Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2845: Battle in the Autumn Rock Mountains

   Chapter 2845 Battle in the Qiuyan Mountains

  In the Qiuyan Mountains, the battle has been going on for a long time.

  Under the sun, a young man in black robes stood in the distance, faintly looking at Wang Jinping in the sky.

   "Yes, it's me." Chen Xuan replied.

  Just now, Wang Jinping also noticed Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan would not enter his eyes, because just now, Chen Xuan did not reveal the aura in his body.

  So in her opinion, Chen Xuan is just a mortal.

   "Boy! You dare to attack me! You are looking for death!" As soon as the voice fell, he carried his sword and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Whis the sword in his hand repeatedly, resisting Chen Xuan's sword attack, and at the same time, his pupils looked at Chen Xuan and said: "You are actually the fifth peak of the God King, how is this possible? You are still so young."

  But Chen Xuan did not talk nonsense with Wang Jinping.

   "Elder Lian, Lu Shan." Chen Xuan said loudly: "If you don't take action at this time, when will you wait!"

   "Yes! Take it!" Lian Ru woke up in shock. He had never expected that a young man like Chen Xuan would have the cultivation base of the Seventh Layer of God King.

   "Shoot together!" He also waved his spear. Killed towards Wang Jinping.

   "Yes, let's shoot together and take him down!"

  Lu Shan also excitedly said: "Wang Jinping, this time, you are dead!" He showed his anger, waved his long knife, and killed Wang Jinping.

  In an instant, the situation began to flip. Lu Shan and Lian Ru came over again. Before, Wang Jinping was not actually afraid of two, but now that he joined Chen Xuan, a warrior at the top of the five-fold peak of the God King, he was a little frightened.

  When he was fighting against the two powerhouses of Lushan Lianru, Chen Xuan, who was at the top of the five-fold peak of the God King, would also attack and kill him.

   "Lu Fan, you must die today." Then, suddenly the sword in his hand rose in response to the storm, and a sword in his hand burst into shock!

  At the same time, his hand holding the sword burst out with a shocking breath. Wang Jinping also attacked at this moment! Instantly knocked Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword into the air.

   Then, looking at Lian Ru and Lu Shan, he flipped over again and suddenly hit them at them! Then he turned around.

   "Where to escape." Lian Ru's giant sword burst out with a terrifying breath, and attacked Wang Jinping who wanted to escape.

   "Want to go, die!" Na Lu Shan also suddenly used a powerful technique, slashing the long sword again and again, and slashed with a knife.


  Finally, he was hit by a shot from Lian Ru, and his body flew several steps out, knocking the rocks apart, and finally, the rocks in front of his body cracked directly.

  Lianru can only collect the sharp spear, and does not want to chase after Wang Jinping.

   "Chen Xuan, take action soon, I can't let him escape!" Lu Shan said anxiously. He also wanted to rush to hunt down Wang Jinping, but the distance was too far to kill Wang Jinping immediately.

  "Wang Jinping, stay!" After seeing this, Chen Xuan showed a fiery color, and the Liaoyuan sword whistled and attacked, killing Wang Jinping, "Dead!"

The   Liaoyuan sword whizzed and flew, and the Seventh Suzaku of the God King's Suzaku infuriated in it to spur the sword formation of the sword body, the lethality was terrible.

  Wang Jinping, who had just run away in a panic, was wounded again, repeatedly resisted Chen Xuan's sword.

  After all, he is not too sure that he can withstand Chen Xuan's attack. If he accidentally cuts his arm, he will be dead. Chen Xuan's flying sword blade controlled by infuriating energy was too defensive.

  One of his arms was cut by the blade within no time. Wang Jinping was in pain and suddenly released the sword in his hand.

   "Chen Xuan is actually more powerful than the Seventh King of God."

  Wang Jinping said in horror: "Who is this guy!" He turned and ran away directly.

  As they were fighting, there was a call from a distance. Then, the black magic wind bird appeared in the air again, and uttered a roar at the crowd.

  Wang Jinping jumped up, trying to escape, but everyone surrounded him, especially Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword was suspended in the air, waiting for him to hit his body when he flew away.

  After all, I don’t know who Wang Jinping is selling his life behind, but Chen Xuan knows very well that if this person is allowed to escape, Chen Xuan and the others will not stop in the next few days.

