Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2857: Ambergris

  Chapter 2857 Ambergris

Lu Shan evenly spread all the ambergris around their camp. Then, Lu Shan walked towards Chen Xuan and said, "Brother Chen, I need to arrange a formation now. Can you help me? "

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and replied: “Of course, after all, everyone has to rest here at night. If you need help, just call me.”

  Wang Lun also replied: "That's right, as long as you notify us, we will definitely help. This time everyone spent the night in the poisonous rock forest. There must be danger."

"Well, since you two said so, then I won’t hide it. The name of this formation is called Guardian formation. This formation can protect the surroundings of our camp at night. If there is a monster approaching, I can. Sensing the position of the monster beast, and this formation can also help us build an enchantment around us to hide our breath." Lu Shan echoed from the side.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded and replied: "I have also heard about this formation, but the formation requires a lot of materials. I wonder if you are prepared?"

Originally, Lu Fan was building the campfire needed for the camp. He saw that Lu Shan was discussing with Chen Xuan, so he walked towards them and said, "Two of us, we have the materials to build the formation, but we want to set it up. The formation is just not enough for the two of us. This guarding formation requires four people to complete, and one less person will not work."

  Wang Lun showed a touch of surprise, and said, “I don’t know anything about the formation, you should ask Chen Xuan about this kind of thing. Chen Xuan has some research on the formation."

Chen Xuan saw that everyone’s eyes were on his body, so he nodded slightly and said: “I have little research on the formation of the army, but there is no such formation in the army. I hope that there will be a lot of two. help."

  Lu Shan saw Chen Xuan agree to it, so he smiled, and immediately took out several materials for the formation of the formation from the storage ring. After seeing these materials, Chen Xuan also showed a touch of surprise.

  The materials for these formations are very precious. If you want to deploy the entire Guardian formation, you may need a dozen black iron spirits, and even a large number of crystal nuclei for storage.

The reason why the    formation can run smoothly is because the crystal core provides a large amount of true energy to maintain the operation of the formation. If there is no material in the formation, the effect of the layout will be greatly reduced.

  At the same time, Lu Shan once again took out a flag from the ring.

"Everyone, this is the flag that is needed for the formation of the army guards. Then you need to help me add spiritual power to the flag. At that time, Lu Shan and I are going to observe the operation of the flag. You only have to Seeing the Ling Qi gleaming with purple light, it indicates that the formation has been completed, and the two can leave at that time." Lu Fan said.

  After listening, Chen Xuan nodded. He also studied the formation method and knew the trouble of setting up the formation method. He also knew very well how to use the formation flag, so Chen Xuan said to them: "Two of you, go and arrange the materials needed for the formation first. We will take care of the flag.

   Chen Xuan also had some comfort in his heart. After all, the flag is the foundation of the formation. Although the operation of the formation requires a lot of materials to provide aura, it is actually this unremarkable flag that controls the formation.

At the beginning, Chen Xuan was in the sanctum of the city lord. It was because he found the flag to control the formation, so he could control the formation to defeat the warriors of those families. Otherwise, it would not be easy to defeat them with Chen Xuan's strength. .

  At this moment, Lu Shan has led everyone to the surroundings of the camp.

It took them more than two hours to complete this camp. The entire camp covers an area of ​​more than ten meters, but they dare not build such a huge gathering place in the poisonous rock forest because of the dangers in the poisonous rock forest. They have already learned.

Just walking through the poisonous rock forest, they encountered a group of monsters attacking, and they even encountered the bite of a poisonous snake, which is because this poisonous snake poisoned their teammates, and now they can only be poisoned. Spend one night in the rock forest.

  Everyone knows what it means to spend a night in the poisonous rock forest. Not only will the danger increase a lot, but there are also many unknown dangers in the poisonous rock forest, which they need to deal with tonight.

And the current guard formation is what they are preparing. Although Chen Xuan does not know the power of this formation, he has also heard about the guard formation, knowing that although this formation does not have strong lethality, But it can play many roles when many people are marching.

Especially the formation method can hide their breath, and the guard formation can also sensitively find the monsters moving in the distance. If the monsters attack their territory, the guard formation will also play a role, which can greatly weaken the monsters. The aggressiveness of the beast.

  Seeing that the two of them set up the formation, Wang Lun had no research on the formation, so Chen Xuan asked Wang Lun to guard the flag in the center of the camp.

"Wang Lun, the two of them are going to set up the formation. I will also go over and take a look. After a while, if the Ling Qi shines, it means that the formation has been completed. The Ling Qi is already filled with spiritual power. Then you Don't gather the spiritual power in your body anymore." Chen Xuan said while looking at Wang Lun.

  Wang Lun nodded immediately and said: "Okay, then Chen Xuan, go over, I'll be here to guard."

   Seeing that there was a lot of discussion here, Lian Qing also ran over from the side with a few expressions.

  The previous few battles caused Lian Qing to suffer some minor injuries, but he was not too old after all, and it was the first time he saw others set up a formation, so he ran towards Chen Xuan with curiosity.

