want to come here. It’s from Yuwenqiang! In fact, Yuwenqiang! Their Yuwen family is a big family, and their financial resources are definitely not average."

   "Isn't Chen Xuan unlucky? The blue bird picture taken out is a fake"

  Many people saw Yuwenqiang's thoughts at a glance.

  The blue bird picture, the value of the blue bird picture, is not small, and it is estimated that it cost a lot of crystal cores to buy such a blue bird picture. In their imagination, Chen Xuan still had this status by taking the ride of the landlord, Lu Chengzhu, and he was not very wealthy.

  How can I buy this green bird picture, so they think that Chen Xuan's must be a fake.

   was also slapped in the face by Yu Wenqiang on the spot, greatly embarrassed.

   "What? Are all blue bird pictures?"

  The Pantheon showed a look of surprise at this time. He was very excited when he heard Lu Yu Lingsuo, and wanted to take it in person, but he did not expect that Yu Wenqiang suddenly took out the same.

   Immediately afterwards, his expression turned again and again, and now he saw Yu Wenqiang and Chen Xuan. Hearing that Yu Wenqiang also took out the blue bird picture, Chen Xuan only smiled from beginning to end, and said nothing.

City Master Lu suddenly frowned. Although he didn't know which of these two pictures was the original one, he didn't want to offend them. After all, Chen Xuan had been with him for some time. It stands to reason that Chen Xuan would not take it out. A fake came to fool him.

  Two green bird pictures, one of them must be fake.

  Yuwenqiang can also understand Chen Xuan, and he must also know the battle between Yuwentuo and Chen Xuan. And Yuwenqiang, is Yuwentuo's younger brother, he stands on Yuwentuo's side, there must be his reason.

   "Yu Wenqiang, Chen Xuan, you all have your heart."

  The Pantheon smiled heartily: “I never thought that I would receive two of this blue bird picture! But it’s all yours, so I will accept it.”

  At the banquet, everyone did not expect that Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiang would have a tit-for-tat confrontation.

  Chen Xuan also said lightly, then looked at Wang Lun and said: "Then listen to City Lord Lu."

  Chen Xuan doesn't care if the blue bird picture is true or not.

  He originally got this blue bird picture from a ruin, and this blue bird picture was just chosen at random and given to City Lord Lu.

  Although he is also a bit unhappy Yu Wenqiang. But after all, it was a banquet at this time, so Chen Xuan didn't want to be too rigid.

  But Chen Xuan did not expect that Yu Wenqiang was unwilling, and Yu Wenkeng motioned to nearby Hong Yi with his eyes.

  Hong Yi immediately said in a deep voice after seeing it, “The blue bird picture can be drawn by the real man Qinghe hundreds of years ago. This is such a rare opportunity today. If you don’t expand it, wouldn’t you lose everyone’s interest?”

  Hong Yi also had something to do with Yuwen Tuo. At this time, he was unwilling to let the matter calm down, and wanted to embarrass Chen Xuan.

   "It's not wrong, we have never seen it."

   "Good stuff, everyone should watch it together!"

   "I remember Wang Xia has studied calligraphy and painting, how about letting him see?"

  After hearing it, some people also echoed it.

   "That's right, let him see if the picture is authentic!"

   "Haha! I don't know if Chen Xuan's is the original or his is the original, I am getting more and more curious!"

  Yuwenqiang was also satisfied, and couldn't help but think: "Boy, I won't let you lose face today, my surname is not Yuwen!"

  At this time, hearing everyone mention his name, a warrior stood up and walked to the middle.

   "Brother Chen." Lu Chengzhu looked at Chen Xuandao.

   "It's okay, Santo, you are ready to watch."

  After seeing it, Chen Xuan still showed a smile: "Since everyone wants to see it, then take a look."

  Suddenly silence fell during the banquet.

  Yu Wenqiang smiled slightly when he saw it.

  Wang Xia is not very old, but at this time, he also smiled a little at the way everyone was nervously looking forward to paying attention: "Everyone, I have seen a lot of these calligraphy and paintings."

  He said lightly: "The green bird picture, it has been lost for many years!"

  He started to check it casually, but Yu Wenqiang was very confident in the green bird picture in his hand.

