Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2831: Enter Yunyewei

   Chapter 2831 Entering Yunyewei

  Chen Xuan's sixth demon soul appeared, the red aura kept floating, the power of the demon soul exploded, and all kinds of blessings of innocence were suddenly unbearable by Yu Chiran.

   "What, what did I see, Yu Chirang was beaten into the air by Chen Xuan? Did I read it wrong?"

   "Isn't Chen Xuan already at a disadvantage just now?"

   "What the **** happened." All the Yunyemen warriors were surprised and dull.


  Wei Chi let him jump on a table behind his body, and finally stopped on his body.

  At this time, his true qi has been broken, and the whole true qi has not completely collapsed. This can also be seen how deep his true qi is. If Fei Qing is replaced, I'm afraid that he would have died long ago at the sole of this foot.

  "This, this, how could this be so."

  Yichirang looked at Chen Xuan and lost his voice: "Chen Xuan, how can you hit me with a palm? What kind of power are you? You have fallen into the wind before you know it."

"I just wanted to try your level before." Looking at the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe with ugly faces, Chen Xuan said calmly: "But Yu Chirang, you disappoint me too much. What is the best in Tian Luo? It turned out to be nothing more than that, in front of my Zhenqi body, I couldn't bear even a palm."

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan showed a face of disdain.

  Listening to Chen Xuan's words, all members of the Dragon Blood Tribe and Yunyemen warriors were equally surprised.

Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword defeated Yuchirang, and everyone did not expect that the overbearing power of Vermilion’s palm could defeat him. As for this palm, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun learned it. This palm, the invigoration is condensed, and the physical strength The outbreak was too tyrannical. Yu Chirang couldn't resist it at all.

   "This is absolutely impossible!"

  At this time, Yu Chirang couldn't accept such an ending, and said angrily: "You know that there is only the triple peak of the realm of the gods, how can you beat me."

  Chen Xuan subverted his understanding of cultivation. The triple peak of the realm of the **** king, and the fifth peak of the quadruple realm of the **** king realm, are a stage away! But now he was hit by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword at the triple peak of the Divine King Realm.

   "This is absolutely impossible? The triple peak of the realm of the gods?" Seeing Yuchirang's gaffe, Chen Xuan still said indifferently: "Yuchirang, until now, I still confine my vision to the realm of cultivation. I want to come, I overestimated you."

At the same time, everyone was watching the conversation between Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang in a daze. Even Elder Zang, Elder Nangong and others looked at each other. They actually didn’t understand how Chen Xuan could burst out such a powerful truth. gas.

  However, the Vermillion Bird's palm technique was something they hadn't seen before, and they were also thinking whether Chen Xuan's cultivation technique was so powerful that he was able to defeat Yuchirang.

  "I'm not convinced!" At the same time, Yu Chirang suddenly yelled, "Chen Xuan, what kind of control is this, but I still disagree! I have the ability to compete with weapons!"

  While speaking, Yuchi let the zhenqi condense again, and he actually condensed the zhenqi again. Then he flipped his hand, and a sword blade appeared in his hand, and each blade was condensed with a light red innocence.

   "What, do you use a weapon?"

  Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully: "Since I have already taken the shot, I will accompany him." As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan flipped his hand, and a rainbow frost sword appeared in his hand.

   "Stop it!"

   "Weichirang, what are you doing."

   "Wei Chi Jing, using a weapon, is it true to fight life and death?"

  At the same time, Elder Zang, Elder Nangong and others also said in a deep voice.

  After all, at this moment Chen Xuan and Yu Chirang are only warriors representing the two empires to compete. However, in general discussions, weapons cannot be used.

  If you are not careful, it is very difficult to treat the bones and the body being chopped off.

  If the bones were really hurt, the future cultivation would be a problem, besides, Chen Xuan had completely won at this moment. There is no need to continue fighting with Yu Chirang.

  So Elder Zang, of course, they stopped.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yu Chijing said: "Everyone, use weapons and look at the combat power of both sides. It's not impossible. Pay attention, and we are here. It should be fine."

After    heard, Elder Nangong also said in a deep voice: "Chen Xuan does not need to fight."

