Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2846: Defeat Wang Jinping

   Chapter 2846 Defeating Wang Jinping

   "Chen Xuan." Lian Ru also handed over to Chen Xuan: "Anyway, you did save his life thanks to you today. I thank you again."

   "Elder Lian, you are too polite. It's just that Chen made a casual move, which just helped you a favor." Chen Xuan laughed in a low voice, "It's just a small effort. Besides, Brother Lian saved me once."

After hearing this, Lian Qing also continued: "What is mine! I'm just nosy, but you saved me, but you really saved my life. Brother Chen Xuan, I owe you a life, in the future If it is useful to me, I am willing to define it."

  Lian Hong also said: "Chen Xuan is the fourth king of the gods. Where do I need your help."

   Lianru laughed in a low voice: "Just remember, you really owe Chen Xuan a life, and you must repay you in the future."

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect this elder Lian to be so polite, so he continued: "It's really a matter of effort, you two, it doesn't have to be that way."

   Lian Qing also continued: "Chen Xuan, if I have a chance, I will definitely repay you."

   Chen Xuan said: “It’s not easy to know so many truths at this age.”

At this young age, Lian Qing actually had the cultivation base of the Divine King Realm. Although Chen Xuan's speed was not as fast as Chen Xuan's promotion to the Divine King's Fourth Level, his strength could almost be in a normal practice. At the age of Lian Qing, he is already a genius with the cultivation base of the five peaks of the God King Realm. It is conceivable that this Lian Qing etc. is not an ordinary sect.

  At this time, Lu Fan said, "Speaking of which, Chen Xuan, today is considered to have saved me." At that time, without Chen Xuan's action, Wang Jinping was not beaten back, and he would be very dangerous.

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan suddenly said directly: "What kind of life-saving grace, don't mention it. But I am quite curious about whether Wang Jinping and you have a deep hatred?"

  Chen Xuan is still really curious, this Lu family is the city lord of Qiuyan in the Yunye Empire. He has always been outside the court of power. How can anyone dare to kill him now?

  After hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Lu Fan, obviously, they were also very curious.

  Lianru had clearly left some strength before, but when Wang Jinping finally escaped, he did not desperately chase him there. I definitely don't want to kill him before I figure out the whole story.

  Before, he thought that he should have a lot of confidence in dealing with Wang Jinping. Later, Lian Qing's sudden recklessness caused him to really get into fire, but then Wang Jinping was defeated, and his heart had already calmed down.

  The two brothers, Lianqing, Lianhong, are looking at Lu Fan at this moment.

  The guards of Lu Fan and Lu Shan and others also looked at Lu Fan.

   "It's true." Lu Fan said after being silent for a while: "I have a hatred entanglement with the people behind Wang Jinping."

   "What, the man behind Wang Jinping?"

  Lian Qing Lianhong, Lian Ru's face moved slightly, and continued to look at Lu Fan.

  After all, Wang Jinping is so aggressive and murderous, it can't be without hatred.

  Chen Xuan said: "I would like to hear the details." Wang Lun stood around Chen Xuan and said nothing, but also looked at Lu Fan.

"Mo Yuan, have you heard of it?" At this time, Lu Fan also quickly continued: "He is a member of the Pantheon of Qiuyan City. At first, I had some disputes with him. In the end, I scrapped his cultivation base. It's gone, but he didn't expect that he is holding a grudge now."

   "Mo Yuan?" Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were a little surprised. Chen Xuan did not know Mo Yuan. Wang Lun is equally unclear.

   "Mo Yuan?" Lian Ru said suddenly, "I've heard of some!"

Lu Fan said, "I’m not from the Pantheon. Everyone, I’m the son of the Lu family of Qiuyan City, Qiuyan City. I was in Qiuyan City. There was a match, but I didn’t expect to be framed by Na Mo Yuan. She is strong, and his influence in Qiuyan City is not small. Moreover, this Wang Jinping is also a member of the Pantheon. This time he should have come under the order of the Pantheon."

   Chen Xuan also thought of this. After all, he also saw that Wang Jinping was actually behind the Pantheon.

   "What, why didn't I think there was such a thing behind? No wonder, Wang Jinping was so murderous when he came here!"

  Chen Xuan, Wang Lun Lianhong and others heard the latter.

   "Then Mo Yuan, I have indeed heard that, relying on himself as the son of the elder of the Pantheon, he is aggressive." Lian Ru said.

  When Lian Ru said the same, Chen Xuan's suspicion was dispelled. Although he had a bit of hatred for the city lord before, Chen Xuan didn't know what really happened at the time.

   After all, Chen Xuan suspected that he was in collusion with the Pantheon, but now it seems that there may be some conspiracy behind it.

  I want to come here and what Lu Fan said may be true. Lian Ru, including Lian Hong and Lian Qing, are obviously not in Lu Fan’s gang, so it is impossible to collude with each other, let alone speak to them deliberately.

   "So, Lu Fan, what are you going to do next?" Lian Qing said solemnly: "After all, you hurt that Mo Yuan. You won't let it go!"

   "Mo Yuan has some not-so-low status in the Pantheon. Then Wang Jinping is the killer bought by the Pantheon."

Lu Fan said solemnly: "Fortunately, this time Chen Xuan and Elder Lian joined forces to repel him! It's fine for the time being. As long as I get to Qiuyan City, I will be fine. My father is also in Qiuyan City. , I will let him negotiate with that guy."

   "So that's it, that's fine, I thought there was any danger behind it, haha, it's fine!" Lian Hong and Lian Qing said.

   "It turned out to be like this." Chen Xuan said, "Then we still can't stay if we want to come, we still have to hurry up." He understood why Lu Shan had to drive away before.