"Brother Chen, what formation did you make, can I follow it to see? This is the first time I have seen others set up formations. When I was young, I also saw our elders set up a great formation. Formation, but I was too young at the time, I don't know what formation it was." Lian Qing said loudly to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, “Of course I can take you there, but you should ask your elder brother’s idea.”

  Chen Xuan knew that the two of them were also from the same family, and Lian Hong was Lian Qing’s eldest brother.

  Lian Qing was only a teenager, but Lian Hong and Chen Xuan were about the same age.

At this moment, Lian Hong looked at Chen Xuan and said to him, "Second brother, don’t bother them. Others set up formations. What are you going to join in the fun! You don’t know how to set up formations. You can only give them when you get there. If others are causing trouble, come here soon!"

   Hearing that, Lian Qing showed an unhappy look on his face, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only go back angrily.

  The division of labor is very clear this time. Lian Ru, Lian Hong and Lian Qing are responsible for the construction of the camp, while the other guards pick up some bonfires to protect against monster attacks at night.

  The others are starting to prepare the formation, including Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

  Chen Xuan knew a little bit about the formation, and he also knew that it was not enough to arrange only one formation in the poisonous rock forest. Chen Xuan was going to wait for them to finish before setting up a Heaven Slayer Sword formation.

  The Heaven Destruction Sword Array is somewhat different from the formation. The Heaven Destruction Sword Array is mainly offensive, but not defensive. As for the formation, it has a strong defensive ability, so it loses some offensiveness.

The reason why Chen Xuan is planning to set up a Heaven Slayer Sword Formation is because if they are attacked by monsters, the defense power of the formation is far from enough. If they want to resist the powerful monsters in the poisonous rock forest, they must be deployed. Only an extinguishing sky sword formation is enough.

Therefore, Chen Xuan found the two of them and said to everyone: "Two, I am afraid we are still very dangerous in this poisonous rock forest. It is better for me to arrange a Heaven Slayer Sword Formation now. Let's arrange it together and see who first carry out."

"Hahahahaha, I didn't expect Brother Chen to have such a leisurely mind. Since you have said that, then I will compete with you today to see who of us is faster!" As soon as the voice fell, he said to the Lu next to him. Fan said, "Lu Fan, go and get the black iron stone next to me. I will now gather my spiritual power into the black iron stone. As long as two more hours pass, the formation can be completed."

   Chen Xuan knew that he was speaking to himself, so he smiled and said to him: "Since the two are ready to set up the formation, then don't neglect it!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan took out the materials needed to arrange the formation from the storage ring one by one.

Chen Xuan’s current formation is exactly the Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation he had set up in the mansion before, and this Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation has very powerful lethality. This is a formation Chen Xuan obtained from the former city lord. , Chen Xuan has never used it since then.

  The main thing is that Chen Xuan has not used the formation to resist the attack of the monster beast. Chen Xuan is also very curious about this, and wants to see what magical use this formation has.

  The two of them used the fastest speed to arrange the formation. Chen Xuan had already arranged this formation before, so now the speed has also increased a lot.

  Chen Xuan took out two black iron stones from the side. The black iron stones are necessary for the arrangement of the formation, because the black iron stone can store a large amount of true energy, and the formation can work because of the existence of true energy.

There is also a large amount of qi in the black iron stone. What the arrayer needs to do is to add his own qi to it to control the black iron stone. As long as the black iron stone has the qi of the caster, he can control the black through it. Iron stone, and then black iron stone to control the operation of the formation.

At this moment, Chen Xuan began to condense the true energy in his body, and a wave of true power began to emerge from Chen Xuan's body, only to see a faint red light on Chen Xuan's body, and then these true energy quickly rotated in the air, towards The black iron stones on the ground gathered together, and Chen Xuan looked at the glowing black iron stones, and then made a mark on his hands.

"Come on!" As Chen Xuan's voice sounded, the black iron stones on the ground suddenly suspended in the air. These black iron stones continued to rotate, and then Chen Xuan controlled the black iron stones in the air with one hand and the other. He took out a few white spar from the storage ring.

Although white spar cannot store a large amount of true qi, his coherence is very strong. Through these crystals, Chen Xuan can store a large amount of true qi in it, and these crystals also have a trace of strange qi, although Chen Xuan didn't know the principle, but these crystals could control the operation of the entire formation.

  Once the formation is formed, you can see the light blue traces of light emerging around it, and the crystal can store the qi overflowing from the halo.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan took out the crystals and threw them directly on the ground. These crystals are not ordinary products. Even if they were thrown on the ground at will, they revealed a hint of blue light.

These blue rays of light flashed suddenly, and then a touch of true energy flowed from inside. The black iron stone and the crystal were connected together, and two huge true energy flowed in the air, and then the two true energy began to spin quickly, and the crystal Actually began to slowly dissolve.

The dissolved crystal turned into a liquid and gathered on the black iron stone. Then Chen Xuan took out a lot of materials from the storage ring. These are the necessities of his formation. When Chen Xuan arranges these materials After that, more than an hour has passed.

  When arranging the formation, Chen Xuan turned his head and looked at the formation they were arranging, and found that their formation hadn't been finished yet, so Chen Xuan gave a knowing smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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