   "Elder Nangong, dear elders, since this Wei Chi has refused to accept it." Chen Xuan said calmly, "Don't worry, this Wei Chi will not hurt me!"

   Indeed, Chen Xuan did not bother with this, as long as he shot directly to defeat Yuchirang.

   "Chen Xuan is very courageous!"

And after seeing it, Yu Chirang, who originally thought that there was no chance, was also delighted: "In this case, then I will pay attention to it. It will not really hurt you. It will only defeat you. Then let you see, my Qingxuan The swordsmanship is amazing!"

  As soon as the voice fell, he showed his true energy, and used his sword to rush towards Chen Xuan.

   "Qingxuan sword technique?"

   But facing the attack of Yu Chirang's swordsmanship, Chen Xuan held the Rainbow Shuang Sword and slashed out and said, "Trash."

   is clearly a sword, but the powerful Zhen Qi directly smashed the blade of Yuchirang, causing Yuchirang to fall a little bit, and the jaws of the sword's grasping arm had been broken.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan slashed over again with a palm of his hand, and the infuriating energy that Yuchi let was directly shattered, and the blade held by that arm was also directly chopped and floated out.

   "This is absolutely impossible, what kind of power are you?" Yuchi turned pale and couldn't believe it.

   However, Chen Xuan did not respond, and the sword kept slashing out. With every slash, Yuchi shocked his arm, and the tiger's mouth did not break open.


  It was another palm. Two minutes later, before a few swords, Yuchi's forehead and arm were all broken, and the sword could not be held, and he was hit directly.

  Next, Chen Xuan slashed out with another palm, and the beating Yuchi let the blade held by one arm be blown out.

   "Weichirang, you can't even hold the sword, how can you block me?" Chen Xuan whispered.

   "No! Not authentic!"

  At the same time, Chen Xuan continued: "What else is the strongest sword technique? You are in front of my body and you are not qualified to talk about sword technique."

Suddenly, he slashed out with another palm, and Yu Chirang's sword was knocked to the ground again.

"Do not."

  Yi Chi Ran completely collapsed and said: "This is not the real thing."

   "It's absolutely impossible?"

  Chen Xuan did not continue to attack him, the sword reached his chest and said: "Yuchi Ran, have you taken it."

  At the same time, his face was a little dazed, and he didn't believe that Chen Xuan could defeat him, the realm of the **** king.

  But Chen Xuan put away his anger under the surprised eyes of the audience, and I withdrew the sword.

   "Your true qi, why is it so powerful, you clearly only have the triple peak of the **** king realm."

   Yuchi Rang lost his soul and stood up and said: "How can you knock all my swords down, so that I can't even use swordsmanship."

   Just now, Yuchi didn't even use the sword technique. The sword technique of the true Qi practitioner is the various weird cooperation of the sword when it attacks, through the various different condensed zhenqi in the body.

   But just now, Chen Xuan's true qi was too strong, every time he slashed it, he couldn't even hold the sword. Not to mention the changes in the sword.

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, but more disappointed. At this time, he also showed a disdainful face and said: "Yuchirang, you haven't figured out the gap between us."

  As soon as the voice fell, he turned and left, leaving the martial artists surprised by the audience.

  The people of the Dragon Blood Tribe were already speechless.

  They knew that the Dragon Blood Tribe was completely defeated in this confrontation.

  At the same time, Yu Chijing's face was already shocked and pale, knowing that this time he was completely suppressed by Lu Yucheng.

   "This is an easy defeat, Chen Xuan is too fierce! I want to come, his cultivation is not inferior to the old brother Liu Yi at all!"

Each of the Yunyemen martial artists became excited, looking nervously at Chen Xuan’s back, as if Chen Xuan was the elder of Lu Yucheng, which is actually true. Chen Xuan’s cultivation level has surpassed that of ordinary sect elders, and even Compared to some high-level elders, they are much stronger.

  At the same time, Yu Chijing finally said with an ugly face, "Yuchirang!"

   "Sorry. Elder."

  Yichirang also woke up, and then respected Yuchi.

  Yu Chijing looked at Yu Chirang, but he just sighed and said: "The skill is not as good as humans, I can't do it, but Chen Xuan is too strong. As expected of Lu Yucheng's genius." As soon as the voice fell, he arched his hand at Elder Zang.