"Speaking of this matter, I still have to thank Elder Lian and Chen Xuan. If it weren't for you, I would definitely explain it to you this time." Lu Fan also said again and again, "Of course, there are also Lian Qing, brother Lian Hong, you All my benefactors, you must tell me anything that will be of use to me in the future."

  Lian Qinglian said: "Lu Fan, don't say that. It is Chen Xuan and Grandpa Lian's credit, and I will add chaos to them."

  Lian Hong suddenly said: "It's still Chen Xuan's point, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's hurry up and continue on our way now."

  Lu Fan said in a deep voice, "It's time to continue."

  Everyone started to pack things and pack to continue on the road. The cultivator took few things outside of the half-naked ring, and did not take much effort, but at this moment, Chen Xuan frowned, and he seemed to hear some strange noises nearby.

   "Chen Xuan." Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan.

   "It doesn't matter." Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan simply said: “Don’t think about it, it’s useless if we think so much now, let’s go first.”

   Suddenly, they were walking in the Qiuyan Mountain Range again, and after Chen Xuan and the others had left for a while, several people suddenly appeared.

   "I never thought that there are not only two powerhouses of the Divine King's Seventh Layer, but also a Divine King's Fourth Layer!"

"It's mainly the guy with the giant sword. He is very strong! He probably hasn't used his full strength before. According to the technique, it is very likely that he is the Lian Ru of the Lian family. The power of the Lian family is not small. This time, we can't Move them."

   "Lian Ru, I never thought that Lian Ru would be here."

  At the same time, some figures in black appeared in the shadows.

  "As for the four-layered king, it is nothing to worry about. Although it was he who changed the situation before, it is not easy to deal with him as long as the Lianru is solved."

   "Yes! Brother, this kid's cultivation is indeed very strong. If it weren't for my black bird to run fast, he was killed by that kid just now, don't underestimate him!"

   "But that kid is really sensitive. We were so concealed before that we were almost spotted by him. If I hadn't summoned the fire wolves by using the beast-repelling technique, I would have been discovered by that kid."

   "What are you afraid of, brother, this kid can do whatever he finds out about us, just kill him directly!"

"That's right. Among them, there is only that Lian Ru, and Chen Xuan and the guy with the black giant sword beside him have a bit of strength. Others shouldn't worry about it, as long as we can kill them. , Those people are our ghosts."

   "The main thing is Lian Ru. His strength is the strongest among this group of people. If he hadn't been attacked by that kid just now, Wang Jinping would not be able to return and would be injured."

   "That's right, but that kid's Suzaku fire is really weird. You must be careful not to get caught by his flames."

  These phantoms looked at Chen Xuan and the others who were going away one by one, whispering.

   "Remember, our mission this time must only succeed, not fail."

"This time is the task assigned by the elders. Now we only have to kill the city lord, and this city is ours. Moreover, the elders finally asked us to do something. This time we must do it well. "

   "Second, come here and listen to me." They murmured.

"Resolve Lianru first. Then everyone else will die. This Lian family has already entered our blacklist. If you don't kill him, there will be a lot of trouble in the future." Then, some of them appeared. , Continue to quietly follow Chen Xuan and the others, and some other figures suddenly got into the bushes.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan still felt a little weird. He turned to look behind him, but he couldn't see anything at all.

   "Chen Xuan, what's wrong?" Wang Lun asked Chen Xuan, "Is there something wrong?"

   "No." Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

  At the same time, not knowing when, Na Lu Shan came over and said: "I don't know Chen Xuan, what kind of school are you from? At a young age, you can actually cultivate to the king of gods."

  A few people were talking with Chen Xuanpan. Indeed, although the cultivation level Chen Xuan showed was not as strong as Lian Ru, it is indeed a bit shocking to be accompanied by such cultivation level at such an age.

A cultivator like Chen Xuan's age has at most only the third level of the Divine King Realm. However, even if Chen Xuan's strength is only about the fourth level of the Divine King Realm, everyone sees it. , Chen Xuan's true strength is far more than that. At least, ordinary cultivators can never do it.

  Although Chen Xuan's previous cultivation skills were not the strongest, but his talent is very tyrannical. Of course, some people are also curious about Chen Xuan's origins.

   "This is just a silent sword school." Chen Xuandao.

  He didn't expect this Lu Shan to ask so directly. After all, Chen Xuan was just walking with them this time, not like revealing too much information about himself.

"An unnamed sect." Then he said: "That is to say, my talent is barely enough, plus I have been practicing hard day and night, only to improve. Presumably, our unnamed sect, Lu Shan didn't know either."

   "What, a sect without a name?"

  Lu Shan suddenly said, "Which sect without a name?"

   "It's just a sword sect in the north." Then Chen Xuan casually compiled an unnamed sect.

Although he is a member of the Cloud Yemen, he still doesn't know much about the Black Rock Great World. For some unknown sects in the Black Rock Great World, how did he know it, so Chen Xuan randomly created a sect. , After all, he said that the Sect of Sword Sect, these people shouldn't doubt it, after all, Chen Xuan really used a prairie prairie sword, and Chen Xuan's sword skills were also very powerful.

   "Then, the brother next to you is also from the sword school?"

  Wang Lun, who was watching by the side, suddenly said, "Lu Shan, have you heard of this school?"

"Lu Yu Sword Sect?" Lu Shan thought for a while and said, "I think about it, is it an unnamed sect near Lu Yu City, I have been to the Lu Yu Mountain Range before, and I really heard it by chance. Why are you actually the martial artist of this sword school? I heard that this sword school has been dying of talent before, but I didn't expect a genius like Brother Chen to appear."

  (End of this chapter)

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