   "I didn't expect the blue bird picture to be in his hands!"

  Yu Wenqiang looked smug when he heard what they said.

  At the same time, Wang Xia’s voice rang: "Yu Wenqiang, with all due respect, your green bird picture is a fake."

   "What, this is not the real thing!" Yu Wenqiang was a little shocked when he heard it.

  His remarks brought everyone present to discuss.

   "What is a fake?"

   "I still think he is really real."

   "I originally wanted to take it out to bury others, but I didn't expect it to be taken out as a fake."

  Everyone couldn't help but discuss. After Yu Wenqiang heard it, his face instantly darkened.

   But Wang Xia's discriminating ability did not dare to question him.

  Wang Xia's cultivation base is not as good as his, but if it is to distinguish between calligraphy and painting, then he really can only bow down to the wind.

   "Yuwenqiang, don't be embarrassed!"

   Seeing that Yu Wenqiang’s face changed a little, Wang Xia also laughed in a low voice and said to everyone: "Although you are not authentic, let me see Chen Xuan's first, maybe his is also a counterfeit."

  It is true that the blue bird picture is very precious, but there are too many fakes. Everyone thinks that their blue bird picture is authentic, but they are all fake.

   "This time, both are embarrassed. There is nothing to embarrass the Pantheon!"

  Hearing what Wang Xia said, everyone also discussed it.

   But everyone, suddenly found something wrong. They stopped to discuss.

At this time, Wang Xia looked at Chen Xuan’s blue bird picture very seriously, but after a while, he didn’t see the smile he had just seen at all, but now he looked at Chen Xuan’s blue bird picture for so long. Just the serious expression on his face made everyone feel different.

  They also felt that the atmosphere was a little depressed. After watching for a long time, it showed that they have not found any problems. In other words, Chen Xuan's this may really be the real thing.

  Chen Xuan said, "Is this picture of my blue bird, is it the real thing?"

  In fact, he didn't know whether this blue bird picture was true or not. After all, he got it from the relic of the Liu family. He didn't know how to distinguish green bird pictures. Before, he thought that Liu's stay would not be too bad, so he chose it as a gift to the Pantheon.

  "This is not the real thing!" Hong Yi didn't want to believe it.

   "This is absolutely impossible to be the real thing!" Hu Luo thought: "It must be a fake too. I don't believe he has a real blue bird in his hand!"

  Yu Wenqiang looked at Wang Xia's face and said, "This is absolutely impossible!" He still didn't want to believe that if it was the real thing, then wouldn't he be too embarrassed.

  At the same time, everyone is looking at Wang Xia.

After watching for a while, he suddenly stood up and said with a serious face: "Chen Xuan's picture of the blue bird is true or not, I can't tell, but looking at the year of the material, I am afraid that the real person Qinghe This blue bird picture was made, which is the picture of the blue bird he drew back then."

  He said these words, and immediately everyone looked at him in surprise.

  Although he did not explicitly mention the blue bird picture, Brother Liu, but his knowledge in distinguishing the blue bird picture, he can't see that it is a fake, but it is very likely that it is the original one.

   "Wang Xia, what do you mean?"

  City Lord Lu couldn't believe it turned out to be the original one, and looked at the painting with a hint of surprise.

   "Yes, I'm not sure, but I really can't find any flaws in this blue bird picture. So I suspect that this blue bird picture is authentic!"

   "What, it is not a fake."

   "Is it authentic?"

   "Even Wang Xia can't see the flaws. So, this is the real blue bird picture?"

  Everyone looked at Chen Xuan in surprise.

  And hearing this, Yu Wenqiang's face darkened. He originally wanted to lose Chen Xuan's face, but he didn't expect to lose his face instead.

   City Lord Lu laughed and said, "Chen Xuan, this gift is really too expensive." He looked at Chen Xuan and said.

  Chen Xuan just said casually: "Lord Lu, how can we be measured by a blue bird picture? And I don’t use this blue bird picture."

  City Master Lu said excitedly: "I would like to thank you for that."

  He remembered Yu Wenqiang whose face was already black as carbon, so he said: "Yu Wenqiang, I also like your things, haha, thank you."

  (End of this chapter)

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