  Black Bird sprayed a black breath towards the back, and then they flew into the air. Not only Chen Xuan, but Wang Lun also carried the black giant sword and rushed directly up.

   "As expected of the Devil Wind Bird, the speed is really fast." Lu Fan exclaimed.

   However, this time Wang Jinping came to him. Although Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of grievances were in it, Chen Xuan now knew that it was time for him to take the shot.

  The Lu family brothers, on the surface, are fairly easy-going. Although Chen Xuan thought the two of them were a bit weird, they still asked Chen Xuan to get on their Kun animal cart before, but Chen Xuan did not.

   "At any rate, it can be regarded as a companion, just help to the end!" Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

At the next moment, he had already controlled the Liaoyuan Sword and chased the Demon Wind Bird in the air. At this moment, the Demon Wind Bird saw that his master was on his back, and there were several warriors behind, chasing it towards it. , The bird uttered a chirp, and another black qi came out from its beak.

This black infuriating energy is also very fast. Wang Lun was unable to dodge, and he was directly hit by this powerful aura. If it weren't for Wang Lun's very strong defensive power, I am afraid he would also be hit by this black infuriating energy. Up.

   "Wang Lun, be careful, I'm here." Chen Xuan said.

  After that, the Liaoyuan sword controlled by Chen Xuan rushed into the air, and quickly attacked Wang Jinping above the black bird.

  At this time, Wang Jinping was already injured, and his palm was also cut off. Even if Wang Jinping had two lives, he was not an opponent of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

  The Lu family brothers watching below were all shocked and speechless.

  They thought that they would be killed by Wang Jinping this time, but they never thought that Chen Xuan would be killed halfway through, and Chen Xuan's cultivation base was still so powerful.

  Not only Chen Xuan, but even the warrior carrying a black giant sword next to Chen Xuan's cultivation is very powerful.

  They looked at the Liaoyuan sword in the air with surprise. It was this blade that hit Wang Jinping’s arm and rescued the Lian family brothers.

   "Big Brother Chen Xuan is so strong, I underestimated him before, it's really shameful!" Lian Qing said.

   "Don't say so much, now your eldest brother Chen Xuan has made a move, just watch him play honestly." A warrior said.

  Everyone's attention was placed on Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, and Chen Xuan did not disappoint, a powerful aura exuded from the Liaoyuan sword, which directly hit the black bird in flight.

  But the next moment, the black bird called out again, and then, from a distance, a few of the same birds flew.

  As soon as these monsters flew over, they sent out waves of spiritual power, constantly rippling in the air, and actually extinguished Chen Xuan's prairie fire.

  Everyone exclaimed.

   "How is this possible? This is the fire of the Vermillion Bird condensed by Brother Chen Xuan. Even Wang Jinping could not be destroyed just now. How can these magic wind birds do it!" A martial artist was surprised.

  Even Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He knew that the Vermillion Bird Fire had not been extinguished, but had fallen into an illusion.

  Chen Xuan yelled, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird radiated again from his body. This time the flames became more powerful, causing Chen Xuan's body to be under the light of the fire. Suddenly, Chen Xuan also rushed into the sky.

  Black Bird suddenly issued a ripple from his mouth, and then, Chen Xuan found that the Suzaku Sword Qi he had just cut out disappeared in the air.

   "Huh? Where did you go." Chen Xuan looked surprised, but still couldn't see the sword energy he had just cut out from the air.

  Wang Lun also had a look of surprise, standing next to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, don't think too much, that guy is going to run away, don't chase him soon."

  Chen Xuan reacted and jumped up into the air. At the same time, Wang Jinping patted the black bird on the back and said, "Hurry up, fly! Run!"

  Magic Wind Bird seemed to understand what he was saying, suddenly flapping its wings, ready to escape.

  And Chen Xuan seized this opportunity and raised the Liaoyuan Sword, an astonishing breath emerged from the Liaoyuan Sword.

   "Chen Xuan's sword blade is probably not a common grade. Just looking at the flames emerging from that blade, I am afraid that his cultivation level is even stronger." said a Lu family martial artist.

