Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2830: Real demon soul

   Chapter 2830 Real Demon Soul

  Li Qiuyu was the first to run over, looked at Chen Xuan worriedly and said, "Chen Xuan, are you okay."

   "I'm fine." Chen Xuan kept saying.

  Yu Wentuo's face darkened as he saw it.

   "Thank you, everyone. It's okay."

  Chen Xuan showed a smile: "Wei Chijing really didn't want to hurt me, otherwise, I would have been killed."

  Faced with their savagery, Chen Xuan completely suppressed the anger in his heart.

  At the same time, Elder Zang also smiled in a low voice and nodded, “It’s fine if it doesn’t matter!”

  Before, the Yunyemen martial artist was disgraced by Wang Fan and others. Elder Zang felt that his face was lost when he stood there! Originally thought that Yuwen Tuo could save the scene, but Chen Xuan was rescued.

   "The elder really just wants to stop it."

  Yichirang also stood up, and said in a deep voice: "After all, Brother Chen Xuan made the move, and all of my brothers were injured. They are indeed Yunye Clan martial artist Chen Xuan! I really admire him."

  He arched his hands.

   "Brother Yuchi, how dissatisfied you are with me?" Chen Xuan showed a smile: "Why do you want to avenge your brothers?"

  At this time, Yu Chirang's eyes were sharp, facing Chen Xuan and all the people present, and said loudly: "Chen Xuan, come on, you and me, after all, we will compare each other."

   "I mean it too!"

  Chen Xuan also strode forward, standing still and saying: "Yichirang, come on."

  Today, in the end, it is still a battle between young warriors, not a genuine battle between elders. However, the outcome of today's battle between the Dragon Blood Tribe and the Yunyemen warriors will ultimately fall on Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang.

   "Yu Chirang is about to make a move!"

   "Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang, who is stronger?"

   "Although Chen Xuan is only very good, but he is only the third peak of the Divine King Realm after all, but Wei Chiran can reach the 4th Divine King Realm early!"

   "Who is stronger anyway?"

  All the Yunyemen warriors watched nervously. The other members of the Dragon Blood tribe also got up, clutching various painful places and watching Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang face each other. Elder Zang, Elder Nangong, Yu Chijing, and others have also consciously retreated behind the bodies of both parties.

  They all know about the battle between the young warriors between the two Lu Yucheng. It is still necessary to let Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang solve it. They fought with Yuchijing.

  All the Yunyemen martial artists who had seen Chen Xuan surrounded by Yuchijing’s innocent aura before also retreated one by one, leaving the place for Chen Xuan and Yuchi for two people.

"Chen Xuan, you are crazy enough." Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Yu Chi made his face cold. He looked at everyone coldly and said: "Feng, you are defeated by me, you will feel how ridiculous what he said at this moment! "

  His body trembled, his true qi was condensed, and the demon soul had already been displayed. At the same time, the true qi of his body was fully activated, and it was obviously that the true qi was running.

   And his condensed innocence has also become a little red state, condensed between the palms of his arms.

   "He has reached the peak of the fourth stage and the fifth stage of the **** king realm!"

   "This kid, Yuchi, has actually cultivated to the point of reaching the four-fold and five-fold peak of the **** king realm!"

   "It's too strong, can Chen Xuan do it? Unexpectedly, Yu Chirang has advanced to this realm by leaps and bounds!"

  Seeing Yuchirang's true energy and the condensed demon soul possessed, they were all surprised. Show it like this. In order to play the strongest.

   "Have you reached the four-fold and five-fold peak of the Divine King Realm?"

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also looked at Yuchi and said: "You have a bit of skill, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!" He said lightly: "Let me try what you are good at first!"

While talking, Chen Xuanzao agitated at the same time.

  Although the cultivation base is only the triple peak of the **** king realm, it is not at the level that people here can imagine. Not to mention the power of his Vermillion Bird Heart Technique, he said that his demon soul is the ancient demon soul that the white demon found in the secret room, which has transcended the cultivation knowledge of all the warriors here.

   "The Triple Peak of the Divine King Realm!"