   "As expected of Lu Yucheng, Master Nangong, I'm bothering you this time, let's say goodbye."

   "Wei Chi Jing, are you leaving now?" Elder Zang suddenly smiled at this moment: "The banquet hasn't been completely over yet, have you gone? Don't stay here for a few more drinks?"

  Wei Chijing showed a smile: "There is still something to do today, goodbye. There will be a period later."

   After hearing this, Elder Zang did not force it anymore, and then Yu Chi Jing led Yu Chi to make Wang Fan Fei Qing and the others turn around and leave the banquet.

   "Chen Xuan." When Yu Chirang finally left, he turned around and took a look at Chen Xuan, but he couldn't say anything. Just looked at Chen Xuan deeply.

  With the departure of these warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe, the atmosphere of the banquet suddenly changed again.

   "Chen Xuan did a good job! As expected of me, Lu Yucheng Class B warrior!" Elder Zang was talking to Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, you are too good!"

  All the Yunyemen warriors also said.

  Elder Nangong just looked at Chen Xuan with satisfaction. After all, it was Chen Xuan who had pulled out with his hand.

  However, Elder Mo suddenly had a complicated complexion. He glanced at Chen Xuan and then at Yu Wen Tuo, who had a dull expression.

  As for Yu Wenqiang, Hong Yi also had a complicated complexion and could not speak.

   "Chen Xuan, I am convinced, it turns out that your strength is so great!" Wang Xia suddenly smiled and arched his hands.

  The Pantheon suddenly showed a big smile: "Chen Xuan, I said, why did you dare to fight Yuwen Tuo in a life-and-death duel before, so I still worry about you in my heart!"

  As soon as this sentence came out, all eyes were immediately focused on the other people at the banquet.

  Originally, the focus of the banquet at this time was absolutely the same as Chen Xuan, but at this moment, everyone looked at Yuwen Tuo again.

  After all, everyone knows the previous agreement between Yu Wentuo and Chen Xuan in a duel.

  Originally, Chen Xuan and Yu Wentuo agreed to fight a life and death duel to today’s showdown, but now, it seems that which is strong and which is weak is already obvious!

Feeling everyone’s gaze, Yuwentuo’s face was also ugly. He defended, “I’ve paid for Yuwentuo’s order. I met someone from the Black Blood Sect near the Lu Yu Mountain Range. If it weren’t for today, I would come to the banquet. I encountered a person who had escaped from the Black Blood Sect on the way, and was injured, otherwise it would not have been a real loss!"

   "Is he really injured or not?"

   "Without strength, no strength, don't fight with Chen Xuan for the position of a B-level warrior. No one said that he was injured. I have to say that I was injured!"

  Some Yunyemen warriors also discussed.

   Yu Wentuo felt insulted, and couldn’t help saying: “Or, today I and Chen Xuan still don’t know who will win.”

   "Is it the real thing injured?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at Yuwen Tuo after hearing it.

  If it weren’t for being injured and impaired, at this time he’s not really telling this estimate.

  At the same time, several figures rushed directly into the banquet.


  A figure came in suddenly, and everyone held their breath, watching these two figures suddenly enter the city lord’s mansion.

   "It turned out to be the inner guard Lian!"

  Seeing these figures appeared, everyone was a little shocked. Chen Xuan saw it clearly, it turned out to be a group of warriors. Headed by a royal guard. This guy is one of the royal guards, Lord Lian.

   "Master Lian." Yuwen Tuo was surprised for a moment.

The Lord Lian also waved his hand directly, and only heard his clear voice say: "Yuwentuo, the black blood sect warrior should be rewarded again. The Lord Yunye has also heard about this now, so he specially awarded the reward and sealed it as a cloud. Ye Wei."

   "Yunyewei?! That's the place that Yunyemen warriors most want to enter. As long as you can enter Yunyewei, it means that you will be able to join the ranks in the future!"

   "It turns out that Yuwen Tuo was really injured in the battle against the Black Blood Sect.

   Chen Xuan was also a little shocked at this time, and said, "Let Yuwentuo become Yunyewei?"

  (End of this chapter)

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