   "Big Brother Chen is really too strong. The man with the giant sword beside him is also very strong, so he should be on par with Brother Chen Xuan."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun became the center of their discussion. They both saw 1 Chen Xuan’s exercises and knew that Chen Xuan’s strength was far more than that, and Wang Lun also had a very strong cultivation base. Although, on the surface, Chen Xuan's strength is only in the early stage of the fourth stage of the God King Realm, but just after Chen Xuan cut off Wang Jinping's arm, everyone has seen his strength. Even compared with Wang Lun, Chen Xuan's strength is not weak.

  The speed of Wang Jinping's escape was too fast, and he had already escaped in a blink of an eye.

  In this regard, Chen Xuan was also somewhat helpless. The Demon Wind Bird was not weak in strength, and the speed was so fast that even Chen Xuan could not catch up.

   "Chen Xuan, he ran away." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan turned his head slightly, knowing that if this person ran away, it would very likely bring them a lot of danger.

Moreover, Chen Xuan didn’t know why the Lu family brothers became enemies in the Pantheon. Chen Xuan knew a lot about the city lord of Qiuyan. He also knew that this person’s work style was not good. When Chen Xuan was performing the task, he thought Asked Qiuyan City for help, but the city owner turned a deaf ear to him.

   After all, before Chen Xuan helped a little bit, he didn't even know what kind of hatred Wang Jinping and Lu Fan were. He didn't want to kill Wang Jinping casually.

  At the same time, under the joint efforts of Chen Xuan and Lianru Lushan and others, Wang Jinping could only be seriously injured and retreated.


  Lianru was a little shocked after seeing it.

   "Chen Xuan, why did you let him go?" Na Lu Shan couldn't help but said, "He should be left behind!"

  At the same time, Chen Xuan's sword flew back. Chen Xuan glanced at him, and then said: "Wang Jinping is too powerful. Although he is injured, I can't do it if I want to keep him!"

  Chen Xuan looked at him faintly, Lu Fan, including Lu Shan and others, were not qualified to accuse him of letting Wang Jinping go.

  He doesn’t need to help them win Wang Jinping. After all, he didn't even know what kind of hatred was between them. Before Chen Xuan made the move, it was just because of Lian Qing.

   However, Chen Xuan could feel that Lian Qing was a naive warrior, so he rescued Lian Qing and helped them deal with Wang Jinping by the way.

   However, Chen Xuan only promised that Wang Jinping would not continue to harm Lian Qing, but it did not mean that Chen Xuan would help them kill Wang Jinping.

   "Wang Jinping, really amazing." At this time, Lian Ru smiled and said: "It's normal if you can't keep it! I can't keep it either."

   "Elder Chen Xuan and Lian can help each other." At the same time, Lu Fan said: "The two are so true. I am grateful. This time, I even put you in danger. Lu Fan is really upset in my heart."

  Wang Lun was a little shocked, and then took over: "Thank you, Chen Xuan."

  This weapon was snatched from Wang Jinping by Chen Xuan, and everyone said more. After all, if Chen Xuan hadn't taken it, their fate would be even worse.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, you are really amazing." Lu Shan said solemnly, "I don't know what sect you are from? You have such a strong cultivation base at such a young age."

  At this time, Lian Qinglian said: "Yes! I almost died just now, but fortunately, you rescued me!"

  Lian Hong said: "Thanks to your brother Chen Xuan for not caring about you.!"

  Lian Qing also repeatedly said: "Where did I know! At that time Chen Xuan didn't show his zeal when he was dealing with the swords of the fire wolves in the Qiuyan Mountains!"

  At the same time, Lian Ru also said: "It's still a question. Since your eldest brother Chen Xuan is a master, he doesn't even bother to do that."

Lian Hong said suddenly: "Also, Lian Ru deliberately showed weakness to Wang Jinping before. I didn't expect you to rush out recklessly and fall into Wang Jinping's hands. Do you know how dangerous it is. If it wasn't for a strong man like Chen Xuan today. , Your life is gone!"

   Lian Qing said: "Sorry, big brother, I didn't think much about it at that time."

   "Brother Lian Hong, don't blame him." Chen Xuan smiled and said to Lian Hong.

  Lian Hong said solemnly: "Be careful in the future, don't be impulsive! I won't care about you for the time being."

   Lian Qing also repeatedly said: "Chen Xuan, you are the fourth king of the gods, you are a senior powerhouse, you should just call me by name, but you are really amazing!"

  (End of this chapter)

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