   "Why is it still the triple peak of the Divine King Realm?"

   "Did Chen Xuan not hide his strength before? His cultivation is still the triple peak of the Divine King Realm?"

   "No way, how do you fight the triple peak of the Divine King Realm, and the five peak of the Divine King Realm?"

  Seeing the state of Chen Xuan's performance, the Yunyemen warriors became worried one by one.

  It is understandable that Chen Xuan can defeat this group of dragon blood tribes before, but they don’t think Chen Xuan may defeat Yuchirang!

  Wei Chirang, the exercises he cultivates are not ordinary ones! And between them, there is still such a big gap in realm, and all the Yunyemen martial artists suddenly sink in their hearts.

   "Boy, let you see my cultivation."

  At the same time, Yu Chirang had already shot: "Spirit Snake!"

  I saw his body lighten up, his body changed, and he slaughtered towards Chen Xuan. Each palm was condensed with a red state of true energy, and his cultivation base had already been activated, and he shot with all his strength.

   "Wang Lun, will Chen Xuan be okay!" After seeing it, Li Qiuyu was also worried.

"rest assured."

  Wang Lun slowly said: "Don't worry, he can deal with it!"

  Wang Lun had never worried that people from the Dragon Blood tribe like Chen Xuan, how could they be the current opponent of Chen Xuan, even Yu Chijing, would not be able to kill Chen Xuan in a short time.

   Therefore, even when the former Wei Chijing's anger rushed towards Chen Xuan, Wang Lun was not very nervous.

   "In this case, I will try you first!" Chen Xuan was not afraid, and rushed towards Yu Chirang.

  He used the technique of Suzaku Swordsmanship. You must know that there are subtle changes in Suzaku Swordsmanship, and Chen Xuan has not completely mastered it now.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang met each other, and each other's sword aura continued to greet each other.

   "Boy, you are not my opponent at all! Although your strength is very strong, your current cultivation base is not as good as mine."

  At the same time, Yu Chirang condensed a demon soul, matched his true energy, and struck Chen Xuan.

   "Suzaku Palm!"

  However, at the same time, Yuchi's palms suddenly changed drastically, carrying infinite power, and suddenly bombarded Chen Xuan's chest.


  It was that Yuchirang's palm skills were superimposed to a certain extent, and it broke out very powerfully. Chen Xuan resisted with two arms and counterattacked, but was slapped back by Yuchirang with the same palm strength.


  Yi Chi let a powerful palm power come from Chen Xuan's palm, and suddenly, Chen Xuan was let out by the body that Yu Chi had bombarded.

   "Not good! Chen Xuan can't do it anymore, this Wei Chi Rang is so powerful!"

  "The difference between the triple peak of the realm of the **** king and the fifth peak of the fourth stage of the **** king realm is still too great!"

  The Yunyemen warriors were all surprised after seeing them.

   "As expected to be my brother Yuchi!"

  The people of the Dragon Blood Tribe are all cheering up.

  At this time, feeling the power of Yuchi's palm, and his body was retreating with the thrust, Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking: "Sure enough, I still can't hold him. If I want to come, I must burst out the demon soul."

   However, Chen Xuan's shot just now did not explode the power of the monster soul of his sixth demon soul pattern, but simply used his triple peak infurience to urge the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique to cast the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique.

  He said, try this Wei Chi Rang first.

  But, now he also understands that only with infuriating energy, he really can't beat this Wei late.

  As the top young warrior of the Dragon Blood Tribe, Yu Chirang still has a little ability.

   "Chen Xuan."

At the same time, after taking Chen Xuan flying with a palm, Yu Chi increased the confidence in his pupils. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "I still think how powerful you are. I didn't expect it, but only That's all! Within ten strokes, I will beat you to your knees!"

   "What, ten tricks?"

   Chen Xuan's body trembled with intensity. He stabilized and stood still. Hearing what Yu Chirang said at this time, he only showed a slight smile: "Yuchirang? Come on."

