Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2824: The arrival of the dragon blood tribe

   Chapter 2824 The Arrival of the Dragon Blood Tribe

  That Wang Xia also came over to talk to Chen Xuanpan: "Chen Xuan, where did you get this blue bird picture?"

  Chen Xuan was stunned and said, "I got it by accident.

   "Then, this green bird picture is very likely, really authentic!" Wang Xia said repeatedly after hearing it.

   After hearing this, Yu Wenqiang's face was ugly, but he couldn't change anything. After all, Wang Xia had already said that what Chen Xuan was holding was the real thing.

  Meanwhile, the banquet continued.

   "By the way, why hasn't Yuwen Tuo come yet?"

   "Yes, didn't he say that he promised to come here today to fight Chen Xuan?"

   "Why haven't you come yet?"

  It is not clear when someone talked about this topic.

   "Why are you so late?"

  Hu Luo, Hong Yi, Yu Wenqiang and others were a little shocked when they heard it, and they didn't know why.

   "By the way, Hu Luo, Yuwenqiang, didn't you two say that Yuwentuo personally agreed?"

  At this time, Chen Xuan also twisted his body to look at Yu Wenqiang and the others, and asked, “How come I haven’t seen him yet?”

   "He is not the real thing, he can't come!"

  Hu Luo looked ugly after hearing it, and even said.

   "There is nothing wrong with what I said, Yuwen Tuo clearly said that he would be there on time!" Hong Yi said too.

   "Isn't something wrong?"

  Yuwenqiang's face floated, and then he said, "What happened? Chen Xuan, did you keep people trapped and prevent Yuwentuo from attending the banquet on time, right?"

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan lost a smile: "Yu Wenqiang, shouldn't it be said that he was afraid of me, so he didn't come on purpose."

Yuwenqiang's eyes were gloomy and said: "You know that my brother Yuwen can't come, think about it, you are very confident in your own cultivation? How about this, Chen Xuan, and the two of us to challenge? Although I am not as strong as Yuwentuo, but at We are among the best in the Yuwen family. If you can beat me, I will admit that you can fight Big Brother Yuwen."

  In his heart, although his elder brother is very strong, Yu Wenkeng has never been convinced.

   After all, Yu Wenkeng's cultivation base is not weak, he also has extremely high talent.

   "This Yu Wenqiang, unexpectedly provoke Chen Xuan again!"

   "He is really unwilling to give up. That's right, the blue bird picture made him lose face, plus, at that time, he said that he was toasting Chen Xuan and made a black face. Now of course he wants to find a chance to avenge him!"

   "Yuwentuo was so late. This is really depressing. After all, today's battle is very beneficial to him."

   "I saw that he impulsively agreed to Hu Luo's proposal before, and later learned that he was not Yuwentuo's opponent, so he thought of some means."

After    heard, the warriors onlookers thought about it one by one, and several of them also felt that Yu Wenqiang made a lot of sense.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help sighing in his heart: "When everyone wants to come, I am still much weaker than Yuwen Tuo."

  At the same time, Na Yuwenqiang continued to provoke Chen Xuan: "Are you afraid of losing in my hands? If Chen Xuan dare not even defeat me, how can you defeat Big Brother Yuwen?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan said, "Why Yuwen Tuo hasn't come yet, I don't know. But I won't fight with you. Yuwenqiang, you are not qualified to discuss with me. I am here today to meet Yuwen Tuo. war."

  Although he heard everyone's thinking, it was easy to directly defeat Yu Wenqiang.

  If he defeats Yu Wenqiang, of course everything will be self-defeating. But at the same time, Chen Xuan didn't want to make a move.

   "Chen Xuan, you are really arrogant!" Yu Wenqiang heard this and said angrily: "Chen Xuan, you have the ability to talk about it!"

   "Yu Wenqiang, you are not my opponent." Chen Xuandao.