   While speaking, Chen Xuan's Demon Soul Jue's sixth power exploded, and his muscles suddenly swelled, and then his body was lightly trembling, his body turned into a black mark and rushed towards Yuchirang.

  Chen Xuan was knocked down by Yuchi and floated out, which was obviously a disadvantage.

   "Not good." Li Qiuyu looked a little shocked.

Elder    Zang also looked nervous and said: "Chen Xuan's strength has not been fully improved yet!"

  Furthermore, he was also quite nervous. In fact, Chen Xuan's previous performance had already made him very satisfied. But after all, Chen Xuan's current victory with Yu Chirang determines the outcome of today's Yunyemen and the young warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe, and it is all determined by this battle.

   "Oops!" Elder Nangong was also worried.

   "Is this Wei Chiran so powerful?" Elder Mo also had a complicated expression. In fact, on the one hand, as a native of Lu Yucheng, he wanted Chen Xuan to win, and on the other hand, he was worried about Yuwentuo.

   "Yu Chi Rang is too strong, too." Wang Xia was also nervous.

   "Can't it work?" Yu Wenqiang looked at the situation, and said in secret surprise: "It's worthy of reaching the four-fold and three-fold peak of the realm of the gods, it is so powerful!"

   "Chen Xuan." Hong Jue looked equally nervous. In my heart, I also look forward to Chen Xuan's victory.

"This Yuchirang! Too strong!" Hong Zhen also couldn't help thinking, "Let him be arrogant, don't you want to be defeated by Yuchirang?" He was secretly happy to see Chen Xuan fall into the wind, looking forward to it. Chen Xuan lost even more miserably.

   "Boy, make you arrogant!"

   "This time I know that our eldest brother Yuchi is amazing!"

   "How about it, our Dragon Blood Tribe is the best! You Yunyemen, today are destined to be crushed by our Dragon Blood Tribe!"

  The people of the Dragon Blood Tribe watched with excitement.

   "Very good." Yu Chijing also said, "I know that Yu Chirang will not disappoint my expectations."

  But what no one noticed was that at the same time, Wang Lun, who was standing near Li Qiuyu, rose up with a smile.

   At the same time, a loud bang came from the intersection of Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang.

   "This is not the real thing!" Yu Chi Jing, who was sitting and drinking leisurely again, suddenly stood up in shock.

"What?" Wang Fan said with a look of surprise: "Big Brother Yuchi." He couldn't believe his eyes, because at the same time, he actually saw Chen Xuan, who had just clearly fallen by the wind, slapped him. The wind of the palm when he defeated Fei Qing before appeared again. With a rumbling palm, Yu Chi, who actually fell directly, let the whole person fly several steps away directly by the attack.

Yu Chirang was also a little shocked: "What kind of power is this? I have reached the fourth and fifth peak of the Divine King Realm. He is only the third peak of the Divine King Realm, almost a stage short of it! How could I even resist him with a palm No more?"

   "What happened?" Fei Qing was also a little shocked: "The gap between me and Brother Yuchi is so big, he is not the real thing to fight back Brother Yuchi, this is not the real thing, how is it possible?"

  At this moment, all the people in the Dragon Blood tribe are also surprised to be sluggish.

   "This is absolutely impossible! How could Big Brother Yuchi be hit by a palm?"

   "Didn't Chen Xuan clearly fall into a disadvantage just now? Shouldn't it be defeated by Big Brother Yuchi soon?"

  All of them showed incredulous expressions and couldn't believe it.

  The change at this moment is as fast as lightning, and the whole process is completed in an instant.

  In fact, the inner details changed after Chen Xuan burst out of physical strength, then rushed and blasted on Yu Chirang's body.

  The power of Chen Xuan who uses physical strength and does not use physical strength is completely different. True Qi is a kind of power, and Demon Soul is also a kind of power. Although it is soul that cultivates True Qi, the nature of the two is different. The demon soul was too powerful after reaching the sixth stage, and even allowed Chen Xuan's body to enter the body.

  Chen Xuan didn’t handle the same way as before. Instead, they used the Suzaku sword technique, and suddenly the two qi fettered each other.

  (End of this chapter)

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