Since he didn't give himself a face, why did Chen Xuan give him a face? So at this time, Chen Xuan showed no mercy to Yu Wenqiang. Yu Wenqiang was greatly embarrassed in Qingquetu before, so he wanted to find his face. , And, in his heart, he really felt that Yuwen Tuo could not come on time, probably something went wrong.

   Said that Chen Xuan's cultivation was enough to defeat Yuwen Tuo, he absolutely did not believe it.

  Although Chen Xuan's cultivation level has improved very quickly, it is still the three-fold cultivation level of the **** king realm, so he proposed to challenge Chen Xuan, deliberately trying to force Chen Xuan to do it.

  Because he didn't get any benefit from Chen Xuan's hands before, because when he toasted Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan made him embarrassed.

  Even so, he still doesn’t think Chen Xuan is his opponent, because Chen Xuan’s strength is at best only the triple peak of the Divine King Realm.

  Plus, so that he can first explore the cultivation of Chen Xuan for Yuwen!

  If Chen Xuan's strength is really unexpectedly powerful, then it happens to have a probing effect.

  But if Chen Xuanxiu is not as strong as him, he will definitely show his true shape. At that time, without Yuwen Tuo's action, Chen Xuan will be defeated by him.

   Hearing Chen Xuan's rejection of his provocation, Yu Wenqiang was originally excited. After all, he did not dare to fight against him. That means that his previous actions were probably correct. Chen Xuan was forced to respond.

   "Chen Xuan, you are so courageous!" Yu Wenqiang was furious.

After    heard, Chen Xuan only showed a smile: "It's really unreasonable to make trouble."

  Yuwenqiang grasped his hands tightly and said: "Chen Xuan! I and Yuwentuo are brothers, and you are still unwilling to fight and dare not fight with me. Is it because you are afraid of exposing your true cultivation level?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan still said lightly: "I don't want to fight with you."

   Yu Wenqiang said: "In this case, let me pierce you!"

  He suddenly jumped into the air, regardless of whether Chen Xuan should fight or not, his true energy showed up and wanted to attack Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan watched Yu Wenqiang rise into the air and attacked, his face moved. Chen Xuan didn't prepare to take action by himself, but motioned to Wang Lun around him.

  Wang Lun saw this Yu Wenqiang suddenly attacked, glanced at him, and wanted to make a move.

   "Yu Wenqiang, all right."

  At the same time, Wang Lun hadn't made a move yet, but City Lord Lu had already trapped Yu Wenqiang's body and whispered softly: "Chen Xuan is unwilling to make a move. Don't force it like this."

  This Yu Wenqiang kept aiming at everyone in Chen Xuan at a glance, and now he was going to forcibly fight against Chen Xuan, which made Lu Chengzhu feel a little angry.

  Today is Lu Yucheng's banquet, and he is also the host of this conference. At the same time, it is also the day of his birthday. Yu Wenqiang doesn't give him a face.

  Yuwenqiang saw the city lord make a move, and his body gradually stopped.

  "Yuwenqiang, forget it." At this time, Hong Yi gestured to Yuwenqiang.

   "I'm sorry, City Lord!" Yu Wenqiang reacted, and said to Lu Chengzhu: "I wanted to cheer up, but I didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so disrespectful!"

  Lord Lu showed a smile after hearing this: "We still have to be calm, otherwise it will make people laugh, Yu Wenqiang, don't you think?"

  Yu Wenqiang looked at Chen Xuan unwillingly, and then said: "I was rude."

  This time, he also participated as a representative of the Pantheon. Although his brother did not come, he also knew that it was not time to turn his face.

   "Yu Wenqiang actually made a direct shot, and Chen Xuan didn't even dare to challenge Yu Wenqiang, can it be said that what Yu Wenqiang said before is the real thing."

  Although Chen Xuan said that Yu Wenqiang was not qualified to play against him, everyone felt that he did not dare to fight. Yuwenqiang was also a leader in Lu Yucheng. If Chen Xuan hadn't improved his cultivation, he would really not dare to challenge Yuwenqiang, because Yuwenqiang's cultivation had also reached the four peaks of the **** king realm.

   "Chen Xuan didn't even dare to deal with me, it's ridiculous." Yu Wenqiang said.

   "Chen Xuan, how did you escape today? After that, you will still be defeated by my brother Yuwen." Yuwenqiang couldn't help thinking in his heart.

  "It's ridiculous, I only think he is afraid of Yuwentuo, but I didn't expect that he is even afraid of you, Brother Yuwenqiang!"

After hearing this, Hu Luohongyi and others also laughed mockingly. They all agreed that Chen Xuan didn't dare to fight him.

After    heard, Chen Xuan also frowned and said: "I won't make a move, I just don't think you are qualified."

  Hong Yi's face was contemptuous, and Yu Wenqiang also said with sarcasm and disdain: "If I dare not, I dare not, and say so much!"

   Chen Xuan's brows were also frowned. When he was thinking about whether he should take a shot and give Yu Wenqiang a lesson, the voice of a young warrior suddenly came.

   "This banquet today is very lively."

A young man's voice suddenly came in from outside, saying: "My Dragon Blood Tribe, Wei Chirang, came to Lu Yucheng today and heard that there was a banquet here. I brought some brothers here uninvited. I don't know if I have this honor? "

   "The elders have always said that the Yunye Empire is full of talents and came here specially today."

  Several warriors around the back of his body were talking.

   "Huh? People from the Dragon Blood Tribe? Why are they here?"

   "Dragon Blood Tribe Wei Chiran! They are here uninvited at the moment, it seems that the person who came is not good!"

  One by one, the Cloud Yemen warriors went to see again and again.

Although the Dragon Blood Tribe secretly helped City Lord Lu succeed the City Lord, anyone with a discerning eye knew that their fundamental purpose was still for their Dragon Blood Tribe, not to mention the Dragon Blood Tribe people in the trial of Heiyun Peak. They would go as soon as they entered the secret realm. Searching for martial arts, did not participate in the war at all.

  At that time, City Lord Lu could only swallow his breath.


  Chen Xuan also looked at bringing a group of warriors into the banquet, and seeing that Wei Chirang, but Chen Xuan could still feel that there was something wrong.

   "Yuchirang? It's this kid, why did he come?"

  At the same time, Yu Wenqiang, Hong Yi Hu Luo and others all frowned and looked at Yu Chirang of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

   "This banquet is a bit interesting now." Chen Xuan didn't expect the dragon blood tribe's warriors to appear at this moment.

  Because Yuchi let them come, everyone's attention temporarily moved away from Yu Wenqiang and Chen Xuan.

  "Dragon Blood Tribe, Yuchirang?" Seeing Yuchirang and the others appeared, City Master Lu came over and said, "You are here so soon."

  He did not expect that the warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe would suddenly appear at the banquet. Even the great family of Lu Yucheng was not invited to this meeting, but now, the warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe suddenly broke in.

  At the same time, Yu Chirang also looked at the Lord Lu City and said, "Are you the Lord Lu City?"

  This Wei Chirang realized that he was City Master Lu as soon as he came in, and he obviously had a lot of investigations on City Master Lu.

   "Of course I recognize it." Yu Chirang also showed a smile: "City Master Lu, you may have forgotten. We were destined to meet in the north before."

   "It turned out to be like this." After hearing this, the Lord Lu Cheng remembered.

   Although the Yunye Empire and the Dragon Blood Tribe did not deal with it, this did not prevent the Dragon Blood Tribe from coming over, and City Lord Lu also remembered that it was time when he was in the north.

   "You elder, but Yuchi Palace?" Pantheon said.

   After hearing this, Wei Chirang smiled and said: "Yes, City Lord Lu, we are coming from afar this time, won't you not welcome it?"

  At the same time, City Lord Lu knew that they were coming, so he said: "Come on, arrange tables for the brothers of the Dragon Blood Tribe."

  (End of this